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Everything posted by HangingInThere

  1. I am in stage 5! but my order is different from that - i felt acceptance for some time, and then i probably felt a bit depress, i dont recall ever being angry, didn't bargain at all, i was in somewhat denial, i guess...i didn't change my status on myspace
  2. i'm lost. i read it but so much interactions with so many different ppl, lead me to be confused as to who you are dating and who dumped who adn who slept with who.... but regardless, think about your happiness and well being and go from there - if the person is too toxic get rid of them!
  3. she lives like 40 minutes away. but in some strange way, i want what i do make some kind of statement to him! Like, if i give it to his sister, it means, dude I dont care to see you or speak to you, i'll drive 40min to get rid of your stuff....good riddance! if i do that, had it been any of you all, how would you feel?
  4. sweetheart he is trying to place you in that not so cute little box that is stamped, Friend with Benefit....and in small print on the bottomof the box, for his benefits only! i'm sorry! as the other poster stated, NC...running into him and being cordial is perfect, no more no less!
  5. Should I call him to get my stuff back? i really do not need anything that is over there, but i have some of his stuff and I want to get rid of it! i am not stressing my stuff, I mean if he gives it back to me, then great, but I don't need to insist on them! however, i do not need his stufff in my possession anymore, but if I call he is only going to think I am calling to hear his voice or hope for some reconciliation (yeah, his ego is ridiculous like that ) Or should i wait for him to call me? Last time he sent me an email asking for one of his things and I said, no when i see you i will bring All of your stuff that is in my house (i really didnt need any remaining stuff taking up my closet space) Anyway, our times/schedules were conflicting, so it never happened (1 week ago)...and also i told him i put his stuff in storage (via text) so he needs to give me more notice...he text back asking why i put it there, i never responded! that is where we left off! my choices: -wait for him to call or -give his belongings to his sister and whenever she sees him again she return them to him? does the latter say, I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR?
  6. I REALLY DO NOT THINK IT IS WISE TO BRING YOUR EMPLOYER INTO this! for one, it is very unprofessional!!!!!!!!! Definitely go to the meeting, do what you have to do and then leave! you are not facing him...its not a social event, its work! just show him(ex) how well you are doing in this new job! i would definitely attend and be Fabulous. i dont see why your mom is encouraging you to not attend this. as one person said, what is the worse that can happen?! its not liek he is going to be flirting with another woman, or ignoring your attempts to speak to him (regarding work)! just woman up and go! this would do more good than harm, trust!
  7. no input right now, haven't read this thread in its entirety.... i am sorry to laugh, but i had too!
  8. just delete the email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are you holding on to it anyway?
  9. ok ok you slip...that text you sent him was a big no no...i mean, asking him if he misses you i have to say Brick, he didn't really lose his power over you, his asinine behavior drew you in and you sent him a text! You should go to the next weekend job and be that strong superwoman, even if you are pretending eventually you will feel it! I am happy, was happy from the day i told him i need space/break - I am so thru with him. Last week i went to his myspace page and he still had he was In A Relationship (i go/went to his site out of curiosity, nothing more nothing less - i said this in another topic). Some weekends ago I went to Miami for the weekend being that i had to be in FL for biz trip that monday. I told him about it during our sabbatical. He went away this weekend and his buddy told me in conversation, I said oh that's nice he needed it, i hope he had a blast. Needless to say, i know that went back to him ( iguess he wanted me to be depress or sad that he is leisurely travelling) i was the total opposite, actually i didn't have any real feelings about it! out of curiosity again, I went to his page and he is now Single....funny thing, i laughed when i seen it and said to myself, about time he changed his status! but you see what i mean, when you act nonchalant or liek they dont exist, it gets the best of them - they don't how to act, especially when they are the ones who like to call the shots and are so egodriven...Egodriven was definitely the case for my ex (he was so disturbed when i initiated the space/break thing - it was like a piece of his manhood was rip from him.....I LOVED IT) but Brick, please stop giving into him - next time you see him, as i said before, look splendid, be happy, be cheerful and full of convo for everyone...even give him one of those pleasant hello's (just hello nothing more but a smile on your face) and keep it moving! trust me that would definitely eat him up(if you dont believe me, just imagine if someone did that to you)
  10. I initial told him i need a break/space - it lasted 2 weeks...he was still contacting me via phone and email, very minimal responses from me. then after the 2 weeks, we spoke and was going thru our relationship ups and more downs and he kept on mentioning how it was messed up that i took space and blah blah balh....so basically his ego was crushed because how dare i do something like that.... so after talking for a few hours, me calm and him bothered, I/we said that we should basically go our separate ways! Quite honestly, i dont see what difference it would make on who broke up with who....why do you ask?
  11. My ex's sister and I are kind of good friends now. She confides in me about everything, however I am leary about doing that with her - meaning, i do not tell her every detail about my going ons, like she does with me! Even her philandering ways she shares with me (she is in a relationship also). Is it a bit weird to keep this kind of friendship (i am only met her about 6 months into that relationship). What should I do? what would you do? Also, his mother is going in for an operation tomorrow, should i call her to wish her goodluck...and if i do, doesn't that only mean i have to do a follow up call to see how she is doing? Should I severe all ties to his family? The calls are mutual between his sister and I - she calls sometimes and I call sometimes....we even hung out together a month ago!
  12. I just smiled with glee when i opened this link....just this morning i wanted to listen to this (let them go sermon) but i was a bit lazy and didn't feel like logging into my yahoo! when i clicked on it just now i wasn't expecting to hear that sermon, but as said pleasantly happy and grateful! thanks belle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. oh my, what a looney! call the cops - its official now...she is off her rockers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not only is she disrespecting you, she is now disrespecting your parents and their household! time to get serious and call the police, this is harassment and it needs to stop...even tell the cops you are afraid of her (i know you are not a punk or anything) but just so they can take some kind of action and not take it so lightly! she needs help...refer her to http://www.enotalone.com if all else fails.....we can help her!
  14. why dont you put on a facade and be happy also 9since you are not feeling it, pretend to feel it) who knows, that is probably what he is doing too! I do not think your text was bad at all! and since he didn't respond, i think that would actually make me stronger and make it easier for me to forget about him! Go out to you seminar, look splendid, happy, even talk to others more than you normally would do! He would see this and perhaps try to open the doors of communication again, but if he doesn't oh well, no sweat off your back right?!
  15. I have had relationships in the past that I maintain a friendship with them! My exfiance, we are the best of friends now, have been since the 90s. Also, a few more of my ex'es and i have very good firendships now! For some reason, i cannot and do not want to be friends with this last one! He doen't understand - i flatout told him No i don't see the purpose! i was speaking to his sister and basicallytold her that I cannot imagine myself being his friend. I am not mad or have any anger towards him - but i really do not respect him as a person. In hindsight, he was a very conniving person...and no i amo bitter so my feeling towards him now doesn't have to do with it being a failed relatinship, but more so his character! Can you just be friends with your ex or would you liek to be friends with your ex? And if so, are you doing that under the impression that you guys can rekindle what you once had?
  16. do not contact him - give him the space he ask for...if anything, that is going to make him feel more uneasy and probably push him to do somethig he wasn't really planning on doing! as for his bro, maybe he was in a rush to head back to work or something. stop looking into everything as if it is a sign (the world doesn't evolve around this) not to sound so harsh....but stop taking everything for more than what it is! prepare for the worse and hope for the best! (the talk) kepp yourself together! if he definitely wants to end the relationship, just be a strong woman and 'bow' out gracefully!
  17. well my ex of a few weeks created a myspace acct shortly after i told him i wanted a break fromour relationship. he sent me an invitation to myspace via email - he said it was a mistake and he didn't mean to that....but how does someone inadvertently type in my email address, select ok, then confirm the 'ok'. ????!!!!!! anyway, i went to his site - he had down that he was in a relationship and was there for Networking....i let it go on and from time to time during my space fromhim i would check his myspace to see who he added as a friend. the 1st few days he had about 50 half naked women (some pornstars, strippers, and scantily dress women), then it went up to 80, then 100, then 150, in the course of a few weeks! ok dude, you going thru something in our relationship and you are stress but yet you are here flirting and adding these women as your fren....i mentioned it to him, but i didnt't make a big deal actually i didn't make any deal about it! oh, i asked him what the hell is he networking for? women!!! he felt stupid (i can tell) and he didn't reply! anyway, your bf sounds like he has an addiction and you need to talk to him about and let him know how you feel needless to say, my bf and i are no longer together - and seeing that myspace crap going on, only made it a bit easier to dismiss our relationship!
  18. What I Have Learned To Do Very Recently - Before Even Opening His Email(s), Just Delete It Right Away! He Sent Me A Text Asking Me A Question A Few Days Ago, Never Responded (actually I Turned My Phone Off) It Feels Really Good!
  19. pure bullcrap!!!!!!!!!! i bet you she cannot even provide you with those aforementioned email(s)
  20. ok i am sorry for saying you were playing games! why not change your tele #? but that amay just lure the crazy woman to your home! i don't know - perhaps put a call into her husband if all else fails! give him the heads up on what is going on!. yeah she seems a bit looney tune, stay far...very far!
  21. maybe the woman needs closure....why can't you just have a convo with her, telling her that you have moved on and and right now you cannot do the friends thing.....well you dont have to say it like that, but you get the idea. you are actually playing games with also!
  22. i actually think she was forced to make that phonecall. hear me out, maube her 'husband' found out that she was contactng you and he basically said to her that she needs to call you or else! i was in a situation like that long ago, my ex forced me to call someone that i really liked as a friend but he thought more was going on...so he made me call this person and say all these things to him (that i am really in love now andhe is being a nuisance, i never likd him and leave us alone forever) really a lot of mean things....later however, i called my friend back and profusely apologized and he accepted and he knew i was in a horrible situation...til this day we are the best of friends! so all im saying maybe someone put her up to doing that because of his own insecurities! or maybe, she is TRULY NUTS!!!!!!!!!
  23. wow...i actually heard with my own 2 ears what he would say about me (2 minutes ago). i realized i had messgaes on my car phone - i checked...apparently he had given one of his good friends the number a long time ago...anyway, she said, "call her and stop treating his friend like a stranger...you cannot be so occupied with your physco girlfren". brahhaahhahahaah - the nerves, i can only imagine now what else he have said to his friends....i am actually crackingup
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