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  1. Hi Sarahbear, I admire your courage for getting out of the house that you and your boyfriend shared together. I had been with my boyfriend for 7 years and lived together for 6 years and he broke up with me 5 weeks ago. I am looking for a new place to live and it's so hard to be with him in the same house.... the working late, wondering where he is... it's all just so hard to take. I believe that getting out of the house was a big step and slowly you will start to recover. I too wonder how someone can just make their feelings for you disappear just like that. He told me tonight that it's been 5 weeks and I should be over this by now! I don't know how to make myself not care anymore and get over him. I don't really have any advice to offer you... only support. I truly believe that we will have to go through this pain now, but eventually we will grow stronger and then find the person who we are truly meant to be with.
  2. I have never joined an online forum and have been using this site as a guide to help me through this tough time. It's been good to see that others are in my same situation and the support that they receive from this online network. My boyfriend of 7 years broke up with my 5 weeks ago. He told me that he felt we were in a rut and we needed to get married or break up and he did not want to marry me. I was completely devestated and did not take the news well at all. Some days I think I'm going to be okay and others like tonight, I don't know how I'm going to make it through this. The tough part is that we are still living in the same house. We have been living together for 6 of the 7 years that we have been together. It's just so hard seeing him all the time and not have the relationship that I want to have with him. I know for my own sanity that I have to move on and get out of this house (I'm currently looking to buy my own house), but part of me has still been holding out thinking that he would change his mind. I had been doing better for the last few weeks and tonight I ended up breaking down and questioning his decision to leave me all over again. He told me tonight that he is over it and it's been 5 weeks and I should be over it too. How can someone you have been with for 7 years just be completely over you in 5 weeks. I wish that I could be like that and just turn my feelings for him off. I really don't think that he's seeing anyone else, but he told me tonight that he would eventually be seeing other people and I was just going to have to get used to that idea. The thought of him with someone else just breaks my heart even more and makes me sick to my stomach. How can I keep my mind from wondering and thinking all of these thoughts?
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