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Everything posted by pandorasbox

  1. You did exactly the right thing. If she's blocking you off instant messanger and all that, it sounds to me like a TEST by her. Girls often keep testing you to make sure that you are really the same guy that you act like. For example, she might be doing this to test if you are really going to stay in control of the situation and really going to get over her, or are you going to act all clingy and wussy and beg for her approval again. My advice, delete her from your instant messanger (but don't block her, so if she wants to contact you again she can). Don't contact her anymore, and go on with your life. Most importantly, date other chicks, and if possible try to make it known to her that you are dating other chicks (And I really don't recommend calling her and saying "hey how was your day? well i went out and met bla bla chick and did bla bla with her and ended up getting her number" or anything similar to that because it sounds insecure and it sounds like you're doing it all to impress her, I know you are probably doing it to impress her but you don't want her to know that, OK?)
  2. Why does it matter if they are friendly with you or not? If you're going to act needy and ask people for their approval, things will continue to be the same way. You must be in control of your own reality and deal with whatever the situation is. Which means, you should have the mindet that if they don't act friendly with you, its THEIR loss not yours.
  3. You deserve to be treated this way. I'd done the same thing if I was him. I mean, what makes you think you can dump him anytime you want, and then get him back whenever you want. This isn't a game, dudette. Just get over him and get a new guy. If he's smart, he won't get back with you. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but i'm trying to give a guy's perspective on the situation.
  4. whats a love handle? and dont lose the fat butt its a turn on
  5. Just go there and do it. You got nothing to lose there mate. If she says yes, great. If she says no, you'll get expereince from this whole thing which can help you later on. So just do it!
  6. the movie idea is great. take her out on a movie and ask her out there.
  7. your friends are exactly right. grow some balls and ask her.
  8. I feel ya pain. The best thing you can do is to go out and date other gurls. If you want to do that being loyal thing , dont call it dating. Just flirt with them but keep it like you are just friends. That way she can't protest and you can keep yourself busy so you dont obsess over her
  9. Its name is link removed. Why shouldn't you ask?
  10. Ok, i've just given all of my stuff away on the game. I feel much better now and I think i'll stop playing now. How can I make myself not think about it when I'm studying though?
  11. Yea, its RPG . I've already moved the computer away from my room but I find myself going to my sis's room everyday to play it. Its reduced the time I play it, but I still can't study since I find myself thinking about it all the time when I try to study. The suggestion of giving all stuff away is a good one. I'm going to try this .
  12. Ok so I'm addicted to playing a video game, and I can't stop playing. I play 24 /7 and its having lots of negative impact on my life. For example, I have my finals starting from 23rd April and i haven studied all year and now I can't stop playing so i dont get any time to study . Am I doomed to fail or what?
  13. Thats exactly the way to do it. Observe joe, even make friends with him and spend as much time with him as possible. Then try this stuff for yourself. Success gauranteed!
  14. I 100% agree with Metallica this is the teasing which is causing her to like him and every girl of the world likes it (unless she's an insecure little b****). Its called the kocky and funny technique. Basically take an arrogant comment and add humour to it. You need to keep observing that guy, see what he does and how he does that, and start doing that yourself. Thats the way to do it. Most guys will just go the nice guy way, think doing this stuff won't work girls don't like this this is being a jerk etc etc, but the girls only think of those nice guys as wussies, and this is the way to do it!
  15. Thats exactly what i was tryin to say. Metallica, i must say that you have more knowledge about this stuff at the age of 15 than 99% of guys have even at the age of 70 . Have you got Msn messenger/aim? I'd like to chat with you some day. Jonny, dude you should give up on this thread and also that chick. Its not like if stops talking to you thats the end of your life or something. Just take it as an experience, learn your lesson from it and move on. What lesson did you learn from this whole thing?
  16. your avator made me tick, but thats because none of those girls is YOU
  17. no girl is ever gonna worry too much about what she said to a guy, and apologising if she sounded like a jerk. So do yourself a favour and never apologise a girl just because you thought you were being a jerk when you said something as long as your intention wasn't to be a jerk. Your self esteem is more important than making any girl feel good and dont give a **** about if a girl thinks you are a jerk. You are what you are and you won't change it, at least not for a girl!
  18. dont worry about her being 14. When you're 60 years old will you rather have a 60 year old chick or a 20 year old?
  19. Your choice. I'd rather flirt with 3+ chicks a time, and never call it a relationship. Take it as casual dating/ affairs. You can even tell them you are seeing other chicks. I'm dating 3 chicks right now, and they all know about each other. And it actually intensifies the attraction they feel for me, and each one tries harder to win me 8)
  20. If you're the average nice guy, 90% of all girls cheat. the remaining 10% dump you and then go out with someone else so its not qualified as cheating. Solution: cheat at them from Day 1. Thats what I do anyways
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