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Everything posted by GalaxyC

  1. You need to find a job you're interested in and enjoy. There's no point being in a job you hate because work is a huge part of life. I was in a job I hated for a year and towards the end I just couldn't be bothered....now, I'm in a job I love. I love the actual work, I love the people I meet, the people I work with....I don't even mind getting a late meal break or an over run. Really think about what you're interested in and then look for something in that area. Although, having said that, when I was at university I worked in a supermarket, a clothes shop and a nightclub......didn't really enjoy the job but it was a means to an end.....I just looked at it as a way of getting myself to where I wanted to be and told myself that it wasn't forever.
  2. Hang on a minute....you're being intimite with two girls? Er....don't you think that's a little off? Do they know about each other?
  3. I don't think anyone has said that have they?
  4. I dressed up in my nurses tunic (without the trousers), knee high boots, make up, hair styled ect(one of his fantasies), had a candlelit dinner waiting, bottle of champagne, gave him a full body massage, gave him 14 cards with I owe you's on them ranging from sexual favours to taking him to the cinema to taking him to a museum that he liked and then we had a bath together.
  5. I think it's straight to the point advice. If he wants sex and she doesn't then the relationship won't work. Whats the point in trying to pretend otherwise?
  6. I met a guy online last month and he went mad texting me, phoning me, emailing me all hours of the day and night. He rang me four times in one night on one occasion. I got very overwhelmed and a little freaked out to say the least so I started to ignore him. Things were quiet for a day then he texted me (and e'mailed me) saying that'd he obviously been too forward and scared me off and that it was all his fault and that he'd understand if I didn't want to speak to him again. Personally I found it to be contrived and a bit manipulative....in the sense that I then felt that I had to try and reassure him that it wasn't his fault, it was mine. You do what you have to do though.
  7. Why? Do I have to write a novel to everyone or something?
  8. Let her have some distance. If she wants to contact you she will.
  9. I don't like long hair on a guy but I don't like really short hair either. I like sort of a messy, short but not so short that I can't run my hands through it and give a little tug style.
  10. You're 18. You don't need your mother to call the doctor for you. Get to one yourself. There must be one on campus. This is a severe case and needs to be treated medically not commercially.
  11. I used to get the rage when my ex insisted on saying that you "itch an itch". You cannot "itch an itch"....you can scratch the itch away but there is no such thing as itching an itch. God, that drives me mad.
  12. You're only 18. You still can. The youngest person on my course is 19 and the oldest is in his early 40's. They like you to have some life experience and experience in a caring role so if you really want to do it you can.
  13. No I'm not seeing a dr or nutritionist and I have a degree in sport science so I can do an exercise plan for myself. My dr told me I needed to lose 7lbs and I just though "dur, I KNOW, I need to lose a hell of a lot more than that!"
  14. How old is she? The older you get the more risk there is with having a general anesthestic. I'm not sure what she means by not handling surgery well but sometimes people may take longer to wake up afterwards, people may have a mild reaction, people may be weakened/feel sick for several days afterwards. If this is the case then she should be closely monitored and remain in recovery for longer than normal and then be closely monitored on a ward. I would think if she's having surgery on her uterus she would be in hospital for a good few days. I wouldn't think you'd be discharged the day after even if there weren't complications. As with all medical procedures there are always risks, which the surgeons should explain before she signs the consent form. These include the anesthestic, bleeding and infection. These are small risks though. I'm sure she'll be fine.
  15. I doubt that you're pregnant. It takes a while for the drug to work it's way out of your system and because you've been taking it for a few months it should have built up in your body. Missing one pill shouldn't be a major problem. However, you shouldn't be having sex without a condom if you're going to be this freaked out at the thought of getting pregnant.
  16. The weight loss hasn't made me feel any better because I'm still fat...so it only serves to remind me of just how fat I was if you see what I mean? I'm trying to take up running and I've bought myself a treadmill for my flat. I've also bought a dvd that teaches you the basics of ballet because I always wanted to try that and I think it will help strengthen my back for work.
  17. Just out of curiosity, are you guys successful with women? I like the inbetweeners.....the alpha male is always a complete * * * *. I have never ever gone for the alpha male, full of himself type. The clingy guy is just creepy. Inbetween is the happy medium. I don't want to be ignored but nor do I want to be followed all over the place.
  18. If you're worried get it checked out.
  19. I'm a frontline emergency ambulance technician.....will qualify as a paramedic in 18 months. Have wanted to do this for years and now I've finally got there it's everything I imagined it to be. I love it.
  20. I don't mind a bit of hair on the chest...but I hate hairy backs.
  21. I have my suspicions about you.
  22. Thanks for all your replies. I know what I need to do.....and I'm making the effort. I'm not just moaning. I've lost 20lbs so far. I aim to lose another 30 at least. Maybe I will feel better when I've done that or maybe I'll need to lose some more to feel okay with myself. I have a nice personality but I'm always "one of the lads". No guy finds me attractive in the sense that they would want to go out with me on a date.
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