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  1. Living overseas would be awesome! I have a friend I served in the Marines with. He was stationed in Japan and met a girl who's father was a seafood BILLIONAIRE. Her Dad owned a fleet of fishing ships or something... Anyway, while we were on deployment to the Middle East, every port we stopped at for R&R, she was there. After he got out of the Marines, he married her and moved to Japan. He took a job with her Father and lived happily ever after! If you've never been overseas, go for it. If the relationship doesn't work, you can always come back!!
  2. I am of the opinion that love knows no boundries. If you are attracted to people of different ethnicity, culture, religion, etc., it's no big deal. I have dated many women of many different backgrounds, and have had some great relationships! As long as you are both respectfull of your DIFFERENCES, a mixed relationship can work. I say respectfull because I have dated women who have tried to get me to change my ways to suit THEIR cultural beliefs, and that doesn't work. If you choose to embrace your partner's culture that's great! But it shouldn't be forced on you. I am married to a Filipino (born in US) and I have delved right into the culture! I love Filipinos and the food, language (I have learned a lot of Tagalog) and culture! My wife is very appreciative and loves me more because I am becoming more of a F.O.B. everyday! She was born here, so she is "Americanized" so we have the American culture in common. The only thing we disagree on is religion. She's Catholic and I'm an Atheist. But, we don't argue about it. But, long story short...there's nothing wrong with sampling the international buffet!!
  3. What is wrong with you??!?! You stay away from this woman until she is single. I don't care what she is telling you about not being happy, until she leaves this guy she's ENGAGED to, you stay out of it. Men do not steal women away from other men...that's the most slime ball thing a guy can do to another guy. I don't care WHAT she is telling you...she's still with him for a reason...and until she is completely broken up with him, you need to stay away. Would you be chasing her if she was married?
  4. From a cop's perspective...stay out of it. You're better off not getting involved. If this guy can beat on his woman, he'll certainly have no problems doing the same to you. She needs to get herself out of this situation. Unfortunately, most women feel they must stay because they have no place to go and wouldn't be able to make it on their own without the guy. Even though he is beating her and abusive, in her mind she is still better off with him than without. The best thing you can do is to show her that there are places that are set up to help her. There are shelters and group homes that will take her in and help her get on her feet. Most of these shelters have counselors and people that can help with finding her a job, daycare, etc. They are also secure and safe where the abusive partner cannot get to her. The best you can do is try to get her to leave on her own and go to one of these shelters. If you take her in, or try to confront this guy on your own, it could lead to the guy turning his rath on you. I've seen guys beat up their wive's friends, vandalize their property, threaten them at their jobs, break into their homes, all kinds of stuff. Everyone has a desire to help someone out in a time of need, but you shouldn't do it at the sake of your own sanity and safety. You said yourself you've only recently gotten to know her, so I wouldn't put myself out too much if I were you. At most, do some research and point her in the right direction, but DEFINITELY don't get directly involved.
  5. Girls change their minds. One minute they are into you, the next they aren't. One minute you disgust them, then they are maddly in love with you. Don't worry about it. It's nothing you did or didn't do, she just had a whole summer to change her tastes and change her mind.
  6. Trogan MAGNUMS. They come in Large and X-tra Large. I had the same probelm when I first started using condoms. Then I tried MAGNUMS, and have been problem free ever since. Also, buy a little bottle of liquid K-Y and put a drop of lube into the tip of the condom before putting in on. That way, you will move inside the condom and it won't pinch or break while you're having sex. Don't put too much...one drop is enough...or else it could slip off.
  7. Masturbating to gay porn does not make you gay. Curious...yes. Gay...no. For some people, it's the kinkyness of it. It could be turning you on because it's something you've never seen before and they fact that it's "forbidden" is really getting you off. The fact that you are not revolted by it could also mean that you are curious about other men...but who cares? Everyone in their life goes through a period of finding themselves. Almost everyone experiments with same sex...sex. In one form or another. Be it masturbating to pictures on the internet, watching a gay porno movie, or having actual contact with another guy, everyone "experiments" a little. If you can satisfy your curiosity by masturbating, I wouldn't worry about being full fledge gay. You could grow out of it. You don't masturbate to the Frederick's of Hollywood catalogue anymore right? You'll get tired of it eventually. But, if you find yourself fantasizing about men, and wanting to meet them to play around, then you could be gay. Or at least VERY curious. Most men who later discover they are bi or gay, usually are willing to go all the way to find out. If you still like sex with women...eh...you're bi. No biggie. Sex with men could just be a release where as sex with a woman is out of love. But, in these beginning stages, it's hard to tell. You might go gay, bi, or straight. It's too early to tell. Just go with your desires...they'll lead you in the right direction.
  8. If you think this girl might like you, then go for it. What's the harm in asking her out? The worst she can do is say no. And if you never ask, it's gonna be a NO for sure. Since you spend so much time with her and see her everyday, it shouldn't be so hard to talk to her. Asking a girl out may seem intimidating, but it's really simple. All you gotta do is ASK. And you don't have to be all cheesy about it, or try to be all cool, or anything like that. That's all movies and Soap Network. Best way to start is to start simple. If you attend activities where she is always there, start by suggesting that you could go together. That'll give you more one on one time. If she shoots down that idea, don't be discouraged...it just might not be convienent for her. You could take a leap and just be like, "Hey...such and such a movie is coming out this weekend. Let's go see it together." That's subtle. Also, you're not really asking her...you're telling her. People naturally respond to a "command" if you do it politely. It works! I was in sales for a while, and if you ASK someone to buy something, they are going to say "Yes" or "No." If you TELL someone to buy it, they won't be able to get out of it so easily and it gives you time to show them all the good stuff you got. It never fails. Dating is selling yourself. Most girls know right off the bat if you are going into the "friend" catagory, or if you are going into the "potential boyfriend" catagory. They usually arrive at that conclusion within 10-15 minutes after meeting you. So you have to be quick when you are acting on something like this. One thing you gotta remember is that once you put it out there that you like her and want to "date" her, you can't take it back. If a girl is into you, she'll respond positively. If not, well...she'll usually treat you like dirt and ignore you forever. If the girl is cool, she'll just come out and tell you that you are just her friend...and mean it. Then, no harm, no foul. But, you can't obsess over the possible negatives. Ask this girl out. One way or the other...just ask her out. Don't be afraid to hear the word no. If she says no, you're no worse off that if you didn't ask her out. And, if you ask enough girls, one will eventually say yes.
  9. Don't sweat the hair. I'm 29 and I'm practically HAIRLESS. It's embarrassing for me to be so slick. My wife laughs at me cuz I barely have any chest hair...and it's barely growing in!! I can't grow a beard or goatee or anything cool like that, my arms and legs have hair, but that's about it. Shoot...be PROUD to have hair. Some girls love it! Especially Hispanic chicas! But, if it's too much for now...just wax it. I know hairy guys who shave with electric hair clippers just to keep the hair in strategic areas, but then wax the rest. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed! You're a man! Men are hairy.
  10. DUMP HER. And your friend. There is obviously something going on that you are not a party to. She can lie and cover all she wants, but they are doing SOMETHING behind your back. Rule #1 in a new relationship - NO FRIENDS OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. This is the most important rule!! If you are with a girl who has too many guy friends, you need to make her chose. If she can't get ride of them, get rid of her. Same goes for you. If you want to keep your relationship jealous free...you need not have "girl friends" either. Trust me. I have put this out there with every girl I've ever started dating. The ones who tell me "No," get dumped. Additionally, I keep NO friends who are girls. I have guy friends to hang out with, I'm not going to watch football with a girl...unless she's in a cheerleader's outfit and is down for some half time nookie!! But you my friend have been through enough. Dump her. And that slime ball friend of yours. Any guy who would move in on your girl is not a friend.
  11. I think the best thing for you to do is forget about the ex-boyfriend and concentrate on getting a new one. If you like the guy from summer school, ask him out to the dance. If he says "No," you're no worse off than right now. If he says "Yes," then you're good to go. But definitely don't keep chasing the ex-boyfriend. You said he wasn't honest with you, but from a guy's point of view "I don't want a girlfriend right now" really means, "I don't want YOU as my girlfriend." So he was indeed very honest with you. Chasing him is a waste of your time. But don't take it too personally, a lot of guys and girls will go out with someone for a little while, realize they aren't really attracted to them, for whatever reason, and break up with them. I was your age once...when everyone you "went out" with was your boyfriend or girlfriend...even if it was for a week. When you get to be my age (29) and even in your early 20's, and you REALLY start dating, you won't be so quick to tag everyone you go on a date with as your "boyfriend." That's not how dating really works as an adult. But, your a kid...barely learning the ropes...so it's simply a matter of semantics. Hope this helps a bit.
  12. Yes...leave. Unless you LIKE your wife sleeping around behind your back and making you look like a chump.
  13. The most important thing to remember in all this is just this... You are 19 years old. You are just beginning to experience life. The last thing you need is a "boyfriend." Now is the time for you to experience freedom! Do you really want to constantly have someone on your case whenever you want to do something that doesn't include them? Do you want to have to deal with someone else's insecurities, jealousy and all the other problems that they will make yours? The last thing a 19 year old male or female needs, or should even be looking for is a "relationship." What for?? Nothing you could want to do as a young adult requires a "relationship." The only thing a relationship will bring you at this age is problems. Problems with him cheating on you. Problems with you wanting to date other guys. Many, many problems. The single life is GREAT at that age. You're out of your folk's house, doing and experimenting and living your life the way you want to. Kids who think that every person they date is a potential husband or wife are just plain crazy! I could not emagine myself with ANY of the girls I've dated during high school and when I was in my early 20's. I'm married now. I have a child on the way. I love my wife and the life we have together. The reason being is because I chose HER to be with me for the rest of my life. I used all those other girls to figure out what I wanted in a partner and what I didn't want. Then, when I found the girl who met those criteria, I asked HER to marry me. The only way you're ever going to fing out what qualities you like in a man is to date as many as possible. And, you can take comfort in the knowledge that if your ex-boyfriend is calling and flirting with other girls and trying to hook up, he's obviously too young to be in a relationship as well. My best advice...learn from it and move on to the next guy. Eventually, if you keep narrowing your field, you'll find the one guy who is everything you want. You can't make someone into something they aren't. If a guy doesn't have what you're looking for, find one that does. Trying to change a guy will never work and will only make you miserable if you "settle." Trust me.
  14. Don't use Carmex. There is an ingredient in it that is a form of citric acid that actually eats the outer layer on skin on your lips. You don't notice it while you're using it, but if you stop using it for any period of time, you're lips will be even more chapped then before. The acid in the balm is one way the manufacturer came up with to make you keep using it!! Use medicated Blistex. Much better. Or try going to a natural foods market and picking something up with Shea Butter. It's much better for your lips.
  15. Mine sucked. I hated every minute of it. I hated the games, the clicks, the preppy rich jerks who always snubbed me because I was poor, the wanna be gansters who were always trying to start something with me...well...that was my favorite part...beating the tar of out them was pretty fun! I hung with the punkers and skaters and stoners. We were just there and got done and left as soon as possible. I didn't go to dances, football games, none of that stuff. I didn't WANT to. I couldn't afford it anyway. My friends and I would ditch school, hang out at my friend's house who parents worked all day, and made out with our girlfriends. All that, and I still graduated with a 3.2 GPA and 25 extra credits. Now, I own my own business, own multiple investment properties (houses I rent out to people), drive a BMW 645, live in a house on the beach, and have everthing I could possibly want in life. I make more money than those rich kid's parents ever did, and certainly more than the kids themselves. Everything I have was earned. Not given to me. I refused to go to my 10 year anniversary. For what? I didn't like them then, and I don't care to pretend I do now.
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