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Everything posted by SherrySher

  1. Having a tough day today. I miss you so much. I wished you were here to talk to so so badly. :*(
  2. My toes are cold, my nose is cold..I'm tired of being cold. :( Can't wait for Summer.
  3. It sounds like you've both lost track completely of the romantic side of your relationship, as well as the easy going, friendship side. You both sound on edge and are trying to force things. It won't work like that. I think sometimes you have to get further apart in order to come back together. At this point a separation might be the best idea. Give each other space, allow each of you to miss one another. When you finally do decide to see each other again, focus on dating, romance, becoming good friends again, having fun and truly enjoying each other. I'm not sure that anything else would work at this point. It sounds as though the situation you're in is stressful and uncomfortable for you both.
  4. "Searching" I found it decent to watch. I liked the format and how it was made mostly on a computer. Unique and made the movie interesting.
  5. Omg, I haven't heard that in years..lol, that brought me a smile. I remember the days of hormones gone wild during pregnancy. It won't be like this forever. You also will have bad days, but good days too. Hang in there. Virtual hugs sent.
  6. Like he cares...he'd sell his own mothers soul if he could get a good price.
  7. I know, right?! I never understood that. If OP doesn't show up in the first 3 pages, maybe just let it go..haha. Seems useless to keep on and on like that.
  8. So sorry to hear :( I hope the flare up goes away soon.
  9. Yes, you can. The heart expands....you'll see ;) Congratulations. x
  10. I don't think I miss you, exactly, I miss who I thought you were or would be in my life. I miss the idea of who I thought you were before the bad came in. You seemed perfect, the one person I had waited for all my life. You ended up being a wolf in sheeps clothing and you fooled me as good as one can be fooled. I was angry at you, I couldn't stand how you pretended with me. Made me believe things that weren't true. Hid who you really were. But mostly, I was angry that you had me believing in you when it wasn't real, when the person I had fallen in love with didn't even exist. You had pretended to be someone you were not. I wanted you to be that person. I cried over it. I blamed your parents, your friends, life being harsh on you, etc,etc ,etc. But truth be told, it was no one's fault but your own. You could have been a good man, you could have made better choices, you could have been careful in what you did and how you lived your life. You chose not to. The onus is on you and only you. You met me and wanted to be what I had hoped for and then the lies and pretending came in. On the one hand I guess I should feel somewhat appreciative that you felt I was worth it enough to want to be a better man, but on the other, you told me so many lies. I feel cheated in every way possible. I still think of you now and then but again, it's not the genuine YOU that I miss. I miss the pretend version of what I wanted you to be and what you pretended to be. There were times that were happy and I could see clearly how you truly could have been all that I needed and wanted had you not made such bad choices. Maybe even if you had not had such bad issues. I feel sorry for you but then I remember that we all have choices set in front of us, you just chose to go down the wrong path every time. You didn't even try to get help for the problems you knew were serious and damaging. I could go on, but it's useless. I wished you really had been the fantasy version, I miss him. I wished he was real and I mourn him. I never really said goodbye or thought about it much at all. It's been a long time but I still have thoughts that come up over it all. I am closing the chapter now. I wish you well, where ever you are and whatever happens in your life.
  11. I always love reading your posts, even if I don't comment. You write so well and your stories are always very interesting and entertaining. Thank you so much for sharing them with us.
  12. Awwwww...what a beautiful picture! You can feel the love and you look so proud of your boys! Really lovely.
  13. I lost you both this year. You didn't even barely know each other. I wonder if there was ever a chance that you got to meet in the afterlife? Got to tell each other how much of a pain in the butt I am, lol. Either way, I am missing you both so much tonight. I sometimes wonder how my sanity hasn't strayed from watching you both suffer and pass on. I do think that there are parts of our brain that automatically shut down in order to survive such emotional pain, and we don't even notice. I don't seem much different but I do think the room in my mind that has all the love left for you both, has been closed for now in order for me to accept and deal. Though once in a while, like tonight, I feel the loss and the loneliness and the pain. And I still can hardly comprehend that you're both gone. It doesn't even seem possible. I want to cry that you left me alone, but I know you didn't, you made sure I wouldn't be alone. Still...I miss you both so much. Where ever you both are, heaven, or another plane, or whatever form you now exist, I hope you can feel my love being sent to you tonight. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  14. lolololol Yaaay! That's progress for anyone trying to deal with a knuckle head. Well done!!
  15. No one recalled as far as I know. Kids have like a two second memory for most things that young, (thank goodness).
  16. Aw man, what a day! I hope things got resolved and you had a relaxing drink when you got home.
  17. We had rest time in kindergarten, and it was somewhere around just before lunch. But seeing as we only had half days we went home at lunch time. I always had the same routine, go home, pull off my dress and put on my play clothes, everyday. I got so used to it that I didn't even think about it. Well during our rest time, I actually fell asleep and the teacher turned back on the lights and told us all to get back up. I was still more than half asleep and did my usual routine, take my dress off to put on my play clothes. only to realize when my dress was half way off that I was still at school and half asleep. Some kids looked at me and laughed while others looked at me in shock. I woke up pretty quick and was mortified "Um, hi , yeah, I'm the weirdo kid getting naked in class." lol, Ah well.
  18. Sending more hugs from me as well. (((ItsAllGrand))) You're not alone. xx
  19. Hahahaha,,,god that made me laugh right out loud. Thanks for that, much needed! :)
  20. Grrrr, hope you hear soon. I am still crossing my fingers for you. It's hard to do stuff with crossed fingers all day long. ;)
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