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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    My Reason For Not Telling My Friend I Was Moving

    I knew that this particular conversation was not going to be the easiest one I would ever have. After all, the news I had to share was difficult to even consider, let alone have to actually spell out loud. I was moving away, and it was a decision I had made with no prior notice to my friend.

    It felt like my heart had been ripped in two as I tried to think of the best way to tell them. In our close friendship, I had come to rely on them for their understanding and compassion. But, this time, I hadn’t included them in my decision-making process – a decision that would inevitably impact both of us.

    I knew the fact that I would not be around for much longer was conveyed plainly enough in my silence. Still, part of me wanted to wait until a few days before I moved out to tell them – it seemed a better option than having to face their disappointment immediately. Unfortunately, the words on how to tell them continuously evaded me.

    After weeks of torment, I finally decided to tell them the news. Our conversation went almost exactly as I intended – they had known me long enough to be able to understand why I was making this move, and even wished me all the best. But there was still something in the air – they wondered why I wasn’t sharing this decision with them in the first place.

    My reasons were simple enough, but they had more of a weight than I expected them to. Firstly, I didn’t want to make our goodbye any harder than it already would be. I had stayed close and in contact with some of my other friends during their moves away, and what I saw made it all too clear the magnitude of how much a move away changes the dynamics of a friendship.

    Secondly, I didn’t know what the future held for us. The period leading up to my move was a stressful and disorientating one, and I didn’t want to drag any more uncertainty into our lives then necessary. Even though I valued my relationship with my friend dearly, I felt I needed to protect both of us the best I could by withholding the news until I knew my plans and arrangements had been finalized.

    Lastly, I was honestly scared of the consequences of my decision. I thought that if I told my friend, I would be opening myself up to criticism, judgement, and loss – something I didn’t want to experience in possibly what was our last ever conversation together.

    Ultimately, I had good cause for not telling my friend I was moving away. As much as I loved them, I chose to keep this information from them to ensure the longevity of our friendship for all the times we didn’t see each other in the future.

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