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Paula Thompson

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Everything posted by Paula Thompson

  1. It can be incredibly frustrating when the one you care about doesn't want to go on a vacation or trip with you. There can be a number of explanations for why this might be the case, and understanding them may help to alleviate the disappointment. When someone says no to a vacation or overnight trip, it can be seen as a denial. It can feel like a refusal to form a meaningful connection, or neglect and lack of care. And while any of these could indeed be the case, there may also be more nuanced reasons behind the response that you'll both want to consider before assuming the worst. The first place to start might be to consider your relationship. Are you in the early stages of a new connection or have you already established a strong bond? If it's the former, he (or she) may be feeling like you're moving too fast. It's possible that going on a trip together might make everything seem more serious than either of you is ready for. On the other hand, if your relationship is long-term and quite serious, it might be that one or both of you are feeling a bit complacent. After being together for a long time, it can be easy to find yourselves contentedly running on autopilot without taking either of your needs into account. Taking a break from everyday life and doing something special together could be exactly what you both need, but it might be that neither of you has the courage to step back, reassess and talk about it. It might also be helpful to think about the many practical implications that come with going on any kind of vacation or longer trip. Depending on the type of holiday, there are all sorts of aspects to consider, such as budget, timing, travel arrangements, expectations, and spontaneity. And if part of the problem is that the two of you often come into conflict about any of these kinds of things, then doing something out of the ordinary (especially when money is involved) might just caused added tension and disagreement. Maybe the issue isn't necessarily about taking a trip together but about the way the idea was proposed initially. It's possible that going away wasn't something that either of you had actually discussed until it was presented as a fait accompli. No matter how good the intentions behind the initial suggestion were, it might be seen as a lack of consideration for the other person's opinion, interests and wants. If none of these explanations seem to fit, then maybe the underlying cause is something much more emotional. It could be that any kind of relational closeness is triggering certain memories, stirring up difficult feelings, or triggering a fear of abandonment. In that case, it could be that the two of you need professional counseling to help you both identify and relieve the negative associations with getting close. In any event, it's important to remember that feelings are rarely logical. Even if the reason someone doesn't want to go on vacation with you doesn't make sense to you at first, it doesn't mean that the emotions aren't real and valid. That's why it's essential to look for a compassionate explanation rather than trying to deny, invalidate or push away the problem. Taking the time to reflect on the reasons why a trip together may have been seen as daunting or unappealing can open the door to strengthening your emotional bond instead. Talking it through and exploring the concerns in a respectful, non judgemental manner will demonstrate that you prioritize connection and mutual trust over rushing into anything inappropriate. Once the issue has been addressed, it might just be the case that a little quality time together after the air has been cleared is all that's needed for the two of you to reconnect, even if it doesn't involve a plane, beach, or hotel room.
  2. We often hear stories of people in love and the wonderful journey they take together. We think of our own idealistic vision of falling in love and living a life full of passion and affection. But what about those tales that don't involve romance? What about when love takes another form entirely? The concept of platonic love may seem futile, as it revolves around an emotional attachment with no physical passion. To some, this appears to be nothing more than an emotional void. That is why many people turn their back on the notion of platonic love. They may be unable to see the virtue of self-denial such a relationship can bring to their lives. In constant pursuit of something better, many of us forget to cherish what we have. Too often, we become so fixated on finding the perfect person that we overlook how blessed we are to have true friends in our lives. True friendship is not easy to come by and it requires mutual respect as well as understanding. By rejecting the idea of platonic relationships, we could very well be missing out on something special. That is why it is important to accept the selfless nature of such a bond. While it may not include any sexual desire, platonic love still has the potential to amplifies our feelings of contentment. It should be embraced for its unique ability to provide a calming comfort that finds its roots in familiarity and trust. Platonic relationships can open up a gateway to valuable life lessons; experienced through the form of wise conversations or subtle acts of kindness. Not all of us will feel the same way about platonic relationships. It isn't for everyone. However, if there was ever a time to ponder the rewards of saying ‘no’ to romance and ‘yes’ to platonic love, it's now. Make the most of your current connections and never take true friendship for granted. Making the conscious effort to reject romantic entanglement in favor of platonic love could prove to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Remember that it doesn’t mean you have to turn away from all forms of love. You simply have to redefine it. A single platonic relationship could help you recognize the beauty in the more subtle aspects of connection. It reminds us of the importance of building strong friendships that are based in admiration and companionship. Letting go of physical affection allows us to delve deeper into a bond of intellectual intimacy. Unlike the erratic rollercoaster of a romantic relationship, platonic love makes the journey smoother; allowing the formation of deep conversations, mutual respect and personal growth. These are the qualities that many people might search for in a partner, yet find in an old friend. Platonic love also serves as an antidote to our current social climate. Unconditional commitment and genuine companionship are becoming increasingly hard to find. So why not embrace platonic love for the unique and treasured experience it is? Rejecting platonic love may seem like a waste of potential, but it is actually a great way to develop meaningful, lifelong relationships. This can be you highest virtue. Knowing when to step away from the chase and keep your existing support system unharmed is a much greater show of strength of character. It might just result in the greatest love affair of your life.
  3. As we traverse life, noxious thoughts of doubt, hopelessness and self-defamation try to capture us in their grip. But these negative sentiments can be stowed away for there is an alternative path that we can choose. When faced with a situation, we can choose to either sit back and watch our lives unfold with no change for the better or we can bravely become the master of our own destiny and take the plunge into the unknown. The unknown can be daunting and it can feel like standing before the abyss with nothing but your own will power to carry you forward. How do we make the right decision during such times? How do we know what the right decision even is? There is so much uncertainty and fear involved in taking a risk that it can seem almost easier to just sit back and wait. But if we do this, our lives will remain unchanged and in limbo as we wait for the ‘right’ answer to fall into our laps. This is not how life works. Life is not an exact science and it never will be; change is inevitable, whether we want it or not. So how do we face this fear and make a difficult decision? The first thing to do is acknowledge that life cannot be lived in a bubble of safety or comfort. It is a very strong human instinct to search for calm, serene environments as opposed to messy, chaotic ones, but it is important to recognize that sometimes risk and uncertainty are necessary for growth. Without taking a risk, we cannot learn. And without learning, we cannot grow. The next step is to make sure we have thought through all of our options without taking any one of them too seriously. It can be tempting to think of the only choice to be the one currently in front of us, however we should still explore other possible opportunities and consider them before making any permanent decisions. It is also helpful to consider how a particular decision might benefit us in the long run. It may not be beneficial right away, but it can help to focus on the potential benefits that this choice could bring in the future. This focus allows us to view our options with a bit more clarity and helps to remove any fear associated with the situation. Finally, it helps to remember that failure always carries with it valuable lessons, no matter how hard it may seem. Failing is not always a sign of weakness, but rather of courage and bravery. Failure teaches us how to be better and wiser for the next opportunity. It gives us insight into our capabilities and reveals new paths which may lead us to even greater success. We are all faced with choices that appear intimidating and overwhelming. But if we approach these choices with an open and humble mindset, we can allow ourselves to take the plunge into the unknown and break free from restricting life situations. We have been given the gift of life and this should be embraced, explored, and valued regardless of the outcome.
  4. Navigating romance can be difficult and confusing even when the signs of interest are obvious. But when you’re left decoding hidden meanings in ambiguous body language and unclear conversations, knowing what to make of it all can be hard. Maybe you’ve been seeing someone and they suddenly seem more distant; maybe your friend has mentioned they have a “crush” but you’re not sure how to react. It can be tempting to try to search for clarity, but without clear communication the outcome can be overwhelming. You don’t want to be left feeling disappointed, confused or even worse, misrepresented. Before jumping to conclusions, assess the situation and determine the best way to gain clarity. The first step is to set aside any expectations you may have. This could be from an idealized version of previous relationships, too much romantic comedy consumption, or even the person’s own public persona-- the fact of the matter is everyone expresses (and interprets) things differently. Be mindful and accepting of the individual in front of you and approach with an open mind. If the other person expresses interest in you but hasn’t made their intentions clear, consider asking a simple question. Open-ended questions can help dictate direction while avoiding pushing anyone’s boundaries. Ask something that allows the other person to put their thoughts into words, such as what kind of relationship are they looking for? This gives them space to either express similar feelings or explain any expectations. It doesn’t have to be one sided. Once the conversation is opened you both can learn more about each other. Make sure to give yourself the same patient understanding--you are allowed to collect information at the speed that is comfortable for you and adjust expectations accordingly. We all want clarity but pushing for it is not necessarily the answer. If your efforts do not lead to a mutual understanding, respect the other person’s feelings and trust your instincts. Holding onto false hopes can be damaging for both parties involved. Regard relationships with honesty, openness, and sincerity so that there is space for growth and adaptation. Let go of the fear of not getting what you want, as this can be a source of strength. Before misreading signals, explore the facts calmly and objectively. By understanding these nuances, you can foster genuine connection progress your relationship in a meaningful way.
  5. When life seems chaotic, it's natural to be concerned that something may be amiss. After all, if you can't trust your judgment then what can you rely on? Are there warning signs you could be missing? Could that unease be a sign of something bigger, like paranoia? In this article, we'll look at some common factors and feelings that might indicate your struggles lie beyond the normal ebbs and flows of life, and how to make sure you're getting the right diagnosis. Paranoia is a mental health condition marked by an intense feeling of fear and distrust in others, often accompanied by systematic delusions and beliefs that are implausible or not based on reality. It occurs when misinterpretation of awareness or thoughts materialize into an anxious state or an irrational belief that others may be conspiring against you. Though paranoia is widely misunderstood, it is treatable and its root causes can often be identified. Paranoia often results from a combination of environmental and cognitive factors, such as toxic childhood relationships, unresolved trauma, inadequate coping strategies, or excessive stress. These themselves can be caused by a whole range of underlying issues – anything from chronic self-critique and a tendency to fixate on negative scenarios, to deficiencies in communication and self-expression skills. It's often useful to do a comprehensive assessment of your early life experiences and relationships to get to the source of the problem. Conversely, it's also possible that your anxiety is simply run of the mill worry and not a manifestation of paranoia. This can sometimes be the case for people who struggle with overly critical mindsets or extremely high anxiety thresholds. If you suspect your distress is not due to a psychological issue, try to look out for patterns in your behavior that suggest there may be something else going on. Do you feel like you don't get enough credit for your achievements? Does it feel like everyone around you is scoring successes and opportunities with relative ease? Do you regularly doubt your own abilities and vital worth? It might be hard to distinguish between paranoia and its symptoms – susflspicion, hypervigilance, a tendency to see threats or conspiracies even when they aren’t there, rumination, and despair, followed by emotional withdrawal. However, it's important to understand why these thoughts and behaviours have developed in order to get the right diagnosis and start treatment. Seeking help from a licensed psychologist or a primary care physician is an important step in finding the most successful sort of treatment. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one type of help that has been proven effective in managing paranoid thinking and delusions, as well as other related disorders such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. CBT seeks to analyze and change dysfunctional thought patterns by focusing on how our perception of the world can directly affect our emotions and behavior. Through this therapy, clients work to replace their irrational or unreasonable thoughts with more balanced, evidence-based appraisals of reality. This process can reduce paranoia over time and provide greater peace of mind. The goal when dealing with paranoid thoughts is to acknowledge the fear being experienced and analyze the underlying assumptions about the situation. Additionally, it's important to learn to practice self-care, stay physically active, find outlets for creative expression, and stay socially connected with people you trust. It also helps to acknowledge your worries and write them down as a way of gaining more control and clarity over them. All of these things can help to reduce the intensity of paranoia, making it easier to manage in everyday life. No matter what you think may be going on, putting in the effort to identify and address it is the first step towards reclaiming control. If you have been experiencing symptoms associated with paranoia, seeking professional advice can make a massive difference to your quality of life. With dedication and a little bit of insight, it's possible to resolve many of the underlying circumstances causing paranoia and take back a sense of autonomy and calm that, no matter what life throws at us, will last.
  6. It feels like all hope is lost when your marriage has come to an end. It’s not just the fact that your partner has left you, it’s the realization that this person, someone you trusted and shared your life with, betrayed you in some way. It may be difficult for you to even understand how a love that once felt so strong could suddenly wither away until there was nothing left. Now, you’re dealing with the immense and overwhelming feelings of betrayal, heartbreak, and abandonment as you try to put your life back together again. Although it may seem impossible, navigating the end of a marriage is something that you can do. While it’s going to be painful and frustrating, it’s also a chance for you to discover new strengths, find healing, and lay the foundation for creating a new life for yourself. To start, you must take a deep breath and recognize that this is a major life transition and it will take some time for you to adjust. Expect to feel a wide range of emotions, such as anger, sadness, loneliness, confusion, and guilt. It’s normal to experience regression and miss how things were before the marriage ended. These feelings can come and go, but it’s important to remember that they won’t last forever. Developing a plan and setting realistic goals can help you stay focused, especially during moments of overwhelming despair. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but rather, focus on what needs to happen in the present moment while also keeping sight of the future. It’s common to have difficulty letting go of the hopes and dreams you had prior to the end of your marriage, and that’s okay. You may have to throw out any expectation you had of what your next life should look like and instead create something new based on who you are today. In addition to working on the practical aspects of going through a divorce, such as coming up with a budget and finding a place to live, make sure you build a support system around you. Take care of yourself by connecting with friends and family, venting out your frustrations, or even reaching out to a counselor for help with managing the intense emotions that arise during this time. Reaching out to peers who have gone through similar experiences can also be beneficial and provide additional insight into how to keep on pushing forward. Above all, be gentle and understanding with yourself. This is an incredibly difficult process, but it’s essential to remember that something good can come from the ashes of your past. When the darkness becomes too thick and it’s hard to see light, reach out to others who will listen'empathize and provide comfort. Accepting help can be a powerful tool that helps you through one of the toughest times of your life. As you continue to move forward, trust that although the road ahead may be rocky and rife with challenges, hope will always be nearby, encouraging you to pick yourself up and grow in unexpected ways.
  7. It’s not uncommon for relationships to lose the fire and desire as time goes on. Sometimes, things can drag and seem to go nowhere, like a trundling tank on treads making its slow way over a dead landscape, or an old train chugging down a track with no destination in sight. Such feelings of monotony and mundanity can cause couples to wonder why their relationship isn’t like it was when it was brand new – vibrant, fiery, and exciting – why there’s still a sense of stagnancy, even between two people that love each other. However, what it all boils down to is simply this: passion isn’t something that comes out of thin air and fills your relationship, nor is it something that is present automatically – it has to be sparkled and nurtured, just like any other emotion. The feeling you experienced in the early stages of your relationship wasn’t something that simply appeared, then dissolved. It was something that the two of you created together, and now that that passion has been lost, together is exactly how you must attempt to locate it once again. First and foremost, it’s important to reflect and come to terms with the fact that relationships are bound to grow. When two people learn about one another and fall in love, it’s natural for them to become comfortable, as deep conversations and spontaneous dates give way to watching movies from the comfort of a designated spot on the couch, or finishing projects and chores together. This idea of relationship complacency forms the basis for the sluggishness and eventual passion-loss that often occur, but it’s essential to note that the key to having a healthy, passionate relationship lies in recognizing and respecting these changes, then finding ways to spruce them up and rekindle romance. The good news is that it’s not at all difficult to bring back passion into a relationship, and the same concepts of communication, excitement, and investment that made it so strong in the beginning are the same ones you can use to create the same enthusiasm again. Whether it’s through date nights, sexy conversations, midnight strolls, working out together to get physical and energized, or simply talking about the future and ways to spice up the present, there are many different routes one can take to ensure both parties are feeling loved and excited about their romance. At the same time, it’s essential to also recognize and understand our own individual limitations and viewpoints, which can often damage the relationship if overlooked or ignored. In any twosome, differences are always bound to arise, as is a certain amount of anger, disappointment, and confusion when things don’t go as expected. Resolving these issues requires active, open communication that allows both partners to speak and listen without being judged or misunderstood. Don’t hesitate to (mawkishly) express your hopes, fears, and doubts with your partner, or to ask for help if things start to feel distant and awkward. Passion doesn’t have to vanish just because it’s been missing for a while – if anything, the delay only makes the reunion that much sweeter, as you’ve had all the required time to think, connect, and plan out a thrilling journey ahead. As long as both partners remain committed and honest, the sun will continue to shine brightly on the slow, boring tread of the tank, or the tedious, arduous chug of the train. Both arrive in unexpected places and make true and lasting connections – they need only remember the words of Pablo Neruda: “For nothing makes a man so adventurous as an empty pocket.” If you want to renew the spark in your relationship and bring passion back into the picture, the most important thing is to be brave and willing to explore and rekindle; when energy and imagination are put to work, a world of possibilities presents itself. No matter how far apart you may feel right now, it's never too late to take a chance. So push forward, dare to be adventurous, and never forget: passion isn’t lost, it’s just waiting to be found.
  8. Trying to make sense of the dating world can often seem like a masquerade ball. With everyone wearing hidden masks, conversations and expectations are rarely put out into the open. While it can be tricky to attempt forming authentic connections without knowing each other's face, there are a few tricks you can use that can help you decipher what the person opposite could be looking for. The art of dating requires a certain level of communication finesse if you want to get past the shallow end. Whether we like it or not, meeting someone new is as much about finding someone you trust and conversely, someone who trusts you too. This can start from the smallest hint of a turn of phrase in their dialogue to a certain posture - anything that demonstrates that the hidden mask could be taken off and safety could be created. Symbolism is key to understand people’s underlying messages. Pay attention not only to what is being said, but think about what isn’t being said too. Being aware of the language between the lines will tell much more than what was uttered out loud. When someone’s statement is purposefully vague, try to look deeper. Irony is a common occurrence amongst those of us who enjoy playing mind-games with potential partners as a way of testing other’s patience. However, don't be fooled by these pretend boundaries they put up as they can be deconstructed by making moral statements and echoing their statements back to them with an informative inflection. It is sometimes helpful to make a mental ‘suitcase’ to store away the information you find on your journey. True understanding of a person does not come easy and too often, we are seduced by some disingenuous facts about a person’s life. Being aware of when someone's data suite has been filled up with false flased promises or untruths allows one to rework the image you have of them and arrive at a more grounded and realistic conclusion. Beneath any mask could be a treasure trove of stories - stories about the questions we can ask in order to build up a foundation of trust because a relationship needs to be based upon a strong emotional support structure or else, it will not withstand the test of time. In order to build such a structure, we must first forge a connection via thoughts, feelings and emotions. Take the time to do so and you shall reap the rewards of a happy and fulfilling relationship in the near future. So, if you want to cut through and reach out beyond the darkness of uncertainty, try to let go of any preconceived notions and take the time to explore the other person, layer by beautiful layer. Present your own stories with all the wonder and passion they bring, before finally finding someone you can really connect with and express yourself wholeheartedly.
  9. The past can bring bittersweet memories, but the truth is that you can’t always change it. No matter how much you want to go back, it’s not possible, and the more you dwell on the past, the more you’ll face difficulty in living in the present. The situation of the original poster can be seen as representative of many who feel trapped in a cycle of looking back and not being able to move forward. When facing uncertain and difficult times, it can be hard to imagine ever finding joy or contentment again. But this isn’t necessarily the case. Finding closure and accepting the lessons from events from our past can be incredibly beneficial and help us rebuild a new life that we can be proud of. It’s important, first of all, for us to recognize that it isn’t easy to move on, and our emotions and thoughts will likely take us on a journey. We may feel sadness and pain but also moments of hope and joy.Positivity is key,even though everything might seem dark. It can be helpful to focus on the things that we still have, even if these are small things that we’re grateful for. The internet is filled with stories of people who have gone through difficult times and yet have persevered and found success. Knowing this can provide motivation to keep on pushing. It’s important to take time for ourselves and do activities that we enjoy and make us feel relaxed. Something as simple as a walk in nature can do wonders. Taking time to appreciate little things can help to shift our mindset slowly but surely. It’s also important to note that everyone has their own journey to take. Whether it’s finding a job or studying further, or simply spending time with family and friends, different things work for different people. Staying informed about the changes around us is also key for gaining a different perspective. Even if you don’t find what you’re looking for, taking in new ideas can open a new path that wasn’t previously there. Sometimes we get frustrated with ourselves because too much time has passed and we haven’t made the progress that we wanted to. It’s okay to feel this way at times, but it is also necessary to practice self-forgiveness. Recognizing our efforts and acknowledging that we may not have got everything right the first time. Celebrate victories both big and small, and take pride in your accomplishments. Letting go of the guilt and anger can help us make room for hope and optimism. Finally, remember that life can truly be beautiful if we allow ourselves to embrace every moment and see it as part of a larger journey. As we transition into a new stage, it can be a source of comfort to remember the words of the poet Henry David Thoreau who said : “Only that day dawns to which we are awake.”
  10. Shira, a 25-year-old-stepson, has no friends but his father. With love and care, his father provides Shira with unconditional support. Despite this, Shira still faces the uncertainties of searching for companionship and love. People crave connection; it’s a fundamental aspect of being human. It's through forging relationships with others that we gain insight into our own personalities, find mentors and acquaintances, and expand our social sphere. Experiencing rejection can be tremendously damaging to self-esteem and overall mental health, and possibly lead to feelings of exclusion and abandonment. Shira’s situation magnifies these potential pitfalls and creates an additional layer of complexity. While his father’s support is invaluable and should be both honored and appreciated by Shira, it’s in his best interest to cautiously explore the flux of interpersonal relationships. He must develop the courage to look beyond his father’s nurturing bond and recognize that people come in all shapes, sizes, temperaments, and age groups. It will take initiative, a willingness to look beyond comfortable safety spaces, and mindset tweaks to pour hopefully into new friendships. The first step is setting realistic goals with regards to the number of get-togethers and meaningful connections. Bring a positive mindset to meetings, reminding oneself that it’s okay to make mistakes, take time to share storied experiences, and understand that relationships take time to foster. Look into activities within the community that facilitate genuine connections, such as sports clubs or public volunteering events. Volunteerism has often been credited with providing significant amounts of satisfaction and introducing like-minded individuals. Once Shira feels comfortable enough to socialize, work on acquiring and maintaining basic conversation etiquette. Remain actively engaged and ask about topics of mutual interest. People want to be seen and heard, so ask thoughtful questions and follow-up queries, avoid crossing private boundaries, and don’t be afraid to address difficult topics of conversation. Navigating the social world can be daunting, yet with perseverance and an open heart, Shira will find the richness in relationships he seeks out. No matter the outcome, he can always count on the unconditional support his father always offers.
  11. Dealing with low mood can be a challenging experience – feeling low and empty can seem overwhelming, and as if it is having an impact on every area of your life. It can leave you feeling like you have no control, and it can start to take its toll on your sense of self. It can often feel emotively and physically debilitating, the thought that there is no hope or escape can be suffocating and disheartening. But there are things that one can do which can make dealing with low mood more manageable and less risky, even in the most difficult times. The key thing to remember is that low moods are not something that is permanent or even necessarily unmanageable. It’s important to be kind to yourself and that starts with understanding that it won’t last forever and that this phase of your life will pass eventually. Trying Not to Supersize Your Woes When you’re feeling down, it can be easy to focus on the negative parts of life -it can feel like the world is against you and it can start to feel omnipresent. Some of us – myself included – have a tendency to blow our woes out of proportion, to ‘supersize’ them and make them even bigger than they actually are. We start to come up with irrational thoughts that just don’t add up and we start to become consumed by them. We make decisions that may not represent the person that we are and it can have an adverse effect on our mental health. Without becoming too overt about the issue, it’s important to learn how to acknowledge the problems without over-dwelling on them. Understanding that not everything needs to be resolved in an instant and that there are stages of coming to terms with it will give you the sense that there’s a way out of it. See Things for What They Are Sitting and wallowing on negative thoughts can also lead to creating a warped perception of what’s really going on. Having a bad day or feeling down can become something so much bigger if you let it – and many of us don’t realise the difference between having a few bad days and having a depressive illness. By recognising the problem, it can help you to create distance between yourself and your emotions, allowing you to see things for what they are and allowing yourself to work out ways to gradually become more content again. It’s important to think objectively rather than getting stuck in the negativity, as that can have a detrimental effect and make it feel as though there’s no escape. Creating an Action Plan Rather than sitting and panic-strickenly waiting and hoping something will change, start to take action. Rationally think through what the problem is, then start to come up with actions that could help you to put it right. Part of this could be surrounding yourself with people who care and trying to open up to them about how you feel. Some people might be able to help to make you feel better and more comfortable, offering the support that you need in order to get through the tough times. It could also be taking yourself away from certain environments and revaluating what’s causing you stress, or starting to engage in activities that help to release endorphins such as exercise or spending time outdoors in nature. Finally, remind yourself that although there will be difficult times, it’s not something that will last forever. Give yourself a break and treat yourself with tenderness, focusing on the positives and showing yourself understanding and good will.
  12. The idea of having a crush can be both exciting and intimidating. On one hand, it's a sign that you're not apathetic towards life, that your heart is open to being filled and perhaps even finding a fulfilling connection with someone you like. On the other hand, it's a complex process that's not always easy to navigate. If you're an adult in this situation, there are some steps you can take to make sure you're making the best possible choices along the way. Firstly, recognize and accept whatever emotions the crush might bring up inside of you. Often times, being enamored with someone can bring up feelings such as fear, insecurity or doubt, as well as giddiness, elation or hopefulness. We all experience multiple and opposing feelings simultaneously, and crushing can amplify them on both ends. Instead of recoiling away or running away in the opposite direction, use the opportunity to confront these feelings gracefully by tapping into their source and gathering clues into how you'd like to proceed. It's also important to reflect on what brought you to the crush in the first place. Although it's human nature to want others to return our affections, we should never fully surrender to the hope that someone shares our interest. Investigate whether the feeling is based more on healthy physical attraction, friendship, admiration, self-growth, or something else. Doing this will give you an understanding of why you have these feelings, and make it easier for you to place them in perspective. Next, contemplate what kind of experience you'd like to have when it comes to your crush. If you haven't done so already, consider creating some boundaries and taking those into account as you engage with them. For instance, if spending time alone with them doesn't feel comfortable, decide to talk only in public places or via a chatroom or message. You can also take this further by incorporating things into your daily lives outside of your relationship; dedicating a certain amount of time to self-care or learning a new skill with a friend or colleague. These choices may not necessarily please your crush, but they will certainly help you structure a healthier relationship with yourself and with them. Finally, don't forget to keep a sense of humor in the process. Having a good laugh with the people around you or with the person you're crushing on can bring some much needed levity to the situation. While it's okay to take it seriously, it's equally important to find enjoyment and amusement in the things you share together. Doing so will not only help you relax, but it will also keep the conversation and atmosphere lighthearted, letting you learn more about each other and stay connected. Although crushes can be tricky cases to handle, approaching the situation with the right mentality makes all the difference. Being aware of your needs and expectations when it comes to relationships, and formulating healthy boundaries, gives you an opportunity to grow and keep the connection strong. crushes are part of the joy and hope of being alive, and by not shying away from them, you can find yourself in a place of curiosity and wonder.
  13. Stepping out of the office, walking along the sidewalk to a restaurant around the corner. Eating with someone you’ve grown close to, away from prying eyes, and enjoying a night of conversation and laughter without interruption or stress. At first, it seems magical - the relationship of two people who share a common interest developing amicably into something more. But when this happens in the work setting, complications are almost certain to arise. Acting upon feelings of love in the workplace can cause a plethora of stress and strife, leaving those involved feeling conflicted and confused as to how to handle a growing infatuation that may even seem out of their control. So what do you do if you find yourself drawn to someone at work, inching closer and closer one day after the next? How can you turn what could be a disastrous problem into a fulfilling situation without putting your job in jeopardy? First and foremost, pause - seek guidance before you act. Though your emotions will probably be running rampant and it might practically seem easier to give in and indulge in an affair, step back and think clearly. It's imperative to ask yourself a few key questions, such as “is the other person available and interested, or taken by someone else?”, “What is the nature of my interaction with them outside the office?”, and “What kind of consequences, positive or negative, would an office romance have for both parties?” The answers to these questions should help bring some clarity to the situation. If you're in a relationship and/or the object of your affection is as well, it's especially important to seriously consider whether engaging with that person romantically is worthwhile. Eagerness to follow through on your affections could mean stringing someone along and inflicting immense pain and heartache, damage that could have been easily avoided. However, if you and your co-worker are both single and driven by a mutual attraction, there's still no need to jump ahead hastily. Many offices have policies against relationships between employees, so if one is present, openly discussing your relationship is discouraged. Moreover, businesses often move to protect themselves against lawsuits based on sexual harassment due to inappropriate conduct better to be safe than sorry. A period of self-reflection gives the opportunity to understand how valid the connection may actually be, controlling impulse and casually getting to know your partner through dialogue. Sure, spending quality time with each other will be tough since most of your waking hours are set aside for work, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Hanging out together off-premise will slowly allow you to build your relationship over time. Living and building a trust level from outside the office also allows a greater level of honesty between the two of you. You can certainly take the occasional espresso break together and chat or admire each other from afar in the hallway, but ultimately, the best thing you can do is exhaustively discuss any issues you may have before they arise, to ensure both of you feel comfortable in the arrangement. More importantly, communication is an essential element to ensure the well-being of both individuals involved in an office romance. Honesty is undeniably important to make sure no one guesses away at the truth, catching another unawares. While it's understandable to be scared that colleagues will know there's something going on, no one can create a stir if they don't have proof to go on. What’s more, being honest and open with them will grant you more respect and understanding, thus preventing any condescending behavior from those who pose judgments. Acting responsibly on those strong feelings for someone is crucial when courting inside an office environment. It may seem tempting to surrender to flirtation and succumb to the allure of an affair, but that could involve long-term repercussions and discomfort for both parties. It’s best to be wise and reserve an intimate relationship for times outside of work, never missing out on cultivating a friendship founded on mutual respect and support.
  14. The concept of infidelity can be incredibly confusing. What constitutes cheating varies from one couple or individual to the next, but there's no single "bright line" that will provide an answer to each situation. Even if two people agree beforehand on what constitutes cheating, their definitions may differ when faced with certain situations. When it comes to deciding for oneself what does and does not constitute cheating, it might help to think about whether any action crosses the boundaries of trust between two intimate partners. One person may have different boundaries than another, so understanding what behavior is permissible is essential for maintaining trust and communication. This doesn’t necessarily mean that talking to someone else of the opposite gender is off-limits — real friendships are important and valuable. But it does mean that both parties in a couple must communicate openly and honestly about all of their activities and interactions with other people. Another important factor to consider when thinking about trust and how it can be violated is propriety. Depending on a particular cultural or societal context, certain behaviors may be considered inappropriate — regardless of whether they affect intimacy between a couple. For example, some cultures may frown upon flirting with someone of the opposite gender even if no physical contact is made. On the other hand, some people might find the concept of polyamory far more acceptable than affairs outside of a committed relationship. When it comes to recognizing and dealing with infidelity, it's important to understand the differences between physical and emotional cheating. Some people may see physical contact as a much more serious breach of trust, while others might place more value on emotional honesty. it's up to each couple to decide together what constitutes cheating and to set boundaries accordingly. When considering these questions and boundaries, it may be helpful to ask yourself: What would I do if my significant other was put in a situation that could become potentially compromising? If the answer to this question produces feelings of discomfort, anger, or jealousy, then it may be worth talking to your partner about setting boundaries to show respect and preserve trust in the relationship. No two relationships are alike and there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to the issue of cheating. different couples have different requirements for preserving the trust and respect of a relationship. Understanding the concept of infidelity can be tricky, but it's an important conversation for any committed pairing to have. After open communication and consideration of all factors, each individual and couple can more easily determine what boundaries work best for them.
  15. We all have times in our lives when we want something new. Whether it’s a different job, a change in lifestyle, or just a shift in our daily routine, we find ourselves yearning for something different. But why do we want what we don’t have -- and is it ever a good idea to chase after it? The human brain is an incredibly complex system, and there are many factors that can contribute to our desire for change throughout our lifetimes. From past experiences to social influences, our brains can absorb a large amount of information that can lead us to feel restless and unsatisfied with our current conditions. Neurochemicals play a role as well -- dopamine and serotonin are both linked to helping us to find pleasure and satisfaction in our lives. When our natural “feel-good” chemicals are out of balance, we can feel scared, anxious, lonely, or depressed. Low levels of these hormones can make us feel a strong urge to seek out potential changes that would encourage us to restore these chemical levels again. For many people, the search for change can become an obsession. Perhaps a shift in their lives is necessary, or maybe they just want to escape their current reality. It’s like a bright beam of light that leads them down a path of unfamiliar territory, churning up a storm of emotions within them. Anxiety and fear can blend together with enthusiasm and excitement, making them feel uncertain of which way to turn next. This dilemma can be even more complicated if the person feels trapped by their current situation. If someone’s sense of security and stability is put into question, it could lead to drastic decisions. It’s often in moments of insecurity where we find ourselves before we know it, desperately trying to pursue something different. The search to restore what has been lost can be a long journey without a true destination. On the other hand, change can be a positive experience, too. Having a sense of control over our own lives is valuable and has the potential to bring growth and improved mental health. Proactively seeking out new opportunities in a healthy and realistic way can leave us feeling energized and fulfilled. The best way to approach change is to dig deep and assess the situation beyond its surface level. Reflect on the reasons behind any potential change you may want to pursue in your life. While some strides towards something new may be beneficial and even necessary, others may just be a defense mechanism that’s masking our fear of the unknown. Every decision has its own risks, rewards, and consequences, so consider the potential outcomes of any decision before taking the plunge. No matter what the outcome may be, allowing yourself to pause and reflect can help lead to a healthier mindset both now and in the future.
  16. When relationships that were once full of adoration and love begin to erode away, the loss can be so great that it may feel like you’ll never find that same spark of joy again. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case; often both people just need a fresh start — an opportunity to leave in the past the things that held them back in the first place. The process of healing is never easy, but if done thoughtfully and wholeheartedly, it can bring back the bond between two people in the most beautiful way possible. The first step, of course, is finding the courage. It takes no small amount of bravery to reach out, open yourself up and be vulnerable to someone who may have hurt you deeply. It requires a willingness to explore the delicate and sometimes painful ground of the relationship. You must take ownership of whatever your role has been in the damage, as well as express, honestly, how you're feeling and share your dreams for the relationship. Once you’ve got that down, then it’s time to reach out to your ex-partner in the most direct and meaningful way you can, and give them a chance to reconnect with you. Give them an opportunity to understand the direction you want to go in, ask for apologies that you may not have gotten previously, and explain why what happened is no longer acceptable to you. Don’t be too intense about it; simply let your presence and words speak for themselves. The goal here is to create an atmosphere of comfort and trust. Both of you need to be able to talk openly and honestly. You must be willing to acknowledge your faults and accept responsibility for your wrongdoings. It won’t become easier until both parties are willing to honestly express their feelings and experiences with each other. If both people can come to an understanding of how they contributed to the breakdown of the relationship, the healing process can truly begin. Reestablishing a relationship without lapsing into patterns of blame or criticism will require some hard work. Take the time to discover what mistakes were made in the past, and find solutions that focus on solutions rather than pointing fingers. Fight against criticizing each other by replacing criticisms with compliments or kind words. Always focus on the present and look towards the future, instead of recounting hurtful memories from the past. Be conscious of things that might trigger arguments and try to take the high road and turn those triggers into positive experiences. Finally, remember to always be kind. Respect your partner, show patience when needed, and be understanding of the other person’s true perspective. None of this is easy; in many cases, it’s a lot like starting from scratch. Both people involved must have clear goals in mind and be honest and direct with each other. It’s going to take time, but if it’s something worthwhile, these steps can help you foster reconciliation and restore something beautiful between two people.
  17. Are you struggling to move on from memories of an old friend? Moving on from the past can be hard, especially when it feels like the memories hold on so tightly. The difficulty can become compounded if memories come in waves, washing over you unexpectedly and carrying away with recollections that would be best left buried. But it is possible to find a way through, no matter how narrow the passage may appear. First and foremost, it isn’t easy; this journey requires patience, thoughtfulness and ultimately, courage. When somebody takes a step towards coming to terms with the fact that they are ready to let go of old memories, they can feel like they are standing on edge, in a place of uncertainty. But just like the sea – even the most powerful of waves eventually crashes onto the shore and is absorbed into the sand. The memories of certain people, whether old friends or otherwise, can leave an imprint. This may not be a physical reminder but rather something much deeper; a part of us that resonates with the experiences we shared in the past, both good and bad. It is therefore important to remember the lessons learnt, and understand why and how we arrived where we are today. Things change, as we all do when we go through our life. Recognizing this is important and accepting it goes hand in hand. With that recognition, it is necessary to consider the changes which have been made, the reason for them, and why the changes were necessary. Remembering the obvious – at some point in the past, something drew the two of you together, but by taking the time to evaluate, one may also see the signs that led them away. Although we are often cognitively aware of these changes and the directions our paths have taken, it is equally important to connect emotionally with the reasons why and what these changes mean. This phase can be difficult as it can often trigger deep-rooted feelings, but it is vital for the liberation of any lingering emotion attached to the memory of the old friend in question. It helps to take comfort in knowing that no emotion is permanent. No matter how intense the feelings, be that pain, anger, sadness or love – it will eventually dissipate, leaving space to inhabit a new reality. The power and beauty of these emotions exists in the knowledge that they are temporary and hopefully, in time, can be replaced with the warm strength of a fresh perspective. Going further, the release of these emotions can assist the process of moving on by granting the individual in question a level of emotional control. For example, if times where fond memories of the old friend might resurface, the individual’s understanding of the situation could be changed. Instead, the recollection of what was shared could draw strength and security, enabling the person to acknowledge the past but also carry on with confidence and conviction. Finally, although it might seem impossible, one must keep trying; if progress means walking forward, each step counts. This can be true for moving on from memories of an old friend, even if it feels as though nothing ever changes. Each day, it is only natural to allow yourself to slip back and take a moment to process what has been. To try, once more, to understand the feelings and make sense of the life lived, with all its ups and downs. It is perfectly normal to want to pause for a brief span of time, before turning around and taking the next step forward.
  18. It’s normal to feel lost after a love rival steals away the person you cared for. But don’t let your heart be circumscribed by someone else’s actions – instead, resolve to make a new beginning, and shape your destiny from within. Kicking off that journey can be hard, but with the steps outlined below, you can gain the necessary courage and strength to emerge from it on the other side, each day filled with renewed hope for the future. Breathe In the aftermath of loss our first instinct is to plug up the overflowing bitterness and sadness. But harboring such powerful emotions can be just as unhealthy as bottling them up, so let yourself acknowledge the intensity of the emotions, without being overwhelmed. Use your body’s natural healing tools - deep breaths and rhythmic heartbeats - to dissolve the stream of troubling thoughts and start to visualize something else. Express Yourself Speaking up isn’t always the easiest thing, especially when you are feeling vulnerable. It could be anything from jotting down your feelings in writing, to joining a support group, if there's one nearby, to bottling up all the sweet sentiments you longed to share and then gentling releasing them. Don’t worry if you can’t find the right words to say or the exact feelings you are experiencing - nobody needs to have it all figured out before we start expressing ourselves anyway. Allow Yourself to Grieve Grief can be messy, chaotic and uncomfortable. Building on our first suggestion, allow your body to express and move through the process at its own pace, without fear or uneasiness; any emotion which feels too large, give it some space to becoming more manageable. Holistic healing practices like yoga, tai chi and daily walks can help you to cope and work through grief without draining your energy, enabling acceptance and optimistic expectations. Honor Your Heart Taking ownership of our heart is what will help us to turn around the hurt of lost love. If unexpected news or a person’s behaviour shock or surprise us, trust your instincts, tringing to an openended conclusion and validate your boundaries. Be mindful of others’ feelings, maintaining civility, while honoring and protecting your own. Take Time out Too often in times of sorrow we try harder to carry on in order to superimpose sense and of structure over the turbulence, instead of allowing ourselves to simply be. As the day progresses more and more tasks accompany that stress and can lead to burnout. Instead avoid multiple commitments, take time out to assess how the task could be completed it in a more lightweight and efficient way or if it needs to be delegated. Understand You Can Find Love Again Love may have left you feeling empty, but remember that hope is never gone. Rather than saying goodbye, allow your passion to enter a new chapter in your life story and look towards finding, as well as growing, love again. Love rivals, no matter how hard their visit, bring incredible lessons with them by teaching us to discover our strengths, re-find ourselves and allow us to develop into stronger, better individuals. You deserve better, so don’t let hurt consume your life, rather embrace it and take the chance to grow, develop and come out the other side with a greater understanding of who you are and how to protect yourself in the future.
  19. We all have had that special someone we let slip away - and we wish that we could turn back the clock to fix it. We might think of those times and feel regret, longing, disappointment, or even a bit of self-blame. There is an almost universal truth that "If only…." will overcome all our sorrows – if only we would have tried harder, or said the right thing, or done something differently. The reality though is that a relationship has two people in it. When either one of them (or both!) makes a mistake and lets the relationship slip away, it almost always signals the end of that union. It is only by taking a deep breath and looking at the situation objectively - and honestly - that things can begin to move forward. When we try to get somebody back, it's essential that everyone involved is absolutely sure about their feelings. Otherwise you are going to create a tangled web of emotions that can become a nightmare. Before taking the first step towards getting back together with your lost love, ask yourself this very important questions: “What was it, or what was going on, that caused us to separate in the first place?” This is a key question to finding out the underlying issues so you can work on moving forward. If they are overly serious or involve actions that can't be undone, then it may be time to consider a different solution. However, if they are more miniscule issues, such as arguments over small matters, chances are better that you may be able to get some help and move past them. Another important thought is: “Do I miss this person?” Many times we are so caught up in the messiness and drama of the situation, that we forget to take a moment and just ask ourselves this simple question. Some of us hold on to relationships for dear life even when deep down inside, we know that it isn't working. This should be avoided. Make sure that you both are still attracted to each other and still enjoy being together, if not, there's no point trying to restore something that won't give you any fulfillment. That being said, if you and your former flame enjoy each other's company and genuinely care for each other, then this may be a sign that you should take the next step and find ways to grow, learn and reconcile. Reaching Out The key to gaining back a lost love may be found in reaching out to them. However, doing this without appearing desperate or needy. Apologizing is a great first step, particularly if it was your mistake that caused the rift between the two of you. A sincere conversation where you explain why you made the mistake and why you're ready to make things right can often start the ball rolling in the right direction. In addition, make it clear to them that mistakes have been learned from and will not be repeated. Give them a chance to express their feelings. While it may be hard to listen to their thoughts and feelings, respect and openness on both sides are essential for a successful reunion. Part of establishing trust is listening to what they have to say. Acknowledge their feelings, answer their questions and make the necessary decisions together. If the feelings are still strong, it may be safe to start doing small activities that you used to do together. These don’t have to be romantic in nature - instead, you can go for a walk, have lunch, or watch a movie. This is also a chance for you to start building trust with them again. See it Through It is important to remember that winning back a lost love is not an overnight process. Even if it feels like it initially would be easy, it takes dedication, effort, and a lot of understanding to make it happen. You must be willing to see the process through and communicate openly. Although it might seem easier said than done, putting in the effort and never giving up is the only way you will be able to win back the person you love. Approaching the situation with optimism and a positive attitude is essential to the success of rekindling a romance. If you are having trouble opening up and getting them back, seeking professional help could be the ideal decision. A therapist can help you establish goals and support you while you navigate the complicated process of winning back a lost love. A Word of Warning Sometimes, no matter how much you want something, it unfortunately isn't meant to be. It's okay to accept that. No matter the effort, you may realize that you won't be able to journey together in the end. Respect that, and leave it respectfully. But before you come to that conclusion, do everything in your power to make the relationship work and make it last.
  20. Imagine meeting the person of your dreams — only to discover that you’re worlds apart. This is the reality for someone who has found themselves unexpectedly in love with a person of great age disparity, like the author of the original post. The discrepancy between each person can be a deal breaker for the relationship, or it can serve as a bridge to a mutual understanding between two people. Here are some thoughts on how to make your love work when the ages don’t align. The truth is that if you find yourself enamored by someone who is significantly older than you, it’s time to take action instead of dwelling on age discrepancies. It’s best to let your heart lead the conversation. Deep down, you know whether this person is right for you, regardless of the age gap between you. Don’t be too hard on yourself or shy away from investing in the relationship when you’ve already crossed the threshold of age boundaries. The fear of being judged or made fun of by other people because of your age gap is understandable; it’s natural for us to seek approval from our peers and friends. But questioning whether your relationship is valid because of the age disparity is taking things too far. Instead, consider your chemistry and the special bond you share with the person. If you’re compatible even with the distance between your ages, then there’s no need to give up just because of what other people will think — it all boils down to making sure the relationship works for you. If you believe it’s worth a try, you have to prepare for the challenges that you’re likely to face as a couple, regardless of your ages. Communication is key. Since age gaps often come with different perspectives in life, communication plays a crucial role in building mutual understanding. Don’t be afraid to bring up topics that could potentially cause a rift in the relationship. While it may be uncomfortable at first, this could help to create a stronger foundation of trust during challenging times. Partners should learn to embrace differences and respect each other in the process. In other words, respect each other's needs and be open to compromise in order to keep the relationship healthy and long-lasting. Instead of avoiding issues or getting caught up in personal biases, use compromise to stay on track. As long as both parties feel appreciated and respected, the relationship will surely grow even further. Beyond this, keep up with each other’s interests and activities, while respecting and supporting each other’s individual paths. Sometimes this could mean spending time separately to nurture your self-growth; but don’t forget to reconnect and reminisce on the good things that have happened ever since you crossed paths. Maintaining these open conversations will help keep the relationship young and engaged. When it comes to a relationship crossing the boundaries of age, the takeaway here is that there’s really no limit to finding true love. As long as both parties are committed and willing to put in the effort, love will outlast all the struggles that come with it.
  21. Age-gap relationships come with their fair share of complications, but if you think the age gap is right, nothing should stop you from taking the plunge. If you’re debating whether an age-gap relationship is right for you, there are some excellent arguments in both directions. When considering whether to pursue a relationship with an age gap, one of the biggest advantages might be maturity. Someone who lives more years tends to gather wisdom and life experience. This can present its pros and cons, depending on the ages involved, since either partner in an age-gap couple might view the other as being younger or older than their actual age. Older partners might bring calm and stability, making them dependable and reliable partners in the early stages of the relationship. They can also act as mentors, giving you guidance on how to handle life issues or just providing a larger perspective. When it comes to having an older partner, you may also be able to enjoy a greater sense of fun since they tend to appreciation for life and want to make the most of the precious little time that life provides. The added maturity of the older partner can be beneficial in troubling times when emotions run high. The steadiness of being with someone with more life experience can create a feeling of security at times when little else provides it. On the flip side, a younger partner can bring a refreshing perspective when life seems monotonous or jaded. A younger partner can increase your zest for life, inspire you with enthusiasm, and offer creative discoveries. You can learn a lot from each other and together explore places you haven’t been before—for example, engage in new physical activities or explore new cultures. The presence of a younger partner can also reignite your spirit and vigor, creating a veritable fountain of youth. Letting go of hesitation and exploring something can create your own daring self that you once thought was forever buried. Regardless of the age gap between partners, communication is key. Being open and honest is the glue of any romance and keeps things going regardless of the spark that might have been the initial factor in the relationship. Both partners will always have different backgrounds and wants, but treating each other with respect and being willing to compromise minimizes the potential pitfalls that come with age-gap relationships. Furthermore, appreciation and understanding of certain obligations can also help both partners to find common ground. Whether to pursue an age-gap relationship or not depends on how much the big difference in ages matters to both people. Age=gap relationships can be a beautiful journey of discovery, or they might require too much effort to nurture. As long you two people feel the same in regards to the age gap and can openly communicate about it, anything is possible.
  22. Do women lie more than men? It’s a question that has been asked since time immemorial, with few definitive answers. It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of believing that one gender lies more than the other. While there is little hard evidence either way, it certainly feels like truth in individual situations – especially if you happen to feel wronged by a lie told to you. Perhaps this is a simpler way of looking at it: when we believe someone has lied to us, regardless of their gender, it usually causes us to feel heart-broken, betrayed and uncertain about where to turn next. So rather than debate which gender lies more, let’s consider why we feel so confused and let-down when we learn we’ve been deceived. Rejection and hurt often accompany being lied to; someone may be lying because they don’t want to accept the reality of certain situations or circumstances. They could be trying to avoid conflict, or maybe they’re scared of being rejected or judged. There are endless possibilities as to why we have been deceived, but all of them lead to the same conclusion: we’re left feeling betrayed and confused. It’s important to take a step back, take some deep breaths and remain objective when processing the situation. It might not be much comfort while you feel your heartache and pain, but try to remember that people (regardless of gender) generally lie out of fear and insecurity. There’s always the possibility that a lie is coming from a place of protection and trust hasn’t been blatantly broken. Otherwise, understanding why you’ve been lied to can help create a sense of clarity and ease the burden of mistrust and disbelief. There are various approaches to facing someone who has lied to you. If you’re in a relationship, you may wish to address the person calmly and ask them directly about the situation. This is often the best way to find out what’s been going on and discuss potential solutions without placing too much blame or suspicion. You could also approach them for an explanation or an apology, or attempt to move past the incident in silence and see if that works better for the two of you. It can be difficult to confront someone who has lied to you, and there are no certainties that things will become clear or calm. But it is worth remembering that lies can sometimes come from a place of connection; trusting someone enough to harm them, believing they may be better off not knowing the truth. In the end, if someone is consistently manipulating you or creating a pattern of behavior that relies on lies, it’s likely that it’s time to move on and seek healthier relationships. This can be hard to accept but, in this case, recognizing your feelings and standing up for yourself is more important than honest sentiments. No matter how brave, vulnerable or confused we feel, it’s important to love ourselves and trust that we’ll make decisions for our best interests in the long-term.
  23. It can be hard to make the changes we want in our lives. We might have good intentions and the best of ideas, but sometimes it’s difficult to make the necessary actions needed to move forward. If you’re struggling with this dilemma right now, this article is for you. Here we’ll be looking at what you can do to make sure the changes you make are not only lasting, but also successful. The first step to making any lasting change is to identify your motivation. Ask yourself why it is important to make the changes you wish to make. If you have a strong desire to see things different and a need to dedicate time and energy to ensuring that these changes happen, you’ll be more likely to take the required actions and achieve success. The second step is to set realistic goals. If you set goals that are impossible to attain, you’ll quickly get discouraged and feel defeated. Aim for goals that you can actually accomplish and feel proud of yourself for achieving. It can help to write down your goals, so that you can refer back to them when you’re feeling low and need inspiration. Once you’ve identified your motivation and established your goals, it’s time to plan. This is where you break your goals down into smaller, achievable steps. Create actionable tasks that you can follow and measure your progress against. When you can thoroughly define what needs to be done and tick each task off your list as you go, you’ll feel encouraged and driven to keep going. Having an accountability partner is also key to ensuring the long-term success of your changes. Find someone who you trust and can count on, and arrange both formal and informal check-ins along the way. If you have someone keeping tabs on your progress, and who will remind you of your goals when you lose focus, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated and maintain clarity of purpose. Another great way to ensure successful and lasting changes is to celebrate your successes along the way. As you tick each task off your list, give yourself a pat on the back. Don’t forget to recognize and reward yourself for journeying through the difficult moments. Celebrating when you’ve achieved something, no matter how small, can spur your motivation and encourage more successes. Finally, don’t forget to be kind to yourself. Change can be difficult and challenging. You may never know what the future holds, but you can take courage in being able to make the best out of whatever comes your way. If you hit bumps in the road, don’t be hard on yourself – be flexible and allow yourself to make mistakes. Knowing that it’s okay to fail is a great source of empowerment that can fuel your journey through to success. Making the changes we want in our lives can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. By taking the right steps – like setting realistic goals, having an accountability partner and celebrating successes – we can create changes that last and be successful, too.
  24. Each day, a million people wake up to the realization that love hurts. Every person deals with their emotions differently - some hide away in their homes, while others stay out of sight and try to ignore the pain. But those addicted to the idea of love won’t give up the chase and wind up constantly pursuing an unfulfilling love. While it may seem difficult, it is necessary to understand how to cope with these feelings even when they are at their strongest. The notion of an unrequited love is almost unbearable and many will feel tempted to bury their head in the sand, avoiding reality altogether. While this tactic might offer temporary relief, it is the wrong approach for anyone who has been hurt so desperately. It is instead important to address the pain, no matter how tough, and push through it. More importantly, it is beneficial to focus on the positive thoughts. Thinking about the great moments spent together, as well as all the things one learned from the experience can be emotionally rewarding. Often, the deepest wounds take even longer to heal. Accepting that one is not to blame for being hurt is vital. It can be easy for those suffering to become consumed by self-loathing, but this will only damage one’s outlook further and hinder the healing process. Harnessing inner strength and coming to the realization that everything happened for a reason is paramount. It might not be immediately clear why one had to experience the pain, but down the line, one should be able to find some clarity. If heartache takes over, reaching out is the best course of action. This doesn’t need to involve talking to someone from the past - friends, family and even professional counselors can be supportive enough. What is essential is that one has access to a judgment-free environment where genuine emotion can be discussed and shared. Everyone has their own story and everyone is entitled to feel whatever they feel. Seeking professional counseling might be necessary too. Not only will it equip victims of heartache with the necessary tools to move on, but it also can otherwise help them understand themselves better. Rationalizing the situation can be hard, so it helps to talk to someone already experienced in such matters. Such conversations can take one’s mind off romantic feelings and instead focus on self-development and learning more about one’s fears, desires, and spiritual growth. Even though love hurts, it is perfect to savor the good memories that were made and to allow the pain to transform into something positive. Finding distraction can be effective as well. Pursuing hobbies, going on trips and meeting new people can all help in creating a healthier perspective. It won't immediately fix the problem, but it can bring a sense of clarity which could prove fruitful. Regardless of how much pain is felt, it is possible to heal and move forward - even when the hurt feels insurmountable. Remembering the tips outlined above will ease the journey and make it more bearable. It's very normal to feel vulnerable and exposed, but eventually the suffering will subside.
  25. Understanding how the law intersects with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a challenge for parents, carers, teachers, employers, and above all, those struggling with the condition themselves. It’s much like a never-ending fog that you can’t seem to penetrate, no matter what methods you try. The dream of finding a way to break through and see with clarity often seems just out of reach. But if you have ADHD, case law or the law in general doesn’t have to be an obstacle. Case law is defined as “Judge-made” law, in contrast to statutory or regulatory law. This means that when cases related to ADHD are decided on by a court, their decisions create the basis for subsequent judges to rely upon when determining legal questions involving ADHD. This is why understanding case law is so important; it serves as the guidepost for new court decisions and has the ability to shift with public opinion. The good news is, it’s not impossible to study and understand case law related to ADHD. Sure, it’s a time-consuming process, and can often seem bewildering and convoluted. But if you take the time to set yourself up with the right reference materials, look into the relevant legal databases and make sure you have access to current case law, it can help ease your understanding of the legal system and put you at a better position to fight for your rights. On the other hand, sometimes even with our best efforts, the law regarding ADHD can seem frustratingly unclear. Many cases don’t provide us with the answers we need, leaving us feeling uncertain about how to proceed. This can be particularly challenging for people dealing with ADHD in the workplace, as the consequences can be severe and long-term. So, how can you cope when the law obligations regarding ADHD are unclear? Well, the first step is to accept that there is uncertainty. We can’t control how the court interprets and applies the law, so it is important to recognize that certain complexities surrounding the condition are out of your hands. Once you have accepted this, look for ways to manage your anxieties and worries arising from unfamiliar or difficult circumstances. Setting up self-care routines may help – exercise, getting enough sleep, reading, talking with loved ones, scheduled breaks. Anything to bring some structure and order into your life, creating moments of respite and peace. You should also look towards developing a sense of mindfulness around your interactions with and observations of the legal system. Be open to learning, to studying and gaining knowledge, but also to not getting discouraged by the occasional setback. Take pleasure in small victories and recognize the work you do to improve your understanding of the law, even if you don’t always get results you hoped for. Finally, build an alliance of support and trust. Find a mentor, a friend, or an expert who can really listen to and guide you. Don’t forget that there are many organisations fighting for the rights of ADHD sufferers, institutions that can offer up advice on case law. Having knowledgeable people willing to help is such a valuable resource, one that you should seek out and make use of. Above all else, embrace the knowledge that comes with overcoming the uncertainty of case law regarding ADHD. With the right attitude and sources of support, you’ll be ready to tackle any legal issue that arises.
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