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LiL Miss Jenn

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  1. My mom died 3 yrs ago. I STILL have nightmares. I STILL cry and yell and get REALLY upset. I...am still grieving. Give her as long as she needs to get past this. Don't rush her, and don't be too pushy when trying to help. When I lost my mom, and even now, still...the people who help the best, are those who say nothing at all. I know they are not ignoring my feelings, but they know well enough that there is nothing they can offer to make me feel better. Silence is the best! Good luck and God bless!
  2. Hey! When I was 12, in the 7th grade, my best friend died. He was rollerblading and got run over by a truck. It was a horrible accident and the aftermath was even worse. I remember it all like it was yesterday and 10 yrs later, I still miss him just as much. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't his time. But, we don't make those choices...God does. He has reasons for everything!!! When we returned to school after his death which was over Christmas break, his desk remained as he'd left it and when it was emptied, so was everything inside me. Counceling was available, and actually helped. Every1 was able to talk as a group about how we felt. Nobody was given special treatment because they were "closer" to him, and that was good. EVERY1 was hurt by the accident in one way or another. We were all there for eachother. Maybe your school will do something similar. If it's offered, take it! It may really help you. Just remember, your friend is in a better place. Trust in that and trust in God. Feel better soon. Good luck and God bless!
  3. You, your boyfriend, friends and puppy are ALL in my prayers. God Bless!!
  4. I don't know what to say. I am sorry for your loss and hope that things get better for you soon. God Bless you and your lil one.
  5. Some people are affected by death more than others. I understand EXACTLY where you're coming from. When I was in HS, a girl I knew, but wasn't exactly friends with hung herself in the bathroom at school. I was a wreck over it. I mean, I KNEW her and couldn't imagine how this had happened. I wasn't feeling so down because I had a loss, but I felt horrible for her family and friends and because she was so young. Maybe you're feeling something like that...? Death is just a really depressing thing to some people, where others (like your b/f) don't take into it much. There isn't much you can do to mak him see how and why you feel the way you do. Try talking to him anyway. Let him know that you would like him to be there for you and at least TRY to understand. Good Luck and feel better honey!
  6. O Gosh! I am sooo sorry about your loss. I don't think ANY1, not even your husband will grieve the way you are. YOU were the one who held that baby for 8 months, you breathed her and lived her. YOU felt her kicking and she became a part of YOU..mind, body AND spirit. Nobody else can experience that. Don't be angry at others for moving on...you will one day too. Just concentrate on feeling better for now. God bless, and good luck!
  7. Hi! Older guys tend to be more on our "level", as girs mature faster than guys. I guess it may also have something to do with security. If he is older, he probably has a job, a car, and overall...just more to offer. Some girls may feel an older guy can "take care of them".
  8. Hey... Well, when I was 21, I was with this guy who was 18. The age difference bothered me a little bit at 1st because I was used 2 being with older guys, or guys who are at least my age. This guy was mature though, so I figured it was ok. As time passed, I started to be bothered by the age difference even more. There were times I wanted to go to lounges, bars or clubs and couldn't because he wasn't of age. After a while, I lost interest. I think the reason for that was because I thought about it soooo much, I just couldn't get it out of my head. However, if from the beginning, you BOTH feel ok with the age difference, I think it will work. I was uneasy about it from the beginning but gave it a shot. Try it out, it may work for you. Good Luck!!!
  9. Cheer up sweety!!! I don't know exactly what's wrong with you, as you haven't explained why you're feeling this way, but... Eliminate the bad things in your life, whatever they may be. Spend time doing things you enjoy. You're 18, so be 18. I hope all gets better...good luck!!
  10. Hey! You can't really do much. Your friend has 2 realize on her own that she is in a scary and horrible situation. She is 13!!! I was still playing with dolls at that age! All you can do is be there for her, give her a shoulder to cry on when she needs it, and remind her every day how beautiful she is and how she can do better. Make sure her mom knows exactly what's going on as well. Your friend should step up and tell the truth about who is hitting her as well. Good Luck!
  11. Wow! First off, I am sorry to hear about what you're going through. I hope it all gets better! You have got to take charge. Next time he snaps, DON'T let your son defend him. File a report, do something. When he acts out that way, the state should have a record of it for the future. Do you have family you can stay with until you get on your feet? If you hate him that much, file for custody of your son and get a divorce!! This is no situation u OR your child should be in. Be strong and devise a plan. God bless you, and remain safe!
  12. Yea, that definitely probably stems from the abuse she went through. There isn't much you can do but be there for her. Make it well known that you are by her side and the abuse is over, so that she may take a deep breath. In reality, no matter how strong of a person you are...ANY type o abuse is diffiult to over come. It takes time and lots of effort. She may show how strong she is, but can weaken when no1 is looking. Comforting her is the best you can do. Good Luck!!
  13. Hey all! I'm new here and hope to make friends with many of you. This may be a bit long, but I'm in need of advice, so please bare with me! Here's my dilemma... I was with this guy for about 8 months, (Known him for a lot longer) He's really great and we had lots of fun together. However, he ownes a business and was busy a lot. I have trust issues from a past experience, so I was a lil nervous about what he was doing when he said he was working, although maybe I shouldn't have been. A series of events happened...and I broke it off with him about 6 weeks ago. (We're sort of friends still) So, one Friday night, he was drunk and called me saying he misses me and loves me and wants to be with me. I kinda brushed it off, because he was drunk and I didn't know how to take to the situation. We went to dinner 2 weeks ago, and were supposed 2 talk, but never did. We kinda just hung out. Yesterday we were on the phone and he offered 2 come over and fix my comp, which didn't even have a major problem. Tonight, he asked me to take a cab to his house and said that he would pay it, but that his brother had his car so he couldn't come pick me up. I didn't go, but he asked me to "keep him company". I don't know if these are friendlythings, or if he wants more and doesn't want to say anything in fear that I'll ignore it like I did the night he was drunk. To sum it up, I miss him. I want to be with him, but am confused as to what he wants. What can I say to him? I am afraid that maybe he does only want to be friends, and if I say something about me wanting more, I'll get shot down... HELP!!!
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