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Everything posted by antigravity

  1. I think it's all about losing yourself, and not caring what your doing. Just enjoying the moment.
  2. I'm also scared that I'm never going to meet anayone again who I connect with so much. There are so many idiots our there, and she just seems the exact opposite of everyone else i've ever met. Why do I have to meet someone like her and not be able to have her?
  3. I'm seeing a girl that is leaving for overseas in 5 weeks. She's going for over 3 years to study. I know this when I met her 2 weeks ago, and we decided we were going to hang out, get to know each and see what happens during these 2 months. Anyway, we've become extremely close and I've never met anyone like her before. She has all the qualities I want in a person (humility, modesty, honesty, drive) and has done things in her life I could only wish I could (she is 21 and is a licensed pilot and has volunteered in orphanages all over the world, mainly in south america). She is who I wish I was. She thinks I have something special that she hasn't seen in anyone before and believes I can make a difference also. We spent 16 hrs together yesterday, and it wasn't enough. We went for a scenic drive along the coast, had a nap on the beach together, and it's so beautiful because we enjoy the same simple things. I'm protecting myself quite well (not seeing her all the time) but she's made me open up about very deep things, and I didn't mind because she's so caring and geniune in her interest in me. I'm just worried i'm going to let go of my protection and fall in love with her.. We've already been sexual but haven't had intercourse... What should I do from here?! Should I protect myself and not experience our short time together, or let go, and maybe let myself get hurt?
  4. Well just as an update, we spent new years together (she called me up and changed her plans to hang out), and today we hung out and we kissed... then basically we didn't stop for the rest of the day and night.. hehehe She's such a great girl, she's worked in orphanages in south america, travelled the world and is a licensed pilot all at the age of 21... She asked about me, and didn't believe i'm shy at all. I opened up and told her a few things about me, and was blown away by me.. I was completely shocked on the effect it had on her. She was so caring and understanding (although my situation isn't that bad) and she said she had no idea I was that introspective and emotional. After that point we just couldn't keep our hands off each other. I told her that I was worried about opening up so quickly, and she told me there is nothing to worry about, and that she liked hearing about me and the way I think. So all-in-all, I think there aren't any hard fast rules as to what you should say and do... Just go with your instincts and do what you think is right at the time. I did what most people say I shouldnt, and it worked out for the better. But that said, it could have very well scared her off. So unfortauntely there is just no telling what to do. But thanks for the advice everyone's given me. I think it's helped me grow a little, and sped up the learning curve a little. But all seems to be turning out for the best. It
  5. Yeah I'm the kind of person that makes people feel comfortable talking about themselves about slightly personal things. We seem to both have an appreciation for the deeper things in life, like philosophy, spirituality and emotion. So its good to be able to talk about these things with someone who's young as well (she's 21).
  6. Cheers dude... Things seem to be going well. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
  7. She definitely initiates the email contact, and when we see each other, she'll say "email me", so I'm sure she doesn't mind. However I do worry about talking too much on email, and then having nothing to say when we're together, but what I've found is that we kinda talk about the same stuff, or just elaborate on what we've already spoken about via email. So it seems ok. I'm confident that she likes me, I like her aswell, but I don't have the urge to see her when she's not around. Too me that's probably a good thing, because I know I don't feel desperate or needy.
  8. She might like my friend because he's one of those guys that "always knows what to say" and she knows him better than me.. That said... It all went pretty well. Took her home after about 5 hours of non stop chatting from both sides and we gave each other a kiss on the cheek when I dropped her off. She thinks i'm way out of her league, and doesn't understand why I like her.. This is coming from someone who travels around the world at 21 and volunteers at orphanages and has a pilots license.. hmmmmm.. She told me today that she really enjoyed herself and we're going to hang out next week (watch the planes at the airport fly over), and she might catch up with me on New Years Day... So it's all looking pretty good.
  9. Well after all that... it went pretty good.. We chatted non-stop for about 5 hours, and I had to prompt to leave, because I was driving and was getting tired. Dropped her off at home, we gave each other a kiss on the cheek and that was it. She told me i'm the first guy she's said yes to in 2 years (she's been travelling and hasn't had the time), so I was pretty rapped with that. Funnily enough, she thinks i'm way out of her league, and doesn't understand why I'm interested in her... Crazy crazy women! Spoke to her all day today (via email), spent lunch together, and we're going out again next week, and she might change her plans to hang out together on New Years day.. So all in all, i'm pretty happy with how it went! Thanks for the help guys, maybe I'm not so hopeless afterall!
  10. Yeah I asked her out, and she said yes... So we're going out tonight to a latin/jazz bar. Hopefully all goes well. I've got no idea what I'm doing... But I'll update you on what happens.
  11. Yeah I'll definitely write down how it goes... Even just as therapy for myself!! Hahaha.. I can see myself getting very nervous about the whole thing.
  12. Hahaha.. Thanks ShySoul and everyone else. I spoke with her today, want for a walk with her, but was too gutless to ask her out!! Later in the day, I did ask her if she wants to go to a latin/jazz bar tomorrow night, and she said yes!! hehehe Now I'm starting to get all panicky about other things... Like that she likes my friend more than me! Ahwell.. At least she accepted.. We're going tomorrow night. I'm going to be soo nervous. But I'm glad she accepted.. Cannot wait!! I just hope I don't blow things
  13. Thanks guys Unfortunately in reality I'm a bit shy and a bit awkward, and I'm worried that I'm not "cool" enough for this girl. She's very stylish, and very attractive, and I'm worried that she's just "out of my league". But I'll ask her out tomorrow. The book she gave me is a photo book, so it's just heaps of photo's of brazil. I remember she told me to look at photo's of a place called "bahia". So I'll point them out, and hopefully she realises that I do listen! hehehe But yeah, wish me luck everyone.... Fingers crossed
  14. Thanks guys I'll bring up the latin bar, and hopefully she's interested... Only problem is that she has a friend that seems to be making things up about me (another loooong story), I just hope she doesn't say these things to the girl i'm interested in. Oh man, wish me luck!! How nerve wracking!
  15. Hey everyone, I've been speaking to a girl at work for only a couple of days, we seem to get along well, and she's already asking me to join her on her tea breaks and we caught up after work last friday with some friends. I'm completely infactuated with her, and I'm going to ask her out tomorrow... She leant me a book that I'm going to give back, and I burnt her a CD that she might like. Should I ask her out when I give these to her? Now... I want her to know I really like her. Should I just say "Would you like to catch a movie together?" or "Would you like to grab a drink together tomorrow night?" (I know this awesome traditional latin dance bar that I think she'll just love... I really want to take her there) If I ask her to go for a drink, should I tell her about this latin bar? (She loves south american culture). Man i'm sooooo excited. I'm going to get rejected probably, but I can't wait to see what she says anyway. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  16. Well I'm asking someone out tomorrow, so i'll let you know how it goes. And i'm not a JERK! My problem is, I've always been too much of a 'nice guy', but I'm changing my ways, and I'm going after what I want. I'll let everyone know how it goes. (Have a feeling it's rejection TIME!) But at least i'm going for what I want, which feels good.
  17. Geez I COMPLETELY agree... Spot on Diggity. Go there and have fun. Don't go there with the intention of pleasing the other person. If you do, it'll probably be quite obvious and a turn off. I think the key is not to be rude though. I think both parties should still make an effort to be polite and courteous to the other person.
  18. Oh yeah.. can't stop thinking about her. Will definitely try and make a move! hehehe.. Wish me luck. Oops.. sorry for hijacking this thread! I'll shut up now.
  19. Well I made a mistake last friday!! Well not a mistake, I don't regret it, but I do think it was rude. Basically met a girl (M) the week before, we spoke during the week and organised to see each other after work on Friday. At the same time I've been speaking to another girl (D) and she was coming to the same place. Long story short, the second girl I'm incredibly attracted too and spent the whole time talking to her, instead of the first girl. 'M' didn't seem to mind because we were with friends and she seemed to be having a good time. Then afterwards she called me "dodgy" for talking to the other girl the entire time. The reason I don't regret it, is because 'D' is absolutely incredible and I haven't been able to keep her out of my mind since... Whether anything will happen is a completely different story. Is this a common thing that men do???
  20. Damn these holiday seasons! Just spent the first christmas without my partner since 1999 when I was 16. It's been 3 months since the breakup (her decision), and have since found out she hooked up with and slept with an old lost friend (4 times). Took her 2 months to sleep with me. Took him a week. Sitting around with my extended family today, I felt sooo lonely without her there. I feel empty without her love. I miss being the centre of her life. I miss being important to someone. I just feel like I'm an extra in everyone elses lives now... I don't feel important to anyone anymore, and it feels horribly lonely. I can go out, and socialise with mates, pick up girls everynow and then, but it's just not the same. I'll probably never had what I had with her again.... How depressing
  21. Unfortunately most females don't even give us a second thought because we don't exude over-confidence and cockiness. Eh...
  22. Juha, I'm sorry to hear about what you've gone through... It's almost a bittersweet feeling. You do come out of it a better person, but at the same time, you realise there's a lot of pain to be felt in this world... And you become aware that more than likely you'll experience this pain again. At least we can prepare for it next time. Your situation is VERY similar to mine. I was suffering for anxiety and depression for quite a while, and when I decided to fight it, my partner left me! After 5 years. Coming out from the first doctor's appointment, went to kiss her with tears in my eyes from crying, and she wouldn't let me. That was a horrible experience. Ripped my heart out. So I know how tough it can be... Your definitely not alone. I also worry that I'm not going to be able to trust anyone fully again. I'm assuming your like me and put all your trust in your ex. Being burnt like that makes me worry that I'll protect myself too much in the future, and find it hard to open up and trust again... I hope we get through that. But it's good to hear your on the right track... It's a long road, one that i'm still travelling, but hopefully I get there soon too Sounds like you're doing well.
  23. I have a 'friend' who does this.. Suprisingly enough, he slept with 9 different women while with his ex-girlfriend. It's all an ego thing. It's all about whether he can get the girl or not. Saying that he has a girlfriend reduces the chances of the girl being interested in him.
  24. Yeah had a tough year too.. I still am. Went through my first ever breakup of a long term relationship, suffered from depression and social anxiety all at the same time. I'm slowly recovering now from the breakup, and the anxiety is gone, but the depression resurfaces everynow and then. My ex just ripped my heart out again two days ago, so I feel like I'm back to square one.. But i'll get back to where I was. Good luck with everything everyone. We all deserve a bit of good luck everynow and then.
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