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Everything posted by Kittengirl

  1. Well guys I've had my hands full as you can imagine, the twins were born back in August at 31 weeks 6days so pretty prem and weighing in at 3lb each! Now 4 months old and thriving so all going great.Happy Christmas.
  2. Hi everyone, I have returned from my honeymoon in one piece and everything was fine, I had a few twinges and I was pretty uncomfortable on the way back but it was a 10 hour flight so it was to be expected. I have also just had my 3d scan and it's confirmed that my twins are boys and we are both over the moon as this is what I had hoped for. Everything seems to be progressing fine and I am now 27weeks pregnant. All in all this has been very trouble free for a first pregnancy and I am now 36. Fingers crossed for the last few months.
  3. Thanks for the advice Rosex I'm checking out the site right now!
  4. Already have 'What to expect when expecting' and oodles of books on twins.Really I was hoping for advice from people who have actually experienced it for themselves. Thanks for the post tho. Any more help out there??? Thanks
  5. Hi Everyone, I am 35 and expecting twins. I am into my second trimester and clueless as this is the first time for me. Anyone got any advice for me to help me along the way? I am also going on my honeymoon in May and wondered if anyone knows if it's safe to fly? I will be 20/21 weeks by then. I have read loads of different things on the internet but wondered if anyone has first hand experience? Thanks.
  6. well I have just found out for sure that we are expecting twins!! Yikes! Over the moon but sure to be waddling now? I will be 20 weeks on my wedding day. Any advice from folks with twins would be greatly appreciated!
  7. I haven't written here for a while, this site was an absolute godsend when my ex dumped me after 5 years. My story is on here for those who want to catch up.I just wanted to let you all know that I am getting married to my fantastic new guy on 17th May 2005 and I have just found out that we are pregnant! We are over the moon and can't wait. Considering I thought my life was over less than a year ago it just goes to show that things often work out for the best. Splitting up from the ex was the best thing that could ever have happened to me and at 35 I thought my chances of having a family were pretty slim.All I'm concerned about now is waddling down the aisle hahahaha hopefully I won't be showing too much but I'm so happy I don't really care. Hang on in there to all of you with a broken heart as there is probably something even better around the corner.
  8. Been there done that and brought the whole bloody wardrobe! 5 years later after leaving his wife and forging a relationship with me he does the same thing to me and as I recently found out he is now doing it to the new girl. People seldom change and married/engaged or attached guys are off limits it spells disaster in 99% of cases so spare yourself the grief and forget him! Put it down to booze and foolishness and find someone available! You owe it to yourself.
  9. I could never forgive a cheater and no matter how much you love them it will always be a bugbear and will come up from time to time and spoil everything. We deserve better and if our partners go elsewhere then they are not worth our tears.Harsh but true as I learned the hard way.
  10. I will never understand why guy's(not all of them)cannot just tell us what is on their minds. And they think we are complicated! Yes I agree a letter is a cowards way but I also think guy's (most of)can't translate emotions into words like us gals and it is soooo frustrating. If he tried to break up with you 2 years ago but stayed(for 2 years!!!)then he must have strong feelings for you. I have no clue why this has happened and I am pretty sure there is no one else involved as your lives seem pretty interwound, you would know if there was someone else so what's going on? I think you are behaving in the best way possible because most people would have confronted, argued and basically caused a scene. Your indifference must be driving him crazy wondering what you are thinking. My advice for what it's worth is to continue just as you are and hopefully he will sort out his head and come back, you are already a huge part of his life I would be very surprised if he could just cut you off.Good luck.
  11. I'm sure this has been asked before but I'm gonna ask anyway. I split from my EX of 5 years back in march and am now with a wonderful guy who I plan to marry next year. Everything is going really well for me after having an unbearable breakup and something odd has happened. The break up was messy, he cheated and lied about it, he found out I had someone new and wanted me back.I declined. Several heated text messages and a couple of phonecalls later we had NC for 3 months. Now I find I am at peace with him, I feel no animosity towards him but am still pretty angry with the tart he went off with(she knew he was attached)and now feel we should be friends. I moved countries to be with my Ex, we have alot of history and he is my only link with the UK and my old life, and I gave up an awful lot but have decided to stay as things are going so well.It's a tiny place so I often hear about him and what he's been doing and know he hears all about me, neither of us are going to leave so why can't we be friends??? Everyone tells me what a rat he is and how I should forget all about him but I feel that it's all in the past and I have moved on so why not be friends?? After all he was the one who was so mean and i forgave him why doesn't he want to be friends with me?
  12. My Ex dumped me for a co-worker and things had been brewing for a while before he had the guts to confess and finish with me. However I met a marvelous guy after a month or so and after being friends we got together and now live together 6 months later.He proposed and I accepted after 3months, I still think about the Ex but not because I want us to be together but because he was a huge part of my life for 5years. I am happy and this is definitely not a rebound.Just for the record tho the Ex tried to get me back after 2 months with the other person because he realised she wasn't right for him and I apparently was. I turned him down so he went straight back to her and as far as I know he is still seeing her so I guess the one on the rebound is him!
  13. I saw the signs months before my ex dumped me and I am not one for mincing my words and tackled things head on. I was greeted with BS like 'it's not you it's me', 'I have alot on at work right now'(turns out he was actally seeing a co-worker hahaha),'I feel stressed but it's nothing to do with you'. At the time I hoped it was true but I knew things weren't right and several times I asked if he needed space from our relationship or if there was someone else. Each time he said no and gave the reasons as above for his distance. So great surprise when he dumped me after 5 years...not. I was so angry, why couldn't he have come clean at the beginning? Save us both a miserable time? Anyway he is still seeing the co-worker and I am now engaged to a great guy. I was concerned that my relationship was a rebound because I still had feelings for my ex but the fact is, no one knows when the right person will come into their life.What happens if you miss the opportunity to be happy again because of the amount of time that has passed since your last relationship?My ex came back after 2 months begging me to give him another chance and I was contemplating it so no I don't think you can forget someone quickly, I still think of him now but not with love, just with sadness and disappointment and I know he thinks about me but somethings are just not meant to be.
  14. I was with my ex for 5 years and split up 6 months ago.My fiance was around 7 months ago and was a good friend we got together after I had been separated nearly 2 months and it was the best thing to have happened to me!
  15. Well being a modern girl I NEVER expect to be paid for. I think it's very sad when women expect guys to pay for everything and a blow to all women when females think looking pretty should be paid for! I always pay my way and if my fiance insists on paying I pay the next time we go out. There is nothing wrong with being treated now and again but what about treating the guy too?
  16. My Fiance turned up everywhere I went, he never spoke but I would catch him looking at me, at first I thought he was strange but I was very curious and gave him the benefit of the doubt. He turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. There is a lot to be said for shy, sensitive guys!
  17. I certainly believe in Karma.I lost everything 6 months ago and now today I have a new BF who adores me and I him, a new job which pays better than any I had before, a new home in a new country which I love, new friends and what I hope is a bright future in front of me. Do to others what you would have done to you! I was treated terribly by my ex and then betrayed. I thought I would never be happy again and especially not as soon as this! My ex decided he had made a HUGE mistake and tried to woo me back but to no avail. He was hurting but I can't help feeling that I was the safe option and he knew how much I loved him and would do anything for him but he left it too late. In my case I believe he was thinking about his own greed and selfish needs rather than feeling sorry for hurting me or having a concience.
  18. Revenge always seems a good idea at the time you split. You are hurt and angry and want the ex to feel pain also. My ex dumped me for a co worker after I had given up my great job, my home, my car,my family and friends to move to another country to be with him. I was so hurt and angry that I did something I am not proud of. I will spare you the details but I will tell you that what I did seemed like a good way to get revenge HOWEVER it took 5 months for the revenge to actually happen and now it has I feel terrible. I am not a vindictive person and feel guilty for causing trouble but it is done and I have learnt not to do things in haste. The best way to get revenge is to be happy and healthy with someone new which I am and to do nothing whilst feeling hurt and upset because I strongly believe in karma and things always happen for a reason. Moving countries has led me to my lovely future husband and I couldn't be happier. Write a letter by all means but don't post it. Keep it by your bed and read it when you feel angry and eventually you will want to throw it away. Revenge has a horrible way of coming back to haunt you and do you really want everyone to think you are this bitter person? I know I don't.
  19. Well in my opinion(it is only my opinion) most people don't have a 'type'. I usually go for a guys personality despite his looks(providing he doesn't have a face like a backside!).I have been out with guys who were tall(6ft 3") and short (5ft 6") fat guys(not obese) and skinny guys and loved them all for them and their unique personalities. However there are many shallow people out there who judge on looks alone and really don't know what they are missing!. A confident skinny tall guy is far more attractive to me than a bulging muscled he-man who is self obsessed with no personality!
  20. To be honest, he has been seeing this girl for 6 months and you have taken a year and a half to decide you want him back, if I were him I would continue with the new girl and you should really back off and give them chance. I know it's hard as you still have feelings for him but you aren't being fair to him. If he is making a mistake then he will return to you in the end but if not it's just the way it's supposed to be. I don't mean to be harsh but how can you see him and know he's seeing someone else? You will end up very confused and hurt as will the other girl who has been kept in the dark through out this.
  21. 1)5 years 2)5.5months 3)Wanted to screw around with a co-worker, and did so b4 splitting. 4)Me 35 him 38
  22. Did you begin this relationship to get over the ex or did you really want to be with this guy? I know from experience that spending time with someone new can help the healing process but often you are just transferring your feelings so that you don't have to deal with the hurt and loss etc. Perhaps you needed more time before starting again with the new bf. If he cares he will understand that you need to slow things down or even stop seeing him for a while so that you can come to terms with your loss. Rebounding is a common occurrence and any new guy worth his salt won't wanna be second best either and will respect that you need time for yourself.It will be better for both of you in the long run. Take care and go slowly.
  23. One of my close friends met her boyfriend in a chat room about 3 years ago and you couldn't meet a better couple. They live together and will get married eventually but don't see the point in rushing. At 14 you don't need to look that far ahead but you can give things your best shot and see what happens. You alraedy have a strong friendship which is the best foundation good luck.
  24. I agree totally, don't be too hard on yourself. This is a normal reaction and one I totally understand. I was told by my ex that it was all over.His feelings had changed and he couldn't ever see them changing back. It sank in very quickly that no matter how much begging and pleading I did he was not going to change his mind. THEN 2 months down the line he decides that his feelings had come back and he wanted me back(there's more to this and it's all on here but I won't bore you with the details!)that he had realised that I was the love of his life blah blah blah.But I had already met a great guy, we were friends and it just developed.It was a huge surprise to me and I was very conscious that it could all just be a rebound and I wasn't going to rush into anything for both our sakes. Anyway 5 months on we are living together and planning to get married. I'm not some foolish child I'm 35 years old and know when something is right and this is! I have seen the ex and looking at him now I realise that what I have with my new guy is how thing are meant to be. I felt sad that 5 years had ended so badly but i looked at the ex and my hurt had gone, my love for him had gone.I still care and want him to be happy but it's not enough.After all he told me that it was over forever so I moved on. I couldn't go back now there has been too much hurt and I am very happy. I say don't feel guilty, you gave your ex the benefit of the doubt by agreeing to give it another shot, it's not your fault that you feel differently now after all he told you it was over. Go with the new guy, he might not be 'the one' but hey he might be! As for feeling confused, I sometimes think about him and our times together but now I see the whole picture and not just through those rose tinted specs.It didn't feel like it at the time but it was the best thing that could have happened because now I am living instead of just existing.In the early days I prayed he would return, problem was he took too long.Good luck.
  25. Thanks Guys, I'm getting married in July next year so we will get checked out and hopefully start trying then, wish us luck!
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