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  1. Well my boyfriends comes alot faster when he hasn't masturbated for a couple of days...I think it depends on the person.
  2. Me and my boyfriend are now very close and I truly believe that this is real love. I don't want to give this up all because of my jealousy. It's killing me. Breaking off this relationship is not a solution, because I'm sure I will keep having this jealousy with other men. I hate it, I can't deal with it. When I bottle it up I find other ways to express these hurtful feelings and it hurts him in the process. I know he has done terrible things to me, but he does not deserve this! (me neither) I really need some advice on this.
  3. What does your boyfriend say to these girls? So he says these things also when you're around? My boyfriend is a lot like this too, so I know how it feels.
  4. Your cheated and decided not to tell her. You should be careful with these things. You would probably unconsciously act different. There will be a high chance that she is going to sense someting anyway. If you truly love your girlfriend and don't want to hurt her again, then you have to prove yourself worthy. Stop your drinking and avoid other people you are attaracted to. Find some ways to deal with you guilt by buying a book or talk to someone. It is not fair to you girlfriend by not telling her, but it is your choice. I hope you can use my advice.
  5. She is confused herself. I think she is tryiing to get you back and on the other hand is trying to punish you for something (??) Who broke off the relationship?
  6. I understand both point of views. Maybe you should let your girlfriend get to know your friends. I think that if she has talked to them, then she will be less jealous. She would probably conclude that they are not dangerous for your relationship.
  7. Well, I don't find it a turnoff. It definitely depends on the girl. AND it's also important how you say it. Generally I would find those conversations interesting, but there has te be room for other subjects.
  8. I honestly don't know, but I think she thought it over and decided to stood you up. (safety) The only thing you can do is wait till she replys. I wish you luck!
  9. I don't think this is a guy thing. I have the same problem as your boyfriend. I sometimes find it hard to express my feelings but most of the time I just want to keep those intimate words special. (for special romantic or emotional moments) It's not very important, but it's easier for me to say those things in different languages. Maybe you should stop saying that you love him and wait till he takes the initiative? (If it takes to long then you could talk to him)
  10. First I must say that you did the right things in this situation. You apologised and then you ignored her when she was trying to start a fight. this will not create an awkward situation between you an your friend or between your friend and her. However, it seems that this girl is not going to stop. Maybe she wants loving attention from your friend. It could also be a reaction to the age gap. You have experienced much more in your life and you have been building up some wisdom. In her eyes you would be a good match with your friend. This makes her even more jealous. If she doesn't want love from your friend, than maybe she only wants attention from your friend and she does't want to share that with you. I don't know much of you entire situation, but this is what comes up in my mind. I wish you good luck. One question: How did you find out she was eave dropping? Didn't your friend notice or doesn't he want to see it?
  11. Yes, maybe you are right, but this all happened a year ago an I now have a good relationship. I believe he loves me, because he has changed entirely and willingly for me. He is not half of the flirt he used te be. The problem now is that I still have to cope with jealousy. But thank you for your post, I can look ar things now form another perspective.
  12. I think the problem is here that he trusts you, but not HIM. (and that's kind of normal) And maybe he feels deeply disrespected by him. (he knew that you were in a relationship)
  13. I have been in similar situation. I wanted to know all the details too. I think it's the way to deal with things in you head. you want to compare the happenings and feelings of the affair with your own relationship. I wanted te know if it satisfied him and if he needed it, if he liked the girls etc. In the way your girlfriend acted in her affair says something about the question WHY she is doing it. I feel really sorry for you
  14. I like communicative boys on the phone!
  15. Yes you are probably right. But we love eachother dearly and that's the whole problem. If I didn't love him so much I would have broke it off imediately. That he was busy with girls had nothing to do with me, by the way. He had a low self esteem due to his childhood and sort of 'needed' the attention. (that doesn't make it right, but I can understand it better) But I have still this rotten jealousy....
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