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Everything posted by pandorasbox

  1. this sounds like a job for superman! just kidding. Bro, i feel ya pain! But trust me man, in a few days you'll make some friends anyway.. and as for the girls loving thing.. dude, out of any 100 random girls, only about 20 or so are the kind you want to hook up with anyway. The rest are mostly psycho / in a relationship / lesbians etc. You get the picture. Just don't don't clingy around girls.. take things 1 step at a time, Step 1, get the phone number, step 2: go on a date, step 3: go to her place or invite her to yours, step 4: get laid! (step 5 comes ONLY if you have been FRIENDS her for at least 6 months and still want to get in a relationship with her), step 5: ask her out or whatever! I won't say 'Hope that helped' because i know it did!
  2. I like to brush my lips against the girls but pull away just as she's about to kiss me and smile, and make her say please. It works with the girls, dunno about the guys.
  3. Yea I guess you're right, but how would I find out the other guys who are home schooling?
  4. Ok, so since the start of this year I had to go to a different school. The problem with the school was that it was an All Boys school, and being the kinda guy i am I thought it would suck, and I should rather do home schooling. Another reason why I chose home schooling was that I wanted to study the subjects that none of the schools in my town teach so I thought lets just do home schooling. So I quit the school and started doing home schooling. In the beginning it was awesome.. staying home all day, watching tv, playing video games, you get the idea. But eventually it started to really suck. I havent been in any contact with all my old friends in a looong time, i'm really losing all my social skills. Mind you, i used to be the most popular guy of the school until the year before last year. But after a whole year of staying home doing nothing, i'm starting to feel like a real nerd. Now my problem is that I can't go back to the school anymore, because i'm doing a 2 year course that none of the schools provide, and i can't go back to school without completing the next year. But I'm really, really sick of staying home all day. So what I do now is to just get my bike out and wander around town mindlessly, but after an hour or so I get bored out of my mind and come back home. I tried to contact my old friends and tried to get them to hang out with me. But the problem is that they spend like 7 hours at school each day and then they just aren't in the mood to hang out. So I call them or go to their house, we chat for an hour or two but no result. How should I overcome my situation? I have another whole year of this bull **** to deal with and I just have no idea what to do. I've always been really klutz with sports (if you toss a ball at me 100 times, i'll drop it 99 times and catch it only 1 time, that too clumsily ). I was starting to think to try and join the local soccer team. But most of the guys in there have been playing soccer for like 10 years, and I've never played any sports all my life (OK, may be all my life minus 3 or 4 months). And if I go play there I think I'll never be able to get good at it because they'll be simply too good for me to play with and they might even make fun of my klutz moves!! So what should I do to get a life again?
  5. Give her a surprise by cooking a special meal for her or giving her a special massage. Make sure its unpredictable. But dude, do too much romance and it'll come off as WUSSY, CLINGY, and it'll kill any attraction she feels for you. So try to avoid any romance or compliments or I love u stuff until the 10th date at least. If she says I love u, just say "I know".
  6. You dont TELL her your feelings, man. Play hard to get wit her. Make it sound like she's the one who has the feelings for you, not the other way around. Otherwise she's just gonna take you like the other 399 guys who tried to chat her up that day. Anyway, if you try it lemme know how it goes.
  7. kids suck anyway, why would you want one?
  8. Lol, look dont take this personally, but that guy's my role model, i want to be like him when i'm 30 years old. Especially the words "Yo whadup" etc are awesome.
  9. dude u outta ur mind? she's ur granny's age for pete's sake
  10. Don't blame Ms Paint. Actually you're so turned on thinking about my grandpa and his viagra tablets that you cant even draw, you bad, bad girl!! And hey, take some real photos, even a 17 year old will need viagra to get turned on by those Ms paint photos
  11. Dont just walk up to her and tell her I like you. You might just put your penis in a dish and offer it to her if you're gonna just say I like you. I'll tell you whats the right way to do this. Last year I had exactly the same problem with this chick in my class I liked. But by the time i got over my fear of walking up to her and talking to her it was too late because she moved to another school. I don't want the same thing to happen to you, which is why I'm gonna help you. What you do is simply this, next time you see her alone, just walk to her, keep the "I don't need this, i can walk away any time I want" mindset, and say something like "hey, are you single?". = If she says No then say "Oh ok, well your loss" and WALK AWAY. there's a 90% chance she'll say "Hey wait a sec" and come and talk to you. If she doesn't, then she's the kind of girl who is a pain to stay around with, and you won't want her anyway. If she says stops you and comes back and says "what do you mean" or something like that, you can say the following: (which is also what you say if she says yes i'm single or why do you wanna know) = "Well, i know this guy you'll really think is cute, He's smart, funny, charming, bla bla bla. You get the idea. Hey, if you promise you won't call him every 15 seconds, write down your email and i'll have him contact you" This is natural, charming, and everything else way to get her to give you her number or email. If she asks "Are you the guy?" just smile and say "May be." If she says she doesn't have email, say "Oh, do you have electricity though?". She would most probably laugh at this. Then say "Ok, i guess your number will do too" and hand her a pen and paper to write it down. When she writes it down be like "Ok, talk to you later" and WALK AWAY. If you ever feel your shyness and any other feels overcome, remind yourself "There are 3 billion other girls on this planet". This is just a game, have fun with it. Lemme know how it goes 8)
  12. Repeat Loudly: "There are 3 billion more chicks in the world" 25 times
  13. Dont tell her, its more fun to let her know by herself. But if you don't wanna hurt her, then start acting REALLY nice and CLINGY. It turns girls off big time, and within 2 days' time she'll be the one breaking up with you.
  14. He's going to cry even more if you don't send him a video of that technique. For some reason he believes that can help him get a hard on without using vaigra
  15. Yea, well figure out some way to get the 70 year olds a hard on without viagra so i can still get laid every night when i'm 70 years old (my grandpa is interested if you need someone to practice at)
  16. You need to figure out something for all the 70 year old men who have to use Viagra too to I tell ya.
  17. You need to read that book call "The rules" which tells girls how to get men to marry them. Otherwise, just sleep with him. Most guys get clingy after they sleep with a girl. If he doesn't then go sleep with other guys. Most guys get jealous when a girl they slept with sleeps with his buddies.
  18. If the hobby is SEX then I feel ya pain. if its not, then she's still not your type. so just dump her and this time make sure she's your type before you decide to get into a relationship with her. Remember, there are 3 billion more chicks in the world.
  19. Hey cmon, chill out. Don't take any of this personally, but listen to this, he sounds like the kinda guy who GETS the way woman think and what they respond to. As for your saying he's using you for sex, i'm sure it wasn't like rape or anything. It was a MUTUAL thing, which means YOU wanted him to bang you at least as much as he did, if not more. And there's nothing wrong with that, but you can't blame him that he's USING you for sex. As for treating you however he wants, this is exactly why you are attracted to him. He has the power in the situation, and that is what makes him attractive to you, and he KNOWS this, which is why he doesn't give his power away by turning into the nice clingy girly-man again. If I'm right, you're not going to just go and find another guy like i said in my last post because now you feel ATTRACTION for him and you're going to stick around and let him bang you whenever he wants but you won't get to have a relationship with him. THis is all happening on an unconscious level. Again, sorry if i'm being harsh but realize that I'm also being honest.
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