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Everything posted by wlfpack81

  1. Obviously ugly people are more likely to be shy so I do agree w/the looks-shyness ratio. If you're attractive then your more likely not to get made fun of and will be accepted by more people thereforeeee making you more confident. On the other hand if you're not attractive then you may get picked on more, not accepted as much by others and after a while self-doubt will sink in making you more shy b/c you're fearful of what others will have to say about you. Makes a whole lot of sense.
  2. I feel that way at times too man. I mean sometimes I feel that at least when I'm angry/sad I have something to keep my mind occupied and in a sick way busy. Not a good thing to do though.
  3. Welcome to the club man. Oh well hey at least more $$$ we have to spend on ourselves (if you're fortuntae enough to have a decent paying job like mine).
  4. haha 16yr old head doctor on here. Thanks for the diagnoses doc. Nah but seriously of course you're right. Shyness is fear and I like others I'm sure do have a fear of rejection, humiliation etc. Of course being that I got made fun of a lot in K-12 that obviously has probably helped to only deepend this shyness/fear a lot more. To add another pt b/c shyness is fear in some cases it can be a chemical imbalance in the brain. I use to not believe shyness could be chemical but when you think about how our brains work I can see how someone could have extreme shyness/social anxiety if the neurons in their brains aren't working correctly. I mean if you're brain is producing too many of the chemical which causes fear (can't think of the name right now) then yea you will be more likely to have shyness than compared to someone else. So in some cases (such as mine I believe) the shyness goes deeper than just a pep talk. This is the reason medication is able to work in some of these shyness cases b/c it helps balance out things going on in the mind.
  5. WTF ever man. Nice guys don't win in the end b/c women don't grow out of this phase. To all you guys who can't change being nice I feel for ya, I really do. Mine as well try to get a good job/ get a lot of money so you can at least pamper yourself and buy the women you want or just eventually just break down and get an escort or something. For those who can change or at least put up the act of being a jerk...more power to ya my friends. Have fun in the dating world.
  6. Umm learn to use period's to end a sentence. Man nowhere in my post did I even mention trying to steal girls away from guys etc. And for the record how are those girls "YOUR WOMEN" if you not officialy dating or attached to them. So what if I'm ugly, I do have the right to hit on a single girl if I want to regardless of whether you or other "attractive guys" like it or not. And for the record though I mentioned the money issue in my post I'm by no means the definition of rich (though I do good for myself in my current situation being I'm only a year out of college) so I don't go around trying to flaunt any kind of wealth to pick up women. I was just stating that money in the dating world can give those w/less appealing physical traits a fighting chance in the "game" or whatever you want to call it. Adios.
  7. Umm no offense but that bball quote from Jordan doesn't apply here. Yes he failed before but you forget to mention he's won 6 FREAKING CHAMPIONSIHPS, SLEW OF MVP'S etc. which in the dating world would be equal to getting the girls 80-90% of the time, not getting rejected all the time as this guy has lately.
  8. Honestly I find some piercings attractive and sometimes when a girl has a nose stud it does look good. Again it's a case by case thing.
  9. Umm sorry but that does matter. Face it looks aren't everything but in the initial attraction they do have some weight. So maybe these girls you asked out just weren't attracted to you. Probably what it was. Not to be harsh but figured you need to hear this from someone like me who himself is ugly. So I won't BS you like others and tell you that this world is a fairy tell where the nice guy always comes through in the end etc. I just recommend forgetting about these HS girls and trying to get through HS and college and get a good job w/ a lot of money and see where you can go from there. Like rain or snow on a football field, money is the great equalizer when it comes to trying to compete w/the attractive males for the attractive girls.
  10. Sorry to hear you got the short end of the stick. I'd say forget about her and move on. Obviously she has issues with committment and all. Don't waste your time sulking over here while she's out there enjoying herself w/this new friend of hers. Go and get another women if you can. Good luck.
  11. ^usually ends up that way. When friends get married you're left out if your single. Why I now prefer to hang around single people only. If a potential guy friend or girl friend is in a relationship then I don't bother hanging around b/c being a 3rd wheel etc. sucks.
  12. Hey guys just be honest here. If the girl was attractive (which would mean you'd probably already have noticed her but for sake of argument lets say you really hadn't noticed here) you'd go out w/her at least on a date. If not then you probably wouldn't. Let's keep it honest here.
  13. I've only read a tid-bit over the last few minutes but it sounds like it may be an interesting read, especially since I fall into this love-shyness category. Man 23yr and nothing yet, I can't imagine getting into my 40's and being in that situation. Of course I won't let that happen b/c I'd take myself out by 35 if I'm still in this same pathetic situation I'm in now.
  14. I'm going through that now at my job. Seems everyone is married or has a serious relationship which is weird considering most of the new hires on this job are in their mid-early 20's like myself.
  15. Making out/having sex w/women who are under the influence to me it's weak and borders on rape since the women aren't making decisions like they normally would. Guys who take advantage of women in these situations are jackasses if you ask me. You did the right thing my friend and if for some weird reason she's made you didn't make a move on here then something is wrong with her. However, assuming she's a level headed girl I think she'll appreciate what you did.
  16. Well, I guess in you're class I'm glad you found happiness. But for me I can't / won't accept the fact I may be single forever. If it comes down to it I may just have to go mail order bride or something or "shudder" ask to be hooked up on a blind date w/someone.
  17. I feel you twizod. Looks aren't everything but there has to be some sort of initial physical attraction to get the ball rolling. I mean unless you can read minds do you honestly think when people spot someone in the club, bar, church, class, or whatever public setting it is that the say.. "Hey I can read that guys/girls mind and tell he/she is nice, smart, likes long walks on the beach like me etc. etc.." Heck no!!! When spotting someone you DON'T KNOW AT ALL the 1st thing that's going to draw you to make the 1st move is appearance (physical as well as dress, grooming etc.). More people don't want to say this b/c they don't want to seem shallow but nearly everyone on this planet is shallow. Maybe b/c I'm ugly myself I can call things like it is since I realize I don't get a lot of looks from women b/c of my looks. Wish you others would "wake up" and realize the reality of attraction and the role it plays in dating. Now there are those who really don't care at all about looks but in most cases where you dealing w/2 people who don't know each other (again such as meeting in a public setting) it's looks that's going to decide whether anything gets started at all.
  18. Sorry man but to be honest as I stated on another thread just a few min ago men/women can't be friends. Just my personal belief. Most girls would take your numerous phone calls etc. as attempts to call to setup up a date not just hang out as friends. I say just let her go and don't worry about. If you really want a female friend mine as well concentrate on trying to find another girl to actually be your girlfriend. See that's why they call it girl/boy friends b/c normally your mate is supposed to be your best friend through life (or so they say).
  19. he does have a point in some respects. If you've felt this way about her in the past then you will continue too in the future. All that's going to happen is you're going to feel like crap seeing her all the time, yet knowing you can't have anything b/t you too. So I don't think you need to totally cut off being friends but for your good it probably is best to cut back on the friendship 50-60% (as in the amount of time you see her) as to not drive yourself crazy. And I to believe it's hard for guys/girls to be friends unless one friend is either gay or unattractive. Normally if a guy/girl think each other is attractive then they will date. She gave you that line about being friends but being honest she may not feel the same about you physically as you do about her. Harsh but reality.
  20. I'll make this short from a guys perspective. If you don't love him then don't become his mate/wife or whatever b/c you'd be settling. And that is NOT fair to this guy (who seems to fit the nice guy mold, there to listen, shoulder to cry on). I know you say he cares for you deeply but if you really value him as a friend then you won't take this relation to the next level if you don't like him in that way. Just my opinion as I don't want this nice guy to get the short end of the stick. I know you're lonely (heck I'm 23 and already feel I'll never have a wife, kids etc.) but still I wouldn't settle as again it's wrong to do this to that guy.
  21. Well I hope things work out for you. Have you told him your completely over this ex? If so and he's still not respoding then it could be something with him. Maybe in the past he's been burned before and is afraid that maybe just when things were looking good they could go bad again (you still in love with your ex, think the ex is better than him). I don't know but if this guy doesn't come around then it's his loss and not yours. Good luck though and I hope he gets over whatever doubts he has about this situation.
  22. I got a feeling that your ex may have made some threats to as well. If that's the case then I could understand why your current (well maybe ex now too) would call off the relationship. He may not want to deal with the baggage of some jealous, possible violent, ex of yours running around making threats etc. I know I wouldn't want to deal with that.
  23. Sorry for what happened and that guy was a jerk. I would recommend not going through online sites since IMO that method of dating, finding people doesn't work. Think it's better to try and meet people in person and go that route than the online thing were people can hide how they really are better than they could if they were meeting you for the 1st time in person.
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