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Everything posted by wlfpack81

  1. And w/that I'm done with this little side subject b/c the thread was already getting hijacked. As far as the subject on dating outside the race. Well, usually I would say love is blind however, I'll be honest after thinking about it for a while I don't even know if it's worth it b/c of all the BS I'd have to put up with from blacks and those apart of the race of the girl I'd date. I mean I am attracted to all races but man the constant stares, comments would take a heavy toll on such a relationship. I mean I live in Oklahoma right now which is super duper conservative. If I did happen to date a girl who wasn't black it'd probably have to be any race but white b/c I honestly don't think I could handle the crap that would be thrown on me and my potential g/f in this state or anywhere in the "Heartland" of America. If I were to date a girl who happened to be white I'd have to be in a "Blue" state so to speak though even there I would still get crapped on just as much. And for the record yes the comments that I would get from blacks if I dated a white girl would suck just as much as the comments I'd get from whites however, I wouldn't worry much about a black girl/guy trying to physically harass me over the issue. However, being honest with me being here in OK I would worry about the possibility of physical threats, harassment from the few who don't have an open mind on this issue. I mean a year or two ago in NJ two white guys beat up another white guy (not sure how well they knew him) b/c he happened to date a black girl in the past. This was in NJ which is more liberal than OK. I mean if an event like that happened there then I shudder to think about what could happen to me here.
  2. I'm sorry but I have to agree with pchellak that the statement made by Sheyda was a generalization. Unless you have freaking met every black person on the planet you can't say that all use racism of the past as an excuse to by racists now. I'm sorry that you were treated like you were by those people but dislike them b/c they were aholes, not b/c they were black aholes. I mean whites get angered when some blacks try to label all white southerners, conservatives as racists (or any white person racist in general) so did you really expect me (black male) to sit here and not get a little upset at that comment and the follow up post from dizzy_bruce? And dizzy_bruce blacks out to get you!? Please, if there were really blacks out to get you b/c of your race you'd probably be dead now. And how do you know that all 3 of those muggings by blacks had race as a motivation? Not saying they didn't b/c yes there are hate crimes that are done against whites by blacks though they're rarely reported. I mean in the heat of them attacking you if they muttered racial slurs then obviously yes it was but if they did nothing of the sort then it's a 50/50 call. But IMO despite what the media wants to make it seem like (us evil black males praying on the innocent, especially pure white women) the majority of crimes involving blacks that do happen is poor black on black crime. Pay attention to that word poor b/c that's the cause of most crimes. Go to Russia, China, or any other country and you'll find higher cases of crimes, drugs, prostitution in those poor areas as compared to others. Just that in this country no one wants to admit that all the BS of the past has had a big hand in having a lot of blacks in poor areas. If you're granddad was born in poverty, and your dad was born into poverty then there's a pretty dang good chance you will too as it's hard to break that cycle. I was lucky enough that my dad went into the army when he did and was able to get out of poor, small town e-ern NC and into middle, farily diverse se-ern VA where I was born. And just to let you know dizzy I don't hate all whites b/c some of them are rascals.
  3. This girl could just be very friendly. Girls are funny and don't always read too much into the weird signs they show.
  4. It means they don't think you're attractive as others say. Not fair but hey it's life.
  5. I could've told you that Shinobe. Like it or not looks do count in the intial phase of catching the eye of that guy/girl in public. We're not talking about a situation like at work or something were you get to know the person and eventually they become better looking in your eyes. We're talking about the everyday situation of trying to attract random people in public who you don't know at all. In this case looks certainly do count for a lot!!!
  6. well shy I guess in that case he'll be listen to no one since most arguments come from both of those ends.
  7. Internet dating sucks IMO. Sad thing is for the 2nd time my stupid butt talked myself into wasting $50 no a stupid link removed subscription.
  8. Don't listen to these people who tell you "oh you're just in high school, you have a lot of time." I heard that crap too when I was in HS and now 6yrs removed from HS (I'm 24) I'm still in the freaking same crappy situation. Try to work on yourself now and get girls in HS before it gets too late and you end up like me. A sad loser who is reminded of his failures as a man whenever I make a mistake be it screwing up on the job or striking out with the bases loaded like I did in softball tonight.
  9. Very good post corvidae, I especially agree with what you had to say in the 1st paragraph.
  10. LOL no offense but IMO if it is working then you would see conclusions by now or at least progress. From what it seems he's not making any progress b/c he keeps getting the same results. I know your views shy but not everyone is willing to sit and wait around for things to happen. If at the very least there's no signs of improvement then something is wrong with the process.
  11. Probably should have waited and let her call back since she said she would. By you calling she may think you're needy or desperate. Just my opinion but take it w/a HUGE GRAIN OF SALT since I have little to no experience w/women. LOL I'm just basing my opinion on other situations that friends have told me about etc.
  12. I'm somewhat like this too. My lack of action at this age is honestly causing me to slowly sip into madness. And it is definite evident when I drink (though I drink just enough to get a buzz but I still get angry). When I was in college I was able to vent my anger/frustration over my lack of women by going to the fball/bball games and basically just cursing, yelling, heckling the players etc. I've always been into sports (though I don't play them well) and being able to go to those games and get excited like did wonders to help me get anger out (though misdirected toward the players). Of course I'm out of school now and moved some 1500mi to the middle of nowhere central U.S. and don't have the venting method anymore. So I have to find something new to use instead.
  13. I said a few days ago I was done posting here but this site is just so darned addictive. To DaxMan: Despite what other's say, I myself say MORE POWER TO YA!!! Good luck in making this transformation and your plans for Operation Darth Vader seems good. I know you're supposed to be true to yourself blah, blah, blah but heck if you can't beat them then join them I say. Wish I could turn to the "dark side" but I'm too much of a chicken. LOL
  14. LOL well nice response shyshoul and you make som good points. But I'm sorry to say I'm too far gone to the "dark side" if you want to call it that (shows my nerdiness as well). I have no faith in man and at the moment i doubt my outlook on life is going to change at all, especially from a couple of posts on an anonymous message board.
  15. Reality isn't what you make it. I mean you saying that the Jews made the reality of being forced into gas chambers, blacks foreced into slavery dealing with racism, someone poor kid not having proper clothing, food, schooling? I know those are off topic but the PRINCIPLE still holds. People just don't always want to face what's in front of them in life but I am one of them. Again to many people have been mislead by this Hollywood fairly tell and can't see that life just SUCKS sometimes for certain people. Call it luck, bad timing, unfortunate circumstances but it's the truth.
  16. Concerning the topic of pants/shorts with words written on the butt. Well I'm a guy, and I'm not gay so if the girl is cute I will look. I mean I'll try to be discrete as possible but I mean I'm gonna look. So if you're annoyed at guys commenting dancergirl just stop wearing the clothing. However, I find that more than likely girls tend to like that attention anyways or else they wouldn't keep wearing the clothes. They say in public they hate it but most women period love getting attentions from guys, well attractive guys anyways. Hey that's probably the issue here. The guys making comments are not attractive to you so it makes since you're looking down on their comments. If they were cute, attractive in your eyes then the situation may not be as bad in your eyes.
  17. Definitely sounds like a Beverley Hills thing. Well at least dancergirl is women enough to admit it unlike other women who claim it's not about looks / material wealth etc.
  18. Thought you girls like confident guys who made the first move Just goes to prove my theory you could have the personality of Jesus but if you're unnattractive to someone then you won't get anywhere with them!!!
  19. Heeey it's me again. No offense shysoul but that's not the way it works. I wish it were but hey if things were the way I wanted them to be / should be then my mom and dad wouldn't have gotten hated on growing up just b/c they happened to have more pigmentation than Cletus or Billy Bob. Thins are the way there are and looks DO MATTER. I mean yea personality counts but in the initial phase again looks will make that person come up and talk to you in the club, on the street, in class etc. Again I'm a realist and see things for how they are, not how I want them to be, or how they should be.
  20. And so do you Hey not my fault some dude in the past treated you like crap. I say this b/c I've read some of your other posts and you sound even more freaking jaded than me and some others guys who post here. Honestly I'm sorry you had to go through whatever BS you did what whatever guy / guys but geeez. Just like women don't like to all be thrown into one category guys don't either to keep your anger directed towards those fellas who did you wrong okay.
  21. Well ME LOL. I really try to avoid random eye contact in public, especially w/girls b/c in the past I've always gotten a freaking stank kind of attitude look back from them. So I just said screw it. I walk with my head down and occasionally try to look up to balance it out but I usually just stare straight ahead and not look into the eyes of others.
  22. Well hooray for you then. LOL Still I don't like this "I want my cake and it to attitude." That's all I'm saying. If I ever get married I don't expect my wife to probably know how to cook and don't really care if she does or not. I WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE A POINT!!! Again basically to sum it up I have the " If I have to do it then you do too", "if I have to go down with the ship you do too", "fI I have to feel sad then you do too," type of attitude. Meaning if someone did want me to fit that stereotypical role of wanting a man to do this, then yea you're right I expect you to fit role to a point as well. Forget this crap where I have to act like ht 1950's husband. Women today are supposed to be super independent etc. so why the need for me to act like I'm in the "Leave it to Beaver" era? Your check can go into the house acct and help pay for bills just like mine. IMO it's better when 2 people share bills equally is possible that wya one partner doesn't feel they have control over another via money. There I'm done b/c I believe I had a run in w/you before on a topic similar to this (well maybe not you but it was somewhere on this board before) and it wasn't fun.
  23. I didn't say I had a problem with paying or opening doors etc. but I was just curious as to what response you'd give me. Nothing I can't stand more than a lady who expects guys to fit the traditional gender role and but then don't want to do it themselves. I mean in theory if the guy is supposed to be the bread winner, pay for everything, cut the grass, do all the honey do's then the lady should cook etc. LOL And just for the record b4 someone tries to flame me on this I don't want a traditional stay at home, cooks all the time, submissive wife. I want someone w/a brain who works and who doesn't mind paying for dinner every once in a while though I don't have much problem with me having to pay either. I just wanted to make that statement in the paragraph above b/c I'm all about principles and if someone expects me to act a certain way then I expect them to act a certain way as well.
  24. Well don't get your tighties in a wad if someone sees that stare the wrong way and comes up to you and chats or something.
  25. But I bet if a guy asked you to cook dinner every night you'd be pissed right? Just asking...I mean if we're gonna stay old-fashonied here then the lady prepares the food, takes care of the clothes etc. while the guy pays for everything. If you try to mix new and old it won't work at all and will piss most guys off.
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