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Everything posted by pandorasbox

  1. it would creep her out unless she's really ugly and never has a guy try to chat her up
  2. if you broke up then why do you care wether he called you back or not?
  3. just because the websites recongnized his email doesn't mean hes been watching porn after he promised he wouldn't. I mean, he might have just used those sites when he told you he was addicted, but didn't use them afterwards, and the sites still recognized his email which he used 1 year ago or whenever he told you he was addicted.
  4. just block her dude. you dont need to explain anything, and you're never gonna see her. and she'll get over it all in less than a week.
  5. When you're desperately missing a girl/ wanting to get with her/ jealous of other guys shes talking too/ anything along these lines, you unconsciously send some signals which immediately finish that attraction girls feel for you. And its like, the more badly you want them back the less the attraction they feel for you. And you end up getting in the just friends category. I was with this chick for like 6 months. she was ALL OVER me during this time just the way this chick was with you. All the 6 months i just kept it like I was havin fun with this chick nothin serious, but after that 6 months i was like I love her! So I started being the desperate/needy kinda guy and got really mad when i found she was flirting with this other guy. And that basically killed the attraction. Now I'm over it, and I've made myself a commitment. I'll date at least 3 girls at a time, only see them once, may be twice a week, never call them more than once a week, NEVER LOVE THEM. And the moment things start to get a little bit complicated with a chick i'll say "NEXT" and move on. All of you guys need to make this commitment to yourself. Our happiness is MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than any girl of the world.
  6. Ok, my problem is this. I've got finals in like 1 month, but whenever I try to study I can't study more than like 1 hour. After the 1 hour is over I just close the books and watch tv or go out to my pals etc etc etc, but i really need to study!! Anybody got any tips on how to concentrate on studying/not get distracted/ studying for long hours continuously?
  7. i might shag a girl with big boobs etc or do for a one night stand, but I'll definitely never have a relationship with her. I might have a relationship with a girl if: - She's emotially mature - Has good relationships with her mother and father and another thing which I cant remember right now
  8. Here is what you need to do: Take a pen and paper, and write the following sentence down 100 times: I'LL ONLY STAY WITH A GIRL AS LONG AS ITS A GOOD THING. THE MOMENT IT BECOMES A STRAIN I'M OUTTA HERE. MY HAPPINESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY GIRL. That should do it.
  9. And I'll just say "NEXT" and move on to the next girl, oh actually the one after the next one since this was gonna happen twice 8)
  10. You need to learn the Coky and Funny technique, and don't turn into a WUSSY(nice guy) with her. check out link removed
  11. Lol.. well believe it or not, its going to hurt her either way wether he just tells her that or wether he lets her figure that out by herself. If he lets her figure it out by herself, at least he'll get a laugh!! I dunno about you but if i'm doing something wrong i at least ENJOY IT!!! \ \
  12. Dont tell her that you don't like her, its more fun to let her figure that out by herself.
  13. Now I know why girls are so darn good at avoiding guys .Anyway thanks, this should do it. I'll try that tomorrow and post an update here.
  14. lol.. well, the first thing is his wife is just gonna laugh when I tell her that, because the guy is always laughing and to someone else it would just seem like he's doing it cuz he thinks its funny. and thats probably true but i dont like it. and the 2nd thing is i can never walk up to a girl and say "Your husband is gay and he's stalking me". I mean come on dude, just thinking of that makes me laugh how can I ever manage to say that to her and deal with it all my life. Anybody got any practical solutions? Like something I can really do?
  15. Ok dude, I know my advice's gonna be different than everybody here, but here it is. Forget her, date other chicks, and get on with life. I mean come on man, 99% of the time when a girl doesnt like you anymore, its best for you (and her too) to forget her and not stick with her when there are soo many other oppurtunities around. LOTS MORE FISH IN THE SEA, REMEMBER? Also, you need to check this website out: link removed and subscribe for their newsletter, and read it every week. its gonna be the best decision of your dating life I tell ya!
  16. Ok, here's the deal. I know this sounds funny but whatever, heres my problem. I have this guy in my college whose probably gay. I'm not sure he is. He aint a student, he's a married man in his 30s, and he works in the college. So everyday when I'm about to leave and just chatting with my pals near the bike stand, he comes over to me and is like, oohh my darling how are you and then he starts to hug me. and then hes like that felt good bla bla bla. He's laughing all the time he's doing this, and my pals are laughing too. So after that he keeps saying stuff like you(me) are sexy etc etc, kinda hitting on me the way I hit at girls. I'm not really sure he's gay, he might be just doing it cuz he thinks its funny, but I don't enjoy it. its pretty embarrasing. I tried to tell him I won't hug him and i'll only shake hands with him. but then he made me hug him again . I probably could beat him up if I want to, but I might get in trouble since he works in the college, and he might be tougher than he looks like, after all he's older than me etc. So anyone got any solutions to this problem?
  17. She's 15..I'm 17..and we live in UK yea. The thing is, I don't really have the contact info any of her friends or family right now, so I can't tell anyone at my own. Any more suggestions?
  18. Ok.. I have a long distance relationship with a girl. She has a guy in her class who is the brother of a gang leader, and every one's scared of him, and no one ever argues with them, bla bla bla. Anyways, the guy (gang leader's bro) is sort of harrasing her. He, umm, spanked her once and told her she had big boobs, and also grabbed her a** in the last few days..lol . Now considering the fact that I don't live near her, I can't do anything. And even if I was over there I'd still prefer not to get beaten up by a gang leader . Anyways, its pretty depressing when she tells me about all that and I can't do anything about it. She's too scared to argue with him. She told him he shouldn't be doing this, but she wasn't firm about it so he only took that as a joke. So, how do I stop this? Whats the best option? I know she won't get the cops for that, so what else should I do? or tell her to do? Your opinions are most appreciated.
  19. i mean its not like I can never think about it.I have to find another solution so I dont get pissed off whenever she talks about another guy or another guy hits at her.I'm not asking for a way to stop them from checking her out or to have her never talk about a guy,what I'm really asking is a way I can keep cool while anything like that happens and not get totally mad.There's got to be some way!
  20. are you saying that there is no other way?
  21. I think we have a small misunderstanding here..i'm not the one whose 14,she is.LOL . I'm 16. Anyway i got your point.I know this problem will go away with time but what should I do right now?I dont want to get upset everytime something like that happens.what should I do?
  22. I'm going out with a girl whose pretty sexy. She loves me and I love her too.Like I mentioned she's pretty sexy, she always has a lot of guys stalking her, telling her she's really sexy,bla bla bla. I know that she doesnt care about those guys and that she loves me,but still it REALLY pisses me off whenever someone says anything like that to her. Today she got an email from this guy in her school saying "Hey whats new.By the way you got a nice [PROFANITY REMOVED BY MODERATOR]". lol. I was so enraged to read that, that I would have really ripped the guy apart if he was near me. And I dont know but whenever something like that happens I end up being mad at her and wanting to dump her. And the same thing happens even if she's even talking about a guy, even if he's a TV star. Like some days back she told me that when Toby Mcguire got his shirt off in Spider Man 2 she almost drooled to see his abs, and I was mad to hear that. I know that when you're a 14 year old girl this kind of things happen all the time and I want to be cool when something like that happens and not get upset. But I have had no success so far. Has anything like that happened to any of you guys and how should I deal with it? thanks in advance! Pandora.
  23. From my experience,whenever I'm too nice with a girl she ends up thinking of me as a wussy and goes out with another guy that I consider a jerk.I would say,even if you do help her with the preganency thing,always keep your attitude coky+funny,and never give up that approach! because THAT is what will make her feel attraction for you,not being too nice with her.I learnt it the hard way,you dont have to
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