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Everything posted by sibling295

  1. Teacup - When i read FCTex's thread on this forum , i had already seen some of his stuff on the break up forums first. This is the dating forum which I myself have now come to since i feel it is part of my healing process to move on beyond pining over my lost love. You must remember that everyone handles break ups different. I seem to be doing the same thing as he, as far as , you know - going out - flirting - basically i am trying to remind myself that my ex was not the only fish in the sea. I am not sure how some of the ugly threads have started here. But , no one is better than the other. We come here for solace - For me , I am too busy to see a therapist -plus i am online all day - so this is basically like therapy. I can no longer read "broken heart - Woah is me forums" It just DEPRESSED me - and made me think even more of my ex. I feel lucky to have found some peeps out there who are excited to go out again. Even if we are all just covering up our heartaches- ya know? I think FCTex is being honest with these girls - even when there are little lead her on lies involved. I mean thats just kinda of the dating scene. I live in Hollywood - work in Hollywood and I am surrounded by fake people all the time. In fact I am pretty much the stereotype LA girl. But I am also a human being - one with faults - and one with feelings. And threads like this help me soooo much. Its not about congradulating (sorry spelling) - its more about Wow - I can pick myself up and try again. I dont think anyone really wants to hurt anyone. Did my ex really want to hurt me? NO - we try to all get along and sometimes it just doesnt work out. BUt there is life after death. and thats how i feel about what i am doing. Yes- life after death. No more crying games - no more boo hoo he/she broke up with me . ( I take that back - sometimes i do still cry ) But its not gonna stop me from my meeting guys rampage. Always be honest - always lay the cards on the table and remember you cant control other peoples behavior. So i guess what i mean is : I like feeling in control again. I can no longer read the" I want him back" or "Help me analyze every word he said, cause i want him back " threads . I love feeling good about myself - looks included - sorry maybe shallow - but its my life - But i deserve to have what i want and i want this positive thread to keep going. Thanks Sibling
  2. Guys - I will let you in on a little secret - I am a producer in Hollywood - Dr. Phil is a fake. Its all scripted - BELIEVE ME - Thats all I will say. BUT - and i do mean BUT !!! There have been times when i find myself saying to me "How's this working for yah?" and somehow I have all my answers.Now whether i want to face them is a whole other topic!
  3. First let me say that you are my hero. I have told all my girl friends about you. Keep it up. Yeah , the guy i slept with , i think is gonna get hurt too. He called me all weekend and i was just like geez , i have only been up front and honest with this guy. whatever.... So I did, however meet another guy last night that i REALLY aminterested in. And he called this evening to say how nice it was to meet me. His schedule is crazy this week but he would calland hopefully we could meet up for dinner. I amvery excited about this!! I also heard from my ex AGAIN tonight. He tricks me with caller ID. I told him i was dating and that i accept his break up. He pretty much hung up on me. I hope this ends contact for us. I am still sooooo heartbroken but geez , i am back in the ring now for another swing !!!! Yeah!!!! I am going over to my girls tonight for wine and movies.... Cant wait to hear more about your daily life FCTex!! I love feeling positive again!!!
  4. Oh Geez , well as much as it sucks - i would really suggest you tell the guy about this "one time" hook up. Facing up to things (like the truth) really helps one person in the end .YOU. Why ? Well because if your guy understands and is okay with it - he is a mature adult , worthy of your attention. If he doesnt understand and wants nothing to do with you - it will plant something in your mind. Like for instance your next heartache - you may not get soo depressed and make unworthy decisions.You may be like" well not gonna do that again" and deal with set backs better. Hope this makes sense. But furthermore - we are all human - we all make mistakes - NO ONE IS PERFECT and i bet this guy you like isnt perfect either!!!!!
  5. "I think the reason you cried when you got home was because you are feeling an incongruency right now. you were gurt so long about him and now you had fun...." can someone explain this incongruency some more.
  6. Dont tell her. Your not commited yet so its not cheating .
  7. I consider my humor to be more like chris rock . And i def want a guy to be more funny than serious. Funny to me means a joy for life. I have dated serious guys before and found them to be bitter. Plus when life threw a curve ball they would make situations much more worse. The funny guys were much more adult and could see the answers more clearly and had a way to make light of things.
  8. teacup - your answers are already in all your posts. You dont want to be thought of as his sex buddy. SO DONT HAVE SEX WITH HIM Let him call you for now on. Let him chase you. You can very easily just go out with him and NOT HAVE SEX. It shouldnt even be in your mind.Your not married to him , you are just dating him to see if you are compatible. Thats the joy of dating. Have fun , smile ,flirt , stop worrying. In time he will show you exactly what he wants from you.
  9. Kpow - MOVE OUT OF THERE!!!! I think about you all the time girl - you can do this - put on your boxing gloves - you will feel better - you will I PROMISE YOU!!!!!
  10. And by the way fctex- i feel like superwoman now that i am no longer counting NC days - I am living my life ! And this is the dating game !!!!! Please people this is THE DATING GAME!!! This is where they get idea's for tv shows movies novels !!!! Again FCTEX as long as you are honest i say have fun. We cannot control they way these women/men are behaving. Keep posting , i look forward to your coverts. BTW- just broke the date tonight with the guy i like- My girlfriends and i are going to a Halloween party and why bring sand to the beach!!! OH and i was honest with him - he said cool have a nice time!!! Call me next week. and i will!!!!!!
  11. Okay this is driving me crazy - I am a month into my break up with the man i considered "the one" He dumped me out of the blue and i was devistated. A couple weeks ago i decided to say forget him. Well since then i have answered a few of his calls but they all left me heartbroken . He still doesnt want to get back together. whatever .... old story ....i postedeit called Take the Lout of lover and its over..... So i have been back out for a couple weeks now. And the men are like fly's to ****. I too am sooo thinking i am in a crazy set. I swear they are falling at my feet. I have already slept with one . Safe , of course, . I have a date tonight (kind of like this guy) I have broken many coffee dates , been sooo up front with all of them - and they wont leave me alone. Yes its all an ego booster - yes i am probably hurting feelings - yes i dont call when i say i will - but this is all a healing process for myself. So i can totally relate to you. And i do say congrads on getting out there - i say it to myself - I do want another relationship when i am healed - i do want to fall in love again. I am dating . I am not a saint. I amnot intentionally hurting these guys. They just go googoo on their own. I am not leading anyone on. I am honest. I have no control over how they act. So i say - as long as you are honest - go on with it.Its fun again - and at least we are not at home crying like doormats.
  12. NJ - I am tellin you pretend he is in a coma - until he says we are back together - you are not back together. the label or status thing , my opinion, IS very important. Continue being nice and not pushy but start not being so avail to this guy that he doesnt feel the need to commit. I cant imagine how frustrating this is- actually i can!!!! I have been there!!! Your gut feeling feelings are worth investigating ......
  13. its been a quiet evening. The drama has ended , i can finally breathe and dream of my future.
  14. he hid caller id again (i work from home , i have to answer phone) He said " I think all of this is a delayed reaction , i think you are hating me as a way to get over me, whatever your doin i want you to know that I always loved you and I mean that" then he hung up on me. Sounds pretty sappy to me. I should have reminded him , 3 weeks ago he sat on my couch and said "its over" I dont regret dumping my dumper - i do regret hurting him. I am not a horrible person.
  15. hey tooniceaguy - you want anger issues read how i am doing in my post "take the l out of lover and its over"
  16. phone just rang - didnt recognize number - it was the ex's best friend. Why is he callin me now - geez these guys are in their 40's for god sake! Anyways i kept it cheerfull told him i was great. At the end he brought up that he saw my ex this morning and before he could say anything else i said Well take care , tell your wife i said hello, bye. Hung up. I felt like i was in high school. i give myself permission to get what i want.
  17. Ivana Trump wrote a whole book about this - Its called " Living well is the best revenge"
  18. thanks Sil! Here is the latest email from him: XXX, This was not (insert pet name) this morning on the phone. What happened to her??? You can't be serious with the way you talked to me. I am not a bad person as you would like me to be. It's not fair. Why are you acting like this? Who spoke to you? What did they tell you? All of a sudden you hate me? This is (insert bad word starts with a B) and if this is what you want then so be it. I have to live with my difficult desicision and now so do you. I came by at 4:45 am today because I was worried about you and your family and this is what I get?? Sorry for being concerned. (insert bad word starts with a F) it. OKAY WAIT A SEC HERE FOLKS- DID HE SAY " I HAVE TO LIVE WITH MY DIFFICULT DECISION AND NOW SO DO YOU"???????
  19. Now the voice messages are coming: "whats going on here ??/Who have you been talking to???Whereis this coming from???" Then the pleading " I understand if you dont want to talk to me , i'm just soooo confused" Now the angry text message : What the (insert bad word with a F here) Happened??? Oh do i know how he is feeling. I have been there the past 3 weeks. I too was in shock , I was devistated. So I hung on to every word. I prayed that he would come back , I was heartbroken. I tried everything. I was heartbroken. And then one mention of some family curse - woke me up.Is this guy for real??? He sounds wacky!!! And then I saw him for what he really was. A frightened mid life crisis old man. A peter pan. An eternal bachelor. We all deserve to do what makes us happy. Get married , stay single , have children , dont, whatever - Its my turn at a piece of the pie now. I feel sorry for him. I want to forgive him for dumping me , I feel , i feel ,i feel. I feel its time for me to for the first time in 15 years to think of me and my happiness. I have taken care of allot of people - I am still taking care of people- I want to be taken care of . I want someone to care for me . I give my self permission to get what I want.
  20. well i come home from the gym to the following: a text: pleaseplease callme 2 home machine messages: why are u not answering your phone (it was unplugged) and a ringing phone .My family was there so I looked at caller id ,it was him.I said it was a sales call and not to answer. Well he kept calling . So i picked it up and walked into the other room. Where I said , Do Not Call Me Ever Again. He broke down in tears. Why Why Areyou doin this. I am shocked ( Sounded allot like me on Sept. 26) I said its over thats it... good bye. He said what happened , everything was fine ,i was just at your house on MOnday. I said I dont like the way you treat me. Its over , goodbye. " and hung up. Then my neighbor told me he drove over here at 5AM!!!! I am not going tobe a bitter women. I want to find happiness ,soI will just repeat my new MANTRA or affirmation- whatever the new agers say- I give my self permission to get what I want Thanks for listening!
  21. Oh Lulu - please dont do this to yourself. You are a valuable women who just is human. Dont contact him at all. Perhaps someone in your family could call him regarding the bills, etc... Maybe a lawer friend? Whomever. It hurts to hear of your pain , i know it all too well. Especially the love at first site thing, but Lulu it will get better. 6 years is a long time, i know. Please dont pine over this man. Please dont!! Maybe seek some professional help , whatever it takes to get over him. Feel better lulu .
  22. He just sent another email all it said was "where are you????" I have unplugged my house phone and turned off my cell phone. I want him to stop contacting me. Didnt he get it this morning when i hung up on him and said "Good luck with your curse" I wish he would just go away. But i will continue to ignore him. As long as it takes. He will get the idea soon enough, i figure. i am allowing myself one bitter statement a day about him now: so here is tonights: He is obviously so pathetic! Thank you all for listening and good night. Gym early in the morning!
  23. `Thanks Eimono - I hear what you are saying about the anger issues here. And yes i do agree with you - I AM MAD. I am mad i gave my heart ,my family and my life to this guy who in return told me his family has a curse. I'm mad that i was continuing to give myself up physically to a man who summed up our relationship with childish tale (curse??) And i deserve to be mad geez its only day 1 here. Perhaps i should give myself a time limit on being mad. Maybe till Sat of this week. I only woke up today feeling like i was being used. And you know what I WAS BEING USED!!! So yes i am mad - and i've got 3 days left to be mad . I will feel many more things in this time to come. I know this. I am not afraid of this. I am ready to feel it all. And actually getting mad is a good thing for me - I allowed him to use me as a doormat even before he broke up with me. Hence - The old " I know you will stick around and wait for me , honey" And HE TOTALLY BELIEVED THAT!!! UNTIL THIS MORNING!!!! Sorry -Hopefully i wont be bitter for much longer
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