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Everything posted by Twinkle_

  1. I think i'm probably giving off the wring signals, although I'm quite unaware of exactly what I'm doing wrong. My ex said I can somtimes be too friendly, and people do get the wrong idea.
  2. I've been single for a month now. I've been on 1 date, which I enjoyed, the guy was gorgeous and we got along, but a few days after he text to say he didn't want a relationship. I suspect he thought I wanted one cause I didn't sleep with him. (Just the kind of guy he is) Fine with me. I saw him at the weekend sucking face with someone I know, but I didn't care. Just after my break up, I got talking to a barman who asked a friend for my number. I didn't think anything of it, and we became friends. I felt I'd made it clear that was all I wanted, until he text me to say he wanted to "jump into bed with me." It didn't stop there, he sent me a few more texts asking for sex, I told him no. Then he thought he'd stir up some trouble with my ex and tell him I'd come onto him. I met another guy online, who was a great help to me when I was bawling my eyes out every night. he'd call me and calm me down, we'd talk about junk, and have a laugh. He's 32, I'm 19. He decided we couldn't be friends cause he wanted to sleep with me. He even offered to pay me to sleep with him. I was fuming. I seem to attract this sort of guy, any tips how to get myself back into the swing of dating, and how to attract nicer guys?
  3. Thank you. He isn't going to make it easy for me either, he keeps texting to say he loves me and things. I ignore them. He's said them before, and he'll probably say them again if he thinks it'll make me crack again. I can do this!
  4. That's my story, long and boring, I know. Tonight for soome reason, I'm determined to put him behind me, and move on with my life. This isn't going to be easy, I know that, but if I'm going to keep my sanity, something has to be done. All support/advice gladly received I'm so glad I found this place
  5. Forget your chances right now. Is your health worth the risk? Go for a pregnancy test, either do one at home, or go to your doctor. Make an appointment at your local GU clinic and ask to best tested for everything, althought if you've contracted HIV it'll take 3 months before a test will detect it.
  6. That's it. That's what it is. It's how naughty it feels, its not something "good girls" do... or so they'd have you think
  7. So you only orgasm with cloitoral stimulation, most women are the same! You need to tell him that. Encourage him to touch your clit while you're having sex, or do it yourself. Enjoy x
  8. On Friday night I was doing that with a guy, and I came twice! It's a great thing, I love it
  9. With my ex, I felt comfrtable enough to try all the things I eevr wanted to, without being made to feel like a *CENSORED**CENSORED**CENSORED**CENSORED*. I was always interested in anal, no idea why. We tried it, and we both loved it. It was something we did quite regularly. We experimented with roleplay. He'd never slept with a virgin, so I donned some frumpy white pants & pink PJs, and acted like we were a long term couple, having sex for the first time. It was incredible! He took the time to relax me, explore me, and really make sure I was turned on, constantly reassuring me that it was ok, that he loved me, and that it would only hurt for a moment (LOL). I also adore outdoor sex, in the rain. We spent a lot of nights in the summer of 04 finding new places to play. We did soemtimes bring my sex toy into play, when we had anal sex he'd use my vibe on my clit, when we had vaginal sex, sometimes we'd use the toy anally, other times he just wanted to watch me bring myself to orgasm. Food is something we didn't really try, although we did once use raspberry sauce... that was fun!
  10. Talk to him. Tell him how you feel, see how he takes it. Don't be pressured into staying if you're not happy. Maybe you'll be freidns, maybe you won't, but you know this is soemthing you need to do. Let us know how you get on x
  11. My first serious relationship left me in pieces. We'd been arguing for a bit, when out of the blue he text me saying he didn't love me anymore. we spoke a bit, and agreed to try again, less than a week later, he told me he wished he'd never said we'd try again and that he was in love with someone else. After that, I got a new job, met loads of new people, lost weight, and had a ball. With my current break up, it's different. The ex is blowing hot and cold, can't quite decide, which I'm finding much harder than my only other break up. If I wanted to, I suppose, the easiest thing to do is just no contact, and get on with my life without him.
  12. As you're in the UK, you can go to your local A & E department and get it, just ask to see a nurse, they go through a heap of paper work, then you take the pill(s) there, free.
  13. I wouldn't want either of them in my life. Teaching him a lesson will only make you look bad. Simply stop talking to both of them.
  14. We spent the night together last night. I was actually meeting his brother (who I was friends with before I met the ex) for a drink, and he was there. We had a few drinks, and a laugh. He said I could stay at his, he'd sleep on the couch, so i didn't have to pay for a taxi home, only on the condition that I wouldn't get the wrong idea, no matter wha he said. He told me when we've spent the night together in the past few weeks, he's said everything will be fine at the time, but when he wakes up next morning, he can't do it, he said he just feels different. I told him I couldn't promise not to be hurt the next morning if he lied to me the night before, and left. My sisters boyfriend was having his 18th birthday party in the bar down the road, so I went there for a bit. People were arguing, I don't know what had gone on at the party but couples all around me were arguing. I sat, in silence until I'd finished my drink. The ex text me to ask why I left, I told him I'd changed my mind, I'm fine. I went back to where he was, and we spoke a bit more. I had a laugh and a dance with some of the other girls there. He asked if I was ok and what was going on. I told him I was fine, but I didn't love him anymore. A lie. he kept telling me he loved me, how amazing I was, how perfect I was for him, but I said nothing back, I was determined to enjoy myself. He tried to kiss me, I moved away so he couldn't, still he was telling me how much he loved me and that he wished we could be together, still wanting us to get married etc. We went back to his, where I borrowed a tshirt and got into his bed, he said he'd stay and talk to me for a bit then go to bed. He told me how much he loved me, how if he wasn't in a badn he'd marry me tomorrow (again), how he's so sorry for everything he's done (I told him i was sorry too), that he's glad I'm getting stronger, how when we move into town we can maybe get back together and move in together, I told him, no. He kept trying to kiss me, I kept moving my head away. He got tired of this and in the end just asked to kiss me. After a while, he got into bed next to me. We kissed, cuddled, and messed about (keeping my underwear on!), as much as I didn't want to (well, you know) I orgasmed twice. We talked about the things we used to get up to, and were up til very early this morning. I told him, no way were we going to sleep together, no way. I woke up at 9am in his arms. He had to work at 1 so I left at 12.30. I don't know when I'll see him again, I didn't ask.
  15. I visited my doctor yesterday to change my contraceptive pill, the one I was on before was "safe" to take for 6 months before taking a break, my new one is taken every day, but still gives me periods. My periods are incredibly painful, since I started at 12 I've been in agony every time, although its gotten worse as I've gotten older. My doctor asked me lots of questions, and prescribed me 2 different pills, one for the pain, the other to make my periods lighter. I have to take these for 2 months, then go back to the doctor. He said after 2 months he will ask me some more questions, because he thinks I may have endometriosis. he didn't explain anything to me, so i looked it up online, and spoke to a friend about it. I've been told if I do have this, it may affect my fertility. Although I'm only 19 and have no plans to become a mother any time soon, it is something I want to do when i'm a bit older, I like to have the choice. What are the chances of my choice being taken away from me? I'm so worried, I was sill when I first met my ex, we rarely used contraception, but I never became pregnant, maybe I'm being silly but this is really worrying me.
  16. We spoke last night. He text me saying he needed me, and that he wanted me to call him. I was on the phone at the time so he had to wait. We chatted for a while about day to do things, when out of the blue he asked me what was wrong. I hadn't suggested there was anything wrong, but he knew something was bothering me. I didn't want to worry him but in the end he dragged it out of me. I wish he hadn't, I really don't want him to worry, I don't want anyone to worry. He's being very supportive, which is nice of him. I'm seeing him tonight, with mutual friends, we're all going for a drink together. I got my period yesterday so at least I know something will stop me from wanting to sleep with him.
  17. At least now you know exactly where you stand, and can begin getting over it, and moving on. Good luck x
  18. I know how you feel, my ex is doing something similar. I think a little NC, to give you both some space to consider your options, would be a good thing. Time to really think about what you want. Good luck x
  19. Thank you for your reply plugger. I Know what you mean. I totally understand that, which is why it is no more. My old work web site is going to be one educating people about the damage prostitution does to both the woman, and the people in her life. I'm well and truly out of it. I told him that. I'm applying for more jobs every day, i'll have one in the city soon, I'm sure of it, then maybe we can make another go of things.
  20. I saw him last night. I went to meet a friend and he was there. we talked a little, but he couldn't look at me. After a while, we really got talking and he had to look at me. I told him friday was a mistake, I was sorry, and it wouldn't happen again. I had to catch my bus, so he waited with me. We spoke some more, we still love each other so much. I told him about me quitting escorting, he was quite pleased for me. I know its whats best for me, and if there was even a small chance of us getting back together, it'd be ruined by me carrying on doing this. He told me if he wasn't in a band he'd marry me tomorrow. i don't see what the band has to do with things, i've always supported him in it, I've encouraged him, I built the band a website ffs, I've always known they would go on tour, I don't mind that, I knew it when I met him, I wouldn't change that about him. He's a very talented young man. I love his music. I'm moving into the city in a few weeks, he won't be far behind me, but he has sme things to sort out before he goes so he'll be a few weeks after me. When we're both there, we're going to start fresh, and try again. Part of me says I'm setting myself up to be hurt again, but I have to risk it. Even if it doesnt work out in the city, i'll be where I want to be anyway, i wanted to move anyway.
  21. People often mistake me being friendly as me coming on to them. I'm now trying my hardest to make sure no one gets the wrong idea. If he already has a GF and was prepared to cheat on her, would you really want to have anything to do with him? I know I wouldn't. if he can do it to her, he can do it to you.
  22. Oh wow this feeling is crap. it's been over a month since we actually split, why am I not over this. I'm so angry with myself. I'm posting here to keep myself sane, and to stop me from contacting him, from screaming at him how much he's hurt me, how I know I brought it all on myself.... yadda yadda yadda. Yawn, woman, you are so boring!
  23. I'm sorry to post this, but did it occur to you for a moment that perhaps the problem isn't with your girlfriend?
  24. Wow. That's a shocker. At least you are now 100% sure where you stand. NC, from now, even if she contacts you, ignore her. All the best x
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