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Everything posted by DropToZero

  1. Yea, I love how my rating goes down because I told the truth, and that wasn't what he wanted to hear...god help me if I'm wrong tho, I've only seen these situations a million times...why would I know what I'm talking about? ....psh Anyways, passions, I believe that you're right, some friends do end up dating guy friends that are really persistent and break down the woman. But...really? do you think those relationships are going to last. If she dates a man she basically had no initial romantic attraction to fom the beginning, and then decides to date him because he won't leave her alone? Does that seem like something that's goin to be sound in the future. I think that's called 'settling'...when women...or men also, get tired of looking for that right person, and just date the first available person that likes them....it happens all the time.
  2. There's nothing you're going to be able to do to change her mind if she already said she wants to be only friends man. Move on, there's nothing that you can do. She won't care how much you like her, that won't make her more attracted to you, it only matters how much she likes you. Sorry...good luck
  3. I dont know exactly if it has anything to do with your degrees or anything. It could just be your personality and looks and the way you respond to their flirting. Because, I'm one of those guys in a way at a part-time job, and I know a girl that's like you at my workplace. She's not highly attractive, even has a b/f, yet she loves to flirt and have a good time. It's all meaningless, so don't think she's about to cheat on her b/f, because even I've met him. But anyways, she's the one that always gets picked on, there's like 5-6 of us guys that are always messing with her and giving her a hard time...but we're all good friends too....she even invites us and other co-workers out to drink or eat after work sometimes, like tonite hehe, but I had to pass cause I'm goin out with someone else. There were other girls there too working at times, but some of us just don't flirt with them. Like said, I guess it just depends on how you're responding to it, either way, unless it's terribly bothering you....I would consider quite flattering.
  4. That could be possible, but if a girl really wants to meet a guy up and likes him from the initial convo, she'll give him her number. If not, then from what I..I can tell, is that this guy was 'afraid' to ask you for your number. So he gave you his....because a confident guy would have asked for yours...he could be somewhat shy and just to keep himself from feeling a little uncomfortable and possibly rejected, he gave you his number. More than likely tho, he's wants you to call, so dont stress over it. Ummm....some guys just ask for numbers out of habit...but I can tell you that I've done that before. It's easy to lose a number, especially if he possibly met someone else soon after, or already had someone else(meaning he already is dating a few other girls, or one relationship became serious). Either way, take it as "he's not interested" and move on annie24.
  5. I thought this was already put to rest, but ummm...guess not. I'm not tryin to be mean man, I know you like the girl, but move on. That message she sent you, or what she said to you about not wanting a b/f right now, is a let-down. That doesn't mean she's 'semi' interested, she's only interested in being your friend, and at the current moment, that's all you're going to get. If she really had liked you, her attraction for you would spoken for itself, and she wouldn't have given you an answer like that. She would have been like "great! I would love to go out sometime"...or something along those lines. You're not going to be able to win her over, and trying to impress her will more than likely only make it worse, because you're going to come accross as fake...in the idea that you think you'd have to be a 'better' or 'different' person than yourself just to get her to like you. Like the above person said, you're not going to be able to just change her mind, she's set on what she wants...and unfortunately, it's not you, sorry.
  6. 1st of all, like all the girls above have said, it just depends on a their definition of what's attractive in a guy. So that's why you should just use those compliments to build your own self confidence. 2nd of all, did you say these other girls you thought never noticed you, are now talking to you all of a sudden...and that you're dating one girl? If that's so, I know one possible explanation could just be the idea that you are now 'off limits'...you're seen as a challenge, they want you because they can't have you...or at least want to get to know you better now. It's a normal reaction, I've seen it happen before, people always want what they can't have.
  7. It's an easy let-down man, move on, that's all there is to it...sorry.
  8. I think I know how you're feeling sometimes man. I usually write songs....or lyrics...or poems some call them, whatever...that always helps, and they usually end up in the margins of my notes for lecture when I should be payin attention hehe. Then there are times when I really want to get it out physically....so I run, or lift and sometimes I even have the urge to just want to punch a random person I'd pass on campus(j/k, but it feels like that sometimes)...but yea...true physical activity will keep your mind off of things and help to release endorphins(spelling?) in the body to make you feel better. If you really want to let it out, get a punching bag...I wish I had one sometimes. Good luck!
  9. I dont know exactly what's goin on between you and her, and the 'best' way to gauge it after flirting and talking is ...you should have asked for her number. Just learn to make it a habit every time you meet a girl you think you're interested in, get her number before you leave, you may never see her again, and the opportunity is lost. So...don't forget next time.
  10. I dont think I've ever helped or posted on your problems, but I'm about to adopt your resolutions too with the addition of a few of my own. They're good ones heh, good luck!
  11. Wow...if that didn't say it, I dont know what else would. Because you can't control attraction, because you can't control the bad guy etc...you can't control your feelings. But, it seems that's already been said, people have been finally reading that post on this site often and are learning that attraction's not a logical choice, that's why you won't choose the nice guy over the guy who treats you like crap. If you sat down and listed the good traits of both, and the bad, more than likely, the nice guy's the one that'll look best on paper...too bad it's not like that huh? Yea...don't worry about it tho, it happens all the time....I'm pretty sure it's even happened to me recently, but oh well, I can't control it, so let it go. You might sit here and logically think to try the 'nice guy' out, but you and I both know, if the other guy comes back and wants to give it another go...you'd probably give in...right? So, your best choice, since you're not literally finding someone that gives you the same feeling as the 'bad guy', and treats you well...is probably to drop both of them really. Because 'settling...' shouldn't be part of life....find a guy that gives you that great feeling like the bad guy, and yet still treats you with respect. Good luck
  12. You're in what some guys consider a negative side of a woman's mind right now....truthfully, the more you try and contact her and 'make it up', you're only going to push her away further..and I mean that, NOTHING but time and some space will fix this. I'd opt to option #2, that's the best way to deal with it, if she calls, cool, just slowly get back into it and don't be rushed. If she doesn't, it wasn't meant to be, and that's her problem, not yours.
  13. Check this other post that Diggity put up recently, I think he's doing a good job of getting points accross that other people seem to agree well enough with on dating. Check out his other stuff too...besides that, there's plenty of posts that go way back I'm sure that do their best to describe and find out how to attract women.
  14. Yea, moving on is the best way to show you're not attached to some one or waiting for them. Word will get to her sooner or later if she really cares...anyways, that's what I'm doing man....I guess I'm in a sort of similar situation, except I didn't come to face her with what you did, I just knew that was what had happened...I gave up too much. You were too available also...cut down and keep your life unless it actually becomes something serious, then you can adjust it some.
  15. YES YOU ARE OVERANALYZING...haha, stop dwelling on every little thing this girl says, and go by her actions. Just keep up the flirting, and go for it, I think you have a good shot.
  16. =D> hehe...sorry just had to applaud that, just love the way it was said...so go for it man.
  17. 18 on a saturday...had a bad week....failed two tests in college, then got dumped on that friday...and just gave in...heh
  18. Okay man, you have a lot to say, and that's good, but honestly, if you're goin to focus on all your bad aspects, the best thing is to try and think of ways to get around them. Truly tho, those aspects of yourself mean literally NOTHING when it comes to women. If you flirt enough, and do it well, and stop worrying about what these girls think of you, the idea that she will be attracted to you will make all of those aspects mean nothing. The biggest thing most good guys have a problem with is confidence, even tho you seem to know a lot of girls, can you sit there and tell me when you're thinking of approaching a girl...you're not worried about what she thinks of you? If no, then great...if yes, then you care WAY too much about what she thinks of you...and in turn it will show and she'll notice and it does make it awkward...basically you will 'screw it up.' As for drinking...that's just a normal thing I think man, since it differs from country to country based on ages. I didnt start drinking till I hit college, and honestly....this past summer wouldn't have been what it was without alcohol. I dont mean I depend on it or anything, I just met so many people over this summer and had an awesome time and even threw a huge party at my own house on the 4th of July. I drink yea...I finally gave in this past spring, and in turn I think it helped me out with some things. But I don't get drunk often...I think I can count on one hand the number of times I've been that bad...and I'm more of a social drinker...but I still love to have a good time. Thats' your choice, the one thing I have to advise is...drink responsibly if you choose to...don't get drunk around ppl you dont know well, dont drive, and learn your limits. And yes, Diggity knows what he's talking about, I've skimmed thru some of his posts, he has the same general knowledge I have. You want my quick relapse of the weekend...went to a party, yes did drink, but not much, not enough to actually do anything to my judgement. At the same time, there was also a girl I had flirted with in the past, like a few months ago, but hadn't seen her since. Went to the party, and kept it up non_stop, just like I told you in the first post. Messed with her for like 2 hours, touching, sitting on her, messing with her phone, taking her cell and sending txt messages to myself from her phone saying she liked me and other 'funny' stuff hehe. After it all seemed to calm down, she went outside at one point to talk on her phone, and I came out after about 5 mins, we were alone...periodically. And even tho it hadn't happened, I could tell about 10 mins before it did, that we were going to kiss. I could just read it in her responses based on what we were talking about, then it was also cold out, and I was shivering cause I had like a t-shirt on, and she was trying to keep me warm. Then we were face to face...we kissed, now we're goin out in a few days. So basically...just like I'd told you in my first post...exactly like I'd said, flirt, get her alone and go for it. Now not every situation is goin to pan out like that...but you have a literal account of my weekend now haha...so go out, and just be yourself and have fun.
  19. The age thing could have mattered to her, that and the fact that she was your first...that could make her weary of the fact that you could screw something up. That's her problem tho, I dont think you should lie, it's never great to lie...just, really...stay away from those types of questions. I mean, she may ask and you should tell, but do your best to avoid them, and dont give her the information without her asking. There's no need to announce to every girl you date that you're truly inexperienced each and every time...just take it as it goes. I'm only a year younger than you, and I really truly just got my first taste of everything this past summer, so don't feel bad about it either.
  20. Yea, do like Beec said, use dumbells if you want it to be really even. Because I'm guessing you're right-handed?...then your left side, which is generally goin to be weaker, will have to work harder than your right to compensate on bar weights(like bench)...thus causing the left side to be somewhat bigger. So use dumbells, and it should even out a little more.
  21. Basically, it seems like you get along with everyone, and that's always a good thing. But with the girls, even tho you've flirted and asked them out, you just must not be getting 'enough.' Do you know what I mean, you're not flirting heavily enough with the girl you like(and if she likes you, she'll return just as heavily), and you're not getting to know these girls any better. I had the same sort of situation when I was in HS, and I wasn't really that great at flirting. Then coming into college, it still took me a while, but even with a girl that had a b/f, I flirted with her in class, and we'd talk and always have a good time, and I never had intentions beyond friends. That's what I think girls can sometimes, somehow pick up on, if you have ulterior motives in your head and just aren't remaining calm and cool enough to show you only want a good friendship. But pretty much until that time, I had the same problem, now I get invited to this girl's parties all the time. So, if I can get anything, people know you, and think you're a great guy, and have a great confidence. So ...use it, flirt with the girl you like, and if she's flirting back(like if you're at a party or dance), keep flirting, then get her alone....then maybe you'll end up kissing her if she's feeling the same. Stop worryin if she doesn't feel the same either, if she's not flirting back, she might not be interested, just stay a friend and still do your best to get close to her, and not just an acquaintance. good luck in college
  22. Yea, I think you're normal man, that would shake me up a bit hearing something like that not even a week into your first date. She seems to be a little forward, so don't be rushed to ever say it back....in fact, I'd also be somewhat wary of the fact that she could be 'very' clingy because of what she's said. Just make sure yours and her intentions in this 'relationship' are known.
  23. I somewhat like what you call games...but usually only in a dating scene...not in anything truly serious. If you mean by challenge, not always available, not always calling every day, not smothering me and has her own life.....yes, that's normal. Because even I myself do that, that's how dating should be, with a touch of self control and flirting to show interest, that's how I keep control of myself and know if a girl is interested in me. I do my best not to get in too deep too soon, and don't hang out with her 3-4 nites a week when dating...maybe 2 times a week at the most. I dont unload any feelings too soon, and I don't expect the girl to either. I myself want to be a challenge too in this sort, and if a girl is the same way, and I can go out with her, have a great time, be laughing, and she never becomes too 'easy' and makes me work some...that's a good date. I've only met a few select girls like that so far...some exhibit no self control and do play games, and that's not really attractive unless you're just desperate to get with the first girl that shows interest in you.
  24. I already said you could try waiting longer than a couple of days, it won't hurt anything. If she asks why you haven't talked to her, just say you've been busy. Anyways, for her b-day, if you want to get something, try these online e-card type things. I got one from a friend that couldn't give me a present, so she sent one, I dont know exactly where to find them, so do a search somewhere. But they're just kinda like a birthday card, or an email sent with a link in it to see the card, and the person can read what you've written on it.
  25. Why would you NC during a relationship? Yea it's useful even during a relationship to some extent, just when using it then, be wary of the consequences...it's kinda like gambling when using it in a relationship...big win or big loss.
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