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Everything posted by antigravity

  1. Haven't written anything in a while, but gee this place has gotten me in the mood. Hope you all enjoy! Come a little closer to my heart Not leaving without you, back from the dark Come a little closer to my heart Not running away, running away tonight I think it won't turn out like you expect Lost in the role But your still just the same as me and more I didn't learn Make sense of my tongue So I'll start right here And I feel I'm a lot younger for it There's so much I need to get clear I think you don't need as much as you got Cos I sit at home And I watch you content To lose it all We still return Lessons to learn I'm here to play And I feel I'm a lot younger for it This one time I want you to stay We still need each other.
  2. Just wear a condom, and enjoy yourself! You might find the first time a little disapointing for many reasons... A lot of guys (including myself!) are pretty disapointed with their performance. For me, well lets just say I didn't last too long. But you'll get over that with time. Just relax, enjoy the company of your partner, and appreciate the trust you both have in each other by going that next step. Try and have an open mind about it all. You can have some really great fun if you keep an open mind. Good luck mate.
  3. Hmmm.. I was of the opinion that 'very shy' girls, don't flirt.
  4. One word: EGO I can't stand when people say "ah.. i'm just a flirty person. Didn't mean to lead you on." What rubbish, Flirty people just like knowing they can draw someone in... It's completely selfish and self centered. Anyway... there's my rant for the day
  5. ShySoul, Sorry mate, I didn't want to, or mean to offend. However, I completely disagree with the whole "friends first" strategy. It just makes things more complicated than they need to be. Good to hear you've got a few girls chasing after you... So you must be doing something right! But why are all these girls finding reasons to not go to the next step? None of us guys want that... My opinion is, if a girl "loves" you, they don't give a stuff about the past, or other situations.. They go for it. If a girl who I want, gives me an excuse for not being able to be with me, they're gone.... Simple as that. I think we need to be more firm with women, and go after what we want, just like they do! Too many times we're too nice, too friendly, do the right thing. That stuff just doesn't work most of the time. It's unfortunate, because I wish it did (I have very strong morals when it comes to doing the right thing). We need to start doing what's right for us.. And the first step to doing that is letting a girl know fairly early in the piece what we want... If they can't give that to us, what's the point stuffing around being a "friend" when it's not what we want? So to the OP, try and keep things casual, be willing to laugh at yourself, and learn to be spontaneous
  6. Shysoul.. I think sometimes you give good advice BUT.. How many girls have you picked up? I can recall you saying you haven't had a girlfriend before. If this is right... how can you give advice on a topic like this? The reason I say this is I have NEVER seen good friends successfully move onto a successful relationship! The longer your "friends", the harder it is to go the next step. Make sure the girl knows RIGHT FROM THE START what you want from her... Being "friends" is just deceiving and in fact quite sneaky. Girls (even shy ones) like hanging with a guy, regardless of whether he wants to be "friends" or "lovers". Being her friend is the WRONG way to go. Otherwise it'll get to a stage where "he's too good of a friend to risk it." You don't wanna be there. Sorry ShySoul. Until you've successfully done the transition yourself, I'll stand by this opinion.
  7. Hi Carnatic, i'm VERY VERY similar to you. I'm shy, get nervous around people I don't know, especially girls! I've gotten with 4 girls in the past 3 months (don't ask me how, because i'm hopeless, and just an average looking guy), but I think the secret is to say things that let the person know that your interested. This is what I do: You have to say something that a friend wouldn't say (hey cutie, gorgeous etc.)... I think you need to be cheeky, without being sleazy. (I think you do this be keeping your physical distance, and not being cocky) Keep eye contact, and smile! Also (and this is a big one) don't invade the girls space. Make fun of yourself (girls seem to like this), and never talk yourself up. Make sure the person your talking knows what your hobbies are, and hopefully they share some of them.. Talk about them obviously, but don't ask TOO many questions. Otherwise it'll feel like an interview. What you'll need to try and do is build a light conversation on an answer of hers... Unfortunately, I think being spontaneous is the key, but before you go out, think of a couple of basic questions you might ask, and the spontaneously build on your conversation from those base questions. That usually works, don't try and be a comedian, just be natural, and DON'T use LINES! Whatever you do... Just be yourself. If your a shy guy, be a shy guy. Don't try and be an overconfident stud, if that's not who you are. MY BIGGEST TIP! Go out to have fun with whoever your going with. Don't go out with the intention of 'picking up' or 'getting lucky'. Just go out, have fun, if a cute girl happens to be dancing near you, or sitting near you, strike up a convo, but don't let that be the prequisite for having a good night. Good luck!! (you won't need it anyway... just be yourself.. If your a good guy, girls will notice)
  8. Sounds like he may have been uncomfortable with what you put at the end of the text. He's probably moved on in his life, and thought you had done the same. Reading the LY has probably knocked him back a bit... Understandably too. I don't think you've done the wrong thing if you've still got feelings for him. It was a good way to figure out whether he feels the same. At this stage it sounds hard to tell. But if you've still got feelings, should you be in another relationship? He probably didn't tell you directly not to do it again, because he'd simply be very uncomfortable telling you not to do it.
  9. And no wonder she doesn't like it! She doesn't do anything! I'd be bored too if I just sat there everytime.
  10. I know this is what everyone else is going to say, but have you spoken to her about it? Have you told her how unhappy you are with your sex life? Is she aware how serious the problem is with you? I think that is the first step. If she's unwilling to listen, or work with you, then unfortunately things don't look that good for you two. A successful relationship does need a healthy sexual side. I think it helps build intimacy and trust and bring people even closer together. So if it's not there, things don't look good unfortunately. Good luck anyway.
  11. Well I like nice, down to earth, honest and straight to the point women. If I feel a girl is playing games with me, it's a HUGE turnoff. So I don't think all guys like mean girls.
  12. I did that... My ex broke things off after 5 years, and I started going out with friends, clubbing, drinking and having a good time. I guess I was doing what I never could do in a relationship.. Maybe that's what she's doing.
  13. I've called old partners all kinds of silly names... Funky Monkey, My lil girl, babe, hon, Cheeky Monkey.. I dunno, just say whatever comes into your head when you see them.. And say it!
  14. Hahaha thanks! I haven't written much in a long time though.
  15. Another kinda old one This is an ordinary day This is an ordinary way, to say I care This is an ordinary game we play This is an ordinary day You lose, you start, as I took your heart and walked away You're starting to ask why everything dies You wonder what pain has it brought to you You fall into light, surrender like I You wonder what pain has it brought to you This is an ordinary day This is an ordinary way
  16. This one i've had for a while. Lying in, summer's gone Welcome home, the deal has been done I want you, there's nothing else Shed your pride, cool it down Keep in touch, what for, I dont doubt I want you, there's nothing else You're love is a taste I've been told about Your love is a song I've been living without I want it till my lies come out You think its right, what if you're wrong As long as you're bleeding, I'm singing along I want you, there's nothing else You said you feel like you're going to get in I think you don't even know where to begin I want you, there's nothing else And will you stay when the cause isn't yours But they pay to see you give it up Will you stay for the bout Are you coming to get me out? Because I want you, I need you And I've come to the right place and took so long
  17. Empty-armed and half a soul to go And all I wanted was you here next to me A little sunshine and sympathy Now everybody knows that I've been hanging down so low Because now I'm feeling up Soon I'll be feeling out so cold Wondering, will you call And now I'm feeling high Soon I'll be feeling left for dead Sometimes someone saying yes, changes what you'll bet And all I wanted Was just to hold you close And your love next to mine I had to let you know That we were meant to be just right Heaven sent, not sympathized by everybody's lie And now I'm feeling high Now I'm feeling left so dead Kicking up the dust in bed, wondering, I guess Sunshine And some tea And your love Your love next to mine I had to let you know I had to let you go so I Could see my lie fade from your eyes And to my surprise That's what I wanted Me and you Sunshine And some tea
  18. Thanks everyone... I feel good because I don't have the urge to speak to her. I don't feel desperate or anything like that. I emailed her today at work, just asking her how her weekend was, and that I enjoyed Friday spending time with her. Later I found out she was away... So i'm assuming she'll send me an email tomorrow if she comes in. I'm not particularly stressing, in fact, I don't have any urge to contact her, other than wanting her to know i'm interested. That feels good. So we'll see what happens. Thanks again
  19. Hmmm.. so she's not really interested in sex, but then doesn't want you looking at porn? I'm going to go against the popular opinion and say that's selfish on her behalf. Try and sit down with her... Work out why she's not interested in sex... Because I think the only way this is going to get this rectified is rekindling your sexlife.
  20. I think girls like "happy trails" so I wouldn't worry about it...
  21. Well I didn't speak to her, but I did reply to her SMS yesterday. She contacted me first. So I'm not so worried about sounding desperate (cuz obviously she's interested), but I'm worried if she'll think I'm not interested if I don't contact her. So technically I did contact her during the weekend...
  22. I wouldn't use NC as a way of getting your ex back. I don't think there is anything that can influence someone to be with someone else. You just have to leave things as they are, and let things happen naturally. NC however is a good way of making YOURSELF feel better. What you'll notice is that if you stick to NC you'll notice yourself thinking about that person less and less. Although it does happen VERY slowly. But it does happen. If you contact your ex, all types of crazy thoughts go through your head (why isn't he calling me back, when is he going to contact me, why do I always have to contact him, does he sound angry, why does he sound happy...). All these thoughts will continually go through your head, and make it a LOT harder to get over him. So keep with the NC if you can. But do it for yourself, not out of hope of getting him back. Good luck!
  23. I met a girl friday night... We enjoyed ourselves, spent the night together and in the morning we swapped numbers. I said to her I'd send her a txt during the weekend. Anway, later that day, she sent me a message thanking me for the great night, and said I was a really sweet guy. I replied saying that I enjoyed myself too, and wished her well for the rest of the night (she was going out with friends). Anyway... I really don't want to contact her today (Sunday) but I'm wondering if I don't, will she think i'm not interested in her? I don't want anything serious, but would like to keep in touch. We work together (although different floors), and she said she'd email me at work and was embarrassed to tell me that... I want to leave it and not contact her today. Is that ok?
  24. Yup.. I'm with you on that one diggity.. Cut a long story short.. I had a quick chat with that girl... Wasn't really any spark which was fine. I definitely didn't make a fool of myself. Chatted for a little while. Ended up meeting a girl later on in the night who is really sweet (from work also)... We really hit it off. Stayed up all night cuddling and kissing. Great stuff. Thanks for the advice everyone... Oh and Diggity... your previous advice has definitely helped me. This girl seems pretty keen. Already sent me an sms saying how much she enjoyed the night.
  25. I think I'll just ask her about her nationality... I'll be able to tell pretty much straight away if she's interested. Hahaha.. I have to worry about not acting all awkward, let alone charming! But i'll try.
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