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Everything posted by SherrySher

  1. Honestly, I do think some of the governments in some countries need to be more heavy handed. I think fines and taking people into custody for not remaining home or just arsing around, should have one or the other. 20 days is all it takes for the majority of Covid illnesses to clear up. Do you realize that if people listened and all stayed home besides only getting groceries and only one family member, that in 20 days time we could nearly have this thing cleared up? But people have to be spoilt, hard headed, and just plain selfish and stupid not realizing that they are the ones making this go on and on and on and on. All we need is 20 days for everyone to behave and the worst could be behind us. Philippines is taking it to the next level, they are shooting people if they are out and aren't meant to be. The government said they're not having it...they want the numbers down and that's the end of it, even if it means threatening their own citizens.
  2. Someone posted on FB about how we don't need celebrities singing to us right now. We need them to donate at least a million dollars of their money and buy ventilators, desperately needed medical supplies etc to actually help. Distributing the wealth in order to save people. What good are they doing hoarding all their money and not helping out the rest of us with thousands everyday, dying? I couldn't agree more.
  3. They are coming out of winter.
  4. His statement did nothing. I literally see people from Canada posting on FB, pics where they and their friends are visiting one another in their houses, or people still picking up their grandkids to visit, having family dinners, etc. There is still a huge majority who don't take things seriously and are spreading this illness more and more. I feel like Martial law should have happened already. If it had been, the numbers might have been way further down and stopped already. Another thing I've noticed, the countries where it's the hottest, have the lowest numbers. This is encouraging as it could mean the virus slows down in the hotter weather.
  5. What does everyone think of Martial law? Should it be implemented due to the people not listening and the number of cases still going up?
  6. I'm so sorry. Yes, I have heard that it's getting quite rough in your area. :( Praying for you.
  7. Where are you Fudgie? A big city? Because none of the smaller city's have anything like that going on, or at least not in any of the news. I know NewYork is not doing so well, but that's the most I have heard.
  8. Same, Blue. I am trying to keep my distance because it's not doing any good to allow it to upset me. But disappointment, most definitely. These kinds of situations truly can show an ugly side to someone that you never knew was there.
  9. You're not alone. I am seeing another side of my brother and it's not nice. Really getting annoyed with how he's behaving. But what can you do? Sometimes you have to just let it go to keep your own peace. I heard the same. If it's true, they seriously need to start having far far stricter laws on what they eat. It's unhygienic, disgusting and look at what's it's caused. My family is doing okay. Hanging in there. I think that's all we can do. It's a weird time, but if there is any good news...the ozone layer is healing.
  10. Okay...I have to limit my time on FB, I am starting to get really steamed! There is one guy in particular who is a total moron. He is inviting friends over, he is going to their houses to drink (of all things) and he is saying this virus is all nonsense. There are others too, on the buy and sell pages who are still posting things to sell and are saying free delivery or come over anytime to pick up. (hello? self isolation??!!?? social distancing??!!?) None of them are taking anything seriously..in fact, some were full on laughing saying "don't worry about the news, just come on over". For the most part, people are being decent, but there are still morons out there, and while they are out there..this situation is going to continue to grow. I hope they start having fines or charges or something to stop these people. It is making me so angry. They can't claim ignorance either, everywhere you look there is loads of information on what is happening. There are even pictures of all the caskets from those lost recently in Italy..hundreds of caskets lined up. What it comes down to is, there truly are some people who are too selfish, too much of A-holes, and too reckless to give a crap! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I need a breather.
  11. I went on Amazon and I couldn't believe my eyes...a toilet paper listing!!! I hit buy as quickly as I could as we are running out or will run out not long. I was actually able to purchase it. But then I sat back, took a second look at the screen and had a moment of somewhat shock and amazement...has it really come to this? Has it really gotten to the point where acquiring toilet paper is comparable to winning the lottery? It's surreal. A month ago, life was still "normal", things still seemed under control. I wake up and am hit with reality once again and honest to god it feels like a really weird Sci Fi movie. I pray for those who are sick. I pray for those whose loved ones are sick. I pray for those who are scared. I pray someway, somehow, this all can be fixed. Support one another, love one another in these difficult times. It's what matters the most right now. Sending love out to you all.
  12. Crossing fingers for you, Snny. The thought to keep in mind is, if anyone tests positive, the percentage rate of people recovering from CV is very high. Lots have gotten sick, but lots have recovered and are just fine.
  13. Brag away...I think that's awesome. We need all the good news we can get right now and it's really good to hear people supporting people. Well done, Batya.
  14. I found the Charmin, but my delivery time says 1-2 months..hahaha. I guess that's no good. I can't hold it for that long.
  15. What brand is it, Bolt? I went on there and can't see it. I can see paper towel, but not toilet paper.
  16. These will be the same people either begging for medical help when they do get sick, or will cause massive panic when they spread this virus and people won't be able to get medical help due to the hospitals being overwhelmed. The panic people feel over toilet paper and food will be nothing in comparison to the panic they will feel if thousands get this virus and the hospitals can't help everyone, not even those with other medical emergencies. I wished people would stop now and realize this is the time to fix it now and to get the numbers down, otherwise things will get really hairy.
  17. I won't repost the article I read that was written from someone writing from Italy as it was far too anxiety provoking. But it was sending out a warning to countries who are not as bad off as them but will be if they don't listen. The bottom line was...now is the time to stop the spread. Now is the only time. If you're scared of deaths, if you're scared of getting sick, if you're scared of losing loved ones....then STAY HOME. If everyone were to stay home, and they remained there for at least 30 days, this virus would slowly die off and no new cases. It's a simple as that. Don't invite people over, don't have friends or family over for dinner, don't send your kids on play dates or have their friends come over. Don't allow your teenagers to sneak out of the house. Just don't. Keep your family home....30 days. No outings, no car drives, no gym, no restaurants, no going for walks, just stay home. If we all make this choice, the immense threat of the virus will be gone. If we don't listen, chaos will ensue.
  18. Makes sense, Fudgie...which is exactly why we all need to self isolate and get the numbers down so there are no more new cases and the cases that are already in progress, can recover and be done with. If we all make a vow to self isolate or do as much social distancing as possible, the numbers will come down. It's inevitable.
  19. Please try to take time off if you can. Look at it this way, if you go home and heal properly, you will be able to go back to work and work better and longer, and in a more healthier condition than now.
  20. Look at the numbers of the people who have recovered though, Seraphim...it's a huge number. Yes, they are estimating that this virus could potentially change BUT, at least in an Australian newspaper that I read, it is becoming a lesser and more milder strain than what it was in China.
  21. Is there anyway you can call in sick?
  22. Try to keep in mind that people don't need to be responding like this. There was a similar pandemic back in 2010 with H1N1 and people were far more calmer, even though there were far more deaths with that pandemic. The difference is, the media wasn't screaming at our faces every 5 minutes and social media barely existed so no one on FB freaking each other out. The best thing people can do right now, is to destress. TURN IT OFF. No need to be going on FB and upsetting yourself. No need to be checking the news every hour. If we all stay at home or keep social distancing, while washing our hands and being careful, we can keep things in control. Try to view this time as an opportunity to reconnect with your family and friends and to have time to yourself. The numbers of cases will eventually start to decline if we all make a vow to self isolate as much as possible. It's only a matter of time. Please keep in mind too, that there is a huge number of people who have recovered from this illness. In fact most have or will recover. Tom Hanks and his wife were diagnosed with Coronavirus a week ago and have since been released from the hospital as their symptoms have gone to mild and they are just fine. They are expected to make a full recovery. China is now starting to open it's doors again and people are tentatively coming back out as the coronavirus cases have declined to the point that the hospitals set up specifically for the coronavirus cases have all shut down due to no more patients. They feel the have things now under control. It took them less than 2 months. Canada and the US, Australia and UK have got the jump on that and it will take us even less time as long as we all self isolate, social distance, wash hands and make sure to follow the rules so there is no more spread. We can do this, people. We can get it all cleared up. Hang in there, give it time. This too shall pass.
  23. I was standing there dumbfounded. I mean, I know it's good to be careful right now...in fact it's imperative. But I do feel she went OTT. I was thinking to myself.."Is this real life?" It's like a bad movie.
  24. So, there are no cases in my city at the moment. And the mail person had a parcel for me. She placed the pick up notice in the mailbox but I had seen her and went to let her know that I was home if she wanted to drop it off. Honestly, you'd think I was poisonous. She literally ran away, yelling "that they were told not to get close to people" and "she's sorry but she can't give me my parcel". Grrrr, now I have to go down to the depot and try to get it.
  25. I know it's tough Seraphim (((hugs))). I think all of us are considering all the possible scenarios but none of us know how it's going to go and it might not be even half as bad as our minds make it out to be. Try and keep the faith. I hope you get a good sleep tonight.
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