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Everything posted by sibling295

  1. Rascal - you are my hero!!!!! Comaboy, cancerman LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! He just called me again. I am going to take off for the evening. Forgetting him and his family curse ! What a weirdo . I cant believe i ever loved him.He is a L-O-S-E-R!!!!! And i hope he fullfils his self indulgent family prophecy. W-E-I-R-D-O !!!! and as far as hot goes ----- think Cindy Crawford hot. I meet men everyday. Everywhere. Never gave anyone a chance. Told EVERYONE i met "the one" and all my girlfriends said "are you sure ?? he's not even cute, we know you like nerds but are you sure" Boy was i an idiot. and to think i cried like a baby for three weeks over him. Begging, pleading, creating fantasies in my head. My taxi has arrived.and I'm getting in.
  2. Now he is calling me from his work . Thank god for Caller ID!!! What a weirdo , almost 2 years i gave him. All of my love , loyalty and for what? I feel like and i told him this like 2 weeks ago - Like we were driving along the freeway going like 70 mph. When all of a sudden he reached over and opened my passenger door and pushed me out. Well now I will drive myself. I take care of myself , I picked myself up off the side of the freeway and dusted off my clothes. It took me 3 weeks to walk to the nearsest gas station , but i got myself there and i am just waiting for the taxi to take me home again.
  3. He left a message - "Hey give me a call when you get this" I deleted it. I am deleting him.
  4. Now he is calling my cell phone , boy for a man who is in a coma he sure can do allot . I feel good about this ignoring thing. Oh now he is calling again. I am excited now that I get what I want in a relationship , Geez , i hope he doesnt drive over here. Maybe i will leave for a couple hours.....
  5. james - I understand what you are going through. I decided today that enough was enough. You sound like a reasonable guy - my last boyfriend was basically immature . Please stay strong- dont contact her - ignore her - Please James you deserve a wonderful relationship. Life is to short to pine over a person who left you. So stay strong - do it for me!!! I need to surround myself with strength!!! Now we get what WE WANT!!!
  6. Well..... Welll.... wellll..... its been what like 5 hours and he is already emailing. Guess he didnt hear me when i said good luck with your curse. He sent me an email regarding some elephant with some growth because of a curse. Oh even in a coma he is humorous. I did not reply - infact i deleted it. I have taken the L out of lover and its OVER!!!!!!!
  7. FCTex- Have you told your ex that you dont want contact ? Or just doin No Contact?
  8. thanks shes2smart - for the sleep web site - i will start my sleep diary tonight!
  9. neallo - your advice sounds good. I will not answer any of his calls. Your right . I mean when other friends were horrible to me i just cut them out of my life. There is no difference here. Thanks- i will need your wisdom for a while so please check up on me for sometime. Thanks!! Has anyone ever read any good books on rebuilding self esteem?
  10. oh yeah - and he cant come running back - you see he's in a coma. I hope i can heal soon...... LOLOLOLOLOL
  11. Hey Rascal This is the thing - see I AM HOT !!!!!!!! Hahahahahalololololololol I dont want him to come running back - i just want to meet someone else in due time of course . So whats your story?
  12. thanks eimono !!!! I love your character too. I am trying to find one for me - but i dont know how to do it. Thanks for the encouragement. Its a great time for all of us !!!
  13. I am stealing Annie24's advice to someone else and taking it on as my new life starts "I think it's just better to pretend that he is in a coma while you get on with your life. Whatever helps you move on." Thats PERFECT!!!! My poor ex boyfriend - he is in a coma you know. I only hope i can heal soon. BTW_ When i was in my early twenties , i had this girlfriend who got dumped harshly by her boyfriend of like 3 years. When i saw her again like 6 months later she was fine and was dating again. I asked her how she got over him , she said "I pretended he was cancer. And I was gonna do everything to not let him infect me. I completely associated any thoughts of him to cancer. and it worked!" Does anyone else have any stories like that?
  14. If anyone is interested in my progress - i started a new forum on getting over a break up called "Take the L out of Lover and its OVER"
  15. Hi All , well first let me say that this forum is awesome!!!! My Old Story: I was in a great relationship with this guy I fell in love with from day 1. It lasted 17 months. We were best friends. Then one day he came over and told me I deserved better. He would never Marry me or ever get married for that matter - and never wants kids. He told me to find a better man than him. I cried, I begged, I FAKED being happy about the break up. I planned, i outlined a whole get back together fantasy relationship. One where i felt loved again and validated. Over the next 3 weeks i remained his friend with Benefits. I proclaimed my love to him and said I would wait it out till he came back.He lovingly(LOL) held me in his arms and said"I know you will, honey" Then this morning came after two days spent together that were just like old times.He called me to tell me he had dinner with his father and his father explained to himhis families curse on all the men. The curse will not allow them to get close to women. His father and all his brothers are OLD men and SINGLE - BTW!!! well i cant handle it anymore , i told him good luck with the curse but i want to be normal. He said Good luck with that and as far as i am concerned its officially over. I am out. Forget it. I am officially in charge of my life. I will choose what man I allow to love me and my family. It's a new start. I am not even going to allow myself to be hurt by this mid life crisis freak of nature. The day he came over to my house (Sept 26) was the day it really ended. It took me what 3 and a half weeks now to see the little boy behind the man , but thank god i did. BTW- I am hot , and he's not even decent looking. MY NEW STORY- Fresh from a break up is gonna be hard. But with this forums help i am gonna write my story to finding myself and perhaps a healthy REAL relationship. There will be NO CONTACT with my last boyfriend. If he tries in any way to contact me , i will simply say "i want nothing to do with you or your issue's , i consider you to be a freak" I do still have stuff at his place - but i know i will get it all eventually - and its nothing i need right now. I am offficially taking the L out of LOVER. And its OVER!!!!!!
  16. Well i woke up to the phone ringing. It was him , i started out like "oh, i just didnt hear from you after you left , i didnt mean for you to call this morning" He said"I went to dinner with my Dad and fell asleep early" He then said he was talking to his dad about us and his dad said that their family has a curse on all the men! The curse wont allow them to get close to women! My ex then said "See you are lucky, i RELEASED you from the curse. I was like this is crazy talk , are you for real???? He started laughing and could tell i did not find it funny. so i said , i dont want to deal with these issue's i am a nice girl and i just want to be normal. He said well you are normal . I said No in a releationship. He said well "Good Luck with that" So I was about to say the whole I cant do this anymore and he interrupted me by saying now he was at work and he couldnt talk anymore , so instead i just said "well then good luck with your curse" and hung up. Seriously, i think i am holding on to something i dont even want. I am too old for these games. Either the man loves me or it just cant work out. But i am officially done with his baloney. Talk about commitment issue's. My goodness!!!! Oh and the whole Dumpee feels guilt thing is right on the mark. You guys are all so wise. I love this forum. NJ- I am gonna start a new forum on my getting over this little boy. This is your forum and i hope you keep with the updates cause now i really care for you and want to see you make it!!
  17. biacd- i didnt send the email. Only left the message about calling me tomorrow. BUt I would have sent it if you and NJ hadnt been online to tell me to RELAX. So thanx!!! I am gonna read your posts now. You will hear from me again in the morning. Thank you guys again. This is what people call Will power -Geez!!!!
  18. Oh God - what a BAD night. NJ and Biacd if i ever meat you in person I would HUGGGGG you guys soooo tight , i swear. But what do you think about the message I left on his cell phone tonight. "I havent heard from you since this afternoon , call me tomorrow" Did i totally screw up? I am still soooooo ANGRY right now , but you are talki8ng sense to me. Its just not fair. I loved him, yes i might have pressured him but what about saying "Back Off" I mean it was almost a 2 year relationship. AND WE ARE NOT KIDS HERE! Geez , i feel like i am in friggin High School all over again.
  19. your right - thank you for responding so quickly - seriously i was half way to his house!!! I am just angry about this space thing. Thank you honestly , i would have done something i would have regretted. I am glad i wrote down my feelings though. I am giving myself until the morning to decide if i want to send it. Annie (the moderator) even said to someone how long will you put up with his crap. its soooon hard. maybe its an Italian thing but seriously he dumped me. HE DUMPED ME. I know things are great to him , but i feel shallow. I dont know if i can hang on much longer.
  20. i just did a HORRIBLE thing , i just called him its almost 10:30 pm.I left a voice message "I havent heard from you since you left my house this afternoon, call me tomorrow" Oh god !!!!! I want to drive over there but i know its a horrible thing to do. How could he say I love you XXX - I am not sure what you are feeling but ihave to tell you whats on my mind. I know you know how i feel about you.I miss you terribly and so does XXX. I feel like now i am playing such a game and its completely what i am against. I have never played these kind of games since friggin High school and it is soooo not what i am about. I have waited a long time to fall in love and honestly i am in a state of shock regarding the current events. I am happy if you feel that finally you have a relationship where you are content and feel no commitment. Since i feel this is where you freaked out. I go with this feeling because you have said several times "You bit off more than you could chew" . But i have ended up feeling nothing more than shallow. I find myself in a relationship that I have always made fun of. Shallow and empty. This is not what i waited for. I made a mistake in thinking you were the "one" The "one"will feel the same love as I do. I know that now with dealing with us since you came to my house and said you didnt want this . I wish you the best and pray i find it too. Please give me a while before any contact to collect my stuff . But I am a good girl and I love with all my heart not 50% . Sorry , but i am ready for the heartbreak now. I cannot go on half hearted its just not me. I soooo want to push send on this but i will have hope here, any thoughts???? God and things have been really good , i just feel like a PHONY.
  21. I hope Hope 75 doesnt mind either - because it really struck a heart felt point in me while reading it. Sit back and relax enjoy the moments, what a concept . It is so very simple , you know , yet i struggle with it everyday. Allowing my ex and most importantly me to have a life without suffocating it is a struggle - but my "AHAHA" moments come. Stronger now each day. Thank you also NJ for taking the incentive to write your story , nothing is better than connecting to a good read. And it aint even over yet!!!!! sibling295
  22. Just read Hope75 post - Its allot like my situation. But i think she said it took 8 months to get back together - not 3 months NJ. Am i reading it wrong? My ex came over during lunch today - first time he has been to my house since break up- almost 1 month now. The first thing he noticed was his and I's pictures off of my refridgerator. He said "why did you take down our pics?"I smailed and as i kissed him , i said "Because you broke up with me , remember" He held me tight and said " No (pet name) No" Not sure what all this will lead up to - but i am soooo happy he calls me now and wants to spend time with me again. Like I said I think New Years is my cut off. I am not going to tell him this though. I still feel like i am faking everything ( cause I am soooo wanting us to be back officially) but since i stopped the asking "have you changed your mind" its been about a week and a half now . Things are great again. And he treats me soooo much better. When he left he said "I love you" NJ- the one thing i did notice about hope75's stuff is in the beginning she said she wouldnt move back in unless he proposed marriage/engagement yet i didnt see if he mentioned that when she did move back in. I really do want to get engeged to my guy and so getting back with him - i am confused - might have to entail engagement. Oh i am confused ... one day at a time - day by day
  23. NJ - First of all sorry to hear about your accident Now know one can tell us to wait for these guys. We have to make that decision ourselves. I go back and forth day by day asking myself the same question. Remember my posts to you!! I try to look at the facts : why is your intuition telling you he is with other women? What specifically has he done - said? Is this about that 50 year old women thing??? Also i at first said okay Thanksgiving is my cut off. BUt today i feel like i cant put a time on this. Life , marriage , children is so important to me - i want it sacred , not flippent. Of course deep down if by New Years he still wont call me his g/f , i may say "See Yah" and hurt but let go. Stay strong when you have contact with him. I have stopped calling mine and he seems to call everyday now. Maybe only one day will go by that i dont hear from him , which brings me down , but then when we do talk , i know he was missing me . Love is sooo confusing but i dont think these guys have it figured out either. Unless your guy is giving you exact reasons to be paranoid , stop giving your paranoi power. STOP. Give your great self the power - spend sometime with your girlfriends this weekend - flirt with other boys - whatever - let him contact you . Stop giving negative emotions control of your life.
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