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Younger man pursuing me

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I hired a mover to take some furniture to a local charity.  Afterwards he asked to "hang out".  The guy is 20 years younger.  We have a lot in common regarding healthy lifestyles.  He said it would be cool to hang out with an "older woman".

However when I was writing a cheque in his truck, he said "oh your shoulders look sore".  He put his hand on my shoulder to rub.  Told him flat out that I don't like strangers touching me.  He also wanted to come over to my place to "talk".  I said I don't let strangers come over to my place.  He touched my shoulder again!

Honestly the guy has a temper and was a bit defiant with the charity volunteer staff.

He sends an email the next day at 10:00 pm asking me to meet him for suichi which I don't eat.  

I don't plan on replying to his email as I don't think he respects boundaries.

I'm curious- why would a guy that young want to date a woman 20 years his senior?  He admitted to being a Scorpio which is concerning. My relationships with them in the past have all disintegrated.











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My strong assumption is that he does this all the time with his clients. 

He's way too comfortable and forward for this to be his first rodeo with trying to seduce the women who hire him. He's trying to live out his cougar fantasy, and he's likely done exactly that before. 

He sounds incredibly skeevy. 

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Ughh he just wants to get laid. 

How rude and completely disrespectful of your boundaries. He sounds like a guy who would sleep with anything that walks under the sun. Whether that's a 20yo, 40yo, or 50yo, he'll attempt it with whoever catches his interest.

I'd block him and move on. Creepy...

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2 hours ago, DarkCh0c0 said:

Ughh he just wants to get laid. 

How rude and completely disrespectful of your boundaries. He sounds like a guy who would sleep with anything that walks under the sun. Whether that's a 20yo, 40yo, or 50yo, he'll attempt it with whoever catches his interest.

I'd block him and move on. Creepy...

Same - there's no need to analyze. Some people act like jerks.  Full stop.  He acted like a jerk.  Be more selective as far as continuing a conversation when the red flags are right there.  Once he touched you inappropriately there's no need to interact other than finishing up the business transaction.  Nothing to do with astrology.  

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He thinks he's all that & that "older" women would be lucky to have him.   

Print out the email & keep it both in paper & electronically as evidence if he doesn't go away.  

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I would report him to the agency. He's likely preying on other clients which is supremely unprofessional. He unfortunately also knows where you live and your contact info, so that's why I think reporting him is a good idea. 

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What does that even mean, that it would be cool to hang out with an "older woman?" What are you some kind of zoo animal? And he's touching you after you told him you don't like strangers touching you, gahh.

Avoid, avoid, avoid. 

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Thanks everyone for replying. Yep he's a sleazy guy.  Hanging out means sex.  He owns his own moving company so I can't report him unfortunately. I am moving on May 31 and he doesn't know my new address thankfully.  

I wouldn't go out with him even if he didn't touch me.  He has a temper issue and too immature.  When he started going berserk about having to take things to the dump, I was very calm and did not raise my voice.  Who knows what he would have done (assaulted me?) If I matched his tone.

I'm amazed these types of guys treat women like this.  Most women have respect for themselves. 

Wish I could report his behavior but he's a one man show.  











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1 hour ago, Superstickyone said:

Thanks everyone for replying. Yep he's a sleazy guy.  Hanging out means sex.  He owns his own moving company so I can't report him unfortunately. I am moving on May 31 and he doesn't know my new address thankfully.  

I wouldn't go out with him even if he didn't touch me.  He has a temper issue and too immature.  When he started going berserk about having to take things to the dump, I was very calm and did not raise my voice.  Who knows what he would have done (assaulted me?) If I matched his tone.

I'm amazed these types of guys treat women like this.  Most women have respect for themselves. 

Wish I could report his behavior but he's a one man show.  











He's not a type of guy -he's a person who acts like a jerk and likely has issues and acted creepy.  Not gender related and not a type. Why would you even consider interacting with him much less going on some sort of date? I'd report him to whoever licenses movers in your area.

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1 hour ago, Superstickyone said:

Now that i think of it, yes possibly sugar momma. I drive a fairly high end car and mentioned I'm moving into a new condo.  Maybe the dollar signs on his head went "ding".


I doubt it -the way he interacted suggests it's the typical way he interacts with women when he is the mover.

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2 hours ago, Superstickyone said:

Thanks everyone for replying. Yep he's a sleazy guy.  Hanging out means sex.  He owns his own moving company so I can't report him unfortunately. I am moving on May 31 and he doesn't know my new address thankfully.  

I wouldn't go out with him even if he didn't touch me.  He has a temper issue and too immature.  When he started going berserk about having to take things to the dump, I was very calm and did not raise my voice.  Who knows what he would have done (assaulted me?) If I matched his tone.

I'm amazed these types of guys treat women like this.  Most women have respect for themselves. 

Wish I could report his behavior but he's a one man show.  











You can leave him a google or yelp review 

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8 hours ago, TeeDee said:

He thinks he's all that & that "older" women would be lucky to have him.   

Print out the email & keep it both in paper & electronically as evidence if he doesn't go away.  

^ I second the above in bold.  I would also report him.

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19 hours ago, Superstickyone said:

However when I was writing a cheque in his truck

Agree with others, however if I may ask, what were you doing in his truck^?

For me, I wouldn't feel safe inside some random mover's truck especially someone as skeevy as he sounded who had already made moves on me...

You were lucky nothing "bad" happened especially given his temper and how he went "berserk" about.... whatever.  And also because since he's the owner, he doesn't have anyone to report to...

I dunno maybe I've been watching too many episodes of 48 Hours, but that's scary shyt.


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I was sitting in his truck to write a cheque for moving services.  While doing so, he started putting his hand on my shoulders.  I got outta there quick and drove home.  

I ignored his follow-up email.

I expected a moving company man to be professional.  I've hired many small & big movers over the years.  They were all 100% professional and respectful.  What a shock.  His online reviews are excellent which is confusing, based on his sleazy behavior 🤔




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11 minutes ago, Superstickyone said:

I was sitting in his truck to write a cheque for moving services.

Yes I know, what I was questioning was why did you need to sit inside some random mover's truck to write a check?  Why not outside the truck or inside your home?

What if he had restrained you and driven off to some remote place and..... ???  Shudders....

I dunno, I think about shyt like this but anyway, doesn't matter now, you're safe and that's all that matters. 🙂

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16 hours ago, Superstickyone said:

Wish I could report his behavior but he's a one man show. 

11 hours ago, Superstickyone said:

His online reviews are excellent which is confusing,

So he does have customer reviews... Maybe leave a bad one since  you can't report him... or are you afraid it's not anonymous? 

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38 minutes ago, catfeeder said:

He never asked you on a date. He wanted sex. Big difference.

I've had younger men approach me similarly. They presume since I'm middle aged and single I'm starved for sex and would leap at the chance to get laid 🙄 Nothing to do with wanting to take me out on a date. 

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