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Everything posted by Jecto

  1. I think DN's right about the body language, but if it seems she returns the feelings, before you go any further than that, you should sit down and talk with her, get everything out in the open. Because the fact is, she still has a boyfriend, and that could complicate things, but my best advice might seem the most cliché, "Just follow your heart, first and foremost."
  2. First off, stop the drinking and smoking, it'll clear your mind, so you can think clearly. Secondly, what was it she demanded? I'd think from your reaction it must have been something bad, but I can't help you much without knowing that, you know?
  3. I understand your feelings, but they are unfounded, because it is impossible for this to be an overreaction. I mean, I can't really see a great friend who is just that and content with that wanting to do something that can ruin a friendship so easily, so, I think your reaction was totally understandable.
  4. I agree with most of the other people who posted here, if you have any hint of jealousy in your relationship, swinging isn't a good idea.
  5. I think I understand what you're saying, and don't let her get to you, if you do then she wins. If she feels that way, tell her how you feel, or else it will just go on indefinitely However, as ShySoul has said, "we can't force |our parents| to change," however much we want to, but there isn't anything else to do with problems in general than confront them.
  6. I would have to say the same. Navy boot camp march 2004.
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't think the indirect approach is the way to handle this one, because if he tells you he's satisfied whenever you are intimate, he will tell you the same thing if asked directly. Also, you shouldn't feel bad if he looks at porn, that's perfectly normal, even in a very healthy relationship, it's the communication he's having with the other women that is what you need to try to get him to stop, it's not the porn that's the problem. Sorry if it seems harsh, but you really do need to confront him, or else you aren't ever going to get a straight answer. If you tiptoe around it, he'll probably just think you are curious, and continue on if nothing happens, and the longer you let this go on, the harder it will be for the relationship to survive it due to your pent up emotions. Also it will most likely come out at an inopprotune time if you hide it, such as when you have a fight or something, and that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen, you know? I hope I was some help, and thanks for taking the time to at least read my opinion on the matter.
  8. I don't mind, in fact, my girlfriend is often a bit self-conscious about the fact that she has a little flub, it's not even anything, but she get's overly conscious of it. But to answer your question, if they like YOU, a little flub would never turn a guy away.
  9. i agree with in_the_mirror on this one, you just have to ask her out, alone.
  10. I met my gf in boot camp. She was my best friend while I was there. She was my support, helped me out in so many ways. I didn't know it at first, but I had fallen in love with her. One year later, still going strong. She is the One.
  11. Just talk to her, she's showing signs of interest in you with her body language, and if you don't take initiative, someone else will. And to answer your main question, she just may like you...
  12. To give you some help from a guy's point of view, it's true that a lot of us are a lot shyer than one may think, and I say this from the view of a guy who never dated, or even kissed in high school. Also, tell your friend not to fret, because high school guys aren't the greatest, believe me, but even so, she'll find the right guy for her, even if it takes some time...
  13. I have to agree with Rosex on this one, the one surefire way to drive a woman up the wall with pleasure, or at least with my girlfriend, is G-spot stimulation and combined with teasing her clit, it is a definite way to give her an earth shattering orgasm. Just make sure your fingers are nice and wet before touching her clit, the skin is very sensitive, and it doesn't provide it's own lubrication, so wet your finger with saliva... or something before touching it, and same goes for insertion, no girl likes anything rubbing her dry inside of there.
  14. I can truthfully say I have never been flashed in school, so I wouldn't know what she was thinking, sorry.
  15. I have to agree with cecelius, because she want's to dance with other guys, but I doubt she'd want you dancing with other girls, and she can't keep a double standard in a relationship, or it can't keep on.
  16. I think you should confront him and ask him about it. I know it may sound extreme and he might ask why you were reading his e-mail, but he shouldn't have been hiding something like this from you, you know? If you don't confront him, though, your relationship won't last, or at least not well, but it's your call.
  17. I had to make my opinion known, and I think she should really hold off on it if she isn't sure, because this isn't a decision to be made lightly. I mean she shouldn't just do it because she has nothing else to, if that's what you're asking.
  18. I love being kissed on the neck, you have no idea how big a turn on it is. The skin on the neck is very sensitive in both men and women, and it is a very sensually intimate place besides.
  19. what kind of advice are you looking for? All I can say is be a good guy to her, talk about her interests, try to get her talking, and if she can tell you're actually interested in what she has to say, then you both should have a good time.
  20. I for one would like to defend the stance originally stated b y ShySoul, that I am a nice guy, went through high school without a date, gf, kiss, anything, and now I have finally found the one girl for me. I believe that being a nice guy pays off, especially if you know how to
  21. I say it millions of times a day, during any lapse in conversation, and whenever she needs to hear it. I never have any trouble saying it or hearing her say it, because when you feel a love for another person that is this strong, you just can't help but to say it.
  22. I don't want to sound like a recruiter, but have you considered the military? I don't know about the other services, but the Navy is a great way to get the education you want, but may not be able to afford, or see right now. I joined December of 2004, and I have never regretted it for a second. First off, medical, dental, housing, and food, and life insurance are covered for you and dependents. Second, the pay is good considering all of those benefits. Third, and, I think, most importantly is the education issue. You pay $100 from each paycheck for your first year and get $35,000 worth of navy money to put towards any college education you may want to pursue, and I personally think that is a good deal, and the Navy has some of the most advanced mechanical schools you'd go to for free to learn your job. I'm done with my navy schpiel, but I just wanted to let you know you have options outside the ones everyone seems to think about, and besides, if worst came to worst, what's worse? all those benefits, or the benefits one may find working at fast food?
  23. I guess when it really comes down to it, I really am just a hopeless romantic, and what JanieMarie23 says really strikes home, so I guess I don't really know when, it really depends on both the people, and the mood they're in.
  24. I just think that sometimes after something like that, one just gets lost in the mood, and one doesn't think about things like that, you know?
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