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From what I hear men are easy to please...

Guest Anonymous
Message added by kamurj,

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From what I hear men are pretty easy to please .. have full stomach with great food (like pic below), GREAT sex, no drama and great company. 

As a man is this generally true?


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I can't speak for everyone.  I speak from my own personal experience.  Since I have a household of men (husband and sons), a brother, father-in-law, brother-in-law (husband's brother is very kind), male neighbors and a few male acquaintances, I find it far more easier to have a peaceful relationship / conversation with men in general.  To me, they're simpler, not men of many words, there's no drama whatsoever, semantics, misinterpretations and the complicated dance I must engage and navigate with some women (mother, sister, sisters-in-law, mother-in-law, for example). With some men, what you see is what you get.  My men are uncomplicated and extremely compatible.  Relationships with them are so easy and smooth.  However, with some females, they're complex.  Therefore,  I have to be extra, extra cautious, wary and jaded with what I say, how I write, how everything I do is perceived, translated and distorted.   I  despise that repetitive song and dance I must engage in for everything to be copacetic with some women.  With some women (young and beyond), I always have to very tread lightly which is fatiguing.  There is a reason why I prefer to surround myself with men.  I'm more comfortable around men and I can relax my mind whereas with women, I'm always on my guard. 

I've been surrounded by men for so long that this is my preferred comfort zone. 

I have several long time local girlfriends (from childhood) who are very kind and uncomplicated so I'm grateful for them.

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What about men who are provided with everything on your list and still cheat? Or still do not fall in love?

I used to believe what you wrote.  Until I was in a relationship with a man who got all that and more from me. I was even physically attractive based on other men wanting to date me. And yet, he still told me he wasn't in love and wasn't "feeling it". In fact, he was the one who told me a guy can get all the things you listed and he would feel pretty good, but that wasn't love. He broke up with me because he didn't love me. Despite being fed, getting plentiful sex, great company and no "drama".

So, straight from the mouth of a man. It's not that simple. It has to be the right woman.

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4 minutes ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

@waffle I have a feeling that OP is a man and is the same bumhurt anonymous who posted before about how posters here aren't fair to men in general.


Could be, although "from what I hear, men are . . . " suggests he/she doesn't really know much about men and is looking for mens' input.  At any rate, in that case would this leading post with pictures of food suggest he is on a forum looking for a woman to cook for him?

This whole "Anonymous" thing needs to go as it only encourages trolls.

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I first met my husband in the early-mid 90s at work.  Our first date was a lunch date.  We worked for the same company, different departments.  His first question to me was why I chose the field we were both in . I had a long and hopefully interesting story as to why which had to do with when I was a teenager (I was then in my late 20s).  He told me later he asked me because it was very important to him that I had passion and interest in my chosen career -wasn't just doing it as "a job" - we both went to grad school to have the job we had.  He's a traditional guy.  And - despite being traditional he wanted a partner who wanted to work and pursued a career she loved.  The man the OP describes in the first post apparently wouldn't care at all.  Nor would I want to be with a man who didn't care at all.

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6 hours ago, Cherylyn said:

I'm more comfortable around men and I can relax my mind whereas with women, I'm always on my guard. 

I've been surrounded by men for so long that this is my preferred comfort zone. 

I second this.. I know more women, than men who hold too much drama 😕 .  it's draining!

I also lived with 4 boys ( now men) and they were 'mostly' easy going. Did their thing and weren't constantly in my face, etc. ( unless they were 8 yr old kids, fighting ) 😉 .

I have also thought many times, as to what you are asking.. as long as 'men have this', they're good!

Yes, but so would anyone... ( and then some).. That's the case. Because IF you are involved with one, as for any relationship is require's your presence, your energy, compatibility, communication.. etc.

That's reality.

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14 hours ago, waffle said:

This whole "Anonymous" thing needs to go as it only encourages trolls.

Absolutely agree, W. 

Cher:  I fully agree with you. I find the same.  Having been brought up with brothers and all male cousins, and their male pals, I truly enjoy the company of men. Generally, I have worked with men, and have (way back) worked for them.  Definitely feel more  relaxed in their company. 

17 hours ago, Cherylyn said:

I find it far more easier to have a peaceful relationship / conversation with men in general. 


17 hours ago, Cherylyn said:

There is a reason why I prefer to surround myself with men.  I'm more comfortable around men and I can relax my mind whereas with women, I'm always on my guard. 

I've been surrounded by men for so long that this is my preferred comfort zone. 


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I don't disagree with the people commenting about finding less drama with the guys. I also have all male cousins, many male friends, & work in a male dominated field. So I am comfy being with the guys and I enjoy their company in general.

However, I just wanted to add... not all women are drama queens and I've definitely encountered some drama fueled guys.

If you are a watcher of human nature, as I am, you will get what I'm saying. In the ways people learn coping mechanisms.

Don't get enough attention?  Create drama and you will. 

Bored? Stir the pot with some drama

Jealous of others? Make it all about you

Some people act like they are cool cucumbers, but they're feeding off drama that they use to judge others.

So what I'm saying is drama, for the sake of drama is more of a trait or rather character flaw than a gender specific quality. 

Furthermore, if you have to state you don't deal with drama, you might be being dramatic. lol

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The most "drama" I was ever exposed to was from men.

My ex created conflict between me and the other women he was interested in.  He manipulated me by inviting them over, then encouraging me to physically fight them over him.  He told me if I really loved him I'd fight for him (literally).

Another man I dated had another girlfriend he was actually living with that he chose not to tell me about.  Before her, he had another girlfriend and was going back and forth, lying to the both of us. When I found out, he accused me of acting "jealous" and creating drama!  Then he acted all butt hurt when I chose to stop seeing him, crying that he "loved" me.

I can give many more examples, but some men can be just as guilty as some women of creating "drama".

I guess if they do it, it's OK.  But women are supposed to cater to men by cooking them food (why can't the man cook if he's hungry?), providing "great" sex and somehow being entertaining and keeping quiet if the men decide to play games or create conflict.  After all, we women must keep our men at all costs because a single woman is a LOSER!!  And that mindset is why so many people stay in awful relationships for way too long.  Because apparently they think being single is the worst possible fate in life.

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6 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I can give many more examples, but some men can be just as guilty as some women of creating "drama".

Absolutely. Growing up, I believed that men were lass dramatic than women. My friends were almost exclusively male. I loved (and still love) the company of men. I love to be around them.

But in retrospect, I've learned that it's a nonsense generalization that men are less dramatic than women. 

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