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Everything posted by ElektraHere

  1. Well then if its just the guy being there and there is no legal custody issue. Then I hate to say this but its been told to me often....."BUCK UP!" You just have to not pay attention that he is there. I don't think there is much I or anyone can tell you that would help your situation. You want to be there so the only other option is not attending.
  2. Well even so those actions will have a profound affect on your daughter and her development. That is the sad thing about divorces or breakups with children they are forgotten in all this. If she doesn't care and doesn't want to remdy this then my friend it is time you stepped up to the plate. You need to take control of this situation and quit being beaten down by someone as immature as she is being. You need to look into a mediator, find yourself a lawyer, take some action man! Be someone your daughter can look up to and say "thats MY dad." Not just being your ex's whipping boy. If you don't have the funds for this there are advocate groups for fathers rights, there are lawyers who will work on a sliding scale. You just need to take control of you and your life. You can do it, for god sakes you have a pitbull as your avatar that must signify something?
  3. Is there anyway that you could alternate going to see your daughters activities? One game or practice you are three and the next she is there? Also can you talk to her about maybe not having the guy she is dating now not attend? I mean it is not a good set up for your daughter. She will feel torn and that is alot of pressure to put on a little girl. You will heal but unfortunately it may take you a little longer than some since you have a child together. You can't just cut all ties, well you could but then you would be a schlep and no one likes a schlep ;-) Chedda I empathize with you I do. If talking to her doesnt work perhaps you can get a mediator to iron out all the wrinkles.
  4. Well I am from your generation and I must say niether myself nor my friends ever heard anything of gay or straight virgin meanings. Like I said more power to you in keeping your virginity your a rarity. Sorry to hijack the post Susser, but like I said she is controlling you with her virginity. I would suggest reconsidering this relationship.
  5. Well I am niether a lesbian nor a gay virgin but that wasnt even where I was going with it. Hey more power to you if you can hold on to your virginity. I am just saying that todays "virgin" isnt really that virginal. And to say that lesbian and gay men have changed the way we look at sex and virgins, that is waaaaay off mark.
  6. Although I must say for virgins these days some I wouldnt consider "true virgins." I mean there is the argument when is sex sex? When I was a virgin I had only kissed a guy. No foreplay, no oral sex, no nothing, completely innocent. Nowadays all but the penis in the vagina is what categorizes someone a virgin. I dont get it....
  7. You have been dating for only 5 months. Let her live the life she wants. I think you should move on from this chica. She is playing you and she has no intentions of doing anything further with you.
  8. Hey Qgirl, I am glad you have held on to your virginity, but I think women can better themselves and not be virgins either. I am one that does not advocate sex however, I think she is using the virginity as a hold over his head. I think she is playing him so that I wouldnt think makes for a better woman. Just my 2 cents.
  9. Im sorry I think she is giving you all sorts of hoops to jump through. I also think she knows you will do it and that you don't want to be alone. So you are basically in a no win situation. I mean I know people hold on to their virginity and they want financial stability. But the reasoning she gives is a bit suspect.
  10. You know Susser, you have had issues with this gal. Why is it your with her? I mean really if you truly in your heart of hearts loved her then waiting will be in your cards..However, it seems like this gal has kind of roped you along the way. She has certain things that are required before she does this or that. I think she is setting the bar sooooo high you will never reach it.
  11. Why did you need the password? That is privacy that is his not yours. Is nothing his own? If you have trust issues with him then thats on you not him. And knowing all of his passwords won't solve anything for you. I think you opened a Pandora's box and now you have to unfortunately deal with all of what was inside.
  12. You write and sound as if this is a joke. I know that you have to move on from this but you are treating this very flippant. I don't know maybe I am reading your posts wrong.
  13. well perhaps you should let her in on your NC, otherwise it isnt helping her is it??? NOPE!!
  14. Here is how you know you can be friends with him. Think of him with someone else. Being around them as they are together laughing, joking, kissing. Knowing he is loving her. What are your immediate thoughts???? There is your answer.
  15. DONT! Its a false hope and all you end up doing is hurting more.
  16. They leave they always just leave. Glad you can laugh about it.
  17. Now what is your question????? You should have your answer by reading your post. He is a narcissistic, angry, psychotic individual. If he blames everyone for his actions and life then he has no accountability. Plus he hurt your dog!! Do you know someone who can hurt an animal is likely to hurt a human. I say this GET OUT OF THIS MARRIAGE AND RUNNNNNNN!!!
  18. Hmmm well my first thing is I am done with dating, romance, anything that has to do with the fantasy of happily ever after or that it may lead to a relationship. I am so tired of being hopeful and optimistic only to have it go down the crapper on me.
  19. Well I have been at a party all week.......My own pity party This girl has been kicked down again, you think it would be easier to pick up and go but man how many kicks can a person take?
  20. Well I am keeping the spirits at bay for right now. No need to exacerbate the situation.
  21. I wish it could be that easy. Pass the Patron...
  22. Oh Annie If you need tips on lemons I am your girl LOL But for the OP I also thought maybe the room is chilly for him? I know its summer but babies dont like cold. But I am sure the south is pretty hot right now. Hmmmmmm. Have you checked online for different bath tubs for babies??
  23. Good ideas Annie although the baby is 2 months old I dont think he would even see the toys ;-) lol
  24. When you give him a bath is it in the baby bath where they lay on a huge sponge? You could lay him on there and slowly add the warm water. That way its a slower rate of getting used to the water. Maybe the water is a little too cold for him?
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