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Everything posted by wlfpack81

  1. Thank you Ocean, finally a girl who tells it like it is. Most women out there feel this way. They say they want a nice man b/c society in general (especially religion) tells us we're supposed to act a certainy way. So people (not all) speak how society says we should but in their heads they're not thinking that. This is way if you can become a bad boy then go for it.
  2. Let's be real most people say what they want (or what they think) others want to hear. So many girls say they want a nice guy but end up w/guys who hurt them etc. Some of your female friends may be sincere shysoul but some are probably BSing as well.
  3. Shysoul is a dude. Not sure who the girl is in his pic though.
  4. Haha I seriously doubt she thought I was attractive (well at 1st I did possibly b/c of the smiles and her friendliness towards me). I never really had girls describe me as being attractive so I figured that her actions must've meant she liked me b/c I'm not the normal hot looking guy that has 10-20, hell even 1 girl going after him.
  5. Have to say shysoul I respect the fact that you won't budge from your stance despite being in the line of fire so to speak. I disagree with your opinions but at least you're not budging. Of course in my situation I wish I could stay the same but I feel that unless I change the game I'll be spending Fri/Sat nites w/my right hand forever. Of course my shyness is a major pain and is what's holding me back from evening beginning to make a change if I wanted to.
  6. No offense shysoul but since you're single I guess I can assume you "jerk-off" unless you just have no sex drive what-so-ever. I mean I don't mean to be rude but I really have to agree w/the other who are arguing with you. You're method hasn't gotten you anywhere yet so how can you offer that same advice to someone else. People like to invest in something that works, not something that has failed.
  7. that's hilarious. and true, too. girls love to be friends with guys who are sweet, nice and sensitive. Haha nice and well put. They definitely like being friends w/guys of those qualities but that's it.
  8. Honestly best to hurry and tell them you don't like them in that way now. They're gonna be disappointed either way since you hang out w/them so much possible giving them the impression you like them. Best to do it now rather than drag it on longer and make the eventual anger they're going to have any worse.
  9. No offense I hate when people say that. Just b/c someone else has done something doesn't mean she has too. Also I hate the "you have all your life to get laid etc." Maybe she doesn't want to wait that long. I remember in middle school how people would say to me "oh you'll find somone." Heard it in HS and in college. Guess what I'm 24 2wks from today and I'll still be single never having had anything. So don't say "everything will be alright" when you don't know if it will or not.
  10. Well, I still disagree w/the smile theory. Take this for example. In my last semester in college I had this cute girl smile and come sit beside me on the 1st day of class. Now this girl was very attractive and I was surprised. After chatting w/her for a couple of classes I eventually discovered she had a damn husband (she was 25 and had already graduated once but was going back to school again). So see how that smile, and even sitting beside me and talking me didn't mean jack!!! Girls in general are known as being more friendly and flirty so in this day and age a smile doesn't mean anything. For me a smile isn't encouraging enough at all. I don't make pre-emptive strikes so to speak w/o making sure the chances for success is high. I still say girls are scared to make a move b/c of the rejection factor. Maybe if some women experienced it like I have before then they wouldn't be so harsh when letting guys down. Basically women don't want a taste of their own medicine.
  11. drydupfob I agree w/what you're saying I myself tried to tell Shyshoul that while his advice is appreciated I'm sure, it may not work for EVERYONE. That's what he has to realize. If it works for some then so be it but it won't work for everyone. It's kind of like a gameplan for a basketball/football game. Every coach has a different strategy. Some work and some don't. Again I also pointed out that Shysoul (like my pathetic self as well) hasn't had anything, zero, nada w/women so maybe he should consider changing his gameplan and see what works. You think Phil Jackson, Bill Parcles would've won so many titles w/o finding something that eventually worked?
  12. Man ever heard of locked doors people? LOL or making sure you're home alone if you're gonna fool around.
  13. Well, it's the freaking 21st century and women seem to love being independent. So why can't for once the woman make the move eh? LOL
  14. Girls don't ask guys out b/c they don't want to have to deal w/rejection. They know it sucks so they try to avoid it. Having to the be the one asked lets them keep the power over the whole situation as they have the say so as to whether or not things continue or end right there.
  15. Well, as some of the other girls mentioned here they've smiled at guys they weren't interested in before. Were just doing it to be nice or in some cases b/c of being nervous (not sure why you'd smile in that case though).
  16. I think people read too much into smiles. They don't mean anything today in the world of dating.
  17. I've done the same too wondering what could've been if I had a pair. Certainly not a good thing to do b/c it makes things even more frustrating knowing that I probably had a least 2 or 3 girls who I like who may have actually liked me back but I was too shy and not confident enough to make a move. I can think of 2 (maybe 3) girls in college and at least one other since I've been living out here for a yr in the s-ern plains region of the u.s.
  18. Yea KO I've had girls stare at me before w/o smiling and that's definitely weird. I mean what the heck are you looking at then? ya know?
  19. No offense Shysoul but if I'm not mistaken you're like me: nothing, zero, nada up to this point in your life as well.. So while you're advice is appreciate maybe it isn't for everyone b/c obviously you haven't had women flocking to you either. Sometimes things are more cut clear and dry than people want to make it out to be. She made that "friends" comment b/c she isn't interested in him like that and doesn't want to hurt him. Everyone else can see it so why can't you? This guy shouldn't waste another ounce of time trying to take it further and just move on (can still be friends with her though) and look for another girl if he wants a g/f in his life right now.
  20. I'll admit this is how I am in everday life but I can't help it. I feel why walk around making eye contact w/everyone and smiling all the time. People would think you're weird or something. It's a know fact that eye contact usually is seen as a threat and I don't want people to think I'm eyeing them for the wrong reason. Plus again I think walkign around w/a grin on my face all the time would make me look like I'm on crack or something and all loopy.
  21. I've been the same way. Only problem is I haven't been able to have any relationship period (date, kiss etc.) so that makes it tons worse. Don't know why I was this way but I can remember back in elementary school wanting a g/f and that serious relationship. Seems like I've been destined to go through personal hell longer than most.
  22. No offense MetallicAguy while I do (and I believe KO does) appreciate the advice things will change once you get out of HS. In the post college life more comes into play than just clothes etc. In addition to those things being a factor, money, status etc. also creep in the picture which makes the dating game a lot more complicated that what you see in K-12 and even college to a degree.
  23. You can ignore me but being 15 with a 20yr man is messed up. What he's doing to me is wrong b/c a real man doesn't need to have sex w/ a minor. He's nothing but a stupid punk IMO and is wrong for 1) Cheating 2) Having sexual relationships w/ a minor. But then again you young girls are supposed to be so mature for your age etc. etc. Whatever!?!?
  24. No probs KO I feel ya on this man. I agree w/the majority of the posts you make here and feel your anger. Most people just can't relate to being shy and ugly but we can. Seriously I don't know how much longer I can take it. Angry music and drinking 2 or 3 times a week isn't doing enough to take my mind off of it and work doesn't either (as I'm making this post from work lol).
  25. Yea just move on and make a run at some other girl.
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