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Everything posted by Inconceivable

  1. Not necessarily...They could be nervous. I have a friend who no matter what the situation is, if she's nervous she laughs.
  2. Have you ever talked to her before? I would make sure tha before you ask her to the dance that you just have some friendly chat with her. About a week and a half or a week before you the dance I say you should ask her. Just go for it. If you don't ask her you'll regret it. Trust me. Good luck!
  3. I do get nervous a lot of times, unless I'm with my friends. My friends do give me a lot of confidence. A lot of times I'll just think about something really funny that we did and that helps me a lot.
  4. I would probably give them a nickname. One of my friend's name is the same as my mother's and I couldn't get over it, so she said that I could call her TK (her initials) or I could make up some nickname. I decided to call her Edo instead of her initials.. If the name bothers you, give her a nickname...though you may want to get to know her a little before you give her a new name...lol
  5. Someone help, i can't tell what I'm doing. Maybe someone else can help me. Ok, I met a friend at my high school's homecoming dance and we spent the entire dance together and it was a lot of fun. The next day he asked me out to the movies and I said yeah. Well, when he came to pick me up I kept thinking in my head how I'd much rather stay home than go to the movies with him. Keep in mind that I had spent friday evening playing volleyball, friday night at my friends house, and all saturday afternoon playing volleyball. The car ride there I started minding less and less going to the movies. He's a cute guy, and he's really funny but I'm not sure if I actually like him in that way. You see, not a lot of guys like me. I'm not sure why, all my friends say I'm pretty but they just don't. I'm scared that I might have just agreed to go out with him because it's such a change for a guy to actually like me. Note: I do seem to be a lot happier around him and we do have fun when we're together. Our date was a lot of fun too. I don't want to hurt him but I'm scared I might be leading him on, and leading myself on. We do have awkward silences when we're together and we always seem to end up talking about sports, but then again sports play a big role on both of our lives. I'm just not sure... Can anyone help?
  6. I dno't like cologne that much...A little bit is ok, but a lot of the guys I go to school with use a LOT and it makes me gag horribly...so that experience has kind of put me off cologne...
  7. I used to have this same problem with my sister, who is one year my senior. I would be doing something everyday, like eating breakfast or walking to class and think that my life would be better off without my sister. I think about all the horrible things she's done to me, like put me in a dryer and once she cut off all my hair when I was asleep because I used her hair dryer without asking her. (I was 12.) But I had to ask myself how much she's helped me. I don't really feel comfortable talking to my mom about personal things, because she so much older than me. But I can talk to my sister about that stuff, like periods, guys, and fashion. At times I despise her just because she says 'Hi' to me instead of 'Hey'. At times I honestly HATE her. but there are other times when i feel thankful to have her in my life... Dunno if this helps you...but I tried...
  8. Yeah, I'm in the same situation kind of. All my friends have boyfriends and girlfriends and I don't. Sometimes it feels like no one will ever love me, but then i just think that that's silly. I'm still really young, and the relationships that all my friends are in are all going to end. it's not like I'm 40. I'm home many friday nights but a lot of other times I go out with my friends and their 'partners'. Yes, sometimes it is a 3rd wheel situation, but most of the time we all just have a great time. This is a great way to get out, but you have to realize that these couples want some alone time too...Don't ask to go out with them every friday night. Anyway, this is just how I feel.....Hope it helps some =)
  9. I have a brother that will be leaving in a few months. It killed me when I first thought about it, because my brother is an amazing guy. But I soon realized that he was 18. He's got to go and live his own life, because as much as I know he enjoys it when we fight over the remote control and have screaming contests, (yes, we're both teenagers and we still have screaming contests I know that that isn't all to life. He's got to go out and make his dreams come true. Sure, I could always buy some chains from Home Depot and lock him up in the basement....but that'd be such an inconvinience haivng to go down there and feed him three times a day... (hahaha...jk jk) I hope this helps
  10. So it's either your boyfriend and girlfriend or nothing? I don't think that's very fair...You said that she's your bestfriend, which means your probably one of hers. And she may not be emotionally ready to be in a relationship. I don't think it's right to make her lose her best friend because she doesn't want to go out with you. If you give up on her now, you may never have the chance to have something more with her. Give her time.
  11. so basically you said that they think i don't want to be their friend anymore?But I was trying to set it up to where we could get together....Doesn't that say I care?
  12. Ok, in eighth grade, I had 4 really great friends who went to school with me we were all incredibly close. The four of them were going to High School A, and I was going to High School B. Well, 9th grade started and we were not as close as we were in eighth grade. We haven't seen each other since the middle of summer. So, on thursday I decided that since I have a free weekend this weekend, we could try and get together. I asked all my friends if they were free on saturday to meet up at the movies. They all said yes and I was ecstatic. I put an away message on my AIM and I went to bed. This morning I came downstairs and read their Livejournals. they had all gone to the movies last night, without me. I asked if they were still going to the movies with me today, but they said they couldn't because they went last night. No one would tell me why they changed the time, our why they didn't try to call me so I could come too. I don't understand this, because last year we were all AMAZINGLY close friends and all the time they IM me and say how they want to get us all together again like we were a few months ago. I'm really sad right now, and I don't know what to do. I don't understand if they just don't like me anymore or what's going on....
  13. I need some help... I really like my best friend. I notice all the little things that he does...Like how when I really make him laugh, he smiles and shoes his back teeth...If he's just laughing to be nice, he only smiles on the left side. If he thinks it just really stupid, but a little funny he smiles with the right side of his face...I notice how he clicks his pen three times in a row while he's thinking... like click-click-click *pause* click-click-click...etc... Well, the problem is he's a really devout christian and I'm an atheist. He doesn't like sports at all, but I'm a huge sports fan. He knows I like him, but he's not sure if he likes me. He doesn't return my calls or look at me when I pass him in the halls... is there anything I can do? And if so, what?
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