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Everything posted by minnie

  1. Firstly i dont think you should be in a relationship right now, if your heart is not in it. Unless your now boyfriend is happy with how you feel - its not fair on him. You might benefit from counselling of some sort, as you find it hard to be alone. It sounds like self esteem issues too, which is normal. Once you have this sorted, i think it will be a whole lot easier to move on and accept things. x x
  2. I presume it was like a wake. When people gather to celebrate his life before the funeral.
  3. Thats really good! But i know you guys in the states really work for your money - meaning around the clock. Wouls you say this is true? Whats the typical shift pattern or average length of working day. Ours is 8, but i have heard nurses work, like 12 hour shifts 4, days on and 4 days off. When i was visiting on the day i was leaving, my aunts friend was working her 9th 12 hour day in a row!! Is this normal or is it by choice?
  4. I have changed my number too, and i know how you feel, its actually good not to be waiting for a call you dont really want to have!!! I have not called him in over a month. But, in my situation he now just turns up at my house, so i have spoken to him once or twice, if i can i dont answer the door. I feel good too! keep it up x x
  5. In response to his message, i think you should just text back "no" and leave it at that. If he asks for an reason dont reply.
  6. I think when players actually realise that they dont want that kind of life anymore, and want to settle down, they dont really get what they want - or what they could have gotten. Because the good people know their kind and are not interested.
  7. Good luck honey. Dont contact him. If you see him you see him, If you dont you dont. Try to forget about the what ifs.... Good luck again...x
  8. Thank you, i am considering working in the states as i have family in New York. But the way the NHS is going i dont think i will want to come back!! I would like to work around the world though, i have no children as yet so why not right. I have 9 months left and dont even think i will be able to get a job, because of all the job cuts here, but we will see. Its interesting though, I know i made the right choice - career wise, but im just thinking of the next step.
  9. I think you should tell her you dont think you should have sex at that time, if you dont want to. Its only a few days, and at least you have spoken to her about it so she doesnt feel that your not interested in HER any more.
  10. Hi, guys, im soon to be graduating as a nurse and was wondering if you could tell me the average salaries, paid to nurses and midwives where you live. Im just curious really, as i am thinking of getting a degree in midwifery and would also like to work around the world. Here in England starting salary is about £17,500 - £18,000!!! (NHS falling apart an all that) Not good.
  11. Just ignore her, i think she feels that she sorta owes it to you (or herself) to look out for you.. My cousin does it although she lives in the states, i dont get it as much, but when i see her shes always counting how much i drink etc... i just ignore her, although i am older than you are.
  12. try not to acknowledge him putting you down. watever he thinks doesnt matter anymore. he has no control over anyone else so he cant say no one would be interested in you. just keep telling yourself this and try to be happy with you.
  13. She can get a copper IUD, which can be given upto 5 days after unprotected sex. Speak to your doctor, as soon as.
  14. Dont send it. focus on yourself and you will get closure from within
  15. Well done shamus! Stick to it yeah? No looking back, im proud of you
  16. Im the same as you - i hate when people say yuove lost weight. It really affects my self esteem. I have now made it my priority to always make time to eat, because when i am busy i dont bother. I dont rarely feel hungry and just eat when i know i should. Try having an ensure or something like that with every meal. Also try to bear in mind that a lot of people would love to have your figure and dont stress too much XXX
  17. yes i enjoy it, although i do think i would enjoy it alot more, if i experimented. you know. And i do feel like its out of charcter for me when i consider it, but then i just say no. Its really bugging me. My mother didn't bring me up to believe that sex was horrible or anything like that but we are not really affectionate. I dont know - may have to get the alcohol out and see wat happens.
  18. Good point - It had crossed my mind
  19. Just need some input from whoever can give me please. I would say i have average confidence levels, but when i comes to sex i am so shy its unbeleivable. Personally i think i am boring..... yes when i really think about it i dont do a whole lot. I want to know what can i do to change this. I havent done anything but missionary in 4 years i have been sexually active. I dont initiate sex - nothing. Although i want to take control and straddle my man so badly, but there is something stopping me. Maybe i wont do it right, i dont know, but i need some help as i feel now i have acknowledged this it is affecting my self esteem even more. can anyone suggest anything?
  20. Hey, i am glad that he told you the truth. now you can move on right?? I know its never that easy but try, you have to leave him behind, because you didn't deserve this. Im am going through sum things right and i feel, stupid, naive evrything under the book, all because of lies and because everything ive ever known has ended. just like that You cant think about how mad you are at yourself and why, you just have to keep putting my foot infront of the other. I think somewhere down the line you will get angry at him. But when those feelings come - try to put them to the back of your mind and focus on what you are doing at that time. try to keep smiling x x
  21. I have never been in pain or been sick when i have taken it, but i think they are side effects - nausea and stomach cramps.
  22. I was told that when you take the Emergency contraceptive pill, you get what seems to be a period, but is not. It is a bleed. So she will get her normal period again at the normal time. The 'bleed' is what happens from taking the ECP and is perfectly normal
  23. I think i have broken up with him and gone back so many times because (this is hard to say) but maybe i am thriving of the drama of it all. Thats possibly self esteem issues right? When he calls i feel maybe he has somethng to say that is worth listening to, but it never is. Thanks for all your advice anyways, it has made me realise one or two things!! I think i am breaking up with him to get a reaction, but because now i am not getting anything, i feel lost and a little fool. I have realised that idont need to speak to him at all and i really need to fight the urges of wanting to speak to him. Last night i purposely took my old phone out with me so if he called i would answer and he did and i did. I have to stop this and i have to do it now Thanks
  24. Just a quick question. I have broken up with my ex (for good) for about 4weeks now. i have spoken to him twice, the last time being yesterday. Im just looking for some advice - I think/know he thinks i am not serious about this, because i have always gone back to him, and believe me i have broken up with him so many times , i have lost count - seriously. If there is one thing i have learnt its dont say things you dont mean, cuz when you mean it...... Now, i want some sort of acknowledgement from him, but i am not getting any, he hasnt said o.k i understand, or why, or nothing. He still calls me and when i do pick up he is acting as if nothing!!! which really gets me mad with him. I have a new phone and my old contract ends this month so i wont be hearing from him anymore, and i dont want to leave it like this. Whenever i see him, he is going to be asking the whys? and i dont want to be really getting into it on the street or in a club, which is why i want to sort it now. I dont know what to do, when he calls i think, maybe he can see im serious and want to talk, but he doesnt. What do i do when i see him out or he turns up at my house? Do i really have to be nasty to him. Im trying to let everything go and just act happy and fun, but when i do this, he takes it as im cool, and thinks we are back to normal. It seems to be a cycle right now and im sick of it. what to do, what to do??
  25. I know and i am feeling kinda the same, my ex had another 'name' and i really do think that our relationship was i big lie from the beginin, but i suppose you have to just put that to the back of your mind for now, cuz if you keep thinking about it you keep hurtin. Keep us informed xxx
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