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Everything posted by shylah

  1. I would get a sippy cup like others suggested. At this age, still being on the bottle may begin to damage their teeth. I don't know if you've ever seen someone with a "rainbow" like curved shape to their teeth, but that is what it is from. Try telling her at the beginning of the day that there will be no more bottles. Don't wait until bedtime because this is their security, just let it ease into bedtime. When you get the cup, get her a big girl toy to sleep with. This could help take the place of that bottle. Potty training is definitely a good idea to begin. Be PATIENT she may make you think she is trained and then go back to diapers. That is what my son did, but it all worked out!!!
  2. I could explain it myself, but I'll let you read this info on it: Background: Testicular torsion is a urologic emergency and must be differentiated from other complaints of testicular pain because a delay in diagnosis can lead to loss of the testicle. Pathophysiology: The typical testicle is covered by the tunica vaginalis, which attaches to the posterolateral surface of the testicle and allows for little mobility. In patients who have an inappropriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis (ie, bell clapper deformity), the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis. This congenital anomaly, which can be found in as many as 12% of males, allows the testicle to twist spontaneously on the spermatic cord 1 or more times, causing testicular torsion. This twisting leads to venous occlusion and engorgement, with subsequent arterial ischemia causing infarction of the testicle. In the neonatal age group, the testicle frequently has not yet descended into the scrotum and becomes attached within the tunica vaginalis. Additionally, this mobility of the testicle predisposes it to torsion. Mortality/Morbidity: This urologic emergency requires prompt diagnosis, immediate urologic referral, and rapid definitive treatment for salvage of the testicle. A salvage rate of 80-100% is found in patients who present within 6 hours of pain. After 6-8 hours, the salvage rate markedly decreases, and it is near 0% at 12 hours. Sex: Testicular torsion affects males only. Age: Testicular torsion most often is observed in males younger than 30 years, with most aged 12-18 years. The peak age is 14 years, although a smaller peak also occurs during the first year of life. History: History includes a sudden onset of severe unilateral scrotal pain. As many as 50% of patients have a history of prior episodes of intermittent testicular pain that has resolved spontaneously (intermittent torsion and detorsion). Onset of pain can occur more slowly, but this is an uncommon presentation of torsion. Torsion can occur with activity, be related to trauma, or develop during sleep and includes the following: Scrotal swelling Nausea and vomiting (20-30%) Abdominal pain (20-30%) Fever (16%) Urinary frequency (4%) Physical: Involved testicle painful to palpation; frequently elevated in position when compared to the other side Horizontal lie of the testicle Enlargement and edema of the testicle; edema involving the entire scrotum Scrotal erythema Ipsilateral loss of the cremasteric reflex Usually, no relief of pain upon elevation of scrotum (elevation may improve the pain in epididymitis [Prehn sign]) Fever (uncommon) Causes: Congenital anomaly; bell clapper deformity Undescended testicle Sexual arousal and/or activity Trauma Exercise Active cremasteric reflex Cold weather
  3. It could be torsion. If it is - VERY SERIOUS! Avman is right, see a docotr immediately. If you have torsion, they have limited time to correct the problem. Torsion is basically a twisted testicle. Occurs mostly with running, exercise, etc. with no "support". However, have seen it with car accidents!
  4. Well if it wasn't sarcastic, I'm gonna have to go with the gay theory also! Why be worried when he says corny stuff like that? Actually, you could get a definite answer if you waited a few days and called and left something along those lines. Don't let her know you heard it and leave a message like that and see if it flatters her!
  5. The things you had planned were very sweet! I can't believe she didn't fall head over heels all over again! You guys have been together for a long time, so I am sure you feel comfortable talking with her. Sit her down and tell her exactly how you feel. Don't hold anything back or be fearful of asking her. Keep your relationship open and comfortable. Don't ever start holding back feelings or it will start to crumble.
  6. That sounds sarcastic to me. Or was it not in that tone?
  7. All of the gifts you have gotten him have been of decent monetary value. Maybe you should go a different route. What about a cd with you guys favorite songs? Or songs that express how you feel about him? That way he can listen to it in his car or at home and think about you!
  8. A second is all it takes for her to look into your eyes, and see you are interested! Who knows- Maybe she is doing the same thing.
  9. I would walk away. If he has a girlfriend and he is hitting on you than if you were his girlfriend he'd be doing the same. Think about how you would feel if you were his girlfriend. She probably thinks their relationship is perfect. She most likely has no idea he is "re-evaluating" Someone has to have the restraint and it is obviously going to have to be you.
  10. This is my first post, so please bear with me. This is probably also going to be a long post, so bear with me there too. I guess I should start out by saying that I am going to be celebrating nine years with my husband tomorrow, five of which we have been married. I guess maybe that is the reason why I have finally got to talk to someone for an unbiased point of view. Our son just turned six. The first time my husband betrayed me was when I pregnant with our son. I was sixteen and he twenty and we weren't married yet. I had suspected and was told by many people of his cheating, but I did not want to believe it. I found a letter from this girl, we will call her l. The letter spoke about how she was so glad they were finally together and how much she loved him. This girl is two years younger than me, so she would have been fourteen. L constantly called my husband, then boyfriend's house (we'll call him z) which I found out from his mother accidently. She even showed up one night when I was over there. He explained this all away and said he didn't know why she thought and said these things.My whole pregnancy was a total disaster. I still to this day do not know what all really went on during those nine months. I loved him so much so I just swallowed the hurt and moved forward, hoping I was really just jumping to conclusions. How could I throw three years down the drain? He repeatedly assured me that he had not done anything. That I was still and always would be the only person he had had sex with. I told myself he was only stressed due to having a child and having to totally settle down. So we fast forward five years from then. I was accepted into an advanced health career course which was very straining on our marriage emotionally and financially. Z also lost his job. He thought that I was cheating on him at one time. My life was a huge mess. Z began going over to friends houses late in the evening to "make some extra money." We began receving many private calls that would hang up. My husband and I began to fight daily about money and our relationship. It got so bad that I asked him if we needed some time apart. He said he thought it would be a good idea. I went to stay with a friend of mine from work. Once I was gone, he began to get really hateful with me and acted as though he did not want to be with me. I was totally torn apart. He told me he didn't want me to come home until we got everything fixed. He said he was tired of fighting and we had alot ot fix. He said that I never paid enough attention to him, that i never listened to him, and most of all that he was EXTREMELY angry at me. He said he needed time to cool off. Two weeks went by and still he did not want me to come home. I had finally had enough and I told him that I was coming home and he could stay with his mother if he could not bear to live there with me. It was if that was what he was waiting for. He said he would not be staying with his mother, that he would stay with his "friend" who just so happened to be calling our house when we were fighting. So he left. I have never felt so horrible in all my life. This went on for another two weeks. Everytime he came home I was a hysterical mess. I begged and pleaded for him to come home. I told him I would do whatever he wanted. He looked at me as if I was a piece of dirt on his shoe and told me he could not stand to be around me. He said if I wanted to stay together, I better leave him alone. That he was too mad at me and he just couldn't do it. Almost six weeks since the start of our seperation, I found out he was staying with l. I told him I knew and I wanted a divorce. That is when my whole world fell apart. I told him it was her or me. He said they were just friends and that she was "there" for him like I wasn't. He told me he loved her as a friend. All the phone calls had been her. She would call immediately after he got home and have a guy ask for him to make sure he was coming back to her. I wanted to die. How could he do this again? I knew there was something between them. It had obvoiusly been strong enough to lead him back to her again. I told him I wanted couseling and he agreed. As much as he tore me apart, it hurt worse to be without him. He came home and told me that they had slept together-once when I was pregnant and once this time. YEAH RIGHT! The once this time just so happened to be the night before our son's first day of kindergarten. Of course she was totally po-ed. L called and told me that he wanted to be with her and he told her he loved her. She said Z had said that he wished something would happen to me so they could be together but he could not leave me because of our son. She said their relationship had not stopped from five years before. My only question was why. How could someone I loved with everything I had betray me twice? If had been two different girls it would not have even hurt as bad. What was so wrong with me that he was incapable of loving me enough to be true to me? It has been a year and as far as I know, it has stopped. But when will it start again? I believe that it will. I am still just as devastated today as I was then. I am numb. It is so hard to love and hate someone at the same time. But it has gotten to the point now that hate myself in his place. I hate myself for loving someone who treats me this way because I can't hate him. I have to forgive him if our marriage is going to last. How do you move on? How do you put something like this behind you? I have not found a way to be happy with someone and be waiting to be dealt another blow. I feel like I am lying to myself, pretending that he really loves me-this time. Pretending that everything that happened wasn't really that bad and that I am strong enough to move on and keep my family together. But what I need help on is Where does love stop and insanity begin? Thank you to everyone in advance who read to the end and is willing to help me try to make sense of the shambles my heart is in.
  11. I would tell him how you feel about him. Then I would tell him that if you are to be friends, it will be just that. Continuing to be semi-intimate with him is showing him that he can still get you but without commitment. It is also giving you what may be false hope that a relationship will resume. I would take advantage of the "exploring" time, even if you don't want to start dating so soon. It will be hard to move on since you care about him so much. But take the opportunity to hang out with your friends and the chance to get to know yourself minus him.
  12. I think that if it makes you feel better about yourself - Go ahead! If you look in the mirror and see a problem than why not? However, if you are doing it based on others opinion, I would think alot on it. I would not worry about other peoples reactions to getting it done either. It's not like you have to include the fact that you had it done when introducing yourself.
  13. I think when something like that happens, if you don't feel like the relationship meant that much to the other person it is horrible. It makes you feel like you spent x amount of time with someone that you thought you knew but you did not. It makes you feel stupid and blind. It makes you wonder what is wrong with you. How you could love someone so deeply and that person not feel the same. If you feel like the feelings were reciprocated, then it is much easier to move on.
  14. It sounds to me like he expects you to be his back up. He doesn't want to totally screw things up with you just incase he can't find someone as great as you. I would not start an intimate relationship with him because this will only further your attachment and deepen your pain if things go wrong. He is definitely having some cake! I am sorry that I am so negative, but I speak from experience.
  15. I would be VERY careful about setting your hopes very high. Alot of guys will use that as an excuse to mess around with other people. You have to ask yourself if he said these things because he means it or if he said them because you are all that is available to him right now. I know this sounds harsh but it happens, ALOT!
  16. I think that the "space" excuse is just an excuse. From personal experience, it only means "wait around for me while I mess around so that way I have something to come back to if all else fails". Why can't people just say what they really feel?
  17. I can totally relate to your situation. My husband had an affair and the other woman asked ME why I would want to be with someone who cheated on me. She knew that he was married and had a child. You are lucky yours stopped after confronting her- Mine called our house, his work, drove by our house, left messages on our machine.. We have caller id and on one day she called 37 times!
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