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Everything posted by MrMikeWikowski

  1. @ Runesoul Yah, sometimes my ears ring afterwords. Loss of blood to the brain I guess about five or six times a week. Not bad for over 30 grin
  2. I am at such a loss. I just can't keep my ex out of my head. It has been a very difficult last year and a half. She cheated on me. She got back together with me and broke up with me several times. In Feb she found someone else. And even though we had been broken up for 6 months, that is when she finally said it is over. I had been replaced. I did NC for months. I got a lot better. It was still hard, but better. However, just weeks ago I went for coffee with her. Now I am back nearly at sqare one. I miss her so much. Even though I know she has moved on and is living with her new boyfriend, I still wish she was back in my life. I miss her. She asked if we could be friends. I told her no. I just can't seem to move on. I am so confused as to why she contacted me again. It sounded like she really wanted to see me. I am wondering if it might be a good idea to see if she would want to go to counseling with me. If she really wants to be my friend.... I don't know. I just need peace. I have looked everywhere for it, and maybe I need some help to find it. I just want to be at peace with her. Not to be longing for somthing I can't have. Anyone have experience with this? Anyone think it is a good idea. Terrible idea? I don't think she will even go for it, but I was wondering if I should ask. I have been strong lately. Besides an email asking if she was thinking about me, I haven't contacted her and told her how bad I have been feeling. comments welcome Thanks
  3. Man, That is rough. I know the feeling all to well. The carpet has been yanked from out underneath you. I know that this will seem like small consolation, but at least he didn't cheat on you like my ex did. So, my so called advice: Hold on. It is going to be a hard ride. But you will be OK. Almost everyone here has felt the overwhelming feelings , pain, and "why did this happen" It is really hard. But right now you have no choice. Either you accept it. Or you don't accept it, but the reality is the same. First get out the same house like icme has said. That will help you, and make him possibly miss you. But right now, I would forget trying to win him back. You need to take care of yourself. I did a lot of stupid things in my desperation. It cost me dearly in so many ways.. Move out, and do No Contact. It is very, very hard. My ex was my best friend, lover, and confidant. It is a lot to loose. But, it is better to find yourself, and even though you feel like poo, to pretend to be strong. In doing so you will be stronger. Hang in there. You will come of this. It is hard. But you will make it. Try to take each day one at a time. Try to take each hour one at a time. When I was really hurting, I just couldn't imagine my life without her. But if I broke things into little pieces I could handle it. Use your friends and family for support. They help. Do fun things. Talk to people. These activities help push the pain away. It does come back, but each time a little less. Be strong. You will make it. PM anytime if you need Mike
  4. Well, I have given up on getting back together with my ex. She has someone new she is living with. She led me on until she found someone new, and then once she did, she let me go. She never had to feel really alone. I imagine that her current relationship will fail, but I can't even bother hurting myself thinking about if any longer Now, that I know it is hopeless, I was wondering if I should let me ex know how I am feeling sometimes. I don't mean to beg for her back, I just feel like I need to say some things. Is this a good idea? Will this be good for me, or will it make it worse? Any experience with this? Also, I am very close to her mother still. I was wondering if I should tell her mother anything about how I am feeling. Or should I just leave her out of it. Thanks for the suggestions Mike
  5. You gave me some really good support a few days ago. Now it is mine turn to offer a hand if you want it. I am reluctant to offer any advice. Especially since this is about divorce - in which I have no experience. But after my encounter with my ex, I would suggest that you not meet him in person. I was devestated after seeing my ex. It brought out way too many emotions, and although I thought I was prepared for the bad news, it was worse than I thought. You need to protect yourself. Don't let him hurt you again. I would at very least wait till later as shcked&dsimayed suggests. If you don't protect yourself, it will hurt worse than it does now. Trust me. Sometimes it is just better to move forward. Keep your focus fixed ahead Take care. Be strong. PM anytime if you need Mike
  6. That is certainly profound advice. And I think I will do a myself a huge favour and take it. I have been miserable the last few days because the shred of hope I was hanging on had been cut. But, really, what meeting my ex showed me (yet again, sigh!) was that I was not ready. Not ready to see her, not ready to be her friend, and definitely not ready to be with her. Like many people here, I have been broken. My faith in myself has been shaken. I have been horribly hurt. And the thing is that is that I let myself be hurt. My love was so strong for my ex, that forgot about myself. And so, I really, really need to let go. Yes I will still love her. Yes I will still have hope. BUT, the critical part is I need to love me again first. I need to learn that I am a great person before there is any chance of anything happening. I need to focus on myself. Do what I want and meet lots of new women The funny thing is that as much as I want me ex back, I have always known I was not ready. The choice of being truly alone was just to painful. It still is, but I am going to do this. It is hard when sometimes you feel like you wish you were dead, but I do believe that best things really happen when you are not looking for them I suggest everyone take the advice in this thread. Forget all the plans of getting back with your ex. Yes you can have hope, BUT don't make it the focus of your happiness. Because you won't be happy. I hope that one day my ex and will reunite. I don't know if it is possible, but it certainly isn't now. Good luck everyone. You can pm if you need. I know how very painful this really can be. Smile Mike
  7. Yes it might be a good reason, BUT I would still stay away from him I think it will be better for you
  8. Man, I hear you. I just saw my ex last week. What a terrible idea. She wanted to go for coffe and I went. There she told me she was living with someone. I was crushed. I knew it was a possibility that she was seeing someone, but living with them. ARrrrg. I feel so bad. I feel like this is a huge setback. I can't think straigt at all. I am depressed again, and my work is suffering. I feel like such a love sick fool. I wish I didn't still love her so much. I haven't found anyone in the year since we broke up that was as cool as she was.
  9. Man, I agree with most everyone on here. Things do get better. But it has been almost a year and a half for me. I got a lot better after march. When she finally told me it was over. But I just saw her again, and now I am a total mess. How do I get over this? How much longer will I ache? I have done a lot to try and move on. To try and do things for myself. I really have. But at the end of the day, I feel so alone, and I miss her so much,. It seems so easy for her, yet so hard for me.
  10. @j33 Yes, sometimes I want revenge. Most of all I want her to know how I feel. I think if she could walk an hour in my shoes she wouldn't have hurt me so very bad. I think about doing something mean to her, but my heart just really isn't into it,and it probably would just feel worse. The problem is I love her. And so deep down, I don't want to hurt her, I want to care for her. It is totally messed up. But I care too much. And it seems no matter what I do, I still care. And normally that is a great thing, but she just treats me like dirt. why do I still love her, when she no longer loves me? I hate being like this. It really sucks. It has been almost a year and a half, and I am still messed up. grrr,
  11. Wow, What inspiring words I really wish I could do what you have done. However, it is nearly a year since we broke up, and nearly six months since she told me it is "over", and I still feel like I'm a mess. Well, I was doing pretty good, but I had saw her last week, and that was really, really hard. I'm back to a sad, crying, heap of a man When is this gonna end? I still love her. Why do I? Mike
  12. @ k33 I know exactly how you feel. Well, I think I know how you feel. I have never been suicidal either, but like you I get thoughts about dying. Luckily I have a large amount of self preservation so I don't think I could ever do it. I don't understand how I have become so weak. I used to be the strongest, most independent, confident person I know. Well, maybe not quite, but I was strong. Now I am weak, sad, and lonely. And i have felt this way for over a year. How could I have lost so much. How could i have trusted someone so much, loved someone so much, that i would let them take everything from me. That I would allow myself to be broken down time and time again. I can tell you though that life is worth it. I know that. I just don't know how I ended up here. Don't give up. You realize where you are, now realize where you want to go. pm anytime if u need to talk Mike
  13. That sucks. You need to let go of this guy. Trust me I know how hard it is. I am having such a hard time letting go of my ex, and don't even know if I can do it. But at the very least you need to do No Contact. Do not contact him. It is very, very hard, but you need to. One day at at time. You can do it. good luck Mike You can PM if you need
  14. I know how you feel. Take it one minute, one steop at a time PM if you need
  15. I feel for you. I just found out that my ex is living with someone. That really hurts. I felt like I had come far in my healing, and it really sucked to take so many painful steps back. So, here is my advice. Take a deep breath. Cry, if you have to. Do NC, and try to live your life as best you can. Whatever is to happen you have to get yourself out of this current ditch of feeling bad. You can do it. Be strong Mike
  16. You know how you feel better than anyone else. That is who you should listen too. Don't do anything that would go against anything that you believe in. Ie, I seriously don't advise a one night stand if it is not what you want. They are dubious at best, when you think you want them. It is OK to be single. Just be strong in what you know you want. If you want to be alone stay that way. You are young. There is lots of time. Without pressure you will probably meet the man of your dreams. Just with time. Be strong. Be yourself, Mike
  17. @ Scout Any thoughts on my situation while you are at it?
  18. @ Scout. No, most certainly not married. Had I married my ex, then maybe I could have avoided my current situation though.
  19. Well, I think I can relate a bit to your story. I didn't want to marry my ex either, even though I loved her to death. I didn't understand how important it was to her. So, now she is very much my ex. (with a lot of painful history for me) So, you realize your mistakes, but think that it is probably too late. However, now your ex is contacting you again, and you don't know how to take it. I imagine that your ex knows that you still love her. I also imagine that your ex still loves you too. However, things are very messed up. You didn't meet her needs, and she left. You realized your mistakes, and tried to salvages the situation. As in my case, it was too late. However, your story may not be over. Yet, before you do anything else I ask you to think about what you really want, now that time has passed. Do you really 100 percent love this woman? Are you prepared to deal with all of the bagage that you both have created if you decided to get back together? If you answer no to either question, then you know that it is best to not contact her and move on in your life. However, if you really still do want to be with her (as I do with my ex), then you need not to contact as well. Take time to think about things, before you do anything rash - like asking her to marry you again She needs to know that you are not going to be waiting in the wings for her. I have learned that people don't value things if they are too easy. Don't be easy for her. Most women want a strong, confident man, who is sure of themselves. Don't get all exciting about getting backtogether and go off of the deep end. Calm, Confident and slow would be my words of wisdom. Hope that helps. Feel free to ignore it, as I am a long way from my ex. Mike
  20. @ cassiana Well I have thought long and hard about the motivations of my ex. I wish I understood her motivations. I can't really get a good idea of what was/is in her head. However, your obervations are very insightful. I think that it might be a combination of: One: That she really cares about me and wanted to make sure I was doing OK. However, I know she was keeping tabs on me anyway, and knew how I doing - I don't know why she needed to do that in person. And if I had been a total mess, then what would she have done? She did tell me before that she just wanted to see how I was doing. She repeatedly said that when we went for coffee. Like it was supposed to reassure me? or her? I don't understand? Two: I'm just guessing here that she is not all that happy really and misses me. I might just hope this, so it could be wrong. It just seemed to me that she didn't seem very passionate or excited about things. I always remember her as a person full of passion and life. It seemed to be missing. Either it was my company, or things are hard for her. Maybe she wanted to see me, so that I would make her feel better. I don't know. Third: Maybe she was testing me to see where I am in my healing process. I think I got about a C+ for my performance in that regard. Which is probably a good indicator of how much I have healed. I Managed to keep my own. I never broke down. I never said I love you or I miss you. I never said anything to indicate that I wanted her back. On the other hand I stumbled when she asked me if I was seeing anyone. And, I quickly changed the subject when she told me she was living with her ex. I also told her that I couldn't be friends with her, and that I wasn't that interested in seeing her anytime soon. I was saying it for my own best interest, but maybe she did really want to see me again. It's good to have at least part of my spine back. My final impression was that she had totally moved on. She has her new boyfriend she is living with, and all of her new plans, which of course did not involve me. She was her own new woman. Without a bit of me. But if this was the case, why see me? I know she might care, but I am sure after all of our history, she knew that it would not be a good thing for me??? Anyway, I am really sorry for the rambling length of this post. I have worked over 50 hours in the last four days, so I am kind of all over the place. And still can't figure out what my ex was up to. I don't plan on contacting her anytime soon. However, if anyone has any thoughts about about what she is thinking let me know. Woman ( and of course men) are so confusing. Mike
  21. @ cassiana Wow. Thanks for the insightful post. I really appreciate a females perspective. I am not sure which one of those that she falls in. Probably a few of them. I will think about it and get back to you Thanks again Mike
  22. @ otrebla It is true that we all see what we want to see. But also remember that your ex is not going to tell you that she is sad in her new relationship. She doesn't want to show that the choice she made was not a good one for her. An ego thing to be sure. Mike
  23. On monday I had coffee with my ex, on her request. The story went as follows: link removed It is a few days later now. Here is what I have learned. Bad: I am not nearly ready to spend any time with my ex. I was a wreck the last two days. Almost as bad as things that been in the past. My ex is living with her new boyfriend (sucks for me - as I am very much single right now - I felt horribly lonely) My ex seems to have tried her hardest to move on and forget about me My ex is not cool for asking me to coffee to see how I was doing so she could feel better Good I was very strong. I never begged, or told her I loved her once during coffee, or after. I was weak and emailed her yesterday, but I just asked if she was thinking about me. Never once did I tell her how I was feeling, or ask her for anything. As hard as the last few days have been, the time it takes to feel better is dramatically shorter than it was the last time I spend any time with her. I want everyone to know that the healing you are doing now does help. It doesn't prevent you from feeling like poo again, but I helps you climb out of the ditch much faster when you fall in. I feel pretty good now. It is definitely back to NC for me. She has emailed me back, but I haven't even read it. Might even delete it. She still has too much influence on me, so I have to protect myself. I still love my ex, and I still have hope. I know I am a fool for thinking that, but hey, in the end you have to listen to your heart. It likely will never happen, but I keep hope alive, even if I don't want her in my life right now. The moral of the story: Do NC. Be strong. Grow as a person. Meet your ex when you are ready, but don't expect it to be easy. Don't beg, plead, or tell them you love them. Don't be pathetic. If things start hurting again, or you feel weak and make mistakes, do NC again. NC is one and only power card. Play it when you need. As a side note. My ex didn't seem very happy, or excited about life. Hmmm? Good luck and be strong Mike
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