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Everything posted by keenan

  1. Yeah. We were both upset. It was a big deal at the time. Now we sort of laugh about it, but it's pretty scary nonetheless.
  2. Exactly! That first part might even be MORE worrisome, from her perspective. If drunk make-out sessions with female friends are in your past, then no wonder she's not enthused about you hanging out and drinking with your female friend, LOL! I think that you really, really need to stress those last two sentences to her. Those are key. But maybe you also should stress that you won't be getting drunk or out of control with Germany girl. Nah, but I think it's more unusual to keep them around as friends for years and years. People tend to fall off our radar screens naturally over time. If you've got lots of ex-make-out partners hanging around you, it could feel to your GF that you're a butterfly collector...and not the good kind. The thread is "Male Friends: Is is possible" by OceanEyes. You can't have missed it.
  3. Yeah, I think so. Glad to hear he's mellow--that makes it much better. I'd still wait a day or so and see if he replies to your email (if it was the kind of email that warranted a response). How about Tuesday instead of Wednesday? Hopefully some other folks will chime in, too.
  4. elaineska, I also know of a good health and beauty newsgroup with lots of product reviews. I haven't been there in awhile (months and months), but I used to find it very helpful. I consult it before I lay out any serious cash for fancy products. It's called Makeupalley: link removed
  5. Hope you get this figured out soon, someguy. My husband had a similar set of symptoms. He was misdiagnosed and ended up having hernia surgery. When the symptoms came back a month later, they did a follow-up and figured out he just had an infection. I guess some guys are susceptible to testicular bacterial infections from a lot of jostling (such as movement from bike riding). (Kind of like women with bladder infections and sex--the movement just stirs everything up and causes problems.) It was easily treated with a course of antibiotics; he's had a couple more flare-ups since then, but it's no biggie. Too bad about the surgery, though!
  6. LOL! If she ever bites your earlobe off, you'll know you named her correctly.
  7. What a flake! Philly, I'm sorry you had to deal with this stupidity, but it was really fun watching your story unfold from out here in Seattle. Thanks for giving us the play by play. Somebody earlier said you have your head screwed on tight...I agree. Well done. Psst: I'd follow up with Annie if I were you. She seems like she's worth the price of a few drinks.
  8. Ok, just the facts: You IMed him a week ago and had a friendly but brief chat. He cut it off because he was cleaning. He hasn't IMed you back. On Friday you emailed him, and he hasn't written you back. You know he's been online b/c you've seen him, but he hasn't contacted you. If I were you I'd take a deep breath and sit on my hands for a few more days. From my perspective you pretty much only get one more shot to contact him first without starting to look like a stalker (an arbitrary 'rule of 3' that makes sense to me for some reason, lol). Since you only have one more chance before you start to look needy, don't rush it. If you contact him now and he doesn't get back to you, then what're you going to do?? No reason to back yourself into a corner so soon. I'd wait at least until Wednesday...maybe longer, and then initiate something again. Hopefully by then he will have replied to your e-mail. But the question is, what do you do next time you contact him: Do you play it cool and be very light and casual, or do you be more direct and ask him he wants to hang out sometime--like, next weekend? Honestly, I don't know. What does your gut tell you? Does he seem like he could be scared off, or is he more easy going than that?
  9. Sheesh, he's either interested or he's trying to talk you to death. Sounds like he needs a little shove. Can you invite him to go grab some lunch or coffee after class?
  10. Way to go! She sounds like a sweetie, too. (And she's right about you being good looking, lol!) I bet most of your friends will be just as supportive.
  11. What kind of program are you in, exactly? I thought medical schools had a pretty standard curriculum, in terms of the various rotations that you have to do and the amount of hands-on experience you get. Your relationship with your advisor sounds more like a PhD program of some sort...but even then, wouldn't you need to have a set number of clinical hours to get licensed? It's terrible to have so little control over your education.
  12. Oh yeah--I use the apricot scrub, too. Good stuff.
  13. Ditto. Love it. I use the cleanser and the moisturizer. It's boooring, but so nice to my skin.
  14. I don't think you over reacted. Sounds like a crappy date.
  15. ComputerGuy, what does "all over the shop" mean? Sorry to derail the thread...I'm interested in dialects and jargon, etc. Is it a common Australian phrase? I'm guessing it's the same as the US "all over the place." Philly, I don't know what to tell you wrt this girl. I'm not cut from the same cloth as her, so I can't tell whether she's just a lighthearted party girl or a bit more desperate. I mean...I think I'm pretty laid back, but first date invitations of (a) getting drunk or (b) spending the night at her place sound pretty...out there. I don't want to be too hasty, but I'm getting a 'seriously needy, potential trouble' vibe. I bet guys with experience with this will have some thoughts... Edited to add that part of my concern comes from my sense that she's pleasantly surprised that you're NOT looking for a hookup--as though that's her norm.
  16. I admire your ethics. I doubt if I would have turned her in. I have this notion that (mis)behaviors will catch up to people one way or another, without my help. You did your prof, your class, and this girl a favor, though. You saved her the trouble of replicating the stunt and getting caught (or failing a later class b/c of her lack of DiffEQ knowledge).
  17. Ok, good. It's a good poem, and totally heartfelt and wonderful, but you might save it until you know he feels the same (or close to it). Just feeling protective of ya, girl. Hug.
  18. Right. I forget things like that. It's such a pain to be a teenager! LOL. Ok, do you go anywhere with your friends or groups of friends? 'Cause it seems like you could at least start with something like, "Hey, it'd be cool to hang out sometime. So-and-so is having a party (fill in the blank); wanna go?" But if you can't even do that, then it seems like dating this guy is kinda out anyway. Your dad is doing his job, I guess...
  19. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Flashbacks to high school...shiver. LoveorHate, did you already give him the poem?? You seem pretty hung up on it.
  20. So...1-11 suggest that he likes you, and all the others suggest that he's shy. I don't know why he didn't answer when your friend asked him out, but it could be because he's having more fun flirting with you than he thinks he would have by getting serious with you...OR he wasn't sure if the 'question from friend through a friend' was real, and he didn't want to expose himself to potential embarrassment. Personally, I think the poem is a bit too intimate. The guys I knew at this age tended to be a bit more, mmm, basic about their love lives...at least at first. What if you just ask him to grab a coffee on a Saturday morning, then see if he wants to hang out more?
  21. LOL!! I've never heard that, but it's cute.
  22. NewPhillyGuy, are you sure she's interested in you romantically? I can't imagine acting like that before a date, no matter how rambunctious I'm feeling. If she's had a rough week and views you mostly as a guy to hang out and vent with, then maaaybe. It's still odd, though, considering that you've never met.
  23. Thanks for that link, darkblue. Stellar.
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