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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Dancing in the Moonlight, Maintaining Mental Health Despite All Odds

    The dark of the night conceals secrets; secrets that bring peace and comfort for those who need it most. Although the moonlight brings with it a sense of privacy and seclusion, it also reminds us of our troubles which make it difficult to keep our mental health sound. When dealing with high levels of anxiety, we often turn to eccentric solutions to keep ourselves going.

    In such moments when darkness enshrouds all that we are, we must take a bold step to reclaim our lives and learn to dance in the moonlight.

    At first, it doesn't come naturally; many assume that difficulty of sorts means inability to overcome. Seeking an inner peace begins with what one already has at the moment: us. It sounds quite counterintuitive – opting to trust ourselves during our own moments of tumult – yet it is a crucial step towards recovery. We have to educate ourselves on the power of positive mindsets. With every negative thought, challenge it until it turns into something empowering. It won't be easy at first, but once we change the conversation from "I can't" to "I can," then everything else falls into place.

    Still, there will be days when these newfound breakthroughs seem out of reach and so many problems begin to unravel faster than we can fix them. It is not an irrational feeling by any means; being swarmed by life's troubles is part of the journey to self-awareness. The key here is finding ways to maturely de-stress and keep our mental wellbeing at bay.

    One way of doing this is by mindfully breathing. Similar to deep breathing exercise, mindful breathing keeps us grounded in our current state despite how hard things may seem. Whenever anxious thoughts try to peek in and take over, simply take 10-20 seconds to inhale and exhale slowly in order to ease the tension away.

    Another wacky trick for high anxiety individuals is engaging in something as simple as singing or dancing. Regardless of skillset and genre preference, it's important that individuals make some time for movement amidst the chaos to avoid psychological burnout. Not only does it serve as a form of stress release but a source of joy and excitement as well. Especially when done during nighttime, dancing outside in the moonlight demonstrates faith in oneself that no matter how tumultuous lives may become, we can create something beautiful out of it all.

    As much as external factors can affect our mental health in overwhelming ways, we don't have to wait for circumstances to -sometimes literally - shift in order to be happy again. In between chaotic scenes reminding us that life is far from perfect, we learn to rise up and dance in the moonlight, cultivating that peace within us through known coping methods and eccentric physical activities. In this moonlit euphoria, we accept our triumphs and flaws alike without judgment and forgive ourselves for unique journeys were about to embark on.

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