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Everything posted by Sephiroth_FF7

  1. I don't know I agree with INEEDAKNO, girls that age go by looks...but you never know. Get to know her better then go for it, good luck Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  2. Thats not really true, I've been asked out by girls before. I think that anybody can ask anyone out it just doesn't have to be the guys problem. Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  3. hmmmm, maybe you should wait awhile for him to message you, if he don't then try contacting him and see what happens. Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  4. Maybe you should see a pyschologist, are you sure that its not just your imagination??? Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  5. hmmm, i don't know what to say about this. As long as you keep your clothes on I guess theres nothing wrong with her being your girlfriend, but you should let her mature first... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  6. Never thoughy anybody would post this, i'm not offended about it. To bad not everybody knows that life goes on ~sephiroth
  7. I don't know, it would be hard to prove something like that. He sounds like to me he's over protective, just cuz' you call people all the time doesn't mean you cheat you sure you still want somebody that accuse's you of things like that? Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  8. No it doesn't make you a bad person to get upset about it, just listen and give her your advice... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  9. It's all right for girls to ask guys to dance's, just ask him go up to him and ask him if he wants to go to the dance with you. If he says "no" or hes going with someone else just say "ok, thats cool" no big deal he won't think your a lunatic but if you get to know him better than you might have alot better chance of getting him to go with you... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth PM me if you have any other questions.
  10. you're right theres always a chance it does sound like to me she gave up to easily...It may be difficult to get her back though, try giving her some time. Then if I were you I would just move on... PM me if you have any other questions hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  11. What do you mean by "ask her to do something"? You mean like go see a movie or go get something to eat...well w/e but if you want to know what I think you should ask her in person... A way to ask her without her thinking you're stupid for example say something like... you: Hey, you want to go ( whatever you want to ask her to do ) her: no thanks ( so she won't hurt your feelings ) you: ok that cool, later I would do something like that...well theres my opinion Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  12. well, email him back if you want to...If you want my opinion don't email him back and continue your life if you want it to be over... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth PM me if you have more questions.
  13. If you want my opinion, go on with your life...I'm sure you'll find other people out there that you will love just as much, good luck... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  14. Ah f**k him, forget about him and go find somebody else that will trust you more and won't control you... Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  15. I suggest that you just tell her you want to break up and keep that you cheated to yourself, if you don't want to hurt her anymore. Hope that helped, later ~sephiroth
  16. I don't know maybe she will maybe she won't, do what you think you should...If you want my opinion I would put myself back together first....Hope that helps, later ~sephiroth
  17. Yeah, I haven't assumed she does yet...like I said earlier, i'm gonna' take it slow.
  18. This one girl sat with me on a bus and she started talking to me...She said things like hi and asked stuff about me, I think she might like me. By the end of talking to her for about 30 minutes I started to like her, i'm going to take it slow...but I need some suggestions on what to do when I talk to her next. I'll listen to what anybody has to say...... ~Sephiroth
  19. Whoa! if you do all of that then yeah he should like that pretty well, remember to swallow lol...How could you rape him if you're going to do that, he shouldn't complain. ( I wish you were my girlfriend too lmao. )
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