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Sweet Euphoria

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Everything posted by Sweet Euphoria

  1. I don't think there is a "magic phrase" you can say bud. Just try to be yourself in front of her. If she likes you, then great. If not, oh well. Keep communicating with her and maybe she'll begin to notice that you like her. Don't scare her off though!
  2. You shouldn't have to put up with that crap. I guess he hasn't moved on from this breakup. Don't take that stuff to heart, just laugh it off...
  3. Going from a lot of communication to nothing is going to be hard...especially around Christmas time.
  4. My girlfriend just broke up with me a couple of days ago. It's going to be hard to just remain friends, but that's what we both vowed to do. What should I do to make the best out of the situation? Thanks...
  5. My Ex-Girlfriend and myself spent a lot of time together yesterday. We went out to dinner and watched a movie. We ended up fooling around a lot. We did not have sex, but did everything else. I know that my feelings for her are still there (we have been broken up for about 3 months and went out for 2 years). I'm not exactly sure how she feels right now, however. She recently broke up w/ her "rebound" guy because she didn't want a serious relationship. I really want to be with her again, but I am afraid if I ask her, then she will just be pushed farther away from me. I don't know if I should give her some time...or not. What should I do ?
  6. I have been talking to this girl I recently met, and she is having problems. I want to help her out so much. I try to give her the best advice I can, but it never seems to get through to her. Here's the situation. She's 16 and has gained the reputation of being extremely easy. She always gets sad after she 'gets' with someone. She says all guys are always bugging her about doing things with her, and she always gives in. Now I know that this girl is deep down a tremondous person. She is loving and caring, but I always feel so bad for her. What should I tell her? I care about her so much and I am getting annoyed because she continually gets hurt day after day.
  7. I would lean towards Heretic's advice. She may not come back, but the best thing you can do is give her space and time. She may realize she really does want to be with you, but then again she may realize she is better off without you. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to get her back. Pleading for a second chance will just push her farther away (trust me...I know). You can try to be friends with her, but this is often difficult coming off of a serious relationship. It can work though. You cannot keep constant contact with her though. You need to experience life too. Don't sit around waiting for her to come back to you. You have to go out and have fun bud. I know this girl seems like the best person in the world for you, but there ARE other girls out there for you. You just have to find them. Right now (opposed to another's advice), you need to realize you can live without this girl. For now, give her space and experience all life has to offer. Good luck man...Keep me posted on how your doing and I will always be willing to talk to you.
  8. I too am going through a similar situation. I am 17, so is my ex. She broke up telling me that we were young and had to experience more in life. Honestly, I believe this means what it says. My ex wanted to see what else life had to offer her, whether or not shes looking for a new someone. But there is nothing I can do right now, but give her space and time. I highly doubt we will ever get back together, but at least we can friends. We both have to give them their space. I know it is hard, but it is the BEST thing to do. You have to go out and have fun too man. It's summer! You may find someone new that you enjoy spending time with, and before ya know it, your ex will be off your mind. You can't show her that you are going to be weak throughout this whole ordeal. That will make you look bad. You have to show her you can be strong and get through this. She will respect you more and maybe even give you a second chance. But for now bud, give her space and you need to go out and have fun!
  9. If your going to kiss her at the movie theater, don't be making out with her. Nothing more pisses me off when two people are all over each other at the movies. Ha...Does anybody else share this with me?
  10. I'm a little confused on the situation. I think the girl would know you liked her if you asked her out. But besides that, just act natural. Don't do anything too extreme on the first date. If there comes an opportunity for a good night kiss, then by all means go for it. But don't do anything that is going to make her feel uncomfortable. The first date is really about gettin to know about the personalities of each other. Just talk about your lives and things you have experienced. The key to the first date is that both of you are comfortable and enjoy communicating to each other. I hope my advice helps man...
  11. I am meeting up to have lunch with my ex-girlfriend tomorrow. It will be the first time I have seen her since the breakup. I have talked to her many times online, and it always seem she is trying to impress me by telling me all the things she has been doing. I tell her what I have been up to, and then she tells me something that outdoes what I have done. I know she is trying to just show me how she has moved on, but it is getting to a point where it is just be annoying. Now, I'm meeting her tomorrow, but I don't know how to act. I really don't want to hear her tell all her stories since we have broken up. How should I act towards her? What should my approach be? Thanks for any advice...
  12. Don't ask me why but girls who have their upper ears pierced and wear jean overalls with a white shirt always attract me. I think they are just so cute Of course personality is a huge part of attraction as well...
  13. I recently began talking to a girl who lives in Georgia online. I live in Illinois. We got to talking and found we had many similar interests and shared similar outlooks on life. She just turned 16 and I am 17. We have sent eachother pictures and both find each other very attractive. She offered to come up to Illinois with her friends sometime during the summer. I think this would be really awesome, but my friends are skeptical of the situation. We have also talked about more intimate and personal experiences, such as our sex lives. We both are fairly educated and experienced in that region, although she denies to ever having sex. Also (this is the weird part), she has made it evident that she would like me to be her first. I don't know what to do. I think this girl is very cool and cute, but should I let our relationship get serious? She would only end up staying for a little over a week, so I don't know what to do. ANY advice is appreciated!
  14. I don't know if you really had a question, but I will tell you what I think about your situation. I think you should just go for it man. The magical feeling you get around her cannot be denied. You should try to elevate your relatinship with her. It sounds like you two really have a thing together, so why not go out with her? Has she ever given you a sign that she wouldn't want to go out with you? Man, your in a great situation here. I know that feeling when you are around someone, you cannot let that feeling go away. Obviously she likes you a lot because she loves it when you comment on her eyes and everything thats beautiful about her. Dude, you two should definitely try having a loving relationship because it sounds like you two have something special. Good luck with everything...
  15. I think that it would be wise to not directly ask her for her phone number. Instead, just smooth talk her. Ask her what her status is and if she would ever like to get together for lunch or something. Don't go straight out and ask for her number though. That would probably scare her away. Actually, the first time you talk to her you should probably talk normally like you would to anyone. Make a few jokes or something, but don't let her know you are too interested. Then, the next time you see her you can ask her out to lunch or something. Show your personality before you ask her for her number though. Well...I hope I was of some help...
  16. It is not selfish of you that you want him not to be heavy on drugs, you just want the best for him. Does he know this? In my experiences, I have found that you should rarely try to change someone, unless it is a life or death situation. You just have to let him be who he wants to be. I have had similar situations, as I am 17 and was recently broken up with. My ex found some new friends and started hanging out with them more than me. I decided I had to let things go, and if love existed, then time will tell. Right now, I think you have to let him be a little more independent and be who he wants to be. I know it is hard, but it is for the best. Are you two still going out? At 17, it is hard to have a serious relationship. There are too many distractions and experiences waiting to be had. You shouldn't pester him about hanging out with you instead of the "guys", that would make things worse. For now, live your separate lives and grow. GO OUT AND LIVE LIFE. EXPERIENCE LIFE AND HAVE FUN. We are only 17 and need to live life to its fullest. I hope I was of some help...
  17. My ex-girlfriend broke up with me and told me how she still wanted to be friends and all, but she rarely allows me to talk to her. She tells me she will hang out and then once we are going to hang out, she cancels. She has done this like 5 times already. Should I just forget her totally? It is hard because we were together for almost 2 years and were very much in love. She keeps telling me later in the summer we will hang out, but this seems very doubtful. I want to say something to her, but I don't know what. What can I say that is mature, yet leaves her thinking about her own way of dealing of things? I have noticed that whenever she has broken up with a guy, she is quick to have another one. In my case, she has a boyfriend only 2 days after our breakup. What can I say to her? She is angering me so much! What should I do?
  18. Can I ask you how old you are? That would be beneficial. But anyways, I think that your relationship may be too intense right now. You shouldn't be with this guy 24-7 like you say you are. That is unhealthy. Do you ever get to hang out with other people, or is he your whole life? My worry is that you two have too high expectations for your future. Personally, I am getting over a relationship that was getting too serious. We talked about getting married and spending the rest of our lives together. She broke up with me after we had been going out for 1 year and 7 months. The problem was that we were too engaged in our own relationship. We never gave each other time to hang out with other people and experience life outside of each other. I am thinking that this may be similar to your current relationship. I don't want you to be too disappointed if things do not work out. You will be hurt too much that way. Just take things slowly. Sure, you two may have an amazing future, but YOU cannot determine that. Time will tell. So my answer is that your love may be real, but that is not for you to find out until later in your relationship. Right now, have fun and if you two are meant to be, you will be!
  19. It sounds like she really likes you back man. Just tell her how you feel. I bet she already knows that shes the girl you have been talking about, or at least suspects it. It sounds like you two have a great relationship. It won't be ruined if you ask, you two sound like you REALLY enjoy each other's company. Come on man...with everything I have read about you and her...it will work out. Good Luck!
  20. I recently was broken up with from a 1 year and 7 month relationship. My ex-girlfriend has already been hanging out with another guy. I presume they will be officially be going out soon, if not already. I feel like crap because we had such a magical relationship. She loved me and I loved her. We experienced everything together. Only 2 days, and she is already with someone else. Does anyone else think this is wrong? Anyways, I have realized I must move on now. I find it hard to start talking to anyone I find interesting and attractive. I was never shy around girls before, but now I am. I do not know how to pursue going up to a girl and just talk to her. I need help and advice. What should I do? Thanks...
  21. I'm in a very similar situation. I too am 17, as was my ex-girlfriend. She broke up with me after 1 year and 7 months, saying she needed to experience life more and hang out with different people. This all happened after she got a new job and met this other guy. Now, even though it kills me, I know I just have to go on in life. We are still friends and talk occasionally. You have to understand that love at 17 is most likely unreal. It is hard to think of your girl with another guy, but that is the situation. You just have to know that she is happy, so you should be too. We are still young man. We will be going to college soon. We have plenty of opportunities to be with other people. Right now, just try to be her friend. She won't appreciate it if you keep pestering about how much you want her back and to give you a second chance. That will just make things more complicated. I am trying to find someone else to hang out with, not necessarily a girlfriend, but someone to talk to and get to know. You should be trying the same thing. We both need to get things off of minds, so go out and experience life! It is so hard, trust me man, I KNOW how you feel. Everyone goes through these things. It may take some time, but you will get through it. Good luck with everything! -You can private message me or whatever if you want to talk because I know exactly what you are going through. I can help you get through this-
  22. I am a guy and I sort of pressured my ex-girlfriend into having sex with me. She told me she was worried if anything happened, so I respected that. We didn't have sex until she was completely ready for it. If this guy really likes you, then he has to understand the situation. You are scared and feel like you are too young. And you are too young. Think about it. Eleven years old and pregnant? How are people going to look at you...How are you going to be able to look at yourself? People who have sex at a young age usually all regret it. I don't think it could be too special at so young and having it be forced upon. Just think about your life Tgirl. You don't want to ruin things at such a young age. You have highschool and college to look forward too. Ha, trust me, you will be experiencing new things in the future. You don't want to miss out because of the one time you had sex. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. I hope you carefully think this through. I hate to see young girls in these situations. You have to make the responsible and mature decision. I know you will.
  23. 15 and 13...You two should be virgins. I know its tempting and all, but you are way too young. You won't be able to handle the responsibility if something goes wrong. Right now, you two should experience other things, but don't look to have sex now. There is too much risk involved, especially because you are so young. Trust me, you will have plenty of times to experience love. Right now, though, you are young. When your older and more mature, then go right ahead. But come on man, don't screw things up for yourself now. You have a whole life ahead of you. Good luck with things... 8)
  24. I have found that when I am receiving oral sex, I can never get off. However, when I am having sex, I tend to get off way too quickly. Now, I always feel comfortable having sex and I never worry about things, but I just wish I wouldn't get off so quickly. Does anybody else have this problem? I always feel bad about this. I also feel bad because I can not get off when receiving oral sex. I think this is because my partner doesn't move fast enough, but I am not sure. Also, my girlfriend always wants to be finished after she orgasms, but I always want to keep going. Okay...So actually I have 3 questions... 1) What can I do to get off during oral sex? 2) How can I stop getting off so quickly during sex? 3) How do I go about keeping my girlfriend "still wanting more" after she orgasms? Thank you...
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