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Everything posted by Dilly

  1. SUCH AN AWESOME RESOURCE!!! Man, thank you so much!!!
  2. Wow, that's really interesting. At what point did you begin to notice you were mistaken? That your process was flawed somehow? Like how long after starting?
  3. You just sold it to me, BTR. Man, I'm so lucky to have you!!! You really have no idea how much you have helped me!!!! THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING. I have to go back to work six weeks after my delivery (if I have a natural childbirth). I just hope I can pump (or begin pumping) quite soon after the delivery so I can get in the groove of things and not get wiped out before returning to work. I really, really want to breastfeed!!!
  4. CoNgRaTs MEJANE!!! YAYAY, not far now!!!
  5. OK, I need to read back a little, how do you make sure your mild ducts are empty?
  6. BTR, why the Avent Isis Duo over the Double Breast Medela? I appreciate any feedback you have on this. I will be using the Dr. Brown's bottles, which, well, I've heard you either love or hate.
  7. My ex's birthday, Scout. Born on the cusp of being a Virgo and a Libra. Very cool-minded personality if you lend any credibility to astrology.
  8. BTR, what are some good pumps that you would recommend? I'm glad you are able to continue.
  9. The Medela - did you think about buying one? $45/month is a lot, but what if you can't breastfeed? That's why I'm not buying a pump yet. Doesn't sound bad though.
  10. BTR, HUGS - that's all I have to say. You know way more about this now than I ever did. YOWSERS!!! Keep pushing for more information. Some people say medicine is an art, but really it should be more objective than it seems to have been for you!!!
  11. It's prolly just so you can avoid vomitting under anesthesia. It's annoying that they are not telling you anything. Is there a nurse's line you might call? So glad you will be over this soon!!!
  12. How did the surgical procedure go? You feeling better?
  13. You look beautiful. Don't doubt that for a second! And yes, you do have a very fit upper body!!! You're almost there. Don't look down now. I am the same way. My bootie is quite big now and my b-friend asked me jokingly (all right, he was cracking all the way up) if the roll of paper towels in the bathroom were for my toosh. I could have gotten funny about it, but you know what, I thought it was hilarious. Anyway, it's possible to get thin again and that's the plan for me. I'm sure you will also. We have the weather working on our sides. I mean, by the time the baby is here, it will be warm and wonderful outside and we can go for strolls.
  14. Me, too. It was lightly positive on the day my period was due.
  15. One other thing, they seem compassionate and empathetic and that keeps us sort of in a trusting state, but you have to question everything when it comes to your mental health and do so with clear objectives. Before going back, ask yourself what you have to gain from a journey down memory lane through childhood. If you're interested in exploring your past to discover how your parents might have made mistakes, that's not so bad because you can learn from those mistakes they made and be a better parent (by avoiding thos actions or lack thereof). BUT if you are going down memory lane to discover why you are the way you are and how they are to blame, yuck, is there really a benefit? And do most people examine the cause of their insecurities moreso than correcting the insecurity? I think a balance must be struck. Understand it, but take it all with a grain of salt.
  16. This is really good advice. I have friends and family that brood over their misshapen childhoods and drink away their agonies about their poor mistreatment, but you know, you really can wake up and change the way you look at life. We really have to remain cognizant of our thoughts and try to do what SouthernGirl said and just let go and get in a situation where we are not as dependent on the people that upset us so that when they let us down emotionally, it doesn't take as large a toll. I think independence is a state of mind, but when we love someone, and trust them, it's bound to hurt when they let us down, but the best defense may be to have backup plans for those areas that we can control (our image, our job, our money, our transportation). Serenity prayer helps. Keep talking to the counsellor but question any prolonged focus on your childhood that brings you pain and resentment over your family and upbringing. If you feel worse after the session, don't reenter the room with intent to go there in conversation again (at least without having an objective that suits your needs). CONFESSION: I once went to a counsellor who wanted to probe my childhood past merely because at the age of 28, I had only had sex with one man, my husband. He thought it was weird and strange and when he started probing for reasons, and touching on the idea that I may have been sexually abused, I took the bull by the horns and told him that he was absolutely off-base, that my father was a good man, that I just wanted to remain abstinant and had sort of a fairy-tale idea about marriage because my sister was so wild she sowed her oats at the age of 13 and really never stopped. She, in fact, was the one who told me to wait. How about that?! But it's a pain when you have to justify such a personal decision to someone who is looking for an excuse to bill your insurance for another four solo sessions. Beware and be wary of these counsellor types. They are paid professionals, right? As such, they have their biases and their motivations to keep you coming back. The more confused you are, the more sessions they get to bill.
  17. There certainly appear to be some benefits of c-sections - that's obvious!!!
  18. GREAT PICTURE (avatar)... Yes, I know! It's very hard to sort it out but sometimes it helps a bit. It helps just to know that your emotional baseline has been reset when you have hormonal surges.
  19. Very helpful perspective!!! SIGH, odes to pregnancy
  20. This is really really an amazing path your taking and I respect you so much for your committment to breastfeed. You really really have had quite a row to hoe with this hives complication combined with the alternating infection. But this too shall pass, you are sooo strong and wow (sigh), you are already a wonderful mother making tremendous sacrifices for your little boy!!! ((PROUD))
  21. GIRL!!! I am soooo sorry you are going through this!!! Please update us soon! I was just thinking about you this morning and hadn't checked up on you since the last post I made.. SORRY!!
  22. I was thinking about you today. Just having a day like you had recently. It's funny how you can feel great and happy-go-lucky one day and then, the next, you sort of feel this rising pressure to get everything in order. I feel disorganized still and I have sooo much to do and I'm too tired to get it all done. I'm just so fatigured right now and ... frustrated, but I'm sure it will pass and by nightfall, all will be better. Fortunately, these little spells don't last long for me. I guess I recognize the role hormones play and even when I used to get PMS, I worried about things I SHOULD be worried about, but the extra emotional investment in those things helped motivate me to communicate my thoughts to my family, friends, and significant others and that definitely usually plays a role in outcomes. I think recognition of the emotions and the cause is really key, but not discounting the emotion itself.
  23. There's simply no way I'm going to be able to squeeze into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes when I push this baby out. It's just going to be a rude awakening. I always thought I would not be the type to gain so much weight in pregnancy. I guess I've gained about 35-40 pounds and with about 5 weeks to go, I may gain some more. But, all in all, I've seen worse. Very tired and lethargic now, possibly even slightly depressed.
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