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Everything posted by wlfpack81

  1. I think you people need to learn not to stare at people you're unattracted to b/c most people (especially in the case of a girl looking at a guy) will take it as a possible sign of interested. Obviously I don't myself b/c I don't take stock in eye contact at all anymore and make it a habit of not looking at random girls I don't find cute / attractive. I think it's stupid to look at someone you hate or think it's weird. If you don't like that peson DON'T LOOK.
  2. Haha well I'm not one of those who overestimate there looks. I know I'm fairly below average to maybe near average (if a girl has had a case of beer or something LOL). I wish more people were realists like myself. I agree that there are those guys/girls who think they are God's gift to the opposite sex when they aren't all that at all. Only wish more people could be real about themselves like me.
  3. There you go boys you've heard it from 2 girls right there. Look was probably nothing at all. LOL Man times like this I'm so glad I'm a realistic. Again eye contact in most cases doesn't mean jack.
  4. I always say don't read into eye contact too much. Can mean nothing at all. She could've zoned out, thought you look familiar, reminded her of someone who she used to know/date, or thought you had something odd about you. As you can see it can be a multitude of things.
  5. No you don't!!! If you were ugly like me then you WON'T find anyone. Be dang thankfull that God, genetics, luck (whichever angle you want to choose) has allowed you to be attractive to the masses. There are many like myself who would probably nearly sell their souls to be attractive. And IMO the reason why good looking people have so many relations as you claim is b/c they CAN. When you're good looking you have more chances and can afford to take a chance and attempt to move up the ladder. Harsh but true. When you're average (or in my case ugly) you pretty much can't afford to do that and often have to settle or else be alone forever. Beggers can't be choosers and this is true. I mean I believe that like attractiveness dates like attractiveness. So often when an ugly / average person finds another on the same level they have to make it work b/c they may not have many other chances.
  6. Y? I expected the comments I'm reading here about hip-hop etc. and despite what some say it's not sooo much about the music but who's making it but I won't go there. At least not on this thread.
  7. LOL well I think country, rock & roll is all crap too. I bet you hate the NBA too don't you? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.
  8. eddie500 I feel the same way. If I get rejected by a girl then why bother talking anymore? I mean not like I was trying to make friends w/her just to be friends, but rather friends to go eventually become b/f and g/f.
  9. Love for family as in mom, dad, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins....obviously yes and I have that. Love for (in my case) in terms of a g/f....no b/c I don't think I'll ever find a girl b/c of my shyness.
  10. LOL same here. I tried to be even more open and not limited w/my selections on the personality questions and still got a freaking message saying I wasn't compatiable w/anyone.
  11. In my opinion 19 and 14 is too much of a gap right now. You're just what a fresh in HS going into your Soph yr I assume and this guy is in college surrounded by college women. If he wants to date a 14yr old girl as opposed to college girls then that would sound suspicious. Of course you're going to do what you want to anyways so I don't expect you to listen to my advice but I gave it since you asked for opinions anyways.
  12. I'm not big onto clubs either. If you want a one night stand then that's the place. However, if you want maybe a good friend at the least or a g/f then club isn't the place for that.
  13. Man w/all due respect I don't want to be in my 40's when I marry for the first time. I'm 24 soon and if I haven't solved this problem by the time I'm 30 then a mail order bride or something may be in order LOL.
  14. Like attracts like. IMO that opposites attract crap is jus that crap. So basically to answer you're question I think liking similar music is a BIG plus in a relationship. I mean if you're playing your type of music be it rap, rock, soul, blues, country etc. all day in the house and your partner doesn't like it (or vice versa where he/she's playing their music all day) well then after a while it'll probably become annoying.
  15. Haha man I knew I'd get a response out of ya w/my last post. Hmm 5-10% girls left!? Well IMO dating is a #'s game. The more choices to pick from the better chance of getting somewhere. So if I'm only playing with a 5-10% chance to begin with...well like I said no use in really even trying anymore. Again I'm a realist. I don't theorize and see things for the way they should be or how I want them to be. I just see it for how it's been, how it is and how it'll probably continue to be based on trends etc. I don't just do this w/myself concerning love but with all issues of life such as the stupid hate people have towards others on this planet and will most likely always have for example (don't get me started on that topic though). You call me pessamistic I say I'm a realist b/c for many in the world life sucks and I just see it and call it like it is.
  16. I'm in the same boat as you Joe. 24 next Saturday and still nothing at all. Most girls DO NOT like guys in the situation we are both in regardless of what they say on this board. Remember most girls here will try to be nice and make us happy by not being mean. But I'm a realist and know that most girls don't want 20 something inexperienced guys. Hence why I'm pretty much abou to just give up on ever trying to get over my shyness and get a g/f. I'm so far behind in the game that 90-95% of the girls out there wouldn't want me anyways.
  17. Hey Treble I'm not a member of Something Awful but I love the Photoshop Pridays they have there. A lot of great photoshop work and I've probably come accross you're work a few times and not even know it.
  18. I'll take a guess at it: Sounds like he liked this girl b4 they meet, they meet, he thought she was gorgeous, not sure she thought the same of him. Or turns out she likes him to but they're too far about to have a normal relationship (he mentioned time zone difference when talking to her). That's what I'd guess just based on the info we've been given so far.
  19. It could just be she knows you have a lighter which is always good for someone when they want to light it up. I know personally I wouldn't read into too heavily. Talk to her but don't assume to much b/c you may get disappointed.
  20. Man I need to seriously gain some weight lol. I'm like 6ft2in and around 160-165 (when I weight myself last week). I normally hover around 155lbs but guess my eating greesy french fries and drinking twice a week has helped to add on some weight. I'm still almost at the underweight category based on the BMI chart though.
  21. Here's another link to the BMI chart. There's one for guys and one for girls: link removed
  22. No prob meyerjek, I don't agree with the view you and shysoul have about the nice guy route/image and it's good to disagree and debate the issue. No hard feelings and I didn't view your post as an attack anyways. It's cool.
  23. Sounds to me you're suggesting waiting around on the friendship to grow into something else. Sorry if a guy is comfortable with that then okay I guess but if a guy is in that mode were he's looking for a g/f then why the heck would he wait around if this girl wants nothing more than friendship!?!? They can still be friends but it'd be in the guy's best interested to continue searching for a girl that he can go to the next level with in terms of a g/f - b/f relationship.
  24. Sorry shy but I disagree w/you again. When I think of friends I think of a non-physical relationship in terms of romance. So if a girl only sees me as a friend then that means you two can't have a 'relationhip' in terms of love etc. b/c ya know in order to have a family of your own (which I'd like to one day) you have to have sex ya know. And while friends may mess around w/one another I doubt two people would decide to start a family if they were just friends ya dig? Yes you will be "friends" so to speak w/your eventual partner and WE KNOW THIS but we're talking about friends as in just general friends and nothing more. That's what that post I was responding to was talking about. Friendship as in platonic, causual, I hang out w/you but don't have feelings for you. Sheesh.
  25. To the originator of this thread: That's just the nature of the beast. I'm in the same boat as you and it does suck. Well, the only difference is I've never had a girl say I'd be a good catch and have only gotten 2 comments about being cute my WHOLE life. So at least you're not as bad off as me.
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