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Everything posted by Inconceivable

  1. I think you should bring her a flower on a first date no matter what day of the year it is!
  2. I certainly believe it can happen. I even think I've seen it before. One of my friends has a boyfriend and I truly think they are in love. One is eighteen and the other is nineteen. They've been together for three years now, and from the hints her boyfriend has dropped to me, he is planning on proposing to her later this year. It may not be common, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Heck, look at one of the greatest love stories of all time, Romeo and Juliet. Juliet was thirteen. Romeo was like fifteen I think...I know they were both teenagers. It does happen.
  3. I'm not an expert but this is what I know: My cousin had to leave her earrings in for 6 months before she could change them. As for the holes closing, I had my ears pierced when I was 3, and when I was old enough to start choosing my own clothes (around 9) I stopped wearing them. About a year ago (when I turned 14) I got back into earrings, and my holes hadn't closed. I don't know how common that is though. But my holes are closing up again now, because I've kinda stopped wearring earrings again.
  4. How you feel on V-Day is your choice. V-Day is just a corporate holiday to make people feel obligated to show their love. Sure, it kinda sucks when you don't have someone there, but if you choose to let that bother you, it's your choice! You have to ability to overlook it! In 2 months are you really going to care if you had someone on V-Day? Just don't worry about it. You're going to be fine
  5. You have to be confident...Keep telling yourself something like "I'm awesome. I'm cool. I can do this easily." If you say that enough, you'll really start to believe it (even if you already don't!) and it will boost your confidence so much more, which will really help!
  6. Physical Characteristics really don't care about a guy's appearance too much. As long as he feels good about himself, I'm good with him. But I'm usually more attracted to a guy's personality anyway.[/b] Mental Characteristics HAS to be confident. I cannot stand it when a guy isn't confident because it makes me feel kind of awkward too. It's so much easier when a guy is confident in himself, because it makes me feel confident too. I also love it when a guy does little sweet things for me. Like, leaving a flower on my locker, or just randomly sends me a balloon.[/b] Complimenting guy did this to me once while I was having a conversation with one of my other friends. He just came over with a big smile on his face, and said "I'm sorry for interrupting, I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really beautiful." I had never met him before, and it was really awesome. Just come right out and do it =)[/b]
  7. Ice gave you the best advice---Tell her exactly what you told us. Great luck with her!!
  8. I felt that way to (I'm 15 as well). For me, it just took time to get over him...and NC, which made me think we was a jerk =)
  9. Unrequited love sucks. I went through this last year with one of my friends. I had 3 out of four classess with him and I had to pretend I didn't like him for most of the year. It was incredibly hard. Eventually, summer came and we stopped talking. This really helped, because I started to get the feeling that he was a huge jerk for not talking to me. I started to get over him more and more and by the time school started up again, I didn't like him as much. It took a long time but I finally got over him. Now he and I are really good friends and there's no awkwardness or anything between us.
  10. Thanks so much 99! That helped a lot =)
  11. That's a good idea...I don't usually have anything to drink or eat between practice and lunch...Practice starts at 2:30 and lunch is at 11:45....
  12. I play soccer for my high school and I have a lot of trouble conditioning. First of all, I have very weak knees. I went to the doctor like two years ago and he said the reason was because I grew so fast in such a little bit of time (I'm 5'9" by the way). But, I would think that they would get better by now, right? I've been wearing a kneebrace for maybe a year, off and on so I dont' become dependent on it. But I always have to stop running because of my knees. Any words of advice to that? I'm hopefully going to the doctor on Wednesday for this. Another thing is that after I run the first mile, I always feel naseous or dizzy. It's usually one or the other, but it always happens. Is there any way to maybe help this problem? I'm starting to worry about my starting position being taken away from me because I can't run! I'm not going to lie, I'm a good soccer player. For those of you that know what this means, I've played on many A level Athena teams. But I'm worrying that the coach is beginning to think that I'm slacking because after every practice I'm complaining of my knees, and I usually have to stop playing before the end or while we're running at the end of practice I have a really scary look on my face from trying to deal with the pain. Anyone have any advice?
  13. Age is nothing but a number! If you want to get to know her, do it! Just remember to treat her like a normal person! I had a friend who was mostly paralyzed on the left side of her body and she HATED being treated differently.
  14. It was a little strange today....I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, it seemed mutual to me, he didn't seem all that bummed when I told him. Well, today after school I was talking with my brother and my brother's girlfriend girlfriend by my locker when my ex came over and started chatting with us. It was a little strange for him to pick that moment, because all of our classes are near each other, he could've walked with me to class or said hey then or something...It was kinda awkward for us, and we didn't talk that much. But it was still pretty strange, because it was the first time since he's talked to me since we broke up and he just came over and was perfectly fine and started talking with us. I just don't really know what to make of it, because he was my first boyfriend. I think he's just wanting to be friends now, but my brother's girlfriend (who happens to be a good friend of mine) says that she thinks he wants me back (which I don't understand, because when I told I had to break up with him, he said "I figured that." and we just walked to class in silence).
  15. My boyfriend and I just broke up, so I'm going to be single too, don't worry! My school is sponsoring this thing where you can send people flowers or hearts or something and I plan to send stuff to my friends to let them know I care about them! Valentines day is about love, not necessarily love between a couple. I love all my friends to death! We're all going to get together the day before too...It'll be awesome =)
  16. lol! John--my advice is just to relax. Talk about whatever you want to. Get to know her a little bit, see what you have in common. You could talk about your quirks, or just random stuff. Just be yourself and have fun!
  17. I love Halo 2! I'm not very good at it, but I love to play fps games. It took me a while to find a boyfriend who liked that about me. Most guys just thought of me as one of the guys because I like video games and stuff. My advice is to not make your purpose right now looking for girls. One will come along, sometimes you'll never expect it. I went to a football game to have fun with my best friend and I wound up meeting the guy who is now my boyfriend. Just relax, and let it happen.
  18. I would definatly get her a rose on V. day. Cliche, yes, but if you can, grab a pink one. Red ones are awesome, but pink ones are lots better! My sister got one not too long ago from her boyfriend and it was sooo pretty! For her birthday, (Feb 23rd, my birthday too! Get her somthing she's into, as the above posters have said. Or, making something for her always has a nice touch. If you have a lot of pictures, make copies and put them in a scrapbook. Maybe make her a batch of cookies with a little teddy bear and a note attached. Hope this helps!
  19. I'm not sure where this goes, but this seemed like a good choice. Lately I've been scared to make friends because I know that when I make a new friend I wind up spending so much time with my new friend I wind up losing my old friends. Well, this semester I don't really have any classes with people I know. I wanted to make some new friends so I wouldn't be alone in those classes, but I'm scared because of what happened last year. Last year a girl, I'll call her Keri, was my friend. I was Keri's only friend in 7th grade, and in 8th grade I was one of two. Well, when I found new friends in 8th grade, I began to leave Keri out. I stopped hanging out with her during and after school because I was busy with my new friends. She became very depressed and ultimately tried to commit suicide twice because of what I did. I basically just stopped contact with her and this caused her to be so upset that someone could do this to her that she tried to commite suicide. I felt so horrible when I found this out. I didn't know about it until after 8th grade year ended, so there was no time to correct my mistakes and she was going/is going to a different high school than me. I don't know what to do. I'm scared of making friends now because I don't want anyone to commit suicide. I know my other friends won't, but still, you never know what people are capable of. I'm going to be miserable at school if I can't make any new friends, but I'm afraid to make them because I don't want to hurt anyone else. It's starting to make me very depressed and I don't know what to do!
  20. Like, I stop haning out with them...last year, it got really bad. I got 4 new friends, and I just stopped hanging out with two of my friends. Like, we said Hi to each other in the hall, but that was about the extent of our comversations. It's like whenever I make a new friend, I become ex-friends with someone I'm already friends with. My problem is that not all my friends exactly...get along, I guess is a nice way of putting it. They don't really like each other. They belong to different cliques, I guess you could say. All my friends like me great, but a lot of them don't get along with each other.
  21. Boredom is NO reason to put someone down. If he said things to you and you're hurt, then you're not overreacting. That's what I think...
  22. If she means enough to you to drop classes, you should be in the same class, I think.
  23. I'm afraid to make new friends. Everytime I have a new friend to hang out with, I somehow wind up excluding a friend I already have. I never mean to do it, it just winds up happening. This has come to the point where I'm afraid to make new friends because I don't want to cause any of the friends I already have the pain of me excluding them. I've already lost 3 great friends because of this, and one friend was kind enough forgive me. One girl who I did this to wound up trying to commit suicide because I was the only person who would be her friend, and I wound up excluding her. I don't EVER want that to happen, because even though she is mad at me, I love her so much and I feel so bad. I'm also afraid that I may have to break up with my boyfriend because I think this may be happening again with one of my other friends. I don't mean to do this, it just happens! I feel incredibly guilty and I want all of this to stop! Please help me!
  24. I'm not sure how well this would work with you, but it help's me out A LOT! I'm a very shy person too. When I am feeling shy, but there's someone I want to talk to, I think about a time when I wasn't shy. I think of a time when I was relaxed, comfortable, and happy. Like there was one time when a friend of mine and I were making a plan to 'take over the world'. It was incredibly fun and weird, just like us! Well, when I'm feeling shy I like to just think about that moment, when nothing else mattered because I was having a great time with my friend, and I let it sink. I smile and a happy feeling runs through me and I suddenly don't feel shy anymore. Maybe this would work with you?
  25. The thing is, last year (before I had met my boyfriend) I had a HUGE crush on Russell. I told Russell about it, and he said he didn't feel the same way, but he wouldn't let it change our friendship. So we're still really great friends, and I don't feel that way about Russell anymore beacause I have my boyfriend. The thing is, I think one of my friends told my boyfriend that I used to have a crush on Russell..something she said to me last night makes me think that. This may be why he got so hurt? Because I was excited to see Russell when I used to have a crush on him?
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