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Everything posted by Rain533

  1. Sometime thinks like this are hard to do over the phone so if you still have friend in the area go vist them when you have time. Give her a call on the home phone when you get in town or just stop over there to say hi. Haveing her see you will up the chance alot, I think all the old feelings will come rushing back to her. Plus even if she has a boyfriend, like she is really not going to spend time with you when you came all the way from out of town and the time she has with you is limmited. Good Luck to ya
  2. I know that some times when you really love someone it's hard to see just how wrong they are acting tord you. It sounds to me like he has a anger problem and likes to say things to you that he knows will hurt your feelings. It will take counseling for him to stop saying these words to you (I know). You have every right to be up set that he would just drive off and leave you. Thats putting you in a very dangers situation. I can't help but to wonder how much he cares if he can just drive off and NOT worrie about you. It sound like he passing the blame to you and not owning up to he own fault in this matter. As fare as telling you that he would never be with a girl that was raped, whats all that about, if you two do get married live is full of drama that you don't go out looking for and what if for example you did get raped or where in a car wreck or something and you really needed him to lean on, is he telling you that he would not be there for you. You are right in a relationship you need to be there for each other thats one of the reasons people don't live there lifes along. To have compantionship and someone to be there for you and you them, thats just a part of what you do for someone your in love with. He sounds kind of self absorbed. As for what you should do, I find the best answer is in side of you, just think if a friend came to you and told you the same thing about her bf. What would you tell her to do if she wanted advice? I would tell her to talk to her bf one more time, tell him how she is feeling and why she thinks these things are wrong and if he still dosent change then as much as it will hurt you need to leave him, I'm not going to lie it will hurt at first but in the long run you will be alot happier with someone else that treats you right. Good Luck A Friend you did know you had
  3. I think that u are very luck to have falled in love, and been loved by two wonderfull women. I'm not sure that I know exactly what it is that you should do. I think that it took alot for your ex to come out to her family, and if she did this to be with you then I think that you should gv her a chance. I'm not sure if you are her first relationship with a women though because if you are then I can see that you would wonder if now that she is out she will want to play the fild so to say. But if she has had other relationships before with women and came out because she wanted every one to know how she feels about you and that she love you then YES give her a chance. Now on the other hand if she is still not sure that she is a lesbian and is just experimenting then no I don't think that you should give up what you have now with your girlfriend for something that is so unsure. It shounds to me like you are ready to seddle down and eather one would make you happy, You really are lucky because so many people are looking for that one someone that they can love and you have fallen in love with two really great women . Hope that this helps
  4. I agree with the above, if you are happy with a guy and he happens to be younger thats ok. Look at it this why when men and women marry it's very commen for the man or women to be with in a few years of each other. But I do know what you mean there was a time in high school where it bothered me to date a younger guys but I got over that and now dateing a guy that is two yr's younger doesn't bother me at all. For my own experance though I find that if I go younger then two yr's we don't hv much in common as fare as goals in life and things like that. There is nothing wrong with u dateing a guy that is shorter then you at all. If it dosent bother you then you should not care what any one else thinks about it. I normaly don't date guys that are shorter then my just because I'm kind of short at 5'4 and well I guess I just seem to like the guy to be the same hight or taller.
  5. I know what you mean. I have always tryed to stay friends with my ex's even if I was the one that was dumped. I guess that I look at it like (I loved him enough to share part of my life with him) why shouldn't I still be friend with the guy. It is hard to see the ex and be friend right away though, some times your feelings get mixed up and you still like them more then a friend so you need time to heal before you can hang out as friends. After you get over the brake up ex boyfriends can be great, I ask them for relationship advice and vice versa. It's nice because they already know every thing about you and can point out you strangths and falts in the new relationship. I under stand the feeling that you are having you at one time told this person everything, spend alot of time with them and loved them so very much and after the relationshilp is over u still want to tell them everything at the end of the day. When that person is no longer there for you, you feel dumpped all over agian and rejected in a way. Anyway thats the way that I felt. You just have to wait things out and there will be a time when the feelings will lessen and if the ex is still around then he or she was a good friend to begain with. Im not sure if I helped any but I hope every thing works out for you.
  6. I have been going through something some what simila. A boyfriend I had a long time ago and started talking over the phone (no internet) we live a great distanc apart now but talk one to two times a week. We have decited that we are going to see each other soon, I'll be nerves seen it's been years sense we have seen one anoter. I think that long distance relationship are very hard and the longer that they stay long distace the harder it gets. We have decited not to see other people and that we will move in together in a year when are current obligations will be over. I would like to say that we will make it through this but only time will tell. It's hard not haveing that special someone with you. I ask that if you want to meet him that he come vist you. This will be the safest for you. It's good that your taking things slow, make sure that you ask lots of questions so you can make sure that he really is right for you and always keep in mind that he could be lieing to you. I wish you the best of luck in this long distance relationship.
  7. May-be if her parents still live in the same city u could call them up and ask for her e-mail or ph#. If not there is always that web site can't remember the name but u see it all the time asking if u want to find a old friend or lover. That may work also. I think that you should try to get a hold of her and if you do start a friend ship up, see if you still like her. People change over time. At least you will not spend the rest of your life wondering what if. That is the worst, trust me.
  8. By what you wrote I'm understanding that this 40 yr old man and his girlfriend both know that you like him right? and they think that this is funny or cute? I agree you should talk to a parent. I have never liked a older man but a fried of mine in middle school had a crush on are gym teacher. Like you this man was old enouth to be her father. You know you can never have a relationship with this man and you have excepted that you need to move on now. I will take time and it hurts but trust me when I say that you are young and you will have many boyfriends in your life time. Spend time with friend and keep active to keep your mind off this guy and in time you will see that you think about him less and less.
  9. I'm not saying that this is what is happening in you case but I know a few friends that have broke up with there bf by useing something they did in the past. The girl didn't really have a problem with the guys past but she didn't know how to brake things off so the easy way out for her was to use something from his past to make it his problem or fault and not hers. Like I said this may not be the same thing but I have a feeling it is. 1. Three weeks seems like a long time to think things over. 2. It was rude that she wants to do something with you one night makes plans and then brakes them ane doesn't even set up new plans with you. \ 3. Why did the OLD gambling problem all of a sudden become a issue in the relationship. What changed her mind from one day to the next. It didn't really sound to me like you had a bid gambleing problem, It soulds like it could have been but you cut it off at the pass. I don't see anything wrong with you telling her that Yes I Did Have A Little Problem At One Time and now I Don't. I Can't Change the Past For You. And I Can't Be Scorned For Life Because I Once Had A Problem. Can you tell I REALLY don't agree with her. She should be there for you to help you as a partner and not criticize you for something you once did wrong. Good Luck with all this and I hope things work out for you.
  10. If you go through life and NEVER get caught your pritty lucky. This has happened to more people then you know. It's one of thouse things that you'll look back on in ten years and lol. Just remember this when you have kids.
  11. Well the best thing I can do is give you the advice I would give a close friend. If you want to have this baby, then you should. Something is wrong if you to love each other plan to get married and keep haveing abortions. Money should never be the factor of you two keeping this baby. It sounds like you really want this and if he loves you we would never ask you to do that in the first place let alone three times. There are two things that I want you to think about. 1. If he cheated on his wife with you when what would stop him from cheating on you one day? 2. You say that this man really loves you and if that is true then he would have gotten a divorice right away and money would not keep him from the one that he loves. I'm not saying that he doesn't love you but you really need to take a good look at the relationship, are you staying with him because you are scared to start over with someone else and put your self in his place, would you ever ask him to give up a baby that you know he wanted, or would money ever keep you away from him? GOOD LUCK TO YOU
  12. He may be telling you the truth how ever if you do get naked with him you may get lost in the moment and end up doing something that you are not ready to do. The safest bet is to keep the swim suit on and if he respects you then he will wait for you.
  13. Well it depends on how long you have been feeling this way. If it's just a few weeks now I wouldn't jump the gun and dump him, this may just be a faze in the relationship. How ever if you have been feeling this way for sometime then maybe it is time to set down with him and tell him how you are feeling. There is no easey way to dump someone, feeling are going to get hurt but maybe you can salvage a friendship. You said that the two of you had broke up before and remained friends so that tells me that you two will stay friend this time to. If you truly are unsure of letting go maybe you should tell him how you are feeling and see if he is willing to work on the mannors at dinner, cat litter, ect... These should be small things for him to change if he loves you. You should never go in to a relationship thinking that you are going to chance someone but, it donen't hurt to ask someone to do something differently.
  14. I think that you should call her, other wise you will alway wonder what if... Even though school is out that is now reason not to call her. She may be wondering how you have been also. When you talk to her kind of feel out the situation first, ask her how she has been what she has been up to and if she don't mantion the boyfriend then ask if she is still dateing him, chance are that is she doesn't talk about him then she isn't. Afther you talk to her wait a few days and call her and tell her theres a movie out that you have been wanting to see and ask her if she wants to go with. You dont have to say it's a date. Then just take it from there, if you feel like she dose like you start calling her more offten, get to know each other and if you still like her ask her out. GOOD LUCK tell us how it go's
  15. Five years ago I dated a guy for three years. We where deeply in love with each other, spend all are time together, took trips, shared the same dreams and goals, talked about marrige and felt that we where ment for one another. We ended up growing apart and as time when on we both moved on with are lifes and dated other people. I never stopped loveing him but at the time I think that we both felt that we where to young to settle down and wanted to have fun. I think that if we wheren't so young we could have worked thing out and we would still be together now. He ended up getting married four years ago and even though I still loved him I could never tell him. I would never persue a married man. I have never fell in love with anyone or felt as loved by anyone, as I did with him. I actly have kind of given up on dateing for the time (to many disapointments) and focussed on college and bettering my life. My question is: I just learned for mutual friend that he is now divorced, but has been dating someone for a week now. I haven't talked to him for years now but, should I tell him how I feel or just let the past go?
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