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  1. Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but it seemed right. Anyway, lately I've been feeling kind of weird, like everything I see turns me on. For the past week all I can think about is sex and atractive people, and I have been masturbating numerous times a day simply due to my odd amount of erections. Just about every single man that I see gives me an instant erections and I just fill with absolute lust (I'm gay by the way... or at least I'm pretty sure I am... it's a whole other issue altogether...). I just want to throw myself on them and do stuff.... I just don't understand why I am suddenly filled with these feelings of absolute lust for every living being with a penis; it's a little scary and pretty annoying. Whenever I leave my house I am always staring at other men and fantasizing about them, and I can't help myself. I am having a hard time concentrating on anything right now simply becuase my head is filled with images of my sexual desires. I know that teenagers are generally pretty horny, especially guys, but this has never happened to me before, and just recently began. Is this normal? Thanks in advance for the help.
  2. Recently a class mate of mine passed away after a horrible dirtbiking accident. She was more of an acquaintance than a friend, but I did care about her, and I've known her for 5 years. I spoke to her every day, about anything. She was one of the best people I had the pleasure of knowing. She was always happy, and helping others, striving to make the world a better place. Just being around her made you happy, she could light up a room so easily. The best thing about her was her smile, her wonderful amazing smile. Such a smile could take anyone from the brink of desperation and lift their spirits. When you saw her smile, you couldn't help but feel happy and all your problems would momentarily float away. She taught everyone in our school so many life lessons. She was incredibly smart, beautiful, funny, and fun. It is just so hard to see her in a state of death, she was always so full of life and happiness. I'm going to miss her forever, and I feel so horrible, even though I didn't know her too well. Why do all the good people have to go? She did nothing wrong, yet she was taken. Thre are plenty of horrid people in the world that deserved this fate much more than she did. I just can't understand. From now on, I'm going to take a lesson from her. I'm going to conintue her legacy of kindness and caring. I'm going to try and my best to always be cheerful and never let others get to me. But I can only hope to be half the person she ever was. I guess this thread may not have much of a purpose, other than to get my feelings out there somewhere, but I needed to do it. Thanks for listening, I really do appreciate it.
  3. Hey everyone. I have a lot of good looking, fun loving girls in my classes at school, and I would love to talk to them, but I have one problem. I don't know what to talk to them about! What can I talk to people about? I am usually shy and quiet becuase I can't think of anyhting to talk about, but I really want to join in on these conversations that people have. Can anyone give me a few general topics that I could use to talk to these girls? Thanks!
  4. I have had my best friend for eight years, and we've had a good time, that is, until the time we went to highschool, about two years ago. Before I can really explain the problem, let me explain this. I have always been a personn who believes friends are one of the most important elements in one's life. You should be able to talk to your friends about anything, you should always be there for eachother, and we should always be having fun. Back to my friend. Around the time we went to highschool, he began acting a little more like a jerk. In school we are both smart, but in different subjects, I excel at languages, while he wins in math and science. Whenever we have classes together I always help him out in the language classes, letting him check his work against mine, explaining how I got the answer, and proofreading his work. Unfortunately, when it comes to his area of expertise he does no such thing. In math, I would solve a problem then ask him what he got, but he would either say nothing, make up an answer, or ask me what I got. If he asked the last choice, then I would tell him. if it was right he would say yeah, but if it was wrong he would kinda make fun of it. I would ask how to get the correct answer, or why it is that answer, but he would jsut answer with "Becuase it is" or "figure it out". He talks about our other friends behind their backs, so i'm afriad of what he says about me when I'm not there. He makes fun of me a lot when I'm there, mocking my supposed stupidity. Then that gets the rest of the group to join in, which really irritates me. I'm just as smart as he is, just in different subjects. We fight about a lot of things, and I guess I don't mind that,b ut its the fact that he doesn't and cannot admit when he is wrong. He will not give up even after he is proved wrong, and when I am wrong he rubs it in my face. When he find out somehting supid that I did, he doesn't let it die. He brings it back constantly, over and over, even though it was just a stupid mistake, and then makes seem as if he would never do anything as stupid as that. When he doesn't get his way he'll do soemthing to try and get it. Like he'll throw his pencil into the middle of the classroom and then tell me to go get it. When I don't he'll hit me, or take some of my stuff, or rite on my papers until I get it for him. I ssee no reason why i should get these for him, so I don't. The worst thing is that if he take son of my belongings then it is so hard to get him to give it back. He holds it away from me and I can't exactly yell at him in the middle of class. Eventually he just tosses it somewhere, and I need to get up in order to get it. He is constantly acting as if he is better than others, and doesn't seem to have any emotion of others in him. He does what he wants, when he wants, without regard for others' feelings. If we make arrangements to meet our group of friends fo lunch, if he gets to the meeting spot first, he doesn't wait for everyone. He'll wait for me and then leave. Both him and I have to wlak home everyday, so we usually catch rides with our friends, however one of our friend's parent only drives us to their house and we have to walk the rest of the way. He despises that. While i dont like walking, I think it is much better than wlaking the whole way, but he hates it. He thinks that just becuase we are the mother's son's friends, she should go out of her way everyday to take both of use home, when its only a 5-10 minute walk from their house to ours. Finally, the favors. Whenever I do a favor for him, no matter how big or small, I never get anything in return. I know I should do things to be nice, but I don't even get a thank you... ever! When I let him have some paper, he won't give me any the next day, even though he has a full binder. I've known him so long and we have so much in common, but this hings just irritate me. Its as if our friendship as been an illusion all along. I could really use some help on this. Sorry if this is long, but I needed to get this off my chest.
  5. Hey everyone. I had to write a poem for school using quotes depicting good and evil, so I chose evil becuase my quotes for good weren't very good. Anyway, it is a Found poem, which uses bits and pieces of quotes to create a poem, so I justed wanted to know what you all thought of it. The poem is supposed to signify how evil tempts everyone, and it is all around them and if they are consumed by the evil they can't escape. Just thought I should throw that in. Wickedness, secrets, rotten beings Acknowlegde the secret Mistaken happiness Evil Mere goodness achieves little Those who don't know, don't suspect Man chooses evil Corruption Acknowledge the evil around you Lack of goodness Evil Find it, become corrupt Try the evil Well there it is... tell me what you think.
  6. Hey all. Lately I've been having trouble knowing what I wanted, like I'm confused. I am having a hard time knowing what I want, and when i do pick, I try and change becuase I think I don't like it. I can't tell if I like someone, or what i want to do, or anything of the sort. I have lots of emotions its just that lately they seem to be bundled up in my head, and I am having trouble telling them apart. It's like I'm lost in my own head. I'm wondering a lot about new things, things I've never really thought about before. I'm seeing new views on things that I hadn't seen before. I feel so different, and confused. Can anyone help?
  7. All my life I have never cared what people thought about me. I do what I do becuase I want to do it, or becuase I think I would like it. I do what i do becuase i want to make me happy, not becuase it will make someone else happy. Why do i want to be fat? It just a feeling inside of me. I imagine what I'll look like when I'm fat, and I think I look great. I can feel the folds of my fatty skin all around me, jiggling when I move. Its just something that I feel I would like to be. My self esteem is very good, I don't think I'll be able to lower it by doing something that I want to do. know that the health risks involved are dangerous, but I still want to do it. I find people overweight sexually attractive, VERY attractive, and I would like to look the way I thought was sexy. People all over dress and look the way they want to look, becuase they like the way it looks. I like the way fat looks on a person. Now that I explained that, i was wondering if anyone could give some tips on gaining weight, since I have a very high metabolism, I could use the help packing on the pounds. I understand if you think this is a weird or stupid descision, but please remember this is my life, and I'm choosing what I want to become. Please help do this.
  8. Hi everyone. I have seen the numerous posts on how to lose weight, and people thinking they are too fat, but I am the opposite of that. I want to be overweight, and not just a little overweight. I know that it is unhealthy, but overweight poeple are people that I find very sexy. I would find myself much happier if I could be overweight. I would enjoy watching myself grow outward and become bigger and bigger. I plan to become fat the first chance I get, regardless of what people say, but I have a few problems. I'm still living at home, so I don't want to become fat yet, my parents would freak out because they are itness freaks. When would the best time for me to begin gaining be? The second problem is that I have a VERY hard time gaining weight of any sort. I'm very skinny right now, with a tiny amount of flab on my stomach. I wanted to lose that flab becuase of my parents, but I want to embrace the fat. Problem is I can't gain any more flab than what I've already got. Is there anyway to become fat quick and easy when I have trouble gaining weight? Anyway, I know this all might soun weird, but if you could all please help me out. Thanks a lot!
  9. Hi everyone. Lately I've noticed that my stomached has become larger than is used to be. I'm getting an increase in flab, but I'm not overweight. I'm 5 feet 11 inches and weigh 160 pounds. However less one month ago I only weighed 150 pounds. I am a bit worried about that big increase in weight in such a short time; all the weight seemed to go to my stomach area as well, so that's the only thing that really changed. I was wondering if I could get some help on some simple ways to lose some weight and help keep me more fit. I want to eat less junk food, but I tend to eat when I get bored, or when I say I'm not allowed to have it, I want it even more, so I tend to take it plus some. I would like to get down to 145 pounds, so I look a bit better. Thanks for the help everyone!
  10. Thanks for the advice everyone. It just that I've known everyone for so long, it scares me to think abou not being friends with them anymore. I still care about them, its just they don't seem to be who they were anymore...
  11. I hang out with a group of 5 friends all of who I have known for a long time. We have always gotten along great, but lately it seems like they have changed. I can't really explain it, but when I'm with them I feel as though I don't fit in with them anymore, and that they are completely different people. They act so immature sometimes, and getting a straight answer out them for anything is nearly impossible. Then when they are alone with me they are different again. They tend to talk about what they don't like about each other and mock eachother, but then when they are with the person they are mocking they act like the best of friends. One of my friends told me how everyone was such a jerk to him, and that I'm the only one he trusts, but that's only when we are alone. As sson as we are with the others he barely talks to me. Now I'm a relatively free spirit, doing what i want, not caring about what oher poeple think, and I have high self esteem, but it like I can't act like that around my friends. If I do act like that then they become embarrassed, and shy away from me so no one looks at them. Finally there are my group of girl friends. Whenever they come up to me or I go up to them my other friends just amble away from me, even if I ask them to come back. They don't like them becuase of their free spirit, and get embarrassed being near them. I have developed crushes on a few of these girls, and they aren't they best looking girls, but I can see past that, and like them for their personalities. Unforunately my friends mock these girls every chance they have for being overwiehgt or not hot. I feel like I'm an outcast for not judging and labeling people, but then again that's what High School is isn't it? Thanks for reading this, I just really needed to get this out there, its been really eating at me. Please port some avice, its greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Hello everyone, today I fnid myself in quite a jam. My Parents' anniversary is coming up and I completely forgot, I feel so bad now. I have no way of getting to a store other than a store like Safeway, or Albertsons. I need to get them something or do something nice for them, but I have no idea! I was thinking maybe some Flowers and a card, but that wouold be more for my mom than my dad. Any one have any ideas that I could do nice things as my present? I really need some help and quick, so any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  13. There is a girl at my school who I have been friends with since 7th grade. I have grown to like her a lot as a friend and maybe a little more. However, I don't want to ask her out becuase if she does not say yes it could harm our friendship. I think she has been giving me some signs, but I am really bad at reading these kinds of things. The other day in class we were sitting together waiting to play Basketball and she was tired so she put her head on my shoulder while she kinda slept. We talked while she was resting, and I didn't muind that she was resting her head on my shoulder either. Last Saturday was my Homecoming dance, and I didn't go for two reasons: 1. I can't dance, except slow dancing. 2. I just plain don't like dances. Well she went with just a group of her friends instead of a date and when she found out I didn't go she seemed to be bugging me about how I should go, and it would be lots of fun. I kinda got the feeling that since she kept telling me how fun it was and that the next formal dance will be fun and I should go, that maybe she wants me to ask her to one of the dances. Unfortunately I have no idea if I am right. Could anyone help me out based on what I have given or should I try and give more info? Thanks for the help! Edit :Spelling
  14. That is such an amazing poem. i_hate_the_world47 I honestly have to say that you are an amazing poet. I also like your signature. It is so well written, and just amazing as well. Keep posting!
  15. This is my first post on this forum, so I'm sorry if I am doing anything wrong. Let me start off by giving some background info on myself. I am 15 years old and will be turning 16 in December, whihc would normally mean I could get to drive, but not in my family. My parent's decided that becuase my oldest brother waited until he was 18 to drive, that all of us now have to do the same. When I was younger I did not care about this rule and saw it as nothing, but now that the age that I could be driving at is approaching I find myself caring more and more. I am the oldest of my friends, so I should be able to drive first, but I wont be becuase of that rule. So the second oldest of my friends has begun driving. After seeing him behind the wheel for training I felt something. I felt a surge of hatred and jealousy at the same time. Just knowing that he was getting a privelage, that I deserved just as much as he did, first made me feel this way. Everytime I think of this I get angry. I can't help but think of how unfair this is. My parents said that no one should be excluded from anything , it just isn't right. I believe that. But apparently that isnt the case here. Now I feel akward around my friend all becuase of the fact that I can't drive when I now I should be able to. Does anyone have any advice for me? How to not feel this way, or maybe even some awesome persuasion method, so I could possibly get a chance to be behind the wheel before High School is over? I just don't feel that this is right. Why should I have to be held back. Sometimes life is too cruel.
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