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Everything posted by wlfpack81

  1. I suggest get a good job and then use money as your "skill". That normally solves the problem of lack of women since they love to be seen with men of high status.
  2. Is the rap a problem or is the race/color and issue? Dating outside of your "race" (notice the quotations since in my eyes there's only on race, the human race but that's for another discussion) is a big thing in the world and ESPECIALLY in the "open armed loving " land we call America. So if you're having 2nd thoughts about this b/c of her color then I'd suggest just leave it alone as the relationship wouldn't last since it'd be weird for you and for her since you may be more hesitant around her.
  3. BS..I have big ears and got teased all through K-12 about it. Also didn't help w/girls at all as most found it to be a turnoff. Guess that can explain why I'm so bitter all the time towards myself and others around my age.
  4. It's funny b/c I said so. LOL It's not a great way to think b/c all it does is make me feel like crap once I come back to the reality of my situation. I'd rather get drunk / vegetate to some music rather than waste my time sitting around thinking that one day my "soooullllmaattee" is going to be that girl at the Walmart, cashier and Wendy's or WHATEVER. I'm beginning to think the day I get a g/f is the day racism in America will end and we know BOOTH of those aren't happening.
  5. Well I have to work from 6am-4pm that day so at least the first part of the day I'll be busy. THen that night I'll just probably come home and watch tv, listen to some music, eat dinner like I always do. I would drink but I have to be at work the next morning again at 6am. Who knows I may still drink anyways lol.
  6. Haha I'm sorry but reading some of these responses are funny. "Oh one day I'll find my soulmate, true love" LOL Yea and one day there'll be peace on Earth and racism will be a thing of the past
  7. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF WHAT GUYS GO THROUGH ALL THE TIME SINCE WE'RE NORMALLY THE ONES WHO HAVE TO DO THE ASKING. Sorry to come down on it but maybe now in the future you can have a greater appreciation for what dudes go through. Especially the countless shy guys on this board as well. Sorry not to sugar coat it or lift your spirits but I don't waste time in BSing on this board.
  8. Man 39....geez noway I let myself go another 16yrs to that point. If it comes down to it looks like a lady of the night may be the answer
  9. DG yes that posts makes more sense... In a group setting I DEFINITELY agree w/you. My rant was from the perspective of a 1-on-1 type of deal (like the original story in this post). Sorry to come down on you...been a tough year..I mean life..I mean weak..well tough everything (well from a social life perspective). Take it easy.
  10. To chime in on this thread my answer is Nope.. Unless one partner is homosexual or one finds the other unattractive. And even then the one who is considered ugly will eventually stop hanging around the other b/c they're feelings will never change for that other person and it'll hurt too much. Of course if both sides find each other ugly then it can work.
  11. EXACTLY, they weren't attracted to you and vice versa. GOes back to my saying that guys girls can only be friends if one isn't attracted to the other and in case where it's usually the guy who is ugly he won't waste time hanging around if he knows he won't be apart of the picture.
  12. Nope I hate that feeling b/c it's said i have to go into a fantasy zone to get any sense of pleasure at all. Once reality sets back in I normally feel like utter dog crap.
  13. If you're not going to w/her then why waste time thinking about her!? She's not thinking about you? Let it go man!!!!
  14. Good article. Thanks for posting that Sheyda.
  15. DG yea I realize I contradicted myself w/that earlier post. Well, I'm too lazy to go back and change it but for the record I'm not really "friends" w/any of the girls here at work b/c of my belief as stated above. I mean I talk to the girls here but not much and it's nothing more than small work talk anyways.
  16. DG I wouldn't ask for a female co-worker's # unless I was interested in here in more than a friendly way. Hence the reason why I haven't asked for any #'s where I work (of course I'm shy anyways) b/c I know the girls I would be interested in here don't feel the same way about me and obviously there are some here who I'm not interested in at all. Of course this may lead to a life w/few female friends but hey I'm not looking for a female just to be friends with. I'm looking for a female friend that eventually down the road may become something more and like you and others have stated normally if you are in a situation where you've seen someone a few times (be it going out on a few days or just talking to them in class, work) you know whether or not you'd be interested in them on a relationship level. And to let you know, while you go out to bars to have a good time you do need to realize guys there are going to hit on you regardless since bars are stereotypically seen as hook up spots.
  17. And to add more to this.. WHen someone sees someone they're interested in they'll be friends w/that person but won't treat them like they would other friends who they have no romantic interest in. That's what I mean by friend that will become something more. I mean if I see a girl I like I'll go about being friends w/her in a different nature rather than some girl I have on desire of going to the next level with.
  18. haha DG... I think what some like me are trying to say is when someone who you don't know comes up and ask's for your number, while they may not want to right then and there become bf/gf they are least getting your contact info in the hopes of at leas t going out on a date or something, not hagning out as friends. Actually let me state it this way. They want to become friends, but friends that may turn into something more rather than a friend who will remain nothing more than a friend? Get it. You're telling it one way and I and others are telling you how most guys will see it. If I'm not interested in a girl romantically then I wouldn't waste my time giving her my # unless I wanted a friend who in the future could become a gf. If I want a female friend then I'll just get to know some of the girls where I work better.
  19. Be realistic. In situation like this where 2 people don't know one another (meeting in a mall etc.) usually the exchanging of #'s at least means you want to go out on a date, as in date which could lead to other dates and maybe eventually a few months down the road a bf/gf deal. I mean that's how it is and honestly that's how that guy is probably going to see it. If she didn't want a relationship she probably shouldn't have given him the # but I can almost bet he'll hvae the wrong idea about it. Guys/Girls CAN'T be friends IMO unless they're both not attracted to each other or one is gay. If one party is attracted to the other then that person is always going to want to take it to the next level and things will remain weird in the friendship.
  20. being single is fun if you're not shy since you get the benefits of dating around and maybe doing more if ya know what I mean But if you're shy then being single sucks b/c you don't get to experience the dating world, friends w/benefits etc. So you have to be careful when you say being single is fun. It is for some and not for others.
  21. If that's the case then why the **** can't I get over this shyness despite attempts to talk myself out of it, drink and become social? And how come medication has seemed to work in some cases for people with social phobias. I believe some cases of shyness are due to brain functions not working properly as it has been proving certain neurons in the brain control certain functions such as fear, emotions etc. etc.
  22. One more thing to add from the website. It's interesting to note that atheists, gays, and those of all different religions still noted and described similar things when having their NDE's. Kinda of interesting as if these events were to be true, then questions would arise about the whole traditional "hell and damnation" for those who aren't the follows of whatever religion is supposed to be the 1 true religion. Of course not trying to start that argument here but still found that to be an interesting observation.
  23. Go here: link removed This is a cool website I found in which people discuss their near death experiences. I'll admit I'm not the most religious person whoever I do believe when we die our conscious/soul has to go somewhere and that all our memories and being can't disappear into nothingness. From a religious view when we die our souls go to heaven/hell. From a non-religious scientific standpoint I think that it's possible that when we die our brain waves continue to live on and in a sense we may become in essense pure energy. Yes sounds insane and something out of Star Trek etc. but when I was reading through the descriptions of those w/NDE (near death experiences) a lot of people often stated that after dying, rather nearly dying, they had an out of body experience and then reported being wisked through space (a la the warping scene in Stargate, maybe similar to the movie Contact) towards a bright light in which at the end they did indeed meet a being which some described as Jesus and others as angles. Of course this non-religious still ties into the religious view IMO since you still are talking about being wisked into the heavens (stars) upon death. Okay it's bed time..I don't think I made any sense with this last paragraph at all Sorry I just got off of work after working the 5pm-3am shift.
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