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Everything posted by TiredMan

  1. My feeling is that if someone cheats, that is it. How strongly I feel about it depends on how much I care about the person and how long we have been together. If I am with someone for 15 years and am good to hear and she cheats just because some guy approached her? Honestly? She could be kidnapped and killed and I honestly would not care anymore lol. Maybe I am weak or strong lol. On the other hand if someone cheats because their SO is just not caring about them at all or mistreating them, then while it's better to leave, it's more understandible than the above example, in my eyes. I could see someone forgiving there. Oh and Lets go Colts!
  2. Because as a society, it has been accepted that guys goes after the girls, pay for the dates, and the rest. It's something that will take time to change only because Im' sure many females and men like it the way it is. It's kind of like a man having a boss who is a woman. It's something that took a while to accept and even now, there are some who can't accept it.
  3. This has happened to me where I got it offered right on the spot. I told them I need a little time to think about their offer and it worked. Granted don't take a month after but it should work.
  4. Nah not a lot but it's hapenned over my lifetime a few times. Usually it has happened when I was in college and out at bars. I have had a couple at the gym over the past few years as well. But i'm guessing "usually", it's the guys that do it unfortunately.
  5. How old are you guys? how long were you two together? How long was she with ex? Lastly why did you break up?
  6. Anyone else here digging that description lol? It was so penthouse detailed heh. Reminded me of the fumbling that occurred when I was going through this stuff for the first time. As others have said, everyone is different. Every guy/girl is different. I have been with women who moan like they are in a porno. And some who just breathe heavy. I'm been told I"m a groaner. But I also know of some guys who don't make a noise.
  7. Did she always just "lay there?" Some women pretty much always to that and expect the guy to do the work. No one set them straight growing up. If she used to do other things and now is doing that, I would tell her how MUCH this is bothering you. You say everything else is good so I wouldn't leave or anything. But sex does sometimes die down after a while. Just tends to happen. It all comes down to how important it is to you. If you tell her how you feel and it seems as if she doesn't care, then you either have to leave or take something from her she likes and see how she reacts. Communication is important but not when one person is the only one communicating.
  8. Oh and I would switch majors. Explain to your parents that doing it is making you unhappy. Is there some major you would rather be in or is it just anything but this one?
  9. If you feel close to her, try sharing how you feel but don't overwhelm her with it. Are you in any sort of counseling to talk about how you feel?
  10. Yes you can. Does your girlfriend have any idea how you feel? How long have you been with her and how close are you guys? How did you meet her?
  11. Thanks RayKay. I may check out a class or two. I'll so not fit in. I'm a tall athletic guy in a class that I see is like 95 percent women heh. But perhaps I'll do one to learn the "techniques". The book I have is a mix of all the stuff I said so it's geared towards someone like me. If it was just plain yoga, I'll get bored. I also got this flier from my chiropracters office of some lady that teaches a class. Maybe I'll contact her for a private lesson and bring my book with me and have her do THAT with me. That might be the best.
  12. I know people like this. I have a friend who can basically eat ANYTHING and he is cut up. Meanwhile, I have to eat clean, lift, do cardio, play sports to stay in good shape lol. Go figure heh!
  13. That is why I said if you liked him, you should just ask him out straight up or tell him. By just leaving a number, that leaves so many possibilities and you can never know what happened.
  14. I think it's the work put in that people admire. It's like a person who has money because of an inheritance versus someone who worked his way up there. One has to admire the latter more. If someone is in great shape only because of genetics, and they never work out and eat anything they want, it's great but it isn't an accomplishment. While the person who works out and eats well shows that they are willing to work at something hard.
  15. All depends on the person though. That is where I base advice from. But dropping your number that way can lead to so many situations like not knowing if he's taken, whether he lost the number, couldn't read it, or many other things. She doesn't know and is left to wonder.
  16. Well if they didn't ask, that is their loss for not telling me they were interested. Waiting for me is not the way to go. Yeah I agree typically men do it but that needs to evolve to this century.
  17. Just from a book with pictures and detailed instructions. But I got the hang of it so far. But your scaring me lol.
  18. Wow there are like 20 questions out of those 2 sentences. I would say a few asked on date. Some kissed me. Some told me straight out they wanted to be with me. The mutual one where she told me she was very interested in me lasted umm 2 years? Broke up because I moved away and it got too tough. After a relationship starts, everything comes from both sides. if I have to do all the stuff, I would just leave.
  19. Nah if it happened often I would agree with you. But to be honest, I would say in the hmmmm 6 or so years I have been going to gyms (2 different ones) this has happened only 3 times.
  20. Everything varies from guy to guy. Some people take a lot of work to get it up and can stay up a long time. For me, I'm so different. It goes up from the wind. It takes little to nothing to have it be up. Embarrasing when I change in locker rooms. After I "finish" from sex or whatnot, it goes right back up. it's an annoying tick to have. But a different guy would be completely opposite.
  21. I haven't gone yet. I do yoga myself at home but haven't gotten to the classes yet. I've seen em while I was stretching. Maybe I'll try it but I noticed it was too slow for me. I do power yoga to get the cardio burn and they seemed to be doing it differently. But I may try it once just for the view.
  22. Nah it's nothing like that. I was kinda shocked the lady gave me her number. Took me by complete surprise.
  23. It's crazy there. It's like 95 percent female in those classes and most of them look good lol.
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