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Everything posted by FuriousSam

  1. What is your definition of nice? Everyone can be nice. Sure, there are people who are unthreatening and won't take advantage of you, but you have to be careful who you trust. If your friends treated you that badly, why would you want them back? Getting revenge is not as sweet in the end as you would think. Once you get it, you would feel you are on top of the world for a brief moment, but then you feel empty because you have no clue what to do anymore. Improving yourself will help you better in the long run, that's why everyone suggests that. You are the master of your own life, not your family or your friends. You can't control what they say because it's their mouths, but what you can do is to use this as fuel to improve some part(s) of your life. I understand that we are all a bunch of words put together on a screen for you to read. And whatever we say just doesn't seem to have any solid ground behind it. However, depending on how badly you want this part of your life handled, you can make it into a reality if you believe in it. Tell yourself that you want this changed whenever you can and put emotions in it (Lots of emotions). And what this does is that it will force your subconscious mind to believe in it. Once that is done, it's just a matter of time before it becomes a reality.
  2. How is that possible somewhat I am hurt by that but I know you are speaking of truth not personally to hurt me intentionally. It means I did not mean to bring this on myself. I am not happy at all at this time. Have you ever talk with someone that's so down that no matter what you say, that person will still be down and changes everything you tell them into something negative? Consider this story: One morning, a man awoke convinced he had died during the night. Since he was awake, it was clear he had become a zombie. He told his wife about this state of affairs. "You're not a zombie," she said. "I am a zombie," he answered. "What makes you think so?" she asked. "Don't you think zombies know when they are zombies?" he answered. Realizing she wasn't persuading him, she called his mother and told her what was going on. "Let me speak to him," she said. When the man took the phone, she said, "I'm your mother. Wouldn't I know if I gave birth to a zombie?" "You didn't. I just became a zombie last night." "I didn't raise my son to be a zombie, or to think he's a zombie," his mother said. "Doesn't matter. I'm still a zombie." Later, his wife tried getting help from their minister. "You're not a zombie," the minister said. "Probably just going through a mid-life crisis." "Zombies don't have mid-life crises," the man said. The minister recommended a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said, "So you think you're a zombie?" "Think? You're kidding," the man said. "Know. I know I am a zombie." "Tell me," the psychiatrist asked, "do zombies bleed?" "Of course not. We're the living dead. We don't bleed!" "Watch this," the psychiatrist said. He took a pin and pricked the man's finger. A small drop of blood welled up. "There," the psychiatrist said, "what do you think of that?" The man stared at his finger and said nothing for a few minutes. "Well, what do you know," the man said after a while. "I'll be damned. Zombies do bleed!" Get my point? What I think that means is that you have to draw your line somewhere as to what you will tolerate and what you will not. "The best move to make is not to move at all. If you hide inside a shell, no one will be able to hurt you." I understand that you have been hurt before and that it is harder for you to open up to anybody in fears that you will get hurt again. But you have to understand that nobody can survive alone and you have said that yourself that you are sad because you are lonely. I am not telling you to just go out there and open up to people, but you do have to give others a chance to get to know you. Have you heard of the saying, you act the way you want to be treated? If you are cold to others, they will be cold to you. If you think that everyone is your enemy, they will be your enemy. Start thinking positive and your views will become positive as well. Maybe the next time you meet someone that's interested in you, tell him/her that you have been hurt before and it'll take time for you to trust. If they stick around, maybe give it a try? One more thing, if any of the stuff that I posted offends you, let me know. I won't post on this topic anymore if you don't want to hear it.
  3. Now I think I see the problem. You simply aren't satisify (Needed/Wanted more) and believe that "the one" is still out there... Always. Even if you have dated all these womenand maybe some of them are great for you (As you have mentioned), you still think that the perfect one is out there and then you lose all these other ones you are dating. Is the other side of the mountain greener than what we have here? I don't know. Is it worth it to check out the other side? I don't know. What I do know is that you have to figure out what you want (In your perfect woman), then you'll find the one.
  4. If she is single, then I don't see anything wrong with her dating more one guy. If she is exclusive with one guy, then I see this as cheating.
  5. And I will only ask you this: How bad do you want this to come true? Are you just sitting in front of your computer screen and typing out what you think you want? Or is this what you desire?
  6. There's your problem right there. Find yourself and everything else will find you.
  7. Imagine the type of person that you want to be. Imagine what kind of clothes you would be wearing, the expression on your face, the type of persona you have. Now imagine the way that you want to talk to other people and how you present yourself in front of them. Imagine the way that you want people respond to you. Are you happy with the way it's going so far? If not, then start over again until you find something that you absolutely love. Now how badly do you want to be this person? Do you want to be like that no matter what? Turn it into a desire and you will "Think And Grow Rich".
  8. You know, you made me miss my date just so that I can come here to give you your birthday gift. So it's only fair that we go grab something to eat after your shift, you trouble maker (Smile).
  9. Leave her alone, move on. You tried contacting her a zillion times and she hasn't show you any good responses. You said that the friendship was good for two years, but people change. At this point, if there's any contact at all, it should be initiated by her, not you. Go out and find a new friend, this one is gone.
  10. Yes, that also depends on his approach to the girls. But I really believe that if a guy is total confident about himself, something like would not happen.
  11. Pretend that it doesn't bother you. The bf is the wussboy, not you. If you are afraid that you might get hit or don't want to get into a fight (Some of these guys aren't that bright and don't understand why the girl is dating him and not you), then find another girl to talk to. But be cool about the whole thing and you will come out on top. Also, something that I like to do is to make them compete for my attention which is a lot of fun.
  12. You date someone until someone "better" comes along. Am I saying that you should cheat when you see someone better? No, but always keep your options open. What I mean by that is you don't think anyone you are dating as the one. You do care for that person and share special bonds with him, but then if something doesn't work out, you have to let go.
  13. Those guys are insecure that's why they became protective. They might act tough and mean, but if they see someone like you start talking to their gfs, then they are afraid that she will be taken away? If the girls are like that, why would you want them anyway?
  14. If you know to know if it's the truth or not, then follow DN's advice about the concert. Then listen to Iceman about how to handle it from now on.
  15. Some people are natural flirts no matter where they look.
  16. How long are you in your current relationship? It could be that you are used to the one you have now and something exciting just came along.
  17. It doesn't take long and they give you cookie and juice afterwards. I always go for the cookies!!!
  18. You can try and win your love back, but normally it would take too much effort. And if something was wrong in the relationship in the first place, it's bound to happen again. Plus once you started to get her back, you are developing attachment to her and that can be deadly.
  19. You can call her and then reverse the intention, it's just word play. But either way, if a girl is interested in you, it doesn't matter who is asking who.
  20. Three weeks is way too long without a legit reason (Family problem, health problem, etc...). But in any case, even if things like that happens, if the person is interested, you will be inform about it. And to answer the original poster, next.
  21. I'd say either a pink one or a peach one.
  22. What's done is done, don't sweat it too much. You could be thinking too much. Go do something else that will keep you busy and stop thinking about her. The next time she talks to you, pretend that you are angry because she ignored you and call her on it.
  23. Walk around town and look at people that walks by you. If they look at you, smile. If they smile, say hi. If they say hi, ask him/her, how do you do? Do it until you are comfortable striking up a conversation with anyone.
  24. First of all, stop any forms of contact right now. It will make you seem really desperate if you send anything else without her replying first. Maybe she's busy or forgot to check her phone because it is charging, the phone battery died, etc... Just relax, do something else, and stop thinking about her. You said you asked a friend to give her the card, did you talk to the friend afterwards? Ask about her response like facial expression, body language, etc...
  25. If it's someone that you just seen around work, then I suggest going on a lunch date or something less "formal". Getting coffee over break is a good way to talk and get to know each other. I suggest lunch or coffee because if you don't like the person, it is not going to last too long (And if you do like him, then set up another one). I don't call get together "dates" because it takes the pressure off me asking and her responding. I normally just call it a "thing" like a lunch thing or something. You can use whatever term you want, the events/results are the same anyway. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." A bar is a meat market. If you want to meet someone that doesn't want to sleep with you the first time they see you (And let's be real here, that's pretty hard to find), you have to go somewhere else.
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