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Everything posted by Blnde_Bombshell

  1. Awww....bless. I'm in the stage of moving on where I can get through a couple days without wondering what he's doing, wondering if he misses me or is thinking of me. I havent cried over him for along time. Your advice fo talking about it really does help. I've noticed when I try to help other people's relationships and give them advice, I notice myself becoming happier and it is 10 times easier to move on from my past relationship. We must get hurt in order to grow We must fail in order to know Sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears. If you live in the past, the present will become it, and the future will never change.
  2. I hate hair anywhere so I get waxed. Been getting everything waxed for almost 3 years now. It rarely grows back now but with my guys, I want them neatly trimmed....
  3. Don't give her the chance to even keep in contact with you. Take the inniative and take all her things to her. And say, "please tell that you have a change of address, it's not my responsibility to keep your mail for you. If you don't have it changed, I'll be throwing your mail away." you need to be assertive in this and stand up for yourself!! SHE LEFT YOU! If you never do give her all her stuff, she will just use that as an excuse to come see you and to stay in contact. Don't let her have that control. And when you tell her to have them change the adress and keep her stuff, that will be a huge reality check for her that you are ready to move on!! Stay strong!!! just remember, during this whole thing of her leaving you, she just proved to you that she isn't the one for you....
  4. While you're sucking him off (that sounds so gross), give him a handjob at the same time. Also....since they are very sensitive, hum when you are giving him a blow job. The vibration in your mouth will drive him crazy. You need to keep going and keep doing things so he doesn't lose the sensation to cum. ask him if he likes his balls to be fondled with. Never tug on them, just fondle them. It all depends what he prefers. Tell him to be very open with you and if your giving him a handjob and he says "go faster" or (most likely) "harder" then you'll know. Communication is key in having a good sex life. I could always make my ex cum when I would give him a hand job, you can't go wrong with them but make sure you listen to him if he says "softer" or "harder and faster"
  5. Yes do take the test again. Even though mine had come back positive, I took it a few days later to be for sure. Make sure you don't drink any soda a few hours before or it might mess with the test. Let us know how it goes......*crosses fingers for you*
  6. There IS sperm in pre-cum. That's exactly how I got pregnant. My boyfriend pulled out everytime and I still got pregnant. So yes, you have a chance of being pregnant. Go take a pregnancy test ASAP. please wear protection. if you're freaking out bad and not even knowing if you are or not pregnant, trust me, actually seeing the two lines on the pregnancy test and realizing your gonna have a baby, IS 10000 TIMES WORSE!!! your actions have consequences, be responsible and wear protection.
  7. My biggest turn on is dirty talk. and CONFIDENCE!!!! nothing is more unattractive than a guy who unsure of himself and who is shaking from nervousness...
  8. Ok, so about the whole e-mail thing, after my ex stopped talking to me for a bit, I was still on his mailing lists and got those stupid e-mails. All you had to do was casually say "I appreciate you wanting to keep the chain mail going/ or your concern for ______, but please take me off your E-mail list. Many Thanks." or if she keeps sending them to you, if you can, block her address. Well, obviously she's wanting to get together with you if she's going out of her way to tell you that casually. Personally, that sounds extremely desperate to me. there's your problem dude. You keep talking to her. stop all contact with her and she will get the point. If you cannot avoid her, act like the adult in it and avoid being all nasty to her. Say, "I want to get on with my life and I appreciate you wanting to reconcile and be friends but I'm really not ready to start a friendship or a relationship with you. If I was ever at the point to start one, I'd get in contact with you." do you see what I mean?? it's like you aren't totally shutting her down but you are acting like the adult in this situation and when you say to her "im not ready to start a friendship with you but I'll let you know when I am" that basically means "im never gonna call you again, drema on sucker!!" but in a nicer more gentle way.
  9. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He made the hugest mistake of his life and that was kissing your friend and LOSING YOU. the same thing happened to my friend but she stayed with her boyfriend and got married, then 5 years later she found out her husband was having an affair......
  10. I have a very short attention span but somehow I read that whole thing!! I think you should move on. If she didn't tell you about the boyfriend till later, who knows what else she's holding back. What happens if you do get together and she does the same thing and tells another guy later down the line she has a boyfriend after he's fallin in love with her. And when she says she could have 2 boyfriends....hmmm...that sounds a bit sketchy. Don't wait around for her. She's stringing you along. I promise you, you can do better than that. (and that doesn't sound like wife material) If she proved to be the woman for you, she would have left him already and not have to put you in the awkward position of this......move on!!!!!
  11. Wooah!!! It looks like you put alot of thought and feeling into it. I've noticed the best poetry and songs come out of the times when you really feel down. I like the whole thing. Writing poetry is always a good way to vent your frustrations and emotions. Keep up the good work!!
  12. When my father died, my ex and I had just bearly broken up. I know he heard how my father died but he didn't ever call or anything to even say his condulences. Nothing, no card, no flowers, no text message. That definetly helped me get over him quicker. it's been 10 months since you last talked and then she called but didn't leave a message......Well, sounds like she might have just called to say hello or ask how things are. If she hasnt been in your life the past couple months, what's the point to have her be in your life now. Losing a parent is hard but trusting a former love with your emotions and feelings sounds a bit dodgy to me. If she did want to get in contact bad enough to tell you something important, she would. But other than that, stay close to family and close friends because you need comforting in your time of grieving. I'm sorry about your dad, I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I lost my father last May and it's still hard when people ask about him but I'm doing better everyday because I know he would have wanted me to keep going on with life. I remember his last words that made us all stop and think, "Don't take life so serious, it's not like you are gonna get out alive." It changed me and my whole family.
  13. The one relationship that meant the most to me was the one I took my time with. We didn't jump into things and we first started off with a friendship. When we did decide to get together, we had a really strong bond with eachother because we were already comfortable with eachother. Take your time with it but never take advantage of the fact that you may lose eachother so always be thankful. (that's what I've learned from my past relationships) ask her whatever you feel. No one is in the friendship/relationship except you and her so whatever you feel comfortable asking her or whatever is on your mind, ask her. A big part of a good healthy relationship is honesty and being comfortable with the person. Good luck!!!!
  14. Hey yall, I'm new here. So be gentle. I'm still in the long process of getting over my ex-boyfriend. It's been really hard because we live in the same city so I see his friends and family alot. I made this book that has really helped me alot. I wrote down pages of things I hated about him and what I won't have to deal with now that we are over. And I also found a bunch of quotes while I was searching on the net that really inspired me......like from Autumn to Ashes song- "you break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because I deserve better?" People change, things go wrong, crap happens, but life goes on. We must get hurt in order to grow. We must fail in order to know Sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears. Some people are just not meant to be in your life no matter how much you want them to be. in the famous words on SATC(sex & the city) After all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best we can do is breathe and reboot. It's when you snag your hand on a rusty nail that you realize....life sucks! But regardless of the pain, you won't bleed forever. I cried today, not because I missed you or even wanted you, but because I realized I'm gonna be fine without you. I also found a bunch of songs to listen to when I'm even tempted to feel sympathy for my ex. Like... Will Young-Stronger Beyonce- Me Myself Bad Religion- 1000 Memories Madonna- the Power of Goodbye Cher-Strong Enough Des'ree-You gotta be Jennifer Lopez-I'm gonna be alright Justin Timberlake- Cry me a river Christina Aguilera- Fighter Avril Lavigne- My Happy Ending what helped you stop thinking about your ex??
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