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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. Yes it makes total sense. I find that those who have the skill of carrying off humor and charm are usually less likely to be the dumpees anyway! I mean it takes a LOT of confidence to be humorous and charming and confidence is one rare trait that can dissuade partners from the dumping deed.
  2. Totally agree Lady Bugg. Great post! Like candy (throw-caution-to-the-wind-based-humor and -charm) rather than hard-to-swallow pills (guilt trips and last-ditch efforts).
  3. Word up. Like RayKay put it, there are some things that are better left unannounced until confirmed.
  4. Me2, she cracks me up with her posts!!!!!!!!
  5. Out of curiosity, IM, can you engage in oral or uno?
  6. Wow, so wonderful that you are recovering quickly. It's nice that your hubby is being so supportive and that baby is being such a good little sleepihead!
  7. Just started feeling fluttering three days ago, like butterflies. I am 18 weeks and was beginning to wonder what was going on.
  8. I also think that you are creating a rift between virgins and non-virgins by sorting people into these two categories. Yes, it makes you unique, but you are marginalizing yourself with your own hostility to people you deem hostile to you. I'm only repeating the previous posters' comments to you and ... wonder if you are really suffering from mediocrity syndrome and using your virginity in your own mind as a trophy that you will not let any man unless he jumps through countless hoops take away. I think you may overly rely on your virginity in identifying yourself to the opposite sex or to yourself, even. Just a thought. I was a virgin for 23 years and ... I can relate. And at times, I was a hostile little virgin like you thinking the nah nah nah nah thoughts about society. I handicapped myself. Look at the "frigid" image of the rose you post in your very own caption. What are you trying to convey?
  9. The first time is overrated. I think holding on to virginity is a healthy option if you want to ensure that you're not being used, but by putting a "virgin" stamp on your head to those boys you first meet, you are proclaiming yourself to be quite vulnerable and chaotic in my humble opinion. People will wonder why at 30+ are you still celebate? No offence implied, it's just the way as you mentioned our society processes information. I advise you to stop announcing your virginity and allow yourself to slowly get to know a man or woman and let things progress naturally and respectfully up to a point. If you want control, you make the moves and do the backing off. And then charmingly pull away ... with a smile, of course! Men love it. So do women as long as it's done without the tone of rejection. I don't know, just announcing that you have this big CAUTION ribbon around your package is sort of like ... alarming and alarm is a turn-off.
  10. Such good news. I've read many places over and again that the baby is most in jeopardy of exposure to foreign substances between days 9 and 56 post-conception. If she just found out she's pregnant, she's prolly still fine even if it was harmful, but you might take into consideration the timeframe and do a l'ill counting back just to assess thing a bit. It's just something else to think about... and hey, here's a BIG OBNOXIOUS AMERICAN HIGH FIVE to you!
  11. Dilly

    weight gain

    BTR, you are so great!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! So let me tell you, last Friday night I ate out at an authentico mexican restaurante' and the next day I was seven pounds heavier. I got on the scale at the gym and swore it had to be broken. My butt feels big and my body feels clumsy all of a sudden so I am going to have to tighten the reigns a bit on the diet. I am really letting myself go apparently. The good news, however, is that on Monday, I was five pounds lighter than that heavy Saturday weight, but by a different scale. So I may need to just go back to the gym I usually frequent and get regular measurements. VERY ALARMING!!! I'm 18 weeks and ... some days and if my Saturday weight is accurate, I have gained a net 16 pounds. Fortunately, I think I was carrying bloat from salt (which I can pack like a sardine) so I think I am prolly more like 12-13 pounds above (still too much). This balance beam is annoying. I'm certain to fall off.
  12. I am with you girl. I am hypersexual and my fantasies more wild than ever. I mean, I never realized I could get more into it. I always thought I was pretty reved already. One thing I've noticed, too, is that while I used to get a little dry, I NEVER EVER have that problem now. Anyway, it's certainly interesting and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I wonder if men think their wives lose interest after kids are born because they really just return to normal. Ha! How about that?!
  13. I agree, is that a level II? Also, when is your baby due?
  14. Yeah, I'm with you on the name thing because let's face it, his brain is still metabolizing substances that alter clear thinking... nahhh, this is your call. Take his suggestions into consideration, and let him THINK he's helping you... but make your own mind up on it and let him get a few good vibes from offering suggestions that you may even pretend to like.
  15. Go 70's style and see if R is still diggin you! Hey, that's got to be the true test of LOOOOOHuuuuv!!!
  16. Wow, you've gotten some great advice. I would urge you not to be too much of a martyr though. Don't throw in the towel yet! He's likely trying to sort all of this out and just needs time and space to do so. You can protect your heart, maintain your life and the healthy hearts and spirits of your children while giving him the space he needs. The trick is as many have stated, not blinding yourself by this baby. Your boyfriend will come out and tell you how he's feeling as you make it comfortable for him to do so and comfort comes best when he knows you can accept the idea that he may not be in your life. You can't really pretend that, he'll just know. So you sound pretty darn mature to me and very nice and selfless. Just keep that head on your shoulders and that heart in the right place and know that what you have between you will change no matter what, possibly for the better! I admire your stamina and strength!
  17. SouthernGirl, I'm finding that your due date is approaching faster than Christmas which only makes sense since your going to be induced at right about that time! WOW!!! Time's a-flyin! Must agree I am loving the 2nd trimester.
  18. It is so hard to imagine that I might not be able to touch my toes. You guys are so funny! BTR, I am so proud and happy for you! You are doing everything right! I am so happy that R is still in the picture, going cold turkey on the father of your child just never seems like a great idea unless he is physically and emotionally abusive and usually (as in your case), the distance gap is enough to get them to see the err in their ways. I'm very very happy for you both!!! You deserve to enjoy his company! And he's lucky to have yours!!! Dang right you get to name the baby!
  19. SouthernGirl, I am so still thinking I want to get that bassonette you picked out some months ago!!! What a buy!!! Find out the baby's gender (errr, uh, hopefully) next week!
  20. You are sooooooooooo CUTE! I haven't even finished your post yet and I just started laughing out loud because I can so totally relate!!! I just keep thinking to myself, I'm not going to do the waddle!!! HAHAHAHAHA
  21. Dilly

    weight gain

    Hey BTR, I love the link, if only because it helps me see that I'm not that bad off. I initially lost 6 pounds solid and now have gained from my low pregnancy weight ten pounds. So my net gain is about right, but stillnot quite ten due to the initial weight loss. THANKS! Hazy I think it's great that you guys are working together and trying to sort out responsibilities. He sounds like a decent guy, really! Robert is really being sweet also and I think he's excited too!!! Well, I know he is. My stomach is upsetting me. It wouldn't bother me so much if my confidence didn't ride on it so much. I mean, I've always had a flat tummy and was pretty ripped and now, when I see myself in the mirror, I just feel soooo frumpy! I'm 6'0" and I feel FRUMPY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Looking forward to being obviously preggo!!!
  22. Dilly

    weight gain

    Hope, any range of healthy BMI's for pregnancy? At my current weight, mine is 23.5. Sounds a bit scary to me.
  23. Dilly

    weight gain

    RU still dating the father of your child? Too funny. Robert is gaining as well, but we will be starting a strict exercise program. I am fairly athletic anyway and am noticing muscle atrophy in my legs and replacement by fat. I really am sick of the restless leg syndrome and feel like it's more a symptom of sedentary lifestyle than anything. I am going to start cautiously working out three - five times a week for 45 minutes, NOT TO LOSE WEIGHT, but to maintain stamina, strength, and a positive attitude about this. I'm almost 18 weeks and am really starting to see the belly poke out. It's sloppy looking and hardly sexy.
  24. Very helpful post. I did some research on this as my quasi-sister-in-law did crack while pregnant. There is some data that suggests smoking during pregnancy is more damaging than crack. SURPRIZING I know. As someguy states, the damage is the neglect of the maternal body, diet, and post pardum, neglect of the child (A REAL ISSUE). I've read also that days 9-56 post conception (not from the first day of the last menses, but from conception) are huge for development and any drugs consumed during this time may exert the biggest effect on the fetus. Having said that, I agree the doctor should know.
  25. Congratulations, Dani! Do what you need to do to get steady on your feet. I'm glad sis is looking out for both of you!!! Sometimes these little mystery bugs affect us without ever identifying themselves. Sounds like the hospital wasn't able to produce any positive cultures. Stay well!!! Caroline
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