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Everything posted by antigravity

  1. I think being able to enjoy things with your partner without having to fill the air with small talk is a great thing. That said, I hate seeing those couples who don't say a single thing to each other in a restaurant.. ouch..
  2. When my relationship fell apart, I never cried so much. Before that, I hadn't cried for almost 10 years. It definitely helps to let go of yourself and feel those emotions. You'll be fine.
  3. Listen to some music.. That'll help you get the damn things out!! Hahah.. I maybe biased, but the best breakup album i've ever listen to is: Final Straw by Snow Patrol. Great lyrics, not all sad, there are some beautiful tracks, and some upbeat tracks there too. Give it a go!
  4. Wow, your definitely going through a tough period in your life. I'd be shocked if you weren't feeling scared or lonely at this point. I think your being perfectly normal. I think deep down although you say your looking forward to moving on, your probably a little scared about what the future holds for you. But losing your friends would be hard for anyone. So once again, you're fine! Stick through it, if your as intelligent and good looking as people say you are (which i'm sure you are... otherwise why would they say it?) you shouldn't have any problem making new friends and getting a girlfriend. Good luck mate!
  5. Of course silence in a relationship is normal. In fact, being comfortable with not having anything to say is a requirement of a healthy relationship. Being comfortable with each other no matter what is what it's all about!
  6. Haha.. Well emailing her all week, everything seems cool enough. Asked her what she's doing tonight.. I get "Nothing planned.. what about you?".. Cool. I say "nothing either, i'm just going to watch a movie at home... did you want to come over? We'll grab a pizza or something.." I get: "Nah, I have to talk to my brother about something important... Maybe next week or something." ????? I can take a hint very well, but why email me all the time if your not interested?
  7. Hahah.. Good point! I need to stop showing my emotional side, and just have fun! We've been emailing each other all week, and I haven't brought up any issues about my feelings are anything like that. We were speaking today, just about general stuff. Was ok. She ended up saying I was "a silly one".. What ever that means. But yeah, i'm going to take it all very lightly. Like I said I don't have any feelings for her, however I do find her attractive and we do get along when we're together. But it all seems ok. Just take it as it comes. I'm not going to push any issues, and I'm just going to see what happens. If I meet someone else in the meantime. Bad luck for her.
  8. Damn... you know your hot! That's all i'm going to say.... Many people may not know what I'm talking about, but I hope you believe me when I say that...
  9. How does someone get over feeling lonely? I've got plenty of friends, a fairly supportive family, yet it doesn't matter where I am, if I'm in company or alone, I ALWAYS feel lonely, and I hate it. Normally when someone feels lonely, it's because they ARE alone, or don't have many friends etc.. But there is nothing that can make me feel better. I feel lonely when I'm by myself, so I look forward to having company. Then when Im in company, I still feel lonely and want to go somewhere else. What can I do?? Why do I feel so lonely? Is this a side effect of my relationship breaking up 3mths ago? Even though I feel fine about it? I remember before I got into that relationship (5 years ago), I felt exactly the same. Incredibly lonely... I felt fine at the start of the relationship, but the last few years, I felt lonely, even with a loving partner. I just can't seem to shake this loneliness. The other day, I was driving along listening to some music, and just wanted to ball my eyes out. For no reason what so ever. I had tears running down my face, because I'm so tired of feeling lonely. I want to enjoy life.....
  10. I didn't lose her due to lack of self-control. I actually called it off because I wanted more, and she just wanted to stay casual and take it from there. I think she initially just wanted a casual thing. I can't see why she still wouldn't want that. Hahaha.. geez that's a bit harsh. I never begged her to come back or whatever. Just said that I've thought about things a little, and don't mind keeping things casual because I'm not ready for a relationship. But what I need help with is, what is the best way (honest to her) to determine whether she wants a casual sexual relationship or just a friendship... Although it sounds like the best thing to do, coming out and asking her straight will just sound stupid, and even if she wants it, she might say no when asked. Maybe I'll ask her what she meant by "I can't kiss and cuddle you like I used to... but I think I can learn to live with that" and see whether she meant she doesn't WANT to, or whether she thinks I don't want that from her.
  11. Sorry Diggity, I know, but hopefully you can understand these things are damn hard! Especially when your new to it all.
  12. Hmmm.. I know it's hard to let her go, because I'm very attracted to her. I've thought about things too and don't want a relationship at this stage, but at the same time, I would like to stay on the physical level that we were on (we weren't official anyway, we were just taking things as they came). I'm wondering whether we can still do that. I don't want to seem desperate though... She was the one that suggested hanging out casually a week ago, but I said that wasn't going to work. But maybe I seem desperate now because I've changed my mind... When really i've just had more time to think about things properly. When we hang out next, I'll talk to her about it, and see what she says. I'm not going to be her friend, secretly always wanting something else. I can't do that to myself, or her. I'm thinking she may be up for it, because we did sleep together the first night we saw each other, and she wasn't drunk.
  13. I'm 22... How many girls have I made out with? 6 How many girls have I slept with? 4 Am I single or attached? Kinda seeing someone off an on, but single, recently broke up with my partner of 5 years. Wow if I look at that, I really haven't done that bad hehehe
  14. Hmmm.. I've been seeing this girl on and off for about a month now, and I we kinda both called things off about 1.5 weeks ago because I wasn't getting enough out of her, and she thought I was being too demanding. I won't go into that though! We've been speaking via email ever since, and she says she's not ready for a relationship (and frankly neither am I), but still wants to hang out with me casually when we're both free. I want this aswell. I'm trying to figure out whether she wants a "friends with benefits" situation. We've slept together already... I said to her, i'm happy just to hang out with each other casually, and enjoy each others company and laze around together. She said "sounds good to me". Is there anyway I can find out whether she wants to be "friends with benefits" without saying it out straight? When we get together, should I try and make a move and see whether she rejects me? Please help!
  15. Might be endemetreosis (sp??)... My ex had the same problem (although she didn't have the dryness problem) where she felt like she was going to pee after having sex for a while. We went to the doctor and she was tested for endemetreosis. She didn't have it, but it is a symptom. It turned out that she was on the edge of having a g-spot orgasm and never had one before. She kept going when she felt like she needed to pee and she ended up having an orgasm. So it might be one of those two scenarios. Good luck mate.
  16. Hmmm.. I know we've been talking a fair bit lately, and I've said a few things to you about this guy, but if he forced himself on you, please try and get out of this one. I know your thinking of doing this anyway, and I think it's definitely the right choice. There a plenty of great guys out there that would NEVER do that to you. At the end of the day make the decision that feels right to you, but don't make the decision out of sympathy towards him. Do what is good for you in the long term. But if I were you, I would try and cut ties as soon as possible. They quicker you do this, the easier it will be on both of you. Good luck!
  17. Yeah I don't want to find out "how to get laid" or anything like that... When I go out, if I see a girl that's cute, I want to chat with her without looking sleazy, and hopefully get their number to meet up again sometime. I want to portray the fact that I'm not after getting laid straight away. Cuz I know a lot of girls think that's all guys are after when they're approached in a club or whatever. I'm never touchy feely, but I've seen other guys do it, and it looks like it works! For example, I approached a girl 2 nights ago, said that I thought she was really cute. We spoke for a little bit, and she seemed to laugh at what I was saying, however she didn't seem interested in me (didn't ask me ne questions or anything, just spoke when I spoke to her). She ended up walking off with her friend I can't think of anything that I did wrong. I was confident, funny, and she didn't have a b/f. So i'm thinking it was simply because I wasn't good looking enough for her. It didn't bother me at all, infact I started laughing with my friends about it, and we kept on dancing and having a good night. But this is a perfect example of being funny, easy to talk to, but that still not being good enough. Ahwell!
  18. I'm after some help on how to attract girls without being pushy or sleazy with them? I'm below average when it comes to looks, and I'm a kinda quiet guy because of this. But I do like going out dancing at clubs or having a few beers at a bar or pub. So how do girls like guys to talk to them at these sort of places? Is it good to be touchy feely straight away? Is it good for a guy to straight up say he thinks your cute? Can some girls give me an idea about how to let a girl know I like her and i'm attracted to her without making her uncomfortable? Or without looking like a sleaze? Thanks
  19. Mr Snuggles sounds good to me... Actually... haha! Sounds like a nickname for a perverted old man.. Lol.
  20. In a way you're right... I think depression only becomes a problem when it's a constant for a long period of time. Everyone will feel depressed at numerous times in their lives (loss of a loved one, losing a job etc), but natural depression isn't something that should stick around for 6mths. I've had mine for over 5 years for no apparent reason (nothing I can pinpoint). Only in the last 6 mths have I tried to do something about it. During that period my partner of 5 years split up which set me back abit. So in short, long term depression isn't a normal thing, it is an illness and must be treated as such.
  21. Hmmm.. That is strange that he has brought up the sexual thing so quickly. I would have expected him to be excited to be speaking to you again and be happy for that... And then have the sex issue arise later. But for him to raise it 2 days after speaking to you again? Hmmmm.. I don't like the sound of that. Yeah I agree, most men enjoy sex (i'm a guy, and I do!) but I wouldn't be thinking of it 2 days after getting back with someone. That is strange.
  22. Thanks ShySoul.. I think one of my main problems is wanting to be "normal". I want to look normal, act normal, have a normal relationship etc. Even though I think like this constantly, I know there is no such things as normal. Yet I still want it. It's really bizarre. Maybe that's why I wasn't happy with the last girl, because it wasn't progressing in a 'normal' manner. I dunno. I do wish I could feel good about the way I look. I already know I'm a good person. It's just the good qualities I have don't really shine through to most people because I'm fairly quiet, and I guard myself way too much. I never let go, thereforeeee I'm not very funny or crazy.. People always say I'm so calm and grounded. When really i'm exactly the opposite inside! I'm all over the place. More than a few people have said what you've said about constantly reminding yourself of your good qualities. I need to do this more often, and be happy and proud of who I am. Once I'm comfortable and confident in who I am, I should then become more attractive to other people as both a possible friend and a partner. It's just getting to that stage which is so hard. #-o
  23. Yeah good point... Sorry I missed it. I can't believe i'm being so serious about this whole thing! I'm afraid you can't have the "Cuddle Machine", my fat ar$e cat already has that title
  24. I think your missing the point... I LOVE cuddling and sitting around... I did that with my ex EVERY weekend. But I do feel a little uncomfortable cuddling and being so romantically advanced with someone i've known for 3 weeks. Do you know what I mean? Cuddling and kissing is awesome and I love doing it. But all the time? With someone I hardly know? It doesn't feel right too me. Hahah.. this thread is fantastic. We're just going around and around and around. I do appreciate your thoughts. I like debating with you aswell. Hope you don't mind. In my mind it felt like we had just skipped the whole dating part and we were already in a relationship (although nothing was confirmed or denied). I guess I felt lost.
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