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Paula Thompson

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Everything posted by Paula Thompson

  1. We can think of courage as the ultimate sign of strength or bravery, but the truth is that this trait encompasses so much more. It doesn't just have to be facing down danger or adversity—courage can also mean having the power and determination to stay true to yourself and pursue your dreams, no matter how hard it feels. This kind of bravery, although understated, is truly inspiring and often all-too-overlooked. Though it may not always feel like it, you may already be a more courageous person than you realize. Here are seven signs you may be putting on a courageous front, even if you don't recognize it: 1. You push through difficult moments. When faced with a brick wall, most people turn around and run the other way. First of all, you thank yourself for being courageous enough to take charge and hanging in there, no matter what. Even though processing the feeling of defeat may be hard and exhausting, you keep going and never give up—an amazing quality in anyone. 2. You're willing to accept positive change. One of the toughest challenges out there is when you recognize it's time to make an adjustment and move on. Whether it's life-altering changes or small adjustments, that show courage when pushed beyond your comfort zone. 3. You practice vulnerability. Having the courage to open yourself to those around you, is an act of bravery in and of itself. Being able to admit that you don't know something or asking for help, means you are willing to take risks and accept help from others. 4. You take responsibility for your actions. People who embrace responsibility face situations unafraid of the repercussions so they can be honest about their choices. It's a quality that makes us stand head and shoulders above the rest—even when there are tough consequences. 5. You’re ready to take chances. Taking risks and realistically assessing the probability of success, can be an intimidating process. But showing courage and taking chances is a trait that will set you apart from the crowd and make you stand out. 6. You are optimistic, no matter what. Whether it's staying positive during difficult times or maintaining your sense of purpose in difficult circumstances, believing in and fighting for what's possible builds confidence and determination--a truly courageous quality! 7. You forgive yourself and others. Everyone makes mistakes, and the level of courage it takes to own up to it and making amends deserves respect. Accepting mistakes and having the courage to apologize shows tremendous growth, self-knowledge, and a capacity for understanding, which in itself is a beautiful act of courage. Even though we may not always feel our strongest, having even a small amount of grit and tenacity is an inspiring thing. Don't forget to remind yourself about how wise, brave, and inspiring you are—you already possess the courage inside of you, and you shouldn't be afraid to show it.
  2. Most people want a meaningful relationship but often struggle to find ways to make their connection with someone last. The secret is to develop certain habits that will cultivate and sustain a healthy, loving relationship. Here we explore the habits that can help you find the most compatible match and keep the spark alive. Communication is key. Good communication is not just about making sure you’re heard; it’s also about understanding each other and expressing emotions in a healthy way. Healthy communication means being able to talk through problems and disagreements, be honest when something is bothering you, listen without judgement and actively seek to understand your partner’s needs. If a couple can communicate openly and honestly, it sets the foundation for a strong, lasting bond. Mutual respect is a must. Different couples have different ideas about what respect looks like - but the most essential element is that both partners treat each other with kindness and deference. Being kind to one another means honoring one another’s opinions and boundaries, understanding one another’s perspectives and allowing each other the freedom to be themselves. As well as this, respect is built upon mutually consensual decisions, with neither person’s needs taking precedence over the other. Trust is vital. It’s not easy to trust someone completely, but it is necessary in any lasting relationship. Trust involves admitting vulnerability, accepting that sometimes mistakes will be made and learning how to forgive. Building trust clearly requires work, but it is the only way to establish emotional intimacy and create the foundations of a good relationship. Compromise is important. Compromise is an art, but essential for any successful relationship. This means having patience and understanding, compromising even when it’s difficult and continuing to maintain respect for each other’s needs. Flexibility, along with open-mindedness and willingness to experiment, are all important parts of compromise. Compassion is essential. Compassion is the glue that helps hold couples together. Compassion should extend to both the big and small moments, from offering a sympathetic ear during a crisis to sharing a spoonful of dessert with a smile. Letting compassion guide your actions will increase the amount of love and joy in your relationships and ensure that you respect each other and grow together in your differences. All of these habits help create strong, long-lasting bonds between partners. By establishing these habits with your significant other, you will build compatibility, allowing you to meet each other’s needs and expectations, creating a fulfilling and happy partnership in the long run.
  3. I knew that this particular conversation was not going to be the easiest one I would ever have. After all, the news I had to share was difficult to even consider, let alone have to actually spell out loud. I was moving away, and it was a decision I had made with no prior notice to my friend. It felt like my heart had been ripped in two as I tried to think of the best way to tell them. In our close friendship, I had come to rely on them for their understanding and compassion. But, this time, I hadn’t included them in my decision-making process – a decision that would inevitably impact both of us. I knew the fact that I would not be around for much longer was conveyed plainly enough in my silence. Still, part of me wanted to wait until a few days before I moved out to tell them – it seemed a better option than having to face their disappointment immediately. Unfortunately, the words on how to tell them continuously evaded me. After weeks of torment, I finally decided to tell them the news. Our conversation went almost exactly as I intended – they had known me long enough to be able to understand why I was making this move, and even wished me all the best. But there was still something in the air – they wondered why I wasn’t sharing this decision with them in the first place. My reasons were simple enough, but they had more of a weight than I expected them to. Firstly, I didn’t want to make our goodbye any harder than it already would be. I had stayed close and in contact with some of my other friends during their moves away, and what I saw made it all too clear the magnitude of how much a move away changes the dynamics of a friendship. Secondly, I didn’t know what the future held for us. The period leading up to my move was a stressful and disorientating one, and I didn’t want to drag any more uncertainty into our lives then necessary. Even though I valued my relationship with my friend dearly, I felt I needed to protect both of us the best I could by withholding the news until I knew my plans and arrangements had been finalized. Lastly, I was honestly scared of the consequences of my decision. I thought that if I told my friend, I would be opening myself up to criticism, judgement, and loss – something I didn’t want to experience in possibly what was our last ever conversation together. Ultimately, I had good cause for not telling my friend I was moving away. As much as I loved them, I chose to keep this information from them to ensure the longevity of our friendship for all the times we didn’t see each other in the future.
  4. No one ever dreams of sharing an apartment with someone who has impossible demands. But, when forced to in a time of need, some may feel as though they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Dealing with the pressure of having to comply makes one feel anxious about living with this person due to the fear of never making them happy. Housing is one of the most important parts of life, so how do you handle it? The first step is to recognize the red flags that are present. Maybe there were issues from the start when it came to selecting roommates or perhaps this situation has become worse after you moved in. Making sure things are clear from the beginning can help prevent unneeded future stress. It's also important to pay close attention to how the person speaks to you and other people. A verbal warning almost always manifests before physical contact and can help to show if someone is truly dangerous. Arranging a contract can also provide sanity when sharing a living space with someone who has steep requirements. Outlining expectations, budget and guidelines will help to avoid any miscommunications that could potentially cause problems. Should disagreements arise, the contract will be a helpful resource to refer back to. Everyone must respect the terms of the agreement and it’s important to recognize when changes must be made. You should never be made to feel unsafe in your own home, so reach out when you need help. An advocate, like a lawyer or therapist, can provide guidance when dealing with difficult individuals. Consulting family or friends for support may also be beneficial during stressful times. Taking care of yourself is incredibly important in these situations. Make sure to find time in your day to check in with how you’re feeling, both emotionally and physically. There is nothing wrong with saying no and asking for more for yourself. Perhaps even considering another living option could be a better fit for you in the long run. At the end of the day all parties need to come to a compromise to ensure everything runs smoothly. When one is not meeting the needs of the other, tension can quickly arise. Respect and clear communication are key when it comes to a shared living situation, so it’s important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another.
  5. Do you often feel overwhelmed in large groups, or have difficulty processing or comprehending the bigger picture of life? If so, you might identify as a highly sensitive person (HSP). What does this mean? As an HSP, you may discover that your sensitivities create a unique way of engaging with the world. Highly sensitive people are defined by their deep and reflective processing of reality. They find meaning in every experience and situation. It is not uncommon for HSPs to be emotionally reactive to people and situations, loudly feeling the emotions of those around them. This heightened sense of empathy can be both a gift and a burden. To cope, highly sensitive people may use certain self-care strategies. They might prefer alone-time to recharge, exercise to boost their mood and outlook, or they may even reach out to others to talk through difficult things. Highly sensitive people may also find group activities to be too much stimulation and need to take a break. A key component to the HSP experience is mindfulness. This can look different for each individual. Some people might use mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises, grounding or visualization. Others may develop strong connections to nature as a way to stay mindful. No matter how one chooses to practice, mindfulness can help lead to a greater understanding of one’s emotions and reactions, which provides insight into further development of the “self” and can lead to positive growth. The traits of HSP are neither good nor bad – it’s simply a spectrum that some discover they exist on. To know how these tendencies will manifest, an individual should pay attention to their physical and emotional cues and react accordingly. If you think you just might be an HSP, remember you are not alone. Highly sensitive people tend to be creative and introspective, and there is much beauty in that.
  6. When contemplating psychological interventions, it is common to think that they are completely free from any associated side effects. However, this idea could not be any further from the truth. Psychotherapeutic ‘cures’ may in fact come with a range of unintended and unexpected adverse effects. It seems logical to assume that any intervention cannot work without at least some associated risks or repercussions - if it were that easy, the difficulties faced by individuals in need of therapy would be solved much more quickly and efficiently. Instead, issues related to psychotherapy often prove to be more complex than many people anticipate. The idea of voluntarily entering a type of treatment which carries potential negative outcomes can seem very intimidating, yet there is an important realism associated to it. On the one hand, part of the process of transformation and progress entails taking risks – although we must always be aware of the consequences that these can carry. On the other hand, understanding the possible reactions of being exposed to our hidden deep rooted problems is equally important. In some cases the risk of side effects may come in the form of the patient actually having to feel more psychological distress before becoming better. For example, with exposure therapies (used to treat PTSD and other phobias) patients may have to deal with the stress resulting from facing their fears as well as feeling more isolated as it intensifies their awareness of their psychological distress. Furthermore, other therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) may be harder for some patients who need to confront their problems in more detail and thus increasing their anxiety for a period of time before eventually finding relief. Yet, there are ways to make progress without facing too many unpleasant physical or psychological effects. Certain mental-health professionals specializing in ‘talk-therapy’ believe that facing our emotions using gentle methods like re-development of a narrative, can have positive results without triggering too much discomfort during the process. Techniques such as mindfulness, where the goal is to stay present with what we are going through, are a great example of this. At the same time, the contact between the therapist and the patient can increase the chance of feeling rejected, misunderstood or overly criticized. This may cause unwanted stress and anxiety not just for the patient but also for the therapist. Such dynamic can happen when there is lack of connection or tension between them which can be avoided. Keeping in mind the different needs of both roles involved in the process, as well as the boundaries needed in order to maintain a professional relationship can be key factors for success. Although the risk of side effects is undeniable, the reason why many people struggle to face it is because of the great reward at stake. Nothing comes free and psychotherapy is not an exception, however, making the effort to overcome and accept such reality ultimately brings many benefits. As with anything, it is important to really understand the process and be careful when choosing the type of therapy and the therapist best suited for each individual, as this can anyway have an impact on the outcome, whether it is positive or negative.
  7. We all seek happiness. We work hard, we strive for success and we want to overcome sadness. But how do we pursue this elusive emotion without veering too far away from it? After all, happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin. The same neurotransmitter, dopamine, can create both the pleasure of joy and the anguish of sorrow. How then do we balance our feelings towards both? It can be tempting to escape the pains of sadness by running away from it. We try to drown our sorrows with food, alcohol or even distractions like video games and television. But as we soon discover, these temporary measures are unable to give us lasting relief and either create an endless cycle of sorrow or leave us feeling even worse. Brooding on sadness is just as detrimental. We can latch on to our grief and depression, believing they are the truth. We become entrenched in our own self-pity, wallowing in the negative thoughts and the pessimism that accompany them. The better path to find and maintain happiness is to accept that life is a mix of both joy and sorrow. Enjoying moments of happiness does not mean that there will be no more sadness. This understanding helps us face life head on with both eyes open so that we can ride with the waves of life, knowing that both the wonders and the trials that come our way come with life’s package. We learn to appreciate and even savor the little every day moments that bring us joy. A long soak in a hot bath at the end of a tiring day. Feelings of pride when you solve that tricky problem. The satisfaction of creating something new. Lavinth the warmth when you hug a dear one. These small joys remind us of the beauty and wonder of life. We start to understand that we do have control over our lives and can decide how we respond to our experiences. Rather than chasing after fleeting feelings of happiness, or trying to ward off sadness, we realize that happiness is best experienced when we focus our attention on the small things that make up our lives. On the moments that bring us joy, on the relationships we cherish, on the beauty and simplicity of our existence. Rather than running away from sadness or obsessing over our troubles, accepting life with its both its joys and sorrows will help us find true peace and contentment.
  8. Bad leadership skills can be hard to identify, especially without a trained eye. But, sometimes signs of bad leadership are there if you look for them. Habits like micro-managing, lying, and playing favourites can all point to someone with bad leadership skills. Micro-Managing One sure sign of bad leadership is an overbearing presence. Micro-managers constantly hover over their team, meddling in all aspects of the work. While it’s important for leaders to offer direction, micro-managing creates an environment of distrust and demoralisation. A micro-manager might give too many instructions, micromanage processes, or throw their weight around with subordinates who feel powerless to stand up for themselves. Lying Trust is integral to a successful leader-subordinate relationship, and lying is one way this trust is broken. Leaders who constantly lie create an environment where employees don’t trust them, leading to poor morale and low productivity. Even if the lies are small, it creates a lack of confidence in the leader’s judgment, making it hard for employees to respect or support them. Playing Favourites A leader who plays favourites creates an uneven playing field in the workplace. As an employer, it’s important to treat all employees fairly and respectfully. When a leader is seen showing favouritism toward certain employees, it can create feelings of resentment, jealousy, and hostility. The other employees may resent the one who is being shown special treatment, while feeling powerless to do anything about it. Not Setting Clear Expectations Leaders need to be able to set clear goals and expectations for their teams, and should provide timely feedback and recognition when goals are met. Without clear expectations, employees might not know what’s expected of them or how their performance is being judged. This can lead to a sense of doubt, confusion, and lack of motivation.
  9. The idea of inviting my family to spend time together is something I've cherished for a long time. Despite that, moments spent with my relatives in a group gathering have now become an awkward event where nobody can seem to find something to talk about and the conversation just seems to taper off quickly. Nobody wants to be there, which brings me to the question - should I continue to invite my family together when none of them seem to want to be around me? There are several points of view to consider when trying to answer this question. On one hand, it’s nice to make the attempt to spend some quality family time together every now and then. This can be especially important if your family relationships are strained. These occasions can be an opportunity to catch up on each others’ lives, express feelings of love and appreciation, and create closer ties. On the other hand, you will undoubtedly be aware when family members don’t really want to be together. This kind of awkward environment can be taxing not only mentally, but also emotionally. You have to decide whether it’s worth it to keep pushing yourself and everyone else to participate in these events or if it would be better to just move on without them. It ultimately comes down to whether we should put our ego first, or the needs of our family. We need to be honest about our own motivations for wanting to spend family time together. Are we doing it out of the feeling of obligation? Or is there a genuine desire to be together? These are important questions to consider in order to make the best decision going forward. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that no matter how hard we try, we can’t make someone want to spend time with us. If our family members seem as if they don’t want to be together, maybe it’s better to accept the situation. There’s still hope that in the future, members of the family might be open to coming together, but it’s not something that can be forced in the moment. We should take a step back and ask ourselves why family time is so important to us and if there are any other ways we can still stay connected to our relatives despite the current tension. Maybe through a phone call or video call with a specific family member or two, or sending a gift or meaningful message can still bring some closeness within the family without requiring everyone to be present in the same place at the same time.
  10. We often feel overwhelmed by the amount of choice that today’s world offers. As the marketing and advertising arms of corporations compete for our attention, it seems as if something should be out there that is perfectly suited to our desires and needs. Yet, for many of us, we find ourselves unable to make a selection that feels valuable and meaningful. The whole process can engender feelings of hopelessness and confusion. In reality, part of our difficulty is that we have such trouble understanding what we want - and those in charge of selling us things know our infirmities only too well. The capacity to understand our real desires is an important factor in truly enjoying life. When we question our deepest wants and needs, at a fundamental level, we unlock a whole new world of possibility that was previously unknown. Every decision we make, whether it be the most mundane or life-changing, has its basis in which of our desires will be fulfilled. Seeking to differentiate between what we ‘think’ we want and what we can ‘truly’ have can help to enrich our lives in better and more meaningful ways. At this same time, while we are responsible for deciphering our own preferences, we should be aware of the marketing strategies used on us to stimulate consumerism. For example, marketing and advertising campaigns of products or services may use psychological tactics to increase their focus on the uncertainties and deficiencies we have. From False scarcity like limited time offers and limited quantities to the illusion of exclusivity to appeal to our vanity, companies over several decades have studied our psychology to develop tactics that could make us buy their products. Of course, product satisfaction will differ on a case-by-case basis. In other words, individuals should remain aware of the way that marketers subtly manipulate consumerism in our society. It is possible for us to avoid the pitfalls of being taken advantage of. By recognizing what we are actually looking for, whether it be love, knowledge, a connection with the divine, or using our passions to enrich our lives, we can discern whether what is being offered serves our true interests or not. Furthermore, we have the power to resist the urges of material possessions by questioning the sales pitches of business and gaining an intrinsic understanding of our views on money, values, and purpose. As we connect with our inner psyche and come to understand what we wish to attract into our lives, we tap into a power that transcends understanding. This can give us the ability to manifest our dreams and aspirations, from money to relationships, education, and more. Our power lies within us and it is up to us to determine how our emotions, thoughts, and ideas determine what we spend our resources on. Part of our difficulty is that we have such trouble understanding what we want - and those in charge of selling us things know our infirmities only too well. Yet, when we are informed of the psychological tactics used by companies, we can become conscious of our decisions and move closer to fulfilling our truest desires. Through this process, we explore our potential and make better choices that reflect our individual values and worth.
  11. You won't be happy sipping frilly coconut drinks on the beach. Maybe for a bit, but not for life. Rest is only meaningful when contrasted with work. The secret is to create work that you find meaningful, not eliminate work from your life. It’s easy to see why working hard is so attractive - we want to be successful in our career, make money and stand out amongst our peers and family. But to be truly fulfilled, it’s important to also recognize that taking a break and refreshing ourselves is equally important. Finding satisfaction comes from striving and succeeding via a combination of leisure time and labor. When done properly, taking time off can be just as fulfilling as working hard. For instance, if you’re someone who loves to travel, why not volunteer abroad or take up a language exchange program? Not only can it provide a constructive way to spend your free time - as an opportunity to learn something new - but could also potentially lead to a new job offer down the line. The key is to find out what works best for you. What activities will help refuel your emotional tanks and re-energize your mind? Taking breaks that are meaningful to you are essential to working your best. At the same time, it is equally important to pay attention to the work itself and make sure it has purpose and meaning. Instead of thinking of it as drudgery and mundane, try to think of it as a learning experience. Keep yourself engaged by looking for new and creative ways to tackle problems or getting to know your co-workers and cultivating strong relationships. In moments of stress or burnout, try to think how working this job can help you build towards a larger goal. If a particular task seems unimportant in the grand scheme of things, look for the greater good it can contribute to. Even if work does not seem directly related to the accomplishment of your dreams, there can often be transferable skills that help pave the road for the future. You won’t be content forever just kicking back and relaxing on some Caribbean beach. As important as taking time to decompress is, it is only through meaningful work that we can move closer to achieving our goals. So, in order to stay fulfilled and reach our highest potential, it’s important to seek balance between the two - aiming to find joy both while working and while playing.
  12. When a friend uses charitable donations to fund their lavish lifestyle instead of supporting the causes for which they are intended, it can be difficult to know what to do. After all, it’s not always easy to confront someone we care about over a questionable financial decision. The best way to handle this is to first understand the gravity of the situation. Charitable giving is important for many reasons, and misappropriating funds in this way has potential legal consequences, which could affect your friend’s reputation. Understanding that the stakes are high makes it easier to decide on the next steps to take. One course of action is to try and speak with your friend in private and explain why they should reconsider using the money as they have been. Highlight the difference between their current behavior and that of a responsible donor, and offer suggestions on how they could use the donations more responsibly, such as setting up a fund or hosting fundraisers. You can also inform them of any potential consequences they may face if they use the donations improperly, such as criminal charges or loss of trust in their social network. If someone is unwilling to listen to reason, you may need to take a more assertive stance. Speak to someone in an authoritative position and report any misuse of donations, explaining why you believe it is wrong. This might not solve the problem immediately, but it could allow the relevant authorities to take the necessary steps and prevent any further abuse. At the same time, it’s important to try and maintain your friendship with the person involved. To avoid making things awkward, explain that you are concerned about them and want them to make better choices. Try and keep the conversation as positive as possible and emphasize that you care about their wellbeing. Finally, if you find yourself in the situation of being part of a committee or organization taking donations, make sure that you are diligent with the process and ensure that all funds are allocated correctly. Be aware of any fraud indicators, such as suspicious accounts or donations coming from non-legitimate sources, and make sure all information is thoroughly checked before handing out grants, award money or sponsoring events. There is no single answer when it comes to dealing with a friend who uses charitable donations to fund an extravagant lifestyle. However, with understanding, open communication, and proper monitoring of donations, we can all do our part to make sure those funds are handled ethically and end up in the right hands.
  13. As social media has exploded in popularity in recent years so has our need for physical perfection. With platforms like TikTok, users are able to upload quick videos of themselves that often contain filters like the “Bold Glamour” filter, meant to enhance their facial features, even if only visibly temporarily. This can leave people feeling a false sense of confidence and satisfaction, while it also pushes them to strive for an unrealistic beauty ideal that isn't even attainable without filter enhancement. While some may use the Bold Glamour filter occasionally to spice up their content, others may find themselves using it constantly, or even relying on its assistance to feel good about themselves. The filter has been reported to give users bigger eyes, a slimmer face, or brighter skin—all features that can be admired for sure, but perhaps not as a real-life ideal. The problem lies in the comparison game; when users compare themselves to their friends who have used the Bold Glamour filter, it causes disappointment, jealousy, and a feeling of not being good enough. It isn’t just the physical aspect that can be hurtful, either. A constant use of perfecting one’s looks through filters can lead to feelings of inadequacy from having a lack of creative skills and uniqueness among those users who are mostly focused on sharing stylized pictures of themselves instead of more meaningful content. This feedback loop can result in users going out of their way to make sure they’re looking their best at all times, perhaps spending more time and energy into their appearance than their school work or career. We’ve seen it happen with celebrities, too, especially those on Instagram, where facial sculpting apps factor heavily into the equation. The double standards are clear, with female celebrities having significantly more pressure to look perfect yet still natural, while male celebrities can sometimes get away with more exaggerated poses and filter use without judgement. At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that any filter—from Bold Glamour to the beast-mode tears on Snapchat—is meant to be used in fun and moderation. Everyone should strive for balance in their social media use and be mindful of how far gone they’re getting in perfecting their images and appearance. Yes, it can be weirdly satisfying to post a really put together video, but it’s ultimately more fun when you’re able to show your true, unfiltered self.
  14. Taste, color, and nutritional composition vary between matcha and green tea. Read on to learn more about the differences between these two popular teas. What is Matcha? Matcha is a type of powdered green tea made from Camellia sinensis leaves. It is green in color and has a sweet, grassy taste. The leaves used in creating this powdered tea are more mature and grown over shade for weeks before harvest, which gives it its vibrant green color. Unlike regular tea, the leaves are stone-grounded into powdered form. What is Green Tea? Green tea is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and is created by steaming the leaves before they are dried. Green tea leaves are not subjected to any oxidation process before they are dried, which gives them their lighter color. Green tea is traditionally brewed, but matcha is whisked with hot water like a latte. Why Matcha is Preferred to Green Tea The complexity in flavor can be attributed to the ceremonial preparation of matcha tea and specialized production techniques that set it apart from regular green tea. The great attention to detail during the entire production process makes this tea a special ingredient for Japanese tea ceremonies. Through special methods of cultivation, it ends up being more concentrated in nutrients like antioxidants and caffeine, giving it more health benefits than regular green tea. Nutritional Differences While there is no significant difference between matcha and green tea in terms of nutrient content, matcha contains more catechins, which are also known as antioxidant compounds. In particular, matcha contains EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate which is considered to be the most active catechin and has many positive effects on health. It has been said to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other conditions. Green teas contain the same amount of caffeine as matcha tea, but because of the way the matcha is brewed, you get much more tea in one cup, which corresponds to more caffeine per cup. Macha and green tea both offer a wide range of health benefits and distinctive flavors. Matcha usually has a sweeter, more intense flavor than green tea, whereas green tea has a more subtle flavor. While nutrition content is similar, one major difference lies in the preparations and the type of caffeine content and antioxidants present in each tea. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which type of tea suits you better.
  15. The hustle and bustle of modern life can be overwhelming - it’s no wonder most of us have difficulty winding down before bed. Receiving quality sleep can have a host of benefits for our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and so the importance of spending adequate time to relax at the end of the day should not be neglected. Developing the habit of practicing a quick, calming exercise at the end of each day can help you to reduce your stress levels and make it easier to fall asleep peacefully. Below are some simple steps on how to unwind with a five minute meditation before bed. Find a peaceful spot: Choose a spot where you will be undisturbed and comfortable while doing your meditation. It should be somewhere you won’t be disturbed by loud noises or activity. Place yourself in a way that encourages you to relax and be mindful. For example, placing cushions on the floor and sitting down, or lying propped up on your bed. Focus on your breath: Close your eyes and become aware of your breath. Begin to focus deeply on the rhythm of your inhale and exhale, naturally allowing your breath to deepen and slow down. When your mind starts to wander, as it inevitably will, return your focus to the rhythm of your breathing. Take time to relax each body part: Now begin to scan your body from your head downwards. Spend a short while paying attention to each part of your body in turn, and take the time to relax areas that feel tight and tense. Acknowledge your thoughts: Throughout the meditation, it is common for distracting thoughts and worries to arise. Don’t judge yourself for them, instead acknowledge each thought without clinging to it and simply allow it to drift away. End affirmatively: As the meditation comes to an end, take a few moments to silently thank yourself or think positively about the experience. You could visualise a tranquil scene such as a sunset over a lake, and take a few deep breaths to really immerse yourself in the calming atmosphere. At first, it can be difficult to find the motivation and focus to meditate for even just a few minutes. However, if you persevere, you will begin to notice the positive effects of meditating each day. In addition to easing your worries and helping you to relax, meditation can also improve clarity and increase focus. Of course, 5 minutes are not enough to tackle deep rooted tensions and can be just the warm-up routine to managing stress overall. There is no substitution to therapy and other methods like journalling if the stress has built up too much and is showing in other aspects of your life (lack of productivity, fatigue, lethargy). Alternately, if you wish to extend the duration of your meditation sessions, there is ample online content available. Regardless of how you decide to wind down at the end of the day - whether that’s taking a bath, writing in a journal or simply laying in bed listening to gentle music - the most important thing is to find something that relaxes you and enables you to switch off. Spending even just 5 minutes connecting to yourself at the end of the night can leave you feeling more energised and ready for the following day.
  16. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘work hard, play hard’ – meaning that one should put effort into both work and leisure activities, in order to achieve a healthy balance. But what does this mean for our ability to be creative? Is it really possible to get ahead in life by taking time off from work and putting a focus on personal life instead? The answer is yes – research shows that taking due time off from work to focus on personal life can be incredibly beneficial when it comes to boosting creativity and being more effective in your professional life. It may sound counter-intuitive, but time away from work and the world of professional responsibility can do wonders for creativity. For those that have a particularly difficult career – whether it be something high pressure or simply mundane and uninspiring – working continuously is not going to help foster creative ideas. In such cases, spending some time away from work with friends and family can make all the difference. This means upholding some of the relationships you have as this helps with creating new perspectives and ideas. In other words, dedicating time to yourself and your personal life can be just as important as dedicating time to your career in order to develop your creative capacity. Taking days off will provide a platform for you to focus your attention elsewhere, whether that be spending time with friends and family or simply doing something fun and relaxing. This can help to provide structure and a bit of freedom outside of work life, which can be very helpful for ideas and for inspiration. Additionally, engaging in social activities can help to stimulate your brain, which is essential for creativity. Having some form of structure in a personal life ensures that you don’t fall deep into a rut of feeling uninspired and miserable. A great way to avoid falling into this slump is to plan something fun or interesting from time to time. Whether that be a dinner or a night out with friends, a day spent exploring somewhere new, or even just taking some time to relax – the main point is that you’re doing something that releases stress, provides entertainment and keeps you feeling inspired. By fostering relationships with others outside of work, it can also open up different channels of communication and new resources of inspiration. Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes can help to open up new avenues of thinking. Additionally, having others around can be a great support during times when things seem to be particularly stressful and overwhelming. Reaching out to dependable people can help with feeling less isolated and more engaged with the world, which can aid in boosting creativity in the long-term. Taking due time off from work and nurturing relationships inside and out of the workplace can be incredibly beneficial for creativity. It can help to provide structure to life outside of work, new perspectives and inspiration, and serve as a break from the sometimes dull and repetitive grind of a job. Taking this extra step to invest in personal life can help to foster creativity, which can ultimately lead to increased productivity and improved performance back at work.
  17. Arguing can be difficult, even in the most well-intentioned of relationships. No matter how harmoniously partners interact day-to-day, disagreement and strife can always come up in one form or another. It is perfectly normal for couples to have different views on life, but knowing how to effectively express yourself in emotionally charged times can become a complex dance of words, escalating emotions, and hurtful insults. No one wants to feel like a relationship isn't working out, so having a game plan in place to handle conflict and communicate more effectively is key. The LARA method is a communication technique that focuses on the primary fundamentals of good communication, so that couples can try to come to an understanding without the fray. What is the LARA Method? The LARA method is a four-step constructive process for navigating and resolving disagreements. Many of us find ourselves automatically going into defensive mode when faced with criticism, verbal attacks, and feeling patronized - this is completely normal. Unfortunately, often this leads to increased frustration and tension. This is why having a structured approach to working through issues can help bring harmony back into your relationship. LARA stands for Listen, Acknowledge, Reframe and Agree. Here’s a brief look at those four steps and what they mean: Listen: Listening is essential. After all, if you are not listening to your partner, what’s the point? You must take their words at face value and appreciate their angle on a topic before responding. This means giving your undivided attention, asking relevant questions, and reflecting on your partner’s experience, even if you do not precisely agree. Acknowledge: Acknowledge each other’s feelings without being patronizing. Make sure to use statements that recognize and appreciate the person, such as “I can appreciate your feelings,” and “I understand why you're so angry.” Reframe: Reframing is best viewed as a way to see a problem from all perspectives while still being respectful of the other person. This doesn’t mean giving in to their demands; it just means looking at things from the other person's eyes and positively redirecting your dialogue away from arguing, towards problem solving. Agree: Sometimes agreements don’t need to be met, so it's ok to acknowledge the conversation without making agreements. Instead of trying to come to a solution, it can be better to just agree to disagree. That way both parties will feel like their perspective has been heard, and can move forward in how to best approach the situation. The Benefits of the LARA Method When an argument spirals out of control, it can be mentally, emotionally and physically draining, which is why it’s important to learn effective ways in which to dispute and find understanding in difficult scenarios. With the LARA method, couples can benefit from: • Better communication – Focusing on the basics of healthy communication during times of disagreement can increase understanding and channel energy into finding mutually agreeable solutions. • Lower stress levels – Stress-relieving tactics — such as disengaging and breathing exercises — can be implemented during a heated discussion to prevent panic and irrational reactions. • Improved problem-solving abilities – Reframing the conversation can shift disputes from blame-game to productive problem-solving. • Deeper connection – As repetitive negative patterns break down, couples will naturally foster a much deeper connection with one another. The Takeaway Struggles are inevitable in any type of relationship so it’s best to start learning safe and validated methods to promote smooth communication. If we listen, reframe and agree, it’s possible to settle disagreements without hard feelings taking over. The LARA method can surely put couples in a calmer frame of mind and promote kindness during arguments.
  18. The dark of the night conceals secrets; secrets that bring peace and comfort for those who need it most. Although the moonlight brings with it a sense of privacy and seclusion, it also reminds us of our troubles which make it difficult to keep our mental health sound. When dealing with high levels of anxiety, we often turn to eccentric solutions to keep ourselves going. In such moments when darkness enshrouds all that we are, we must take a bold step to reclaim our lives and learn to dance in the moonlight. At first, it doesn't come naturally; many assume that difficulty of sorts means inability to overcome. Seeking an inner peace begins with what one already has at the moment: us. It sounds quite counterintuitive – opting to trust ourselves during our own moments of tumult – yet it is a crucial step towards recovery. We have to educate ourselves on the power of positive mindsets. With every negative thought, challenge it until it turns into something empowering. It won't be easy at first, but once we change the conversation from "I can't" to "I can," then everything else falls into place. Still, there will be days when these newfound breakthroughs seem out of reach and so many problems begin to unravel faster than we can fix them. It is not an irrational feeling by any means; being swarmed by life's troubles is part of the journey to self-awareness. The key here is finding ways to maturely de-stress and keep our mental wellbeing at bay. One way of doing this is by mindfully breathing. Similar to deep breathing exercise, mindful breathing keeps us grounded in our current state despite how hard things may seem. Whenever anxious thoughts try to peek in and take over, simply take 10-20 seconds to inhale and exhale slowly in order to ease the tension away. Another wacky trick for high anxiety individuals is engaging in something as simple as singing or dancing. Regardless of skillset and genre preference, it's important that individuals make some time for movement amidst the chaos to avoid psychological burnout. Not only does it serve as a form of stress release but a source of joy and excitement as well. Especially when done during nighttime, dancing outside in the moonlight demonstrates faith in oneself that no matter how tumultuous lives may become, we can create something beautiful out of it all. As much as external factors can affect our mental health in overwhelming ways, we don't have to wait for circumstances to -sometimes literally - shift in order to be happy again. In between chaotic scenes reminding us that life is far from perfect, we learn to rise up and dance in the moonlight, cultivating that peace within us through known coping methods and eccentric physical activities. In this moonlit euphoria, we accept our triumphs and flaws alike without judgment and forgive ourselves for unique journeys were about to embark on.
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