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inu yasha

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Everything posted by inu yasha

  1. Hi couture, You like this guy, he likes you... well his friend says he does and he hasn't replyed to you SMS. You havn't been blown off, if he was his final project with work maybe it's bogging him down. You don't really know how much work he has, with him having a deadline to meet with his project maybe he hasn't had time to think or to check him txt messages. Why don't you give him a call, see how he is maybe he could do with a chat. If he's stressed with his work and he's forgetting to do things maybe he needs a break take him out, just dont think that he doesn't like, there has to be a good reason. I hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  2. Hi saren, I agree with Silversun. Pick yourself up, if that's the way he treated you then he isn't even worth a though for. As suggested move on, forget about him you can do far more better than a guy like that im sure. There are nice guys in the world and then there are some like him and then there's worse so i would do the same ignore him don't answer him when he sends you a IM and forget... it's the best thing you can do for yourself. I hope this has helped, i'd give you a hug but i can't fit through the monitor... lol All the best, Inu Yasha
  3. Your very welcome to the adivce. Right give her a call ask her how she is and ask her if she fancies doing something, your calling her your the one making the initial offer but it's up to her to decided whether or not she wants to come to you. If you love her and your willing to anything for her then even if you don't want to make the first move i would suggest doing show her that your in control and you know what you wan't and you thought that giving her some space was what she wanted and show that you were thinking of her intrests at heart. Hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  4. Hi OK1, I would suggest talking with this girl and find out if she does like this other boy. It's better to find out from her rather than someone else, because when it comes from her you'll know that it's the truth. Because when your in school and your friends tell you something, it doesn't always end up being the truth and you end up getting yourself in a akward situation. Also i don't think that it is love, it's probably more of a crush than anything. Love is quite difficult to explain as anyone will tell you, it's something felt between two people that connects them and you have the sort of feeling that you will protect them, die for them and love them forever sort of feelings you would get if you were in love. So with you being under 14 i wouldn't really put it down to being in love more of a crush, there's plenty to learn about love and loss your still young and there's so much you don't know. I hope it works out, all the best to you Inu Yasha
  5. Hi, I think that what you have planned seems to be ok. Confidence is the key, once you've started a converation with her, try and find out what her hobbies are see if you have anything of the same intrests and so on. After getting to know her and you've built up your confidence you could possibly ask her if she fancy hanging out some time or do something on the weekend together. As you've said she's responeded to you well e.g. smiling and laughing at your jokes so i don't see any real problems why this should go off with a bang. Look at her body language when your talking to her e.g. how is her posture when she standing or sitting, constant eye contact and smiling those sort of things. Do it now while you have your confidence at a high otherwise you might miss you chance and make a mess of things (which im sure it won't happen). All the best Inu Yasha
  6. Hi Emotional, If he did that to you then i wouldn't consider him a friend at all. I would suggest forgetting about him friends do not say those sort of things to each other. You didn't deserve to be called any of what he said, obviously he was talking about himself when he said those things. He's better off forgotten, i wouldn't even bother thinking about him and if you see him completely ingore him. Also if he tries anything just give him a mouth full in public so that everyone can hear and see (my friend did this, it was pretty effective). I'd give you a hug, but unfortunetly i cant fit throught the monitor... lol. Hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  7. Hi JesseMac, If you truly want her talk to her, let her know that you still want her. You don't know what she's really thinking, maybe she want's you back but if your both going to be stubborn by saying and doing nothing then nothing is going to happen and you'll probably end up losing her. I would suggest calling her up and ask if you and her could meet up for a talk about your current situation and is there any hope. I'm very sure that you'll get back together but someone has to make the first move, if she's not going to it might as well be you. I wish all the best, i hope this has been of some help . If you want you can PM me if you need anymore help. Inu Yasha
  8. Hi siefer, 1st Base – Kissing In the game, the easiest base to attain is obviously first base. And in the game of loving, the same rule applies. When someone says they got to first base, it means kissing, of the deep French kind. 2nd Base – Groping Whether it's over or under clothes, this is when fingers of one person are manipulating key body parts of another. The parts in question on the female are the breasts, ass, and vagina and on the male are penis and the often-neglected (and if so they turn blue) balls. This stage is often initiated by passionate kissing (1st base). 3rd Base – Oral Sex A rarity in real life, this in the wooing circles, means oral sex. Only direct oral to genital contact (either way) will count. Direct hand (someone else's) to genital contact is a good thing, but is understood only as a solid second base level. A triple bagger is one of the most exciting plays in baseball and well, life in general. Some people even prefer third base than home plate. But as revered as third base is, many guys will often lie and say they attained this level when in reality it was just a move to first base. Home Run – Sex More commonly just called "All The Way," this self-explanatory stage is the much-celebrated stage that elicits high fives and renewed respect from most guys. Im quite sure that covers all the bases, hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  9. Hmm... where to take a girl out on a date. Around where i live there isn't that much, it's rather boring. I don't know what sort of things you have to do (e.g. lesurie activities) take the girl on something you'll both enjoy doing such as Cinema, Bowling, Indoor Rock Climbing or Ice Skating. If this hasn't been any help check out this website for some useful tips: link removed Hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  10. Hi Goodbye, Welcome to eNotalone.com. I know exactly what your going through i went through the same with a close girl friend who after the new year has become alot cold. She doesn't reply to my txts, i did have feelings for her but she allready got a bf. At first i thought it was her bf that had told her to stay clear from me even though i was one of her best friends. After that i thought had i done something to upset her and i asked her and she said "No" and some days at college i don't really talk that much with her because i don't have that comfortable feeling i once had with her where i could share all my problems and emotions. I don't really know if it is some stage that girls go through but it puzzles me and she's still like this even today. Some days she's herself and other it's like don't come near me or do i know you? sort of day and i don't know really how to take it, it's as if she has a multiple personality. It's obviously a confusing time for girls or something, because i'm trying to work round it and trying to make her happy but "You win some you lose some". I have thought about giving up with her but i never do, funny i guess i really do love her (as a friend) to lose her over something like this. I hope it everything work out ok, keep me updated i'd like to know what happens Inu Yasha
  11. Hi nokia, Welcome to eNotalone.com It isn't a stupid question, you have come to eNotalone to see if we could help and we will try our best no matter how easy or stupid the question or problem is. It sounds as if she does like you but she's just a bit unsure at the moment. Maybe she's had trouble in the past and she's not quite sure what she's doing. Why don't you ask her if she fancies going somewhere after work for a walk a possibly have a chat. Maybe she's trying to get your attention. Try complimenting her on how she looks next time you see her also try reading her body language (it isn't that hard). If you can get her to do something with just the two of you that would be great she might open up a little more and see how it goes. Maybe she waiting for you to do something that will supprise her (it's only guess though). I hope this has been of some help Inu Yasha
  12. Hi, It's really up to you, you know what your heart want's then go with it. If you really want to be with Shawna then i suggest talking to your bestfriend Veeny because with her liking you and if you've already given some signals it's really going to confuse her and in the end she's going to get upset, hurt and it might end your friendship. I would talk to her explain to her that you love her as a friend and that you always want to be close but not in the way she's thinking. Then once you have explained to her you can purse Shawna. But quite a few of my friends have been in this problem and in the end they followed their hearts and made the right decision and those that liked them stayed friends. If you are moving out of state for college it's whether or not you can cope with a long distance relationship. It's really up to you, you hold all the cards and i hope everything works out you getting the girl you want and still being friends. All the best, if you need anymore help you can always PM me Inu Yasha
  13. Well i don't know love is a pretty hard thing to describe. It's a feeling (i suppose) but it makes you feel crazy about the other person that you would do anything to protect, cherish and die for her. Love is something that has to be experienced really by to people not just one. You've known her for two years then you shouldn't have any difficulties talking to her if she's a friend then talk to her let her know your feelings. Keep looking out her body language that she gives off e.g. the posture in which she's standing and constant eye contact. If you really like go and ask her, you'll never know until you try. Hope this has been of some help Inu Yasha
  14. Hi MollyElise, Thanks for replying. I already know not to buy her a stuffed animal. I had though about getting her a braclet as you suggested a sliver one. If i decided to go for some smelly stuff i don't really know what to get her. As for her hobbies i know that she likes animals and football other than that it's hard to get close to her and find out what she really likes. I'm sure that she would smile at any present that i'd get her because that's the sort of person she is. Thanks for the suggestions though, very much appreciated Inu Yasha
  15. Hi, If you've cheated quite a few times what do you expect from the relationship. Im gald that your trying to change at least your making the attempt and doing it. You'll have to show her (if you can) how you have changed and that you really mean it when you say it. Im sure that she would take you back but your going to have to prove to her and stand by whatever you say to her and hold your word otherwise your going to lose her. Stay being faithful to her take her out for dinner, compliment her make her feel special like she's the only one for you (which she is, or should be) and that no-one or nothing can come between you. I hope this has helped, all the best Inu Yasha
  16. Hi, I don't think that there's anything you can really do to get your parents to come round to liking him. I don't see anything wrong with the age gap because a friend in my college (a girl) she's 14 and her bf is 19 and her parents don't seem to mind. Your parents are just concered for your safety with him being older than you. It is understandable many people go through exactly the same situation and it can either go both ways. Is there something that your bf can do so show your parents that he really cares for you and sort of prove to them that he's the one you wan't to be with. By the sounds of it you've probably had quite a few arguments with your parents about this. Try and get your parent's to see what you see in him, unless their really stubborn and don't want to listen and you feel like giving up. That's all i can really suggest doing, hope it's helped in some way. All the best Inu Yasha
  17. Hi UnSweetMe, If your having difficulties sleeping because of problems that you have i think that you should talk with your friends and try and resolve them. By doing this, even as you said you tend to sleep better. That seems to be the only cure to your problem. During the day we do so much, we think alot harder and try sorting out problems and our emotions. At night when we sleep even then we have our problems but the thing is at night your mind is far more active than you think e.g. dreams. Most people worry to much during the day and cant reslove any of their problems but we do most of our problems solving when were asleep (strange, but true). Don't ask how or why it's something that i heard quite a few times from different people. Have you though about talking to your friends (that's what you should do) but if you can't have you thought about discussing your problems with your doctor. Maybe he can prescribe some sort of medicine to help you get to sleep, but more than likely your still going to get bad dreams because you haven't resolved your issues. Again you worry to much about them during the day that's it's spilling into your dreams turing them into nightmares which isn't good for you health both physically and spiritually. Take time to sort out your problems during the week and talking through them will help, keeping things in only makes matters worse and in the end it's not doing you any good (im quite sure your friends would agree). I hope this has helped you, i wish you all the best Inu Yasha
  18. Hi Silversun, If she's telling you things about herself and her family then that usually means that that this is comfortable talking to you and more than likely she likes you. Smiling is another good sign, if she smiles while she talks to you then im very sure that she likes you. I mean she hasn't given you any akward looks or any bad vibes then i'd say you have a sure chance with her. If you like her then i suggest moving slow, if she's shy then moving to fast is going to confuse her and it might be a little too much for her. Just go with the flow by yourself around her, she has seen something in you which she obviously likes otherwise she'd push you way and wouldn't talk to you. I only wish the girl im after would open up to me and see how much i care for her (another one of life's challenges). Well i hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  19. Hi Kel, Thanks for replying. I don't have a budget really so i can spend as much as i like (i have enough in the bank). I don't really know what she's into beside the fact she likes animals and loves football other than that i don't know. It's really hard getting close to her because she's always with her two friends and im to shy to ask her for a quite word. You see if i ask her friends what she likes more than likely they'll go and tell her what im up too (and i don't want that). But since this is the first proper time im actually buying something for a girl that i really love so im kind of worried (i know im being stupid). What to get her??? It's driving me nuts Inu Yasha
  20. Hi guys, both sexes can answer (the more, the better ). I want to know what sort of present should you get a girl who's having her Birthday soon. I'm complete useless when it comes to getting girls presents. I've tried asking my friends and they have no suggestion a great deal of help they've been. It's for her 18th and i really wan't her to notice me, also a way of showing my affection for her (we are friends, but not that close). What did you give that special friend on their Birthday? Any suggestions (on presents) or stories would be great. Thanks , Inu Yasha
  21. Hi, I agree with what the other members have said. Going to romantic on a first date isn't the best thing to do. As suggested keep it fun and simple it's the best thing to do. First dates are supposed to be special and remembered so think of something fun that you two might like doing together. Possibly go to a movie, have something to eat afterwards and go for a walk on a beach (prefeably, when it isn't cold). I mean you know the person alot better than we do so any advice you receive in the end it's really up to you what you want to do, you know in your heart what you want to do but your just not sure. As boxcar suggested give her a goodnight kiss at the end or a peck on the cheek is ok for a first date. Taking things too fast always leads to confusion so take it slow and see how it goes. Hope this has been of some help, all the best Inu Yasha
  22. Hi, I would suggest if she really likes this guy and if you have seen him and you think that he's acceptable then i suppose she should go with what feels right for her. I think that she should discuss this with her parents or at least her mom, before getting into a relationship with someone who is quite older than her. I don't see anything wrong with going out as friends and see how it progresses from that because there's a girl at my college who is 14 and she's going out with a student there who 19. I suppose it's whether or not you can trust him i still think it would be better if an adult had some say in the situation prefably one of her parents as said ask mom's they tend to be a little more understanding. Hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  23. Hi, Well done on introducing yourself to her parents that's a big step and also talking to her. If she's giving you eye contact then she probably is intrested in you as long as you keep showing an intrest back she should get the message. Now that you know that she goes to the same college even better, you can watch out for her. When you pass her on campus try saying "Hi!" to her and see what sort of recation you get from her. As suggested by Beec take a look ast her body language when you see her around campus and at the church. With you going up to her parents after church at introducing yourself, she probably felt a little embaressed and nervous (she probably wasn't expecting it). Her parent's probably told her that you were a very nice young man and told her that she should go out with you (it's only a guess, though). That sort of thing will get girls really embarssed. When you see her in church next wave at her or say "Hi" when she passes. If you don't feel like doing that the given some eye contact again during church and go up afterwards and ask her if howshe is and if she fancy doing anything some time with you. You can even ask her these things on college campus if it makes you feel better, just be yourself when your around her and go with the flow of the moment. I know that your going to be nervous and your going to be feeling funny inside and out when talking to her but it will go away once you start talking to her. Hope this has helped in some way Inu Yasha
  24. Hmm... words of encouragement, just be yourself and go with the flow of the date. Im sure that everything will go perfectly for you. If you start thinking that your going to mess the date up you will. So think posative and again just be yourself. It all depends on the topic of converstation and how long you are able to strech it before it gets boring really. I'll try and think of some and i PM them to you, other than that i would suggest complimenting her on the way she looks how nice it all is that sort of thing. Keep her happy and everything should go smoothly for the rest of the date. Hope this has helped Inu Yasha
  25. Hi, I suppose i could but the only problem is she's constantly with two of her bestfriends and never seems to be alone whenever i want to talk to her so it's kind of hard seperating her from them. Because their the type of girls that would normally want to know whats going on and i'd rather not have them around sometimes but what can you do, their her friends. I know she has a few lectures with me but it's difficult getting a seat next to hers because they let you sit anywhere in class and i end up sitting far from her and i can only see the back of her (not that im complaining) but i'd love to see more than that in class of her. Also we have talked a couple of times in the library session but again her friends were there so i had to be careful what i was saying (their nice friends but also kind of annoying). Thanks, Inu Yasha
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