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Everything posted by Genesis

  1. Please do not listen to Kym she/he is just kidding! F$%#ing around will only label you as the 9th grade hoe. I think you should wait and see what happens, I am sure that his brother has already told his brother that you like him. If you call him that may make you look too needy, why do you not figure out if he likes you for yourself, you can tell if a guy likes you or not Good Luck
  2. Advice for the future never talk to anyone about your relationship problems, if you are having problems the person you need to be talking to is the person you are having the problem with. You are a liar which makes this girl have reason to not trust you even white lies are still lies, breaking down her trust for you bit by bit. I must admit your Gf may have low self esteem, but it is a rule of thumb that you must support your partner and if they are on the down and outs with someone you should not become buddy buddy with them. Put yourself in her shoes how would you feel if she were friends with someone who you could not stand. You know this is wrong or you would not have to sneak around to talk to this girl!
  3. I am sorry I may be wrong for saying this, due to the fact that I also have issues with my BF, friends of the opposite sex. Question How long has he know this girl? If you where around before she came into the picture, I would say ditch her A$$! Why should she have more loyalty than you? She also wants more than a friendship from him, or she would not have been upset about the two of you getting back together. I think that if this girl is attracted to him then it is not fair to her or you for him to be spending so much time with her. She obviously has feelings for your BF. I would not trust her, sorry you can trust your BF I guess, but I know of many women who do not think twice about stealing someone elses boyfriend. He should be respectful to you and your relationship by cutting down or limiting his contact with this girl. What he is doing is called emotional infidelity. I know the two of you are not married but their are books on this topic emotional infidelity, and it states that while it is good to develop bonds with all sexes, it can be detrimental to a marriage to develop such strong bonds with someone who is not your spouse. You should be his best friend not her, he should want to go camping with you not her. I would have major problems with this, I wrote a post called Friends of the opposite sex, and you can see what others thought about my similar problem. I told my ex that I did not want him spending more time with another women than he did with me. We broke up, then four months later he wants to get back together just like your story. I think he now realizes that if you want your relationship to work you have to give up some things. Just remember If you get married, YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND MUST FORSAKE ALL OTHERS. This is God's law to help prevent husband and wife from cheating and sharing details of each others life that should only be for each other. Bottom Line: It still is not fair for your BF to be leading this girl on into thinking one day they may hook up.
  4. Relationships always have a period where things start to slow down a bit. I hope that you are not with your girlfriend for just sex. I think the two of you may have just gotten so use to each other that sex is no longer fun or fulfilling. I think that you can have too much sex, if you have sex all the time it becomes routine. I guess the lust phase of your relationship is wearing off.
  5. I think the two of you should really think about your attitudes about womens bodies. If you want to have a fulfilling long lasting relationship with someone you will have to realize that peoples bodies change. What do plan on doing when you marry your supermodel trophy girl wife and she gets pregnant and gains 20-60 pounds of baby weight. It may take her a long time to loose that weight unless you plan on paying for a personal trainer. Also would you want your woman to follow such strict rules when judging you , when you start to get older and gain weight. I read somewhere that woman gain 1-5 pounds a year after they get married. Just remember you never know what you are going to get when you marry a girl, I know so many girls who are 110 pounds when they get married then gain a lot of weight later. The mother rule does not work either b/c I know of girls who's mother looks 10 times better than their daughter. The mother would be thin and the daughter was chunky. Good Luck, The grass is not always greener , so start watering your own grass.
  6. Thank you ALL so much for your advice it makes me feel at lot better about my decision! I also would like to give a special thank you to Gilgamesh and Baffler Meal , whom I personally asked to answer my question! Thanks Guys!
  7. Jordan, What do think it is that makes you not be interested in your girlfriend any more? What about her body do you not like, is it her breast or is she underweight or overweight? My ex said the same thing to me, he was no longer attracted, so we broke up then four months later he wants me back. I have no trust for him at all, I still care for him but it is not like it use to be. It really hurts my feelings b/c I know that during the four months we were not together he was probably "spreading his seed" like you said in your other post. I just do not get men! I think if a man had his dream woman he would still cheat on her. Let your girlfriend go. I know what it feels like to feel like @#$% b/c some man does not want to sleep with you anymore. It hurt me so bad that I just can not forgive him. I will never trust him, even if I want to be with him so bad, I just do not trust him. What made you attracted to her in the first place? How did it just fade, was it lust? I think once you live out your lustful dreams you still will be unhappy and lonely.
  8. 8) I think you should be proud of yourself for not leading him on anymore. Your mother will get over it, it is that she just liked him so much she thought maybe he was her new son inlaw or something. You have been dating less than 3 months it looks like. Most relationships fizzle out in 3 months or so. Do not feel bad you did what was right. 8)
  9. My parents were still together when she got sick. It was a long and sad three months. How old was your mother? My mother was 47. I know that doctors do not check people for colon cancer unitl they turn 50 but, really they should start the check earlier. Some doctors really do not know what they are doing. My mother did not stand a chance they said she only had a 19% chance to live in six months and 0% chance to live in one year.
  10. Well I am a woman who does not want to have sex. I know so many men who will not date a girl who will not put out. All the guys I meet are after one thing it seems like I will never find a connection with someone who wants a relationship that is not based only on sex. I am looking to get married one day and I am afraid of a man who thinks only of sex and puts me last. I feel this way b/c it seems like every relationship I have breaks up as soon as it becomes Long distance, the guy always wants more sex! I can not give them sex if I live in another city. So I want a man who will be faithful to me if I live next door or if I move accross the country.
  11. Hello ladies and gentlemen, I was wondering what do you think about a relationship that involves no sex. Would you want to be in one yes or no? I am thinking about dating again and I do not want to have sex. I mean for like a long time maybe 6 months to a year or until marriage. I have not made up my mind yet about the timeline but I want to wait until marriage. Can a man really be with a woman for a long time without having sex, will this ruin the relationship? What are your thoughts about celibacy?
  12. Well my mother died of Lung Cancer, she use to smoke all the time. That is why I can not stand the smell of cigarettes sometimes. She had the small cell cancer, so three months after she found out she had it she died. The whole family took it really hard but, I had a lot of family members to help me, my brother, and Dad during our tough moments. I hope that you are doing ok, I know that it can get hard sometimes when a parent dies.
  13. SHe will have to learn how to control her jealousy, this is the only way she can. I had to do that, a relationship can never work if one person is overly jealous. She wanted to date just awhile age, what happened? It is your choice but i think she is tring to use your relationship to control you. If you will not regrete going then do not go, but I would go. Who is to say she will not dump you three months from now? It looks like she is really manipulative. I hope that you will have fun anyway if you do go.
  14. Go to Florida! What is wrong with this girl why should she get to go to Japan and you can not go to Florida. Do not let this girl boss you around. If she wanted to break up with you why is she all of a sudden acting like this. She is trying to control you, just like I said when a woman looses control of her man she can not take it.You should have a life too, If she can not wait for you for a week maybe you should break up with her. Ask her why she does not want you to go? She is acting really immature and is trying to control your balls! I do not get it she wants to date others but wants to keep you on a leash too! Talk to her and ask her what she wants, tell her you love her , but you going to Florida should have nothing to do with the two of you getting back together. What is she afraid of you hooking up with someone while you are there. If she does not trust you then that is her problem. I was uneasy about my ex going on a fun trip with his friends but I never told him he could not go b/c , he is his own person and I do not control him. I went to the Bahamas and my BF was uneasy but I still went! I know I would have regreated not going. I am so so so sorry but she sounds like an manipulative sneek.
  15. So you wanted to break up and now you want her back. I am sure that it is very hard for you to cope with right now.The best thing you can do is try to do what she is doing going out with her friends and having fun. You can also start to work out or read books, what ever makes you happy. I am sure you meet alot of people at your job if you are still bartending. Getting over a breakup is very hard and it takes some time. Try to work on being happy with out her, and enjoying life. You live by the beach how exciting you should go jogging every morning or just sit there to think. The first couple of months are really hard but after awhile it does get better. It does not sound as if your relationship had a lot of passion to begin with so maybe you will find a girl who drives you crazy for more than a year. Most relationships that are meant to last do not fizzle out in one year, but you guys could always get back together one day. Your ex is really young so it looks like she just wants to hang out for right now. Good Luck I hope that you will feel better, you sound like a really nice guy, and I am sure you will be just fine.
  16. It looks as if he is avoiding you. Some people say let stay friends as a nice gesture but they really do not mean it. How often do you contact him, I hope not too much b/c he is only loosing respect for you and he thinks you are chasing him. If you guys studied for the exam together then maybe call him, but it looks as if he is moving on and does not want to be bothered. You can calll him but also remember that he may never call you again or want anything to do with you, can you live with that. Are you using this as an excuse to talk to him, or do you really want to know how he is doing. I say move on let him contact you for a change. It makes you look needy to always be calling him and he never thinks of you to call.
  17. You should always bring your cell phone with you no matter where you are going. If the two of you still talk on a regular basis or every once in awhile you can tell her that you are going to Florida. If you guys have not talked to each other since the break up I would not tell her that you are going to Florida. Just b/c she calls does not mean you have to pick up the phone every time! You are single now and she does not have any say in what you do anymore, when a woman looses control over her man it drives us crazy. Play hard to get with her, but still be really funny, charming and sweet to her , but just do not be so available! When she calls do not get really needy, do not talk about the relationship, just be sweet, funny and charming. She will love that , then when she calls back next time do not answer your phone! Call her back the next dayor when ever and say you were busy , she will be wondering what you have been doing and why you could not take her call. That one always gets me! When a guy is still really sweet, charming and funny, but then is still kind of distant , that is so sexy! It makes me want them even more!
  18. I am sorry to say this but I think you got what you deserve. Sorry I think it was kind of low down to just sleep with some guy you just meet, (maybe thats cool to you) when your ex introduced you guys. I am sure you where at the party as your ex's so called date, and he was not expecting you to hook up with some other guy. I looks like to me that you have boundary issues. I do not know why you and your ex broke up but after this he may not want you back anymore. Someone who does not have the respect to not sleep with the ex's: (Family members, friends, or co-workers), is notworthy in my book. Your ex sould be happy that he now sees your true colors. If he were to have married you, you may have been sneeking around and have an affair on him. Well I think that you may be using your ex. If you only want him as a friend you should not sleep with him no matter what. He may have understood you dating his co-worker if you had been honest in the first place and told him you were attracted to him. As for the co-worker, he just enjoyed sneeking around with you, now that the cat is out of the bag and everyone in the office knows about it he will not date you anymore. He will be putting his job on the line and cause office tension between him and a co-worker which is not worth it for. If the co-worker is in love with you, which he may not be since all you do is have sex, he will be willing to let you go. Do not be someone's booty call honey. I hope that you will work on trying to be friends with your ex again b/c if you do not and the co-worker dumps you, you have lost a friend for life. Let your ex go It sound like you are just using him as your back up plan. It looks like he is the one who should be skeptical of you , you are not trustworthy. I hope I was not too harsh, I hope that everything works out for the best.
  19. I think you should go to Florida take your mind off things for awhile. It looks like she wants to go out with someone else right now. She can not get over you in a week and if she thinks she can then you do not need her any way.You should make her miss you by going away if she really loves you. My ex did the same thing to me he broke up with me said he wanted to date others and so on. I was so hurt I felt as if , if he could do this to me then who needs him. For months I tried to get over him, I got myself to a place where I was ok and happy even thinking about dating then... he came back! He told me that he loved me and no one compared to me. He could never figure this out without me being in his life. Give her space break up with her let her go. She may just start cheating on you and treating you even worse if you do not. GO HAVE FUN IN SUNNY FLORIDA, you staying around is not going to make her change her mind. Remember most people do not know what they have until it is gone. If she is worried about you meeting someone else [u]make her think that so she will think twice about leaving you.[/u] Play it cool!
  20. You are right I should let him know that I do not have interest in him like that. Thanks you guys! Love ya!
  21. I like "you have not failed if your still trying."
  22. That was such a beautiful poem. My mother also died of Cancer about 12 years ago. I know that our mothers are both in heaven watching over us.
  23. I am talking to a guy I meet about a few months ago. I am not really interested in any thing serious. I do not really like him a lot , but he calls me at the most strange moments. He will call every other day then he will call like a month later, then back to every other day. I am not interested in him but for future reference , how often do guys call their love interest? 1. Is it every day 2. Every other day 3. Once a week Let me know thanks!
  24. I am sorry that your ex is getting married. After six years if you loved her so much why did you not keep in touch, or at least tell her how you feel before now. I think that you may just be jealous, no one wants their loved one to be so in love with someone else. I think you should move on. If you have not talked to her in six years I am sure that her feelings have changed. If the wedding has already happened then just move on. When God brings two people together and someone tries to break up their marriage, that is a sin.What goes around comes around, and you would not want someone to try to mess up your marriage would you? I do not think you would. I think that it is too late, you are so far away from her to even get to speak to her in person. I know how you feel I wonder what my ex from high school is doing we both seem to check up on each other 1-2 times a year. I am in love with someone else and I might even marry him, but I also might would give my ex a chance if we were to reunite. However, if I accepted a marriage proposal from someone else I would never consider getting back together with any ex b/c I made a commitment to love only one man. I think you should move on do not ruin a happy marriage, if it is meant to be maybe she will be divorced in a couple of years, but do not be the reason that she is getting divorced. Give her a call but, expect the worst and hope for the best. You sound so sad I wish I could give you a hug right now, I hope that you feel better.
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