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  1. This year at our school we have an exchnge student that is totally beautiful. He has such a great sense of humor and always makes those around him feel special. At our fall semi formal, he was dancing with one girl (hes really good) and then it him me. OMG --> I REALLY REALLY ...REALLY like him. I talked to him on msn from the beginning ( september) but I have failed to make the crutial move yet. I have told him however that I like him and He like me too. It really suck now though because due to semestering we dont get to see each other atall until 2nd semester. My hopes of posting here is to find out how and when to make the final move of talking to him and hanging out with him at school more than I do now ( even though I cant implement the "plan" until next semester) Was it a bad idea to tell him that I like him without knowing him really well? Any input will be great
  2. On Saturday (yesterday), My Taunte Bep ( Dutch Aunt) called and told me that my Uncle John had died of cancer. He had lived in Canada for the last 20 years and over the last 18 had really been there for our family. When my Opa died almost on the day my parents married, he stepped in as the fatherly role for my dad. I know that my dad really misses him and I want to write a notoe to my taunte to give to her tomorrow. Seeing as I cant fly up to Ontario to see her, I want to express my feelings of gratitude towards him and let her know how special he was to me and my family. He was really funny and always made the people around him feel included. If anybody has ideas on what I might be able to say in the letter, please reply. ( Any Catholic verses from the bible that relate would also be appreciated.)
  3. Tomorrow my older sister will move away to University. Her and I fight... alot but we rarely mean it. We will only see each other every other weekend for one day. I'm quite upset, even though I don't show it. I've told her how much I am going to miss her and why, but will I get over the lonliness of only having my mum, sister and dad around? How do other younger siblings deal with it when their older siblings move out? I just dont want her to leave!
  4. Well, The uterine lining will remain filled with blood in order to offer an amount of protection for the baby... which inturn means that a woman will not experience her period, so that way, she wont have any periods during the 9 months of pregnancy or, depending on the woman, a period for a matter of months. I understand that this doesnt answer your question, however it's grade 9 science, so I thought that I would share it with you. * It is recceomeded that a woman not participae in certain sexual activites during pregnancy
  5. Ryan, You are on a road to getting over her, which is a good thing to do. So you cant let her interrupt you. When she calls, explain that to her. This might be a little harsh but I dont think she feels the same way about you, so you cant wait for her to either, your young and you have to enjoy that!
  6. Thanks to everybody for posting their input! I would never tell anybody with a broken leg to simply walk it off, i would tell them not to focus on the negative of their injury but to simply see that there is good to caome of all thats. At least thee didn't lose their leg! It will never be the eaisest thing to tell someone who is depressed that they should be happy, but a conscious effort should be made to help them see the light. After all that may be a part of the reason that they are here.. right? The purpose of this forum is to establish a way for teenagers to see the light. We only ever get one shot at this life and it can be very disheartening to see the human race wasting their one shot. I want people to realize that they will have so many regrets when they are old and when they are raising their children. Is there any way you can get people to see that? Do the people who are depressed only stay like that (even when they are cured) because they want to?? Maybe its something that they think that everybody can relate to. *i do realize tghat depression is a chemicle imbalance in the brain and the line between sanity and the hell that they are in is very fine*
  7. there are trully some really great people at http://www.enotalone.com aren't there!
  8. Dear nomore, Thank you for posting. If you dont mind, i would like to share a personal experience. I'm only 15, so my job isnt too glamorous however I'd like to tell you about my father. My dad and mom own a farm in a rural community. He was a trained carpenter who loved his job. He owned a VERY successful business. HOWEVER.... do you think it was always like that. Well if you do, your mistaken. He had 7 other jobs before he was even employed for someone else in the carpentry trade. He didnt have it easy, but he made it. I tell people this story because of its moral.Things will be bad and you may have to have different jobs, even at a job that you dont like. But PLEASE try to look at the bright side, (ive said this before lol!) but you can breath, walk, and see. Take the time to realize that material possessions wont always make you happy. Knowing that you have the ability tokeep trying may be a greater reward than having something handed to you. It will make you appreciate what you have that much more.
  9. Dear Shes2Smart, I cant agree more with your quote at the bottom of your post! MISERY IS OPTIONAL!... so why are teens choosing misery, which will in turn make them grumpy and a pack of bears to contend with when they have the option to be happy? It may be a hard road to deal with to get to the point of being "HAPPY", but doesnt it seem worth it. AFTER ALL, the miserable people dont like their situation, do they!? PS: Im only 15 ...... but im flattered that you think im older... i guess
  10. SMILE! go and find some dumb joke ( or what ever ). SOMETHING to make you SMILE A chemicle that he brain produces will actually make you feel better! You could also sit down with a piece of paper and list all of the "negative" things that you do. Select 1/5 of the list for this week (or a suitable ammt) and do the opposite. I also suggest seeing a professional. Ive been, and its truly great!
  11. PS: What brought me to eNotalone.com my desire to improve the lives of others Cloud 802: Trust me your opinion was not useless, it was actually insightfull. THANKS! Chris: I'm glad to hear that you are happy... and hope you always will be
  12. Zombie King, I truly do feel sorry for you and your situation, but dont be so depressed, every morning, you wake up, youdont have a deadly disease, you can see the sun, you can breath! BE LUCKY! there are so many people who a living in hospitals and who will never see the light of tomorrow! PS: (I'm not saying that this site isnt a great one... but) Zombie king, instead of posting here, type up your resume and distribute it to your desired places of work. If you don get a job, realize, if just for one moment, the A) NO ONE can make you feel inferior without your consent... AND B) TRUE PLEASURE WILL COME FROM HARD WORK ! and... Sister Lynch, why I am so happy is because today, My grandmother who has cancer called me and i said i loved her I saved my kittens life, I woke up to a messy house. BUT I DONT CARE! I HAVE A HOUSE! I gave a homeless man $5 to get lunch I HAVE IMPROVED THE LIVES OF OTHERS! We as a society have become so consumed with having EVERYTHING! The root of some peoples depression is their need to have everything. When in reality, all we need is each other. MAYBE if those who self diagnose depression would smile more, life would be eaiser. Laugh at the little things.
  13. Yes sister Lynch, Ill admit that some days downright suck, but it is everybodys personal control ( to a degree ) how to live each day. So when I wake up in the morning, i decide -> I will give myself 5 min today to fell like i have it the worst in the world. and then for the next 23 hours and 55 min. I get to be happy. I am a firm believer that there is a silver lining to every problem and i feel as though people are just living on the problem. You cause your self SO MUCH more stress but being cranky! Believe Me!
  14. Hey Tristesse, I can read, translate and understand french. Just pm me if you need help!
  15. WHAT IS WRONG WITH TODAYS TEENS? i look around this site and i only see posts about teens ( and even adults) who are depressed. At the top of the page it says Enotalone You are not alone , however i feel as i am the only person who is happy. So this is to so I AM HAPPY! and proud of it? Why cant this be a universal feeling? * Please note: I realize that some people do have it bad some times, but do they ever have a "good day"?
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